Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)

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Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) Page 14

by Wilson, A. C.

  "You are so mean." Andy's voice hitched in her throat, her eyes narrowing as Matt crouched over her. Her chest rising and falling with the exertions of her determination.

  "You are enjoying this as much as I am, admit it. You won't forget this night, Andy."

  She huffed, reaching for his belt buckle and jerking it until it came undone. She slipped her fingers into the waistband, unbuttoning it, and lowering the zipper with little patience. Matt felt her fingertips inside the band of his underwear and eyes rolled back. So much for control! He tried to focus on her eyes, but even they claimed all was fair in love and war. Shit! Get a hold of yourself! He had never felt so much the greenhorn as he did now. Andy was going to think he wasn't up to the challenge. Bracing himself, he had to switch the tables again.

  "Nah Nah, sweetheart! You are going to end this tale before we can begin it!" Matt grabbed her wrist, pinning it up above her head into the mattress. It was hard to mistake the hiss that filled the room. Green eyes darted him with daggers at the same time as they welcomed him into burning passion. Love and hate really were very close emotions. He chuckled again as he leaned over her, pressing her body down into the mattress as he rested his erection heavy against her lower half. Gently he rocked against her and ran his lips up her neck and along her cheek. Andy joined him in their dance, but trying to quicken the pace. It was clear she was not going to be patient tonight.

  Her lips sought his, nipping his bottom lip. He retaliated by sliding his free palm along her collarbone and to her breast, taking it in between his thumb and forefinger and twisting slightly. He heard her groan softly, her mouth crushing against his when he kissed her. Their tongues dueled, their bodies sliding and grinding against each other. Matt let go of Andy's wrist as he dragged her shirt over her head and she pulled his from him too. Andy untangled herself from her bra and sent it off the side of the bed to land beside her shirt. They kissed again, their mouths drinking in each life-giving breath. There was a starving need that had to be filled as Andy forced him into a greater frenzy. She caressed his hips, raking her fingernails across his ribs around to his back. The flames that followed the path of her hands made the need to feel her bare skin against his own that much more imperative.

  "I need to feel you, Matt. Please." The rasp in her voice had his senses leaping. She tugged hard on his jeans for emphasis. It wasn't needed, but he enjoyed her desire's dominance. Rolling off the top of her, Matt pushed his jeans from his waist, kicking his legs free. Andy was doing the same. Her brown hair tousled and disarranged. Her lips were kiss-reddened and her cheeks flush with lust. Oh, he wasn't a fool. She didn't love him yet. Contrary to Andy's beliefs and a woman's intuition, he would know when she did. Her over-expressive eyes couldn't hide much from him. Just as those moss green pools begged for him to take her and make her forget all the painful thoughts she had been mourning over in the hallway. He would do that for her, because he did love her. He needed to brand her as his own too.

  "Come over here." Matt indicated his side of the bed. Andy's chest rose with a huge indrawn breath and he watched her perfect breasts as she crawled over the king-sized bed and came to rest beside him. His body was throbbing as she sat so close to him that their knees brushed against one another. Using her inexperience to his advantage, he pushed her to lay back on the bed. Kneeling at the side of the bed, his knees cradled in the gray carpet, he took hold of her feet. He rubbed his thumbs over the smooth pads of each foot, pressing harder as he massaged her instep. She moaned, her toes flexing in his grip. Swallowing hard, he continued his massage excursion up her ankles, across her toned calves, and when he reached her knees, he pressed open mouthed kisses to the soft skin behind.

  "Matt." His name said in a plea and he grinned, his attention turned back to his fingers and Andy's curious responses. He continued his train of kisses along her inner thighs causing her to gasp and clench her muscles. Matt could hear her rasping breaths and realized his were just as ragged. He was so hard and he couldn't remember wanting a woman as badly as he did Andy. She was perfection with her creamy skin with a hint of freckles here and there. Her untutored responses to his crusades sent him wildly over the edge of reason! She was everything he wanted and more. So much more!

  He pushed her legs wider. He could feel her fighting against her natural response to close herself to him, but he coaxed and cajoled until she relaxed enough. He leaned into the soft cotton comforter and leaned into her luscious body. She was ready for him. Wet and aching with the same need to be possessed as he needed to possess. He leaned forward letting his tongue intimately kiss her. He could have sworn for a minute she quit breathing or hell, maybe they both had!


  Andy felt her chest seize when Matt's tongue flicked that most secret part of herself. The intimate touch was more erotic than she could ever imagine it being. He licked her once and then he stopped. Was that it? She had very little information to go on. They had sex together before, but this was taking things in a whole new direction. She had never been much of a romance reader as her friends had been in college. Now she was wishing she had read a couple of them!

  "Breathe, baby." Matt's voice was so low and his words whispered across her flesh.

  "I am. I'm trying." She closed her eyes. "Matt, what are you doing?" She felt slightly embarrassed by the question, but it was out before she could retract it. She felt him press a hot kiss to her inner thigh.

  "Loving you, Andy. You'll like it. I promise." Anticipation built with his last words. She couldn't seem to reopen her eyes, so she lay there in the semi-dark room. He slid his hands up her thighs and over her hips at the same time as he pressed his whole mouth into her. The jolt nearly brought her off the bed, but his hands held her hips down. His tongue probed inside her, flicking and twitching as it caressed her. She couldn't fight the wash of pleasure that melted over her and then slid intoxicatingly up her veins.

  "Oh. God. Matt." Her words came out on puffs of breath. He pressed further still, brushing across that secret spot that caused the air to crackle and her legs to shake. This act had to be so taboo, but it felt so good. She moaned again as he found that amazing spot, sucking and nibbling. She felt the rise, the impossible energy building in and around her. His skilled attentions were mind-blowing and she couldn't help but wish they'd never end.

  "Hold on, baby. There's more." More!?! She wasn't sure she could take more. The sensations bordered on the super intense and painful. She shifted her head back and forth, fighting to find some reason in the madness. Her fingers tangled in the comforter. His hand fell away from her hip and she grieved the loss. Before she could tell him so, she felt one finger slid into her overheated body and withdraw. Then she felt two fingers slide into her and she almost sobbed with relief. Matt created an ebb and flow pattern, which her body followed of its own free will. She couldn't have stopped it if she tried. That glorious incline was building further and she felt the crest nearing. It was a furious pace they carried on, his fingers stroking her and his tongue lapping at that most secret place.

  Then she was flung into the sun! Brilliant, shimmering, and heavenly! She felt every nerve tremble with release and sag into the mattress along with her sedate and extremely satisfied body. As she floated back, she could hear Matt rummaging in his bedside table drawer. Her eyes opened when she heard him cuss. Senses awake, but her body not yet obeying her commands, Andy turned her head. Matt crawled onto the bed beside her, holding her to him. He kissed her forehead and then lay still.

  "That was amazing." Andy's voice sounded scratchy as she ran her hand over his thickly muscled thigh. Matt groaned as she drew her fingers over the corded muscles at his hip. She could feel his arousal standing proudly at attention. She gripped him at the base flexing her hand around him.

  "Sweetheart, you are going to kill me." His words sounded more like a plea. Curiously, she ran her eyes over his face, which contorted into a grimace.

  "We aren't going to finish this?" She was disappointed. She loved the feel
of him deep inside her. Foreplay had been amazing, but she still wanted him inside her. He put his hand over hers where it rested at the base of his erection.

  "I'm out of condoms." The disappointment in his voice nearly made her laugh out loud. As it was she smothered the chuckle. Matt raised a brow as he saw the effort it took her to not lose it. "It's not funny. It's rather embarrassing actually."

  Andy squeezed him noting the rigidness of his length. Leaning up on her elbow, Andy smiled down over him. She loved the stubble that was starting to shadow his jaw. His blue eyes were her favorite feature, well except maybe a thing or two in other places.

  "I'm on the pill. We don't actually have to have a condom." She let the words sink into his sex-induced fog. He pressed his lips together.

  "I don't want you to think you have to do that, Andy. I'm an adult. I can go by the store tomorrow." His voice was smooth and rich. She felt bolder in her quest. He wasn't going to make the decision for her. He was willing to forego his own pleasures tonight. Her heart swelled.

  "We don't have to wait, Matt. I appreciate that you would." Andy smiled, hoping it looked sexy.

  "Andy, honey, it's okay. I can handle one night." She took a breath as she watched him.

  "You don't have anything to pass on, do you?" She raised both brows in question. He chuckled.

  "No, I don't have any STD's or anything like that. I just don't want you to feel like you have to do anything tonight. I'll survive, I promise." He made to get up as if the debate was over. It wasn't. Andy got up on her knees and pressed her palms into his chest to push him back down on the bed. Silently she hoped she wouldn't mess this up and embarrass herself in front of him.

  "I want to have sex with you, Matt." Her voice wavered only for a moment and she sighed. Sliding a leg over his waist, Andy straddled his body. She felt powerful with his erection pressing against her still hot, slick entrance. The giddiness claimed her in a gratifying way. Matt's eyes widened at her boldness and then clouded quickly with desire. His palms rose to her breasts, cupping and squeezing them.

  "Just ease down, baby. Let instinct take over." His instructions filtered through her mind and she did as he said. Carefully lowering her body onto his, she gloried at the fullness as she stretched to accompany his length. Her eyes closed. All senses poised on the powerful male between her thighs and his hands teasing her already heavy breasts. Slowly she levered herself up and down, trying to create the rhythm her body craved. It felt awkward and she bit her bottom lip in concentration. Matt must have taken pity on her, because she felt his hands on her hips. He lifted her and then let her fall, his own hips mimicking the pattern. She sighed with pleasure.

  The slickness of her body allowed them to glide in and out. Their mating as old as time itself. She heard Matt groan with relief and she felt his erection swell inside her. Her breasts thrust out, her back arched, her head tipped to the ceiling, she felt keenly erotic. Their climaxes built simultaneously and swiftly they chased each other up the mountain. Sweat beaded on their skin as the urgency sent them crashing off the top into the black. Andy slumped forward, her lips pressed to his. Gently he kissed her lips and enfolded her in his arms. One breath later and they both sank depleted and sated into the dark oblivion.


  Matt awoke a short time later, Andy still in his arms and her hair falling in waves over his shoulder as she rested on top of his chest. He stretched and grinned in the darkness. He had given her every excuse to wait tonight. Hell, he had all but resigned himself to the inevitable. He couldn't believe he had been out of condoms. Such a rookie mistake! Then she had taken their pleasure into her own hands and impaled herself on top of him. It was obvious she had no idea what she was doing, but that's what had made it so much fun. Her newfound power and desire would be satisfying to watch unfold and grow.

  Gently Matt eased Andy off of him, tucking her beside him. Slipping off the bed, he grabbed ahold of the extra blanket and swept it up over her naked form. He went to the bathroom adjoining his suite and when he came back out, he couldn't do anything but stand beside the bed and stare down at an angel. Her cheeks were flushed, her dark lashes in crescents against her skin and gently pursed lips parted slightly in sleep. He could see where his stubble had rasped her delicate skin. His heart filled with a deep-seeded longing to protect and provide for her. Since he had seen her and Harper in the hallway of their apartment building, he knew his purpose was for them. He was head over heels in love with Andy Martin and her daughter, Harper. There was no going back. There was only moving forward.

  Quietly he got back into bed and settled Andy once more against his side. She sniffed and yawned before going back to sleep. Kissing her on her bare shoulder, Matt closed his eyes. Silently he prayed that he could make Andy see that he was the only one for her. In return for her choosing him, he vowed that he would be everything she needed him to be. Pulling the blanket up over his chest, Matt yawned and then fell asleep with the angel beside him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It had taken a couple of days, but the last of her boxes had finally been delivered and her apartment emptied. She felt guilty about having Matt pay for the place when no one was living there. Besides she hadn't really liked it anyway. It was too little for one. Two, it was not well sealed and three, well, there was always a funky smell she could never get rid of. Andy sighed loudly and leaned back into her chair. Looking about her room, she loved the soft hues of gray and lavender. They calmed her in a way only surpassed by Matt. Closing her eyes, she smiled. Secretly she knew she was falling down that long road of no redemption. Denying it only seemed to make it more insistent that it was love. Love.

  Remember? That tender emotion you once thought so lasting and worth saving?

  Oh yes. She remembered well. She remembered how painful and devastating love could be.

  It did bring you something wonderful. Harper. Your daughter.

  Harper had been the light at the end of the tunnel. Although to be fair, she still felt surrounded by the darkness that crept closer at moments like this. Andy shook herself. She had been out of work less than a week and already she was losing her mind.

  There was nothing left to clean in the house. What little mess there was, the housekeeper that came three times a week kept in order. Andy had tried to convince Matt and Garrett that she could do the same work in exchange for letting her and Harper live here, but of course, they would hear none of it. She huffed. Men! She was starting to feel caged and edgy. She couldn't even drive to the store because her car hadn't been fixed from Psycho Monica's slasher fiasco! Andy wanted to scream! This was alot to take in.

  Ding-dong! Ding-dong! The front doorbell pealed from downstairs. Andy got up from her chair and her phone buzzed in her pocket. Slipping her fingers into her pant's pocket, she swiped her finger across the screen. Matt. Her heart fluttered.

  Time to get out of the house!

  Andy's brow puckered at the message and then her heart flipped. The doorbell rang again. Hurrying down the stairs to the main floor, Andy peered curiously at the door as she made her way to it. Her hand stretched out to the door knob and turned it open. A smile curved her lips as she recognized who was on the other side. Margaret.

  "I was starting to hope I wasn't interrupting a nap, sweetie." Margaret smiled and stepped into the house. Andy grinned.

  "No, I was just upstairs staring at my four walls. Harper is napping though." Andy closed the door.

  "Wonderful. I could use a snooze too." Margaret put her purse on the hall table and rubbed her hands together. "Did you get Matt's message? He wouldn't let me call you when I was leaving the office." Margaret rolled her eyes. Andy knew the feeling.

  "Yes, he just texted me. I feel a bit bewildered by it though. What is this all about?" Andy led them down the hall and into the living room, where she took a seat on the wide couch. Margaret sat next to her. The older woman smelled of warm sugar cookies. Her hair lightly teased into a fluffy round halo. Everything about her was motherly and

  "Well I took the afternoon off of work to spend with my newest grandbaby. Matt knew you'd be chomping at the bit to get out of here and we came up with a plan." Margaret grinned conspiratorially. "Now. I have a couple of gifts and instructions for their use." She dug into her capris pocket and produced a set of keys. Andy stared at the keys, wondering what was going on. A couple of envelopes followed. Margaret chuckled at Andy's deer-in-the-headlight look.

  "You should see your face, girl. Here is a set of keys. Since your vehicle is still in the shop, Matt leased one for you. Here is a note and its contents from Matt. I have been instructed to tell you to read them when you get inside the vehicle. Any questions should be directed to Matt." Margaret handed over the keys and the letter. She leaned back against the couch and flipped the remote to the television. Andy felt at a loss. This wasn't exactly what she had been thinking.

  "So you are here to watch Harper and I am to leave the house?" Andy couldn't help sounding slow to catch on. It did sound good to get out of the house and Harper would be in good hands.

  "Yes, now go, dear! I can handle it from here." Margaret shooed Andy with her hands. Instantly feeling lighter in spirit, Andy got up off the couch and went to grab her purse. Suddenly it felt like Christmas morning when she was a child. Slipping her purse strap over her shoulder, Andy waltzed out the door to stand frozen on the front steps as the door closed behind her.

  "What the..." Her mouth had suddenly gone dry. The vehicle sitting in the driveway was amazing and somewhat of a shock to her system. Her feet moved slowly forward. Her fingers rubbed the remote as it unlocked the doors. Matt had leased her a 2010 Ford Escape. It was black, shiny and inviting. She pulled the handle and looked over the immaculate gray interior. She breathed the fresh, new car scent in. Childish giddiness swamped her again. She hopped up and down a few times in glee.


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