Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight

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Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight Page 3

by Laura Edwards

  Suddenly, a loud cheer erupts in the room. Everyone is clapping and whistling. I look at the doors to see who or what has evoked this cheer, and groan in annoyance as I see Drew Evans being carried in the lobby on the shoulders of his team-mates, much the same as I was not even ten minutes ago.

  They parade him around the room while everyone congratulates him on helping The Harmonies to victory. As soon as he is back on the floor, all my fellow The Never Notes members are licking his ass, telling him how he deserved to win. Melissa and Amy are practically drooling at the sight of him.

  I couldn't blame them. He looks delicious. He is wearing a white t- shirt with a v neck, giving the slightest glimpse of dark chest hair, and light blue jeans. His arms look strong and muscled, his skin tanned. But the reason he looks so good, is his hair. I thought he was hot earlier, when it was all slicked back with gel. But he has obviously taken a shower since because his hair now is full of rich bouncing curls. I want to run my fingers through them. My belly does flips as his hair tumbles down on his forehead. I have never seen a guy with more sex appeal.

  My breath catches as his huge eyes scan the room, then settle on me. He ignores whoever is speaking to him and very slowly and seductively, licks his lips. I don’t know why he does it, or what he is hoping to achieve, but yet again he has made me feel hot and turned my legs to jelly. I imagine his tongue slowly licking my naked body, as I writhe underneath him, moaning in pleasure, wanting more.

  Damn it, what the hell is wrong with me? I have to stop thinking things like that. I don't know where it has come from. Even though I have been in a relationship with Frankie, we had never really got that far. Now here I was, doing all sorts of imaginary things in my mind with a man I have known for five minutes.

  I panic as I realise he is heading towards me. I can't face another battle with him, not tonight. I just want to go to bed. It has been a long day. I debate over walking away before he gets to me. I decide it’s the right thing to do. I gulp down the last of my drink, screwing my face up at the taste, take a quick glance at Drew who is in the middle of the room still trying to get through the crowds, then I run.

  I really run. I don’t know why. I could probably beat anyone in the Olympics right now. I am breathless as I fly up the two flights of stairs to my room.

  "Shit, shit, shit" I mutter to myself.

  I have to go back down. I’ve forgot my key. I must have left it in my room earlier. I need to ask Zoe if she has hers. I sink down to the floor, my back up against the wall, panting hard. If I go back down, I will have to face him, and I can't deal with that. I have had my fill of that man tonight. But if I stay here, I could be here all night, Lucas had been right when he said they were all fast getting drunk down there. I put my head in my hands, wondering what the hell I was going to do.

  A loud clapping makes me jump. I stand up, knowing instantly who my audience is without even looking.

  "Wow. You can run. I could hardly keep up just then. Am I really that scary Louise?"

  His voice is sultry as he speaks the words, he is doing something to my insides that I can't even explain. He edges nearer to me, I don't answer him as he closes the gap between us.

  My breathing becomes faster, I can't seem to get enough air. Either that, or I am still out of breath from running.

  I obviously haven't learnt from my earlier mistake as I back away from him and find myself pressed up against the wall.

  The corner of his mouth turns up into that sexy smile and he re-enacts the same pose as earlier, one hand leaning on the wall behind me, barricading me in-between his arms. With his other hand, he traces a finger down my cheek and across my jaw line, before resting it on my lips so gently I can barely feel it.

  His hot breath tickles my cheek and his eyes pool with desire.

  "Well, well, well. We meet again."

  Chapter Three - Louise

  I quickly come to my senses and push him away, Hopefully he would get the message now. It was the second time in the same night, that had to be a hint.

  "Stop hounding me."

  My voice comes out shaky, I am trembling from…. well, I couldn't be sure if it was nerves or lust. I didn't trust myself to speak anymore, I was half tempted to jump on him, half tempted to punch him. And yes, even though I had only one glass of wine, it had gone straight to my head, making me feel warm and fuzzy. I was leaning more towards the ' I want to rip his clothes off' scenario right now. I fiddle with my braid nervously, I don't want him to see that I am shaking.

  His eyes are wide and swimming with desire, they don't change as he says the next words.

  "I never have to chase girls. You may as well give in to my charms if you want me to stop. Seriously, what is the worst that could happen?"

  There was that question again. Why did he keep asking that?

  "What's the worst that could happen? Oh let's see shall we. I could end up losing my…." I quickly stop, changing track immediately. He doesn't have to know I’m a virgin. "I…. I could end up having sex with a complete and utter moron. And regret it for the rest of my life. Isn't that enough?"

  He has a good poker face; he doesn’t flinch once.

  "Come on Michele, you don't have to pretend like you aren't a virgin, everything about you screams naivety. It’s what makes you part of the fun. And no-one has ever regretted a night with me, I can assure you of that."

  He had been standing in the middle of the corridor, but he slowly walks over to the wall opposite me, leaning against it casually. He doesn't know how sexy he looks just by leaning against a damn wall. No, wait… he probably does.

  I shake my head in frustration.

  "Ugh. You are so big-headed. You are nothing special. My words probably aren't sinking in because your curly hair is too thick for anything to get past, but I am NOT going to have sex with you. Tonight, or ever. "

  My words just make him grin as he plays with the black watch on his left arm. I wish he would stop doing it, because it brings attention to his arms. It makes me want him to hold me, wrapping me up in his comfort and warmth. He carries on adjusting his watch, looking at me casually.

  "Listen, and I hope you listen carefully. If we don't fuck tonight, we will some other time. You can be certain of that. There is no other outcome I'm afraid. So we might as well just get it over with."

  The familiar pink tinge spreads on my cheeks again. I don't think I will ever get past his crudeness. And the words he just said, he seems so certain…. How could anyone be that matter of fact? I glance at my locked hotel room and figure I may as well try a different direction. Maybe he will get bored with me and stop all this chasing if I play things differently.

  "I'm locked out." I gesture to my door. "Why don't we go back to your room for a while? "

  He blinks in surprise, he was obviously expecting some sort of rebuff or denial from his previous comment.

  A slow, sexy smile spreads across his face. He stops slouching against the wall and stands up straight.

  "I knew you would cave in. All girls eventually do. Let's go."

  He starts walking down the corridor towards the first set of stairs. I walk fast, trying to keep pace with him. I wonder if he got the wrong message. The last thing I would want him to think is that I am up for his sordid little games.

  "You do know we aren't going to…. well, you know. I just want somewhere to stay until they have all finished getting wasted downstairs."

  He doesn't reply, just shakes his head and laughs as we walk down the stairs together. After walking down two more winding corridors, we arrive outside his room. He turns to me, his eyes full of seriousness.

  "Right, should we start going hard at each other against the wall out here, then breathlessly stagger into the room while finishing off the job? Or do you want it the ordinary laying down on a bed routine."

  He makes every single word sound hot even though he is being vile. But I don't let on.

  He fumbles for the key in his jean pocket, while I raise an eyebrow at hi

  "Your chat up lines really need some work."

  I snatch the key out of his hand, unlock the door and walk in. I look around, impressed. His room is twice the size of mine, and it only has one bed. A huge four poster bed with a dark red silk duvet. I think back to his earlier comments, trying to ignore the fact I was a little excited about being alone in a room with him.

  "Are you not sharing with anyone?"

  He shuts the door quietly behind him, then rushes over to the huge bed and flops down on it. He raises his arms above his head, leaning on them as a pillow. His white t-shirt has risen up a bit, and I can see a trail of dark hairs leading down to his jeans. He looks gorgeous. It was tempting to jump on top of him and let him have his way with me. But I pull out a chair instead, a few inches away from the bed. I try my best to look at his face rather than his toned stomach.

  "No. Of course I’m not sharing with anyone. I’m an Academy student. We are all rich. The school funds allow us to book any hotel we want for stuff like this. Usually, we book a whole hotel out for the night, but this was the only place we could get this time. Like I would share a room with anyone."

  He laughs while staring up at the ceiling as if it’s the most absurd idea in the world to share a hotel room. Our school had only just raised enough funds to get to FSC and book the hotel, we had to hold bake sales and all sorts. Yet here was Drew, rubbing his wealth and smugness in my face. I didn't know how to add to that, so I changed subjects again. It was one of many talents, being a master of deflection.

  "Oh. Well, good for you. Got any books in here?"

  He props himself up on his elbow so he can see me better. A look of confusion crosses his face.

  "Excuse me?"

  I look at him as if he is slow. To be honest, I am beginning to wonder…..

  "Do you have any books? I won't be able to go back to my room until goodness knows when and I am bored. I may as well read something to pass the time."

  He sits up on the bed completely now, shaking his head from side to side.

  "Seriously? You want a book? You would rather read than have this?"

  He gestures at his body, that arrogant smirk on his face again. I laugh loudly.

  "Yes. I would rather read. You aren't so bad after all you know. You are quite funny."

  I carry on laughing, not even sure what I am laughing at. It makes him even more confused. He probably thinks I’ve lost my mind.

  "Uh… What sort of book?"

  I shrug my shoulders, trying to still my laughter. Maybe it was the wine making me find everything funny.

  "I’ll read anything."

  He jumps off the bed and walks to the far corner of the room where he picks up a back pack in the same black with red trim as his blazer. He brings it over and tips the contents out on to the bed with a small grin on his face.

  I shuffle my chair over so it is against the bed, eyeing up the collection of books.

  I am suitably impressed. Among a few first editions of classics such as Moby Dick and Pride and Prejudice, he has moderns greats such as Harry Potter and uh….. my eyes widen in disbelief as I grab the dark covered book.

  "Fifty Shades? Really?"

  He looks at the book in my hand and starts laughing when he sees my shocked expression.

  "Yes really. It's a great read. Have you read it?"

  I roll my eyes.

  "Of course I have read it Drew. I'm a girl. But it is pure smut. I only read it because everybody else was reading it and I have this strange obsession to fit in and be liked."

  He looks at me curiously, I hadn't meant to say that much. Now I sounded like a complete loser. Not that it mattered. I didn't need to impress him. He was an ass. He had a great ass. Shit, why couldn't I snap out of this weird mood I was in?

  He takes the book from my hand and drops it back onto the bed. He sits down on the edge of the bed so that our knees are almost touching. I shuffle my chair back a bit, uncomfortable with the proximity.

  "Well, seeing as we have both read it, we can try out some scenes from the book."

  He reaches over and runs his hand up my bare leg, towards my shorts. The sensation makes my skin tingle and all my nerves react at once. I move his hand away, cursing myself for wearing tiny shorts when I am in the same building as him.

  "Maybe we can. Isn’t there a bit in that book where she slaps him then storms out?"

  He shakes his head just slightly, looking sexy as hell.

  "No baby, you have it mixed up. There's a few times where he spanks her though. Is that what you want to do? Are you going to let me be your Christian Grey?"

  I snort in laughter.

  "You are not sexy, rich or charismatic enough I'm afraid."

  I check out his reaction to my comment, which just infuriates me. How does he never get offended by anything I say to him? His expression is completely neutral, like I hadn't even spoke.

  "I am definitely rich enough. Should I bribe you with money? Will I get to fuck your brains out for the right price? Is that what you are saying?"

  I sigh. There he goes again with the dirty remarks.

  "Yes Drew, clearly I sleep with people for money. You have finally got it. Pay up."

  I hold my hand out to him sarcastically waiting for pretend money. The weirdest thing about it was, I didn't even feel offended that he had just basically called me a prostitute. It was just him I guess. It’s just the way he is.

  I gasp as he takes my hand, yanking me up to a standing position. He crushes me into his body. I try to back away, but the chair I had just been sitting on is preventing me from moving, and his strong arms snake around my waist, his thumbs gently rubbing patterns over the thin material of my shorts.

  His eyes stare into mine as he raises my top ever so slightly. His hand feels soft and cold as he brushes it against my exposed skin, making me a gasp a little more. He raises my top higher, slowly and carefully until the hem reaches the bottom of my bra. I can't take my eyes away from him as he slowly looks down at my bare stomach, making me feel self-conscious. He smiles a little, then quick as a flash brings both hands up to the top of my shirt and rips, hard. The material is flimsy. I stare in disbelief as it tears right down the middle, the sleeves hanging off my shoulders. He pulls the top down over my arms, so it falls to the floor in a ruined mess. My mind quickly goes from thinking about my ruined top to the fact I am now just standing here in my bra. It isn't even a nice bra. Just an ordinary every day black one. I look at him in shock as he stands there, no longer touching me, but so close I can feel the heat radiating off his body, a triumphant look on his face.

  "Drew" I squeal . "What the hell..."

  His lips silence me. They crush into mine, and I gasp into his mouth. I don't know what to do. I want so bad to kiss him back, but I also want to shove him away. Since I have already done that move twice tonight, I reach up, wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. He smiles against my mouth, then cups my face with a hand so he can kiss me deeper. The kiss is like nothing I have ever experienced. It is urgent and passionate. Nothing about it is gentle, as he forces his tongue through my teeth so he can explore. He edges me back until I hit the bedside table, then lifts me easily with one arm onto it, all the while keeping up his fast paced probing into my mouth.

  His knee eases my legs apart. As much as I wanted to stop him, I give in. He presses into me, his lips becoming more and more urgent as I respond to him. My body seems to be reacting of its own accord. I have no power to stop.

  I moan with delight as he nibbles my ear, his hot sweet breath tickling me as he kisses along my jaw line, his stubble scratching me as he goes. He sucks and bites slowly down my neck. Not long enough to leave a mark, but long enough to make my breathing become heavier and faster.

  He traces light kisses along my collar-bone, then travels to my other ear where he repeats the pattern of biting, sucking and soft gentle kisses. It is almost too much to take.

  I lift the hem of his t-shirt, eagerly wanting to see
and feel his chest. He raises his arms to allow me to pull the top over his head and throw it down on the floor. I run my fingers through the trails of dark chest hair, marvelling at how firm and toned his torso is. I wrap my legs around his waist, drawing him in closer to me, needing to feel his body against mine. I can feel the bulge in his jeans, rubbing against me, making me wet. God, I wanted him so badly. I run my hands down the sides of his perfect abdomen, snaking round to drag my nails down his back. He stifles a moan by biting my shoulder, his bulge becoming more prominent, pushing into me more.

  I gasp with shock as he thrusts into me, the pressure making me dizzy. It felt so good. One of my hands claw at his back again, while the other tangles in his curls, pulling him towards me for another kiss. I whimper with pleasure as he grinds into me.

  He moves his hands down the length of my body, coming to a stop at the waist band of my shorts.

  "I want you so fucking bad." He whispers in my ear, his breathing as fast as mine.

  But his words make me freeze. I can't explain it. My whole body becomes still as a statue, while he continues kissing, reaching round to undo my bra.

  He notices my sudden withdrawal and hesitates, his hand resting on my bra clasp.

  "What's going on?" His voice is husky, full of need.

  I shake my head, suddenly needing to be out of there. What the hell was I doing? I clamber down off the table, pushing him out of the way so I can get past. He mistakes the signs and grabs my hand, trying to pull me down on the bed.

  I struggle to stay upright as he pulls at me, I know if I end up on that bed, there is no going back. I will lose my virginity to him. Drew Evans who shags around and has a head so big it’s a wonder he can fit it through the door.

  I take a deep breath.

  "This was a bad idea. A terrible idea. I need to go."

  He drops my hand, his mouth open, staring at me with a mixture of fury and horniness.

  "You have got to be kidding me?"

  I fold my arms across my chest, trying to cover myself up as he stares at me from the bed. I feel embarrassed, ashamed. How could I have been so stupid to nearly do it with the resident male tart.


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