Leifs Surrender rp-3

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Leifs Surrender rp-3 Page 11

by Marisa Chenery

  “You’re my daughter.”

  Jaden slapped his hand away before he made contact with her cheek. “Don’t touch me,” she said harshly.

  A loud growl ripped through the air, then everything exploded in utter chaos.

  Leif threw off the men holding him and launched himself at Miles. Jaden jumped out of the way just as he landed on Miles’ back. Leif’s eyes glowed and his upper lip curved in a snarl as he started to pummel her father with his fists. Both men shifted to their wolf forms, using sharp claws and teeth to fight.

  Before Miles’ men could join in the fray, the Protectors surrounded them. Soon, the only one who hadn’t shifted into a wolf was Jaden. She listened with only half an ear to the second fight that had broken out. She kept her gaze locked on Leif and Miles as they tore into each other. Neither one of them seemed to be gaining the upper hand. Each of them bore bloody claw marks on their sides that glistened through their fur. She could easily tell which wolf was which since her father was a white wolf.

  Then her worst fears were realized. Miles somehow managed to get Leif onto his back and took his throat in his jaws. Knowing what would come next, Jaden ran to them and pulled on the fur on Miles’ neck.

  “Stop it!” she screamed. “If you had any feelings for my mother at all, you will not take my mate away from me.” Miles’ wolf eyes shifted toward her. “Please,” she pleaded as tears dripped down her face. “Please don’t do this to me.”

  Miles seemed to hesitate. It was enough for Leif to break out of his hold. He would have attacked her father again, but Jaden moved to stand between the two wolves. “No, Leif. Enough. I need you.”

  Once Leif shifted back to his human form, Jaden just about went down on her knees as a wave of longing and arousal washed over, a wave so intense it left her gasping for breath. The separation anxiety she’d felt became replaced with the need to join her body with Leif’s, to reaffirm the mating bond between them.

  Leif stood panting, and his gaze ran up and down her body. “Jaden?”

  When Miles whispered her name behind her, Leif snarled and whirled to go after her father once again. Jaden blocked him and grabbed his arms. “No. He’s my father.”

  “But, Jaden, we—”

  “You’ll do as I say, Leif,” she said in her best authoritative voice. “As the foretold one, I’m telling you to let him go.”

  Leif’s gaze shot to her face. “What?”

  “You heard her, Leif,” Saskia said. “The foretold one has given you an order.”

  Meeting his gaze, Jaden stared at him, her eyes pleading for Leif to follow along.

  “Let him go.”

  Leif shuddered once, then dragged her into his arms. Jaden clung to him, needing to be closer. Now that they touched, she found what little control she had over herself was slipping away.

  “We have to get out of here, now,” Leif said against her hair as he plastered himself to her.

  The feel of his erection pressing against her had Jaden unable to hold back the moan that pushed out of her. She started to ache, her pussy throbbing in time with her rapidly beating heart.

  Jager jangled his car keys. “Here, take my car.”

  Leif snatched them out of Jager’s hand and scooped her up into his arms before he took off at a run. Jaden looked over his shoulder one last time at her father. He silently watched them leave.

  Once Leif got them both into the car, he peeled away with the tires squealing. Jaden couldn’t control her panting. Her body was on fire. “Leif? I need—”

  “I know, baby. Just hold on. I feel it too. It’s because of the separation. It won’t take long to get to your place.”

  True to his word, they arrived at her basement apartment in record time. Jaden shot out of the car and went to the entrance. When she turned the knob and found it locked, she remembered her keys were back at the mansion. Leif pushed her hand away, gave the knob a hard turn, breaking the tumblers, and pushed it open. He did the same to the door at the bottom of the stairs.

  Inside, he kicked the door shut and had her back in his arms. Aroused to the point of pain, Jaden tugged at Leif’s t-shirt. Not used to her new strength, she ripped it down the middle and tore it off him.

  Leif didn’t seem to mind. His lips slammed down on hers, kissing her with desperate hunger. The sound of her shirt and bra being ripped from her body filled the room. While he continued to nip and suck on her lips, they both rid themselves of their pants.

  Completely naked, Leif took her down on the bed. His hips landed between her thighs.

  Jaden made an animal-like growl as the tip of his cock brushed against her wet pussy.

  Digging her fingers into the top of his shoulders, she pushed down just as Leif surged inside her. He took her hard and fast. His hips thrust against her as he pumped his cock between her legs. With three strokes, Jaden felt her climax barreling up to meet her.

  Just before it hit, she panted, “God, I love you, Leif.”

  He groaned. “I love you too. Come for me, Jaden. I can’t hold back. I needed you too much.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist. “Just a little bit more.” Then she let out a keening moan, her orgasm tearing through her like a freight train.

  Leif quickly followed, throwing back his head and howling as his cock filled her with his cum. Out of breath, he collapsed on top her, his still hard shaft keeping them joined.

  When they both could breathe evenly again, Leif lifted himself on his bent arms and stared down at her. “Roxie turned you.”

  “It was the only way I could stand-in for Roxie when we made the trade.”

  He fingered her hair. “I guess that also explains why your hair is cut and colored to match hers.”

  “We didn’t know if my father had seen Roxie from a distance.”

  Leif searched her face. “How do you feel about all this? Being my mate, you being turned into a werewolf and Miles as your father?”

  She reached up and cupped his cheek. “I want to be your mate, and I wasn’t going to give up the two thousand years we can have together. How do you feel about having Miles’ daughter as your mate?”

  He gently brushed her lips with his. “I’ll love you no matter who your father is.

  You’re mine.”

  “Yes, I’m yours, and you’re mine.” She shifted her hips and grinned. “How about you show me how much you love me? Or, as the stand-in foretold one, do I have to order you to take me again?”

  Leif smiled and slowly moved in and out of her. “That will be one thing you’ll never have to order me to do.”

  He showed her over and over again what she had to look forward to for the next couple thousand years.


  Alone in his highrise apartment, Miles went to his bedroom closet and took out a box he hadn’t looked in for a very long time. With shaking hands, he carried it over to his bed and sat down.

  The box wasn’t very big, but it held some items that he held dear. He’d tried to throw them away once, but he hadn’t been able to do it. They were mementos from a time in his life when he thought he could be a better man. That was before it had all fallen apart.

  Taking off the lid, he reached inside and took out a photograph that had been taken twenty-eight years before. The last time he’d looked at it had been eleven years ago.

  Looking at the woman with long brown hair that smiled back at him from the picture, he gently brushed her cheek with the tip of his finger. It was a picture of Sarah, the mother of his daughter. She hadn’t been his mate, but he’d loved her just the same. And she had loved him until he’d let his greed and need to find the foretold one come between them.

  For years, he’d tried to push her out of his mind, and for a while, he had succeeded.

  Then in a moment of weakness eleven years before, he’d taken out her picture only to have a vision showing him her death. He’d had no idea that she’d left a daughter behind.

  His daughter.

  Jaden looked more like
her mother than she looked like him. It had been a shock to smell his scent mixed in with hers. He’d never thought of himself as a parent, but knowing a part of Sarah lived on in Jaden, he longed to get to know her better. But the chances of that were slim. She was the mate of one of the Protectors, as well as the foretold one.

  Learning his daughter was the one he’d sought to use and control for so long left him not knowing what to do. He may have taken the dark road of life, but the part of him that Sarah had made feel human had never really died. When it came to his daughter, he had a conscience after all. Ripping her away from her mate to bend her to his will, making her suffer, was something he couldn’t bring himself to do.

  Stuck between what he knew was right and the ambitions he’d lived with for centuries, Miles stared at the one woman who had expected him to be more than what he was. With the knowledge of what his daughter truly was, his life would no longer be what it once was. What was he supposed to do now?

  The End

  The End

  About the Author:

  Marisa Chenery was always a lover of books, but after reading her first historical romance novel she found herself hooked. Having inherited a love for the written word, she soon started writing her own novels.

  After trying her hand at writing historicals, she now also writes paranormals.

  Marisa lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband and four children. Check out Marisa's website at www.marisachenery.com. She would love to hear from you, so drop her an email while you're there.

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