Child of Hope (Prophecy Series Book 4)

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Child of Hope (Prophecy Series Book 4) Page 15

by T. N. Hayden

  “Good.” Whitney smiled. “Rose is a good teacher. I’m learning more about my powers.”

  “She’ll be able to use her magic against an army soon enough.” Rose hoped it was okay to say. “She’s a fast learner, much better than I was.”

  “Well I want to learn to use my magic.” Whitney looked at her.

  “You didn’t?” Brent asked.

  Rose shook her head. “I was always afraid of my powers. I never saw any good in being able to immobilize someone.”

  “Bet you thought of a good reason after Marc killed your husband.” Telford grabbed his cup.

  “Dad.” Whitney hissed. “That’s my biological father you’re talking about.”

  “I’m sorry, Whitney.” Telford reached out to touch her hand.

  Rose stiffened. She wasn’t sure what to reply, so she told the truth. “He used magic to make me think I loved him.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this with Spencer here.” Brent gestured to the prince with his butter knife. “Marc is his father after all.”

  “I’m fine if you want to talk about killing him.” Spencer shrugged. “He’s been nothing but cruel and abusive to me.”

  “He hurts you?” Whitney asked.

  “All the time.” Spencer nodded. “He wants me to be a strong warrior like Kaleb and ruthless like Izik. I don’t like fighting. Father hates me.”

  “I’m sure your father doesn’t hate you.” Whitney stated.

  Spencer shrugged with one shoulder. “He does. I was never even worth trying to manipulate with magic. But my mother loves me.” He grinned at Rose, and she smiled back. She was thrilled her son was finally safe from his father.

  “Well I’m glad Whitney will be better trained when she faces the king to kill him.” Telford nodded to Rose.

  “As am I.”

  ~ Chapter 32 ~

  “You’re ready for this.” Rose touched her daughter’s shoulders as she looked at her.

  The time had finally come. After only three weeks of training, Rose had taught Whitney a lot about her powers. Rose had ridden beside Spencer and Edwin as the rebels of Pheant rode toward Owlet. They camped in Darter, but they were gathering the troops for their final descent into the royal city.

  Whitney was dressed in black gear, hood and bandana covering her face, weapons by her side, and beautiful in all her glory. She was brave and strong, someone who had accepted her destiny and worked to fulfill it. Rose would not have been strong enough to do what her daughter had done and was going to do.

  “I am so proud of you.” Rose smiled. “You are going to bring your father’s name back to the kingdom. You’re going to free my name from Marc’s, and you will be the princess this kingdom never knew they missed. Your father always wanted me to accept who I was, my magic and everything. He would be so proud to know what kind of woman you’ve grown up to be.”

  “Thank you, Rose. Be safe and wait for the news.”

  “I wish I could go and be with you.” Spencer stood by the open flap of the tent.

  “Well we need someone to make sure our mother and sibling are fine.” Whitney moved her bandana to reveal her smile and kiss her brother’s head. “You will keep them safe, right?”

  “I will.” Spencer assured her.

  “I have no doubt.”

  “Whitney.” Brent stood at the flap of the tent as the wind played with the edges. “We’re ready.”

  She nodded and followed her brother.

  The small group walked outside, and Rose watched as Nate, Cyril, and Kaleb joined Whitney and Brent.

  “You’re going to fight, too?” Rose looked at Henika as she joined the troops in armor.

  Henika nodded. “I will be by my son’s side.”

  “You will keep him safe. I know you will.” Rose smiled.

  “I’m a healer, not a fighter.” Henika sighed. “But I will fight for freedom.”

  The camp filled with bodies and horses, and Edwin stepped up onto one of the piles of firewood to address the entire crowd.

  “People of Pheant, too long have we suffered under the rule of King Marc. He stole the throne from our benevolent king and queen. He lied to the people of Waden, and he poisoned the minds of many men and women in the land. This is the day he will pay for all his crimes!”

  Cheers erupted around him.

  “People of Pheant, we will fight for our freedom, our faith, and our families. It is through this justice that Waden will once again be a kingdom full of kindness, courage, and wisdom. The king does not rule his kingdom as such but with an iron fist of judgement and execution. We will bring him down and put power back into the hands of the right people.”

  A few “huzzahs” resounded through the square.

  “People of Pheant, we ride into Owlet this day, and we will attack the royal palace and bring integrity back to the kingdom of Waden. We have the Sorceress of Prophecy riding with us, and it is her destiny to kill King Marc and bring justice back to the people. Prophecies all around Solapin are liberating the people, and we shall be the next kingdom to have our prophecy pass!

  “For Prophecy!” Edwin cried as he jumped onto his stallion. “For Freedom!”

  ~ Chapter 33 ~

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  After a short ride down the mountain and into the royal palace, Ashlie’s adrenaline was rushing through her. She jumped from her mare and attacked the surprised guards. Ashlie and Delisa fought back to back, and Ashlie wondered what it would have been like in Kapok during the final battle of her kingdom. Would she have turned and helped the rebels? Or would she have fought against her, now, best friend? The idea haunted her, and Ashlie was glad that she knew she was truly on the right side. She wasn’t a blind soldier anymore. She knew who she fought for, fought against, and had compassion as she had never known before as a noble Soldata trainee.

  Ashlie turned, using Delisa’s back to catch her balance as a golden blonde-haired young man attacked her.

  “Izik?” A soldier called to the blonde. “Are you going to join the fight with these rebels as your brother has?”

  “Are you an idiot?” The blonde, Izik, snarled. “I’m fighting this rebel scum right now. I’m not Kaleb.”

  “You are Prince Izik?” Ashlie gasped. He looked a lot more like Queen Rose than Spencer. She took a deep breath as his mouth broke out into an ugly expression.

  “I see my reputation has proceeded me.”

  “Do not be excited.” Ashlie answered. “Nothing I know about you is flattering.”

  Izik growled as he jumped toward her, bringing his sword around in a heavy attack. He fought with his strength and anger. He wasn’t disciplined as she, and Ashlie used his lack of control to her advantage. She moved away from her partner, and Ashlie sliced at the prince’s legs.

  Izik easily jumped over her blade, and he kicked at her. Ashlie spun out of his range, using a wall to propel her body forward. She brought her sword into a guard position as he rushed toward her. Taking a deep breath, Ashley moved at the last moment, and the prince slammed into the wall. He clattered to the ground, and Ashlie smiled as she moved back into the main fight.

  Two soldiers fought Delisa, and Ashlie rushed to rejoin her friend in the fight. She kicked the closer soldier and elbowed the other as Delisa sliced them open. Delisa screamed as Ashlie turned.

  Izik pulled his blade from Delisa’s leg as she dropped.

  Ashlie glared as she rushed toward him, bringing her sword up and around. Izik blocked her attack, and she had to tell herself to calm down. She wouldn’t be able to help Delisa if she got herself killed in the process.

  Ashlie blocked the prince’s next attack, and she kicked him back into the wall. He caught her foot as his back hit, and he yanked her toward him. Ashlie used his pull, and she grabbed a dagger from behind her back, digging the blade into his chest.

  Izik gargled and dropped as blood dripped from his mouth. She jumped off him and rushed to her best friend.

  “Delisa.” Ashlie cried as she gen
tly placed two fingers against Delisa’s neck. To her relief, her friend had a pulse.

  Ashlie tore part of her shirt and tied the material in a tourniquet over her leg wound. She looked up as Peyton and Valerie ran to them.

  “What happened?” Peyton dropped beside Ashlie.

  “Delisa needs to see a healer.” Ashlie answered.

  Peyton lifted his sister as Valerie and Ashlie covered the Quint siblings.

  Cyril wondered how many of the soldiers he fought truly were loyal to the king. He wished there was a way to remove their enchantment, so they could make their own decisions.

  He blocked another soldier and shot him with an arrow. He aimed for their legs and chest. As he felled each soldier, his mother healed the men from their enchantments and wounds. It was a dangerous and slow process, but he felt better than if he was killing a bunch of innocent soldiers. Brent could have been one of those he shot.

  “Cyril!” His mother screamed as he turned.

  Cyril turned and blocked the blade from a soldier. He kicked the man off him, and suddenly, Cyril felt someone slam into his back. Cyril dropped as his mother’s blood seeped from her wound.

  “No!” Cyril cried as he grabbed her shoulders and gently shook her. “Mom!”

  “I’m so proud of you, my son.” Henika whispered as she lifted a hand to touch his cheek.

  He grabbed her hand and placed it on her chest. “Heal yourself.”

  “I love you Cyril.” She whispered as her hand went limp.

  “No, Mom!” Cyril cried. Her body seemed to fall slowly as he stood. Rage erupted, and he unsheathed his blade once more. He couldn’t see how many soldiers attacked or how many he fought. All he saw was red from blood and rage. His mind raced, and his body destroyed. Several painful, sharp kisses didn’t make him pause. He didn’t care about helping soldiers anymore. All he cared about was his dead mother.

  The last painful blow brought his attention to the six arrows in his torso, and he dropped to his knees. At least he wouldn’t have to wait long to see his mother again.

  Whitney hid in the shadows. Her heart raced as she searched for the king. She wasn’t sure where to find Marc, but she knew she had to find him.

  Battle spread around the palace, and she finally saw the end of a rich robe.

  Whitney chased after the man, and she cornered the wealthy duke or baron. “Where’s the king?”

  “He’s safe and away from the likes of you Sorceress.” The man spat at her.

  Whitney sighed and grabbed his doublet, pulling him close. “Tell me sir, where is the king hiding?” White sparks emanated from her fingers, and she brought them to the man’s cheek.

  His left leg spasmed, and she ran a finger down his face. “I’ve learned a lot about my magic this past month sir, and I promise you, you do not want to experience everything I have learned.”

  He nodded and whispered. “The north tower. He’s in the north tower.”

  Whitney chopped his side with her magic, and she rushed off as he fell to the ground.

  She entered the tower, and a wooden beam slammed into her chest. She fell, toppling backward down the stairs. She gasped for air as she looked up to see King Marc standing at the top.


  “You killed my father.” Whitney found her feet and raised her blade. “You’d better be prepared to die.”

  “I’ve killed a lot of fathers.” Marc smirked. “Can’t say I’d remember yours.”

  “Oh, you remember mine.” Whitney attacked. She thrust her blade toward him.

  Marc blocked. She danced back as his blade sang by her face.

  “My mother protected me from you, since you would have killed me as an infant.”

  Marc held the wooden beam toward her. “I suppose I’m supposed to remember your mother as well.”

  “Queen Rose was your prisoner for all of my life, until recently.”

  Marc tripped over a step, and he brought a hand up to steady himself.

  Whitney lunged, but he managed to block her once again with the beam. “You’re Jenkin’s daughter?”

  ~ Chapter 34 ~

  Kaleb had never felt more like a rebel than when he attacked the soldiers loyal to his father. He blocked another blade and spun, gutting the man as he did. Kaleb felt eyes shooting daggers toward him, but as long as none of the daggers were physical, he could live with it.

  “How can you be disloyal to your own father?” One of the soldiers demanded as he attacked the prince.

  “My father doesn’t deserve anyone’s loyalty. He’s built his entire kingdom on a lie.” Kaleb cried.

  The soldier blocked Kaleb’s blow and fought back against the prince. Kaleb glanced to the side and grabbed his dagger with his free hand. He threw it, and his dagger hit its target true. The soldier fell, his sword clattering beside Edwin instead of through him as the man had intended.

  The kiss of a blade was bitter as Kaleb cried out, numbness seeping into his side as he fell.

  Brent held his sword. He smirked. The king had forced him to learn to fight. Now it was time to show King Marc what a bad idea it was to force people into his army.

  “You.” Brent leveled his blade at Gizelle’s neck.

  She gaped. “Brent?”

  “I know you used magic on me.” He glowered. “I know you’re the reason I became loyal to the king. I never wanted that. I hated King Marc and what he did to the people. You’re working for him, and you’re dangerous.”

  “Please don’t hurt her.” Liliana grabbed Gizelle’s arms and held the girl still as they faced Brent. “We’re just as much prisoners here as you were. We never wanted to do anything the king made us. Do you think we wanted to be concubines? What kind of woman likes being fondled by countless men? Please help us, Brent. Please save us.”

  “Why did you use your magic to make all the soldiers loyal to the king if you were his prisoners?” Brent demanded.

  “He threatened us.” Gizelle whispered. “Please Brent, let us go.”

  Brent looked into the glistening grey-green eyes of the woman, and he wondered how he had not seen it before. Gizelle was as much a prisoner as any of them had been. He lowered his blade and met Liliana’s emerald gaze. “Get out of here, both of you. If you want to be safe, don’t be in the palace.”

  “Save as many of my girls as you can.” Liliana tugged Gizelle with her, and Brent frowned.

  A blade whistled by his ear, and he spun, bringing his sword up to block the next attack.

  Rickie appeared with Drew, Angie, Archer, Jon, and Jeff as Ruccis joined the battle.

  “First thing’s first.” Rickie looked at Drew. “Free everyone here from enchantment.”

  Drew nodded and brought his hands together.

  “Not like Fedji, huh?” Angie chuckled.

  “Exactly.” Rickie brought her sword up and around as she faced a soldier. “I have a feeling the battle won’t last long now.”

  Nate parried against one of the soldiers. He brought his sword up and around to block the man trying to stab him.

  “I thought you were loyal to the kingdom. Aren’t you friends with our prince?” The soldier snapped.

  “I am, which is why I’m following him into this battle.” Nate hit the man’s hilt from his hands, and the sword clattered to the ground. Nate gutted the man. “I’m sorry you’re not loyal to the prince.”

  He pulled his sword free and turned as he saw three soldiers attack Telford. Nate ran toward the man, and he lunged to block one of the thrusts. Nate stepped back-to-back with Telford.

  “Good seeing you in a fight, Nate.” Telford stated. “Though I didn’t want this to be your future, yours or Whitney’s or Brent’s.”

  “Fate has its own sense of humor.” Nate answered as he blocked and twisted.

  The blade flashed by him, and Nate hit the sword up and out. He cut his sword down and through the man’s blade.

  A tip flew off and sliced into Telford’s thigh. Blood poured from the wound, and Nate
cried something as he gutted the man. He ran to Telford, but the man was already dead before Nate could reach him.

  “You truly are an evil man.” Whitney shook her head. “Tell me something, King Marc.”

  He raised the beam once more. “What?”

  “Who is Kaleb’s mother?” Whitney demanded. “He knows Rose is not his mother. You must have gotten another woman pregnant right before you took my mother prisoner, if you are even his father.”

  “Kaleb wants to know who his mother is?” Marc smirked. “He doesn’t deserve to know. Neither of you do.” He swung the beam again, but Whitney ducked. “And do you honestly think I would have a son who’s a traitor? He’s not mine.”

  She moved to the side and chopped the beam with her hand as her magic flowed through her. The beam exploded into several pieces.

  “You’re not trained.” Marc whispered as his body spasmed. “You couldn’t even paralyze more than three people.”

  “Two actually.” She stepped closer to him. “Until my mother started training me, I could only use my magic to render people immobile, and only two people at that. However, now I can do a lot more with my ability.” She grabbed the beam and tossed it aside. “Now I love your son, and Kaleb wants to know who his mother is.”

  “Do whatever you want to me, but I will never tell you.” He sneered. “You found the truth about your parentage, but I will not give my traitor son that same satisfaction.” He jumped to his feet, shoved Whitney aside, and speared himself on the largest of the beam’s pieces.

  As the battle finished, Nate looked around. More and more soldiers were freed from the magical hold making them loyal to the king, and Nate looked for Kaleb and Brent. He needed to find his friends and make sure they were okay.

  He also needed to make sure Whitney was alive.

  “Sir Nathan.” One of the rebels rushed to him and brought a fist to his chest in a salute. “I am happy to report that the royal palace has been taken by the rebellion and the king is dead. Our Sorceress has fulfilled her destiny.”


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