The Runaway Bride

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The Runaway Bride Page 9

by Noelle Marchand

“I can’t imagine.” Ellie laughed. “When I was a little girl I never had the patience for anything like that. I was much more likely to be out with the boys finding some way or another to skin my knee.”

  She gave a cautious smile. “I remember seeing you climb a tree or two now and again.”

  “I haven’t climbed a tree in years! It would hardly be proper now. I’m sure it would be much harder to manage in long skirts.” Even as she said it, Ellie’s gaze turned a bit wistful as if she was imagining herself doing that very thing.

  Lorelei surveyed the young woman before her in knowing amusement. “I’m sure.”

  “Well, I’m much less rambunctious now,” Ellie proclaimed, but the capricious look in her eye didn’t lend her much credibility.

  “I can tell.”

  Ellie laughed. “You aren’t the least bit convinced, but never mind that.”

  The conversation lagged again, and Lorelei began to wonder if she should try to find some way to end it. She was sure Ellie had never said so much to her before. Ellie, Sean and Lawson had been the best of friends, and even when she’d been Lawson’s fiancée, Lorelei had never tried to penetrate that bond. As a result, she’d never expected more than a slight acquaintance with Ellie, which was really too bad because she’d always admired the girl’s exuberance.

  Resolved to end the conversation, Lorelei smiled. “Well, thank you for the compliment about my playing. Are you sure I can’t interest you in one of our bonnets?”

  “Not this time, I’m afraid,” Ellie said, then glanced around the shop for a moment before meeting Lorelei’s gaze. “Actually, I did have another purpose for coming here. I’ve been thinking about having a get-together next Saturday. I was hoping you’d like to come.”

  “I don’t know,” Lorelei said in surprise.

  Ellie’s slim fingers touched her arm. “Please, say yes. I mean, I will understand if you had something else planned.”

  Lorelei shook her head. “I was just a little surprised you asked, that’s all.”

  Ellie’s lashes dropped toward her cheek. “Oh, don’t say that.”

  Lorelei lifted her shoulder in a shrug. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  Ellie met her gaze with sincerity. “I know you didn’t. It’s my own fault, you know. I never went out of my way to be friendly to you before. I’m sorry for that. I hope that we can leave that behind and be friends now.”

  Why? The question hovered on Lorelei’s lips, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to ask it. Her eyes widened as she suddenly realized what this must be about.

  “I really do appreciate you telling me that, Ellie. I’d like for us to be friends, too.” She glanced around the shop. Though it was empty, she leaned forward to slightly lower her voice. “I just don’t want you to think that you have to be my friend or invite me places because of how things stand between your brother and I.”

  “You and my brother,” Ellie repeated softly before her eyes widened, and she grinned. “You mean that you’re going to let Sean court you?”

  “Well, yes,” she said slowly. “But—”

  Ellie pulled her into a quick hug, then stepped back to meet her gaze. “That’s wonderful. Of course we will be friends. There’s no reason for us not to be.”

  Lorelei tilted her head to survey Ellie. She pulled in a slow breath as realization pulled at her mind. “He didn’t tell you.”

  “Well, no. He hadn’t told me yet, but he didn’t really have to. I knew he was going to ask to court you. Now I really hope you’ll come on Saturday. Please, say you will.”

  “I’ll be there. What time?”

  “Four o’clock. I’m so glad you’re coming,” Ellie exclaimed and honored Lorelei with a resplendent smile.

  Lorelei returned it with a weak one of her own. I can’t believe he didn’t tell them.

  * * *

  Sean could hardly believe he’d convinced Lorelei to eat lunch with him at the café. Despite her earlier compliance, it was obvious from her cold glare that she had her own agenda for this outing, and it had nothing to do with furthering their pretend courtship. He could tell from the pitying glances he was receiving from those around him that they weren’t fooling anyone. Everyone knew he was about to get raked over the coals. He might as well get it over with. “What has your bonnet all in a twist?”

  “My bonnet is not in a twist,” she said. Her hand lifted toward her pert little hat as though to make sure.

  “Then why are you upset?” He lifted a hand to stop her protest. “Oh, I forgot. You normally glare at me like that.”

  She set her lips into a straight line, then leaned forward with a furious whisper. “You haven’t told your family what’s really going on. How do you explain that?”

  He leaned toward her and tilted his head inquiringly. “How would you know what I have or have not told my family?”

  She straightened in her chair. “Ellie visited me at the shop yesterday. It was obvious from our conversation that she didn’t know. Why haven’t you told them?”

  “I plan to.”


  When he found the courage to stomach the disappointment he’d inevitably see in their eyes. He wanted to spare them that. Who was he kidding? He wanted to spare himself. He’d grown up watching first his parents’ marriage, then his sister’s. Both had been love matches. Both had been filled with incredible tenderness. In short, they were nothing like the distant marriage that beckoned him into a future with the beautiful but almost hostile Lorelei Wilkins.

  Even as those thoughts tripped through his mind, Lorelei’s hand came to rest gently over his. Instinctively, he turned his hand over to hold it. Her gaze met his as she whispered, “Sean, you need to tell them before they find out like my father did.”

  Just like that, he read caring in her eyes—but not for him. Her concern was for his family, and he couldn’t help but bristle at the accusation, from Lorelei of all people, that he was failing in his responsibility to the people in his life. He sternly lowered his voice. “Leave it alone, Lorelei. I’ll tell them when I’m ready.”

  Her gaze dropped from his eyes to where her hand rested in his. Her face seemed to pale incrementally. He heard her catch her breath. She casually tugged her hand away. “I should go. I’m finished anyway.”

  “I’ll walk you home,” he offered.

  “There’s no need.” She tossed him a smile he didn’t believe and strode away. The door clanged shut behind her. Ignoring the curious gazes of the busy café, he stared thoughtfully at the vacant chair across from him. What was going on with that woman? She just plain didn’t make sense. The way she acted…well, she either loved him or hated him.

  If it was the first, he was on shaky ground because if she ever dropped the act he’d probably like her. Liking her meant he might forget the things she’d done and the choices she’d made that had hurt other people. However, that scenario was rather improbable despite Lawson’s opinion. It was far more likely that after everything that had passed between them, Lorelei just didn’t like him. He swallowed. He really didn’t want to live the rest of his life with a woman who hated him, did he?

  He needed to figure out how to have at least an amiable relationship with her. To do that, he needed to figure out Lorelei’s true feelings for him. He would have to force her hand, and he knew just how to do it. First, he would walk over to the courthouse and see what had become of the old Hilson place he had his eye on. Then he’d plan a way to let his family know the truth.

  * * *

  Lorelei ignored the startled glances of a few strangers as she rushed down the sidewalk away from the café. She threw a wary glance over her shoulder, then slipped into the narrow alleyway next to her father’s bank to wait for Sean to pass so she could continue undisturbed. She couldn’t bear the thought of Sean pursuing her or forcing her to explain her abrupt response to him in the café.

  She leaned back against the wall to try to catch her breath. It was hopeless to believe that Sean wouldn’t
have noticed her reaction to holding his hand. Even she was surprised by it. Though she knew it stemmed from nothing more than mere performance, she hadn’t known how to react. His derision, impatience and scorn she could easily face without wincing, but she hadn’t been prepared for her own weakness.

  Oh, how she wished it hadn’t affected her. She calmly reminded herself that holding hands could not cause a resurgence of youthful unrequited love. She knew better now. She’d made a decision to live her life with a new perspective, and nothing was going to change her mind. She nodded, feeling her unease slipping away.

  She stepped farther into the shadows of the alleyway as she heard confident steps pound closer on the sidewalk. She watched as Sean passed with a determined look on his face. She waited a few moments to be sure she’d avoided him. The sound of low voices reached her ear from deeper in the alley just as she was about to step back onto the sidewalk. They seemed to be coming from behind the bank.

  “Don’t tell me there’s no back way in. Look! Not a door in sight. What kind of fool built this place?”

  Another man snorted. “A fool didn’t design this bank. There is only one door in and out. It faces the sheriff’s office.”

  “It’d be a pain to have to blast through these walls. We’d need more power than we have now.”

  Lorelei stilled a gasp in her throat, then waited to hear the other man’s answer.

  “No sense in that. Besides, it isn’t our way.”

  “Mighty tempting, though. I bet the safe is right along this wall.”

  “Let’s not waste time. We’ve had a look at the place. Let’s get out of here before someone gets nosy.”

  Lorelei’s eyes widened. She scurried away as silently as possible. With a quick step, she was back on the sidewalk. She was preparing to hurry off when the heel of her boot caught in the seam of a loose wooden board. She tried to tug it out but it wouldn’t budge.

  Biting her lip, she glanced toward the alley. She saw a figure round the corner toward her. She leaned down so her hat would momentarily block her face. She hoped beyond anything that the man would just ignore her and step past without questioning her. His pace slowed to a curious tread as he drew nearer. Realizing her skirt hid her other hand from view, she shoved her reticule carefully along the ground. It stopped slightly away from her.

  “What have we here?” a deep voice asked.

  “Oh.” Lorelei glanced up, affecting surprise. She slowly lifted her head to meet the dark eyes of a well-dressed, gentlemanly looking young man. He was not at all the rough drifter she would have expected from the conversation she’d heard.

  She let her lips curl into a demure smile she hoped might befuddle his thoughts just enough for him to believe her. “I’m awfully sorry to be blocking your way, but I’m afraid my heel is stuck.”

  He glanced down at the sidewalk. “I see.”

  When he didn’t say more, she lifted her skirt just enough so that she could see her heel then, endeavored to tug it out again. “I’m sure I’ll get it out eventually.”

  “If you’ll allow me?” he asked.

  At her nod, he knelt beside her to pull the loose boards farther apart. She pulled her heel free and stepped to the side. “Thank you very much.”

  He smiled his welcome, then met her gaze with an appraising eye. “You would need to step just so to get caught by that board. Were you in the alley, then?”

  “The alley? Why would I be in the alley?” she asked in confusion, then smiled. “I dropped my reticule, that’s all.”

  She stepped to the side and gestured to the ground where her reticule lay. “If you would be so kind, Mr.…”

  “Smithson,” he supplied. Bending down, he picked up her reticule and offered it to her. “You are?”

  She took her reticule back, and, though she hated to tell him her name, she was sure he could easily find out some other way. “Miss Wilkins.”

  His eyes widened briefly. “Are you any relation to the owner of the bank?”

  “Yes,” she said, lifting her chin. “As a matter fact, I am. Why do you ask?”

  He smiled. “No reason, Miss. I was just curious.”

  “Well, thank you for your help.” She smiled again, so he wouldn’t think her overly concerned. “Have a good day, Mr. Smithson.”

  “Same to you.”

  She gave him a parting nod, then stepped around him to walk along the front of the bank. She glanced sideways at the reflection in the glass to see if he followed her. She saw that he continued to watch her for a moment before he turned and went in the opposite direction.

  A breath of relief filtered through her lips. She glanced across the street, debating whether or not to tell Sean what she’d heard. She shook her head. What proof did she have? The men hadn’t mentioned any definite plans—but their intention was clear. She spared another quick glance behind her. Satisfied that she wasn’t being watched, she walked across the street and entered the sheriff’s office.

  * * *

  The last person Sean expected to see when he walked into his office was Lorelei Wilkins. Yet there she sat on the corner of his desk perusing his private files. He eyed her for a moment, then let the door close behind him with a bang. She jumped, and her eyes flew to his, then tracked his Stetson as it sailed through the air to land beside her on the desk. He lowered his chin to stare at her as he approached; tapping the mortgage papers he needed to fill out on his leg. “Where is Jeff?”

  “I sent him to lunch. He said I didn’t have the authority to do that.”

  “You don’t.”

  “I know, but he was hungry. I assured him you wouldn’t be gone long and if anyone needed anything, I’d send them to the café.”

  Sean shook his head. “Well, I hope you’re here to apologize.”

  Her delicate brows lifted. “For what?”

  He came to a stop in front of her. “Ruining our lunch—unless you can think of something else.”

  She braced her arms behind her, wrinkling more of his files in the process, and stared back at him. “I’m not here to apologize. I had every right to ask you why you hadn’t told your family about us.”

  “Enough of that,” he warned. “If you’re not going to apologize, why are you here?”

  She placed her hands in her lap and suddenly became serious. “I heard something when I was in the alleyway just now.”

  He frowned. “What were you doing in an alleyway?”

  She shrugged guiltily. “That isn’t important. What is important is that I heard two men plotting to rob the bank.”

  He paused for a moment to take that in. “Are you serious?”

  “I wouldn’t joke about something like this.”

  “Then please get off my desk.”

  She frowned. “That is not the response I was expecting.”

  His mouth twitched with a suppressed smile. “You’re sitting on my notebook.”

  “Oh,” she breathed and finally complied by sitting in the chair he pulled up for her. He grabbed a pencil to carefully record everything she’d heard and seen. Once she finished, he went over the notes he’d taken in silent contemplation. He closed his notebook and set it aside. “Lorelei, think very carefully before you answer the next few questions I ask you. Did he seem like he was suspicious of you?”

  She thought for a moment, then nodded slowly. “I tried to ignore it but I definitely got that feeling from him.”

  “Never ignore your instincts in a situation like that,” he advised. “What do you want to do when he contacts you again?”

  “When, not if?”

  He nodded and walked around the desk to pull up a chair beside her. “If he’s smart, he’ll try to figure out how much you really know about what they said. So that means you have two options. The first one is to wait until he approaches you and then play dumb like you did today. If he believes you the second time, you won’t have to worry about it again. However, if he figures out that you know too much, you’ll be in danger. And I’ve got to adm
it, if he didn’t believe you this time, then he’s probably not going to believe you later, either.”

  She bit her lip and fiddled with the folds of her skirts. “What’s the second option?”

  “The second option is to leave town. Visit your great-aunt in California, just like you planned to before. This Mr. Smithson wouldn’t be able to go after you, not without delaying his plans for the bank, which he won’t want to do. Once he and his friends are in custody, your father can send you word that it’s safe to come home.”

  “No,” she said firmly. “I’m not running away—not from this town, or my responsibilities, or bank robbers. Besides, what would Mrs. Greene say if I suddenly up and left?”

  “If we explain the circumstances to her, I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  “That’s funny. I’m sure she won’t.”

  “No,” Sean agreed reluctantly. “She probably won’t. But as sheriff of this town, I’ve taken an oath to protect its citizens—and keeping you safe is more important than keeping Mrs. Greene happy.”

  “This isn’t only about keeping Mrs. Greene happy. If I left town, she’d tell everyone what happened and I might never be able to show my face in this town again. I left this town once, Sean. I know I wouldn’t want to stay away forever. Besides, you have to consider your reputation, as well.” She lifted her chin determinedly. “No, there has to be another way.”

  He crossed his arms dubiously. “Such as?”

  Sean saw an idea spark in Lorelei’s eyes, and his stomach sank as he realized what it meant. She was coming up with another one of her crazy, spontaneous, ridiculous ideas. And he was going to hate it, he was completely sure that whatever it was—

  “I could go undercover,” she said.

  His jaw clenched in frustration. Yep, he hated it, all right.

  “Oh, Sean, it would be perfect!” Lorelei continued, practically jumping from her chair to pace the floor in enthusiasm. “I’ll pretend that I want to work with them, then they’ll tell me all of their plans—I’d then tell you those plans, and we’d have the whole group identified and caught in no time.”

  “No,” Sean replied.

  She whirled to face him as though somehow surprised by his immediate refusal. “But this idea is the perfect solution and—”


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