The Cowboy and the Cougar

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The Cowboy and the Cougar Page 10


  Holly nodded, a tear forming in the corner of her eye. "Yes, Sam. They are very neat." She pulled the little boy into her arms and gave him a gentle hug.

  "So where’s Daddy?" Sam asked.

  Strange. Luisa had asked the same thing.

  "I don’t know, sweetie."

  "But he went to get you."

  A wave of joy swept through Holly. "To get me? What for?"

  "To bring you home, he said. Said he’d be back in time for supper, too. Luisa’s makin’ enchiladas."

  Bring her home? Did that mean…? Could she have passed him on the highway?

  Her fingers glued to her lips, she turned to Luisa.

  "He’s right. Jack went for you."

  "I didn’t think... I mean, he didn’t answer any of my calls."

  "He didn’t get any calls, Holly," Sam said. "But that’s kinda my fault. I threw up on his cell phone. One of the pills made me sick. He had to throw it in the garbage."

  Holly burst into a giggle. Poor little Sam, sick to his tummy, puking on his dad’s cell phone. She stared at his rosy cheeks and big brown eyes. Thank God he was fine now.

  Still, Jack could have called her. On the other hand, he’d been busy with Sam, who had no doubt needed his full attention. But one little phone call....

  Stop it, Holly. He was focused on his son and you could have come clean long before you did. He wouldn’t have gone for you if he didn’t care.

  "Do you remember what happened that day, Sam? Why you fell from the roof of the barn?"

  "Yeah. One of the kitties was on the roof crying. I had to get him."

  "Goodness me," Holly said, hugging him again. "Your dad told you to go in for lunch."

  "I know but—"

  She smiled into his curly dark hair. "It’s okay, Sam. All that matters is that you’re okay now."

  "I hope Daddy gets back soon."

  "I do, too." Holly kissed his ruffled curls. He smelled like fruity shampoo and little boy. A ripple of motherly love surged into her. She loved this child. She wanted to protect him and take care of him.

  "He’s driving up now," Luisa said, looking out the front window.

  Holly lurched forward and steadied Sam against her. "You do as Luisa says," she told him. "Take it easy. Rest. There’ll be time for walking on your crutches once you’re a little stronger. I’ll go say hi to your daddy."


  She helped him to the couch in the front room, then whisked past Luisa and out the front door.

  Jack stepped from his pickup, her painting in his hand.

  Suddenly shy, she slowed to a snail’s pace. But when he lifted his lips in that gorgeous smile, she ran into his arms.

  He placed the painting on the ground, leaning against a front tire, and embraced her with strong and muscular arms. She inhaled the crisp combination of sandalwood, spice, and man that was uniquely Jack, then sobbed against his shoulder.

  "Shh," he whispered. "Don’t cry, sugar."

  "When you didn’t answer my calls, I thought...."

  He chuckled against her cheek. "Didn’t have a phone."

  She sniffed. "Yeah, I heard. But you didn’t call me, either."

  "No, I didn’t. I’m sorry."

  She shook her head against his cotton shirt. "You don’t have to be sorry, Jack. All the ‘sorrys’ belong to me, I’m afraid. And I am sorry. About everything."

  "I know." He pushed her away, just a bit, wiped a tear from her cheek, and then tipped her chin upward with his finger. "I missed you."

  "Oh Jack, I’ve missed you, too."

  "I had some thinkin’ to do, Holly."

  She nodded. "I understand."

  He brushed his lips against hers. "I’ve never come so close to losin’ someone I love so much."

  "I was so worried about Sam, Jack. That’s why I came out here. I...I wanted to see you, of course. I figured you might not want to see me. Still, I needed to know Sam was all right."

  "He’s gonna be just fine."

  "I’m so relieved. He’s a wonderful little boy."

  "Gotta agree with you there."

  She smiled and he kissed her again. Just a light brush of lips, but energy sizzled through her veins.

  "So," she cleared her throat, "about that thinking you did?"

  "I can’t lose Sam, Holly."

  "I know that."

  "And I can’t lose you."

  Her heart fluttered. "I don’t want to lose you, either."

  "Your age never made a difference to me. But I have to tell you, I did always think I’d have more kids."

  Another tear meandered down her hot cheek.

  "I did a lot of thinkin’ about that, while Sam was laid up in the hospital. He slept a lot, and I had all this time to play over all the scenarios of how my life might be. All kinds of things went through my mind, but Sam was always there."

  "Of course he was."

  "I mean, in the scenarios in my mind."

  "I know that’s what you meant."

  He nodded, and his beautiful face shone with emotion. "My boy was always there, and so were you, Holly."

  Warmth coursed through her, and she smiled into his dark eyes.

  "Like I said," he continued, "I always thought I’d have more kids. But Sam’s enough for me, and I’m hopin’...." He inhaled and looked upward for a split second, then settled his gaze back on hers. "That is, I’m hopin’ maybe Sam might be enough for you, too. I’d like you to be a permanent part of our lives."

  "Oh Jack!" She cupped his cheeks—how wonderful the stubble felt against her fingers—and pulled his lips to hers. The kiss was deep, raw, possessive and she reveled in the pure joy of it.

  When Jack pulled away, she whimpered.

  "There’s something I need to tell you."

  "Then will you kiss me some more?"

  "Forever, if you’ll let me. I love you, Holly." He fell to one knee and pulled a velvet box out of his pocket. "This was my grandmother’s ring, and I’d be honored if you’d accept it. I want you to be my wife. Sam’s mother. Will you have us?"

  Fresh urgency spiked into her, coupled with a love so fierce she could no longer contain it.

  She knelt beside him and he placed the ring on her left hand.

  "I love you, Jack. And I love Sam. I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with the two of you." She leaned into him and kissed the rough stubbled skin below his ear. "You’ve given me back my dream."

  "And you’ve given me mine."

  He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her.

  The End

  We hope you enjoyed this erotic romance by Helen Hardt. Be sure you read the other stories in our Cougar Club series, like Barely Legal by Lizzie Leaf or Namaste, My Love by Sam Cheever, as well as our full selection of erotica at Aspen Mountain Press!

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