Blood Burdens (The Shadow World)

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Blood Burdens (The Shadow World) Page 22

by Brandy Nacole

  Then I feel the surge of energy. My body starts to transform like it did last night when the Chimera attacked. My eyes glow as my fangs and claws extend. Rage fills my body as I take in the scene below me. Dead Chimeras lay everywhere, along with a few of our own. The Lycans are bigger in size, thanks to the Perigee Moon, but so are some of the Chimeras. The moon offers our enemy just as much power as it does us.

  I’m boiling with rage. All these destroyed lives, because of one crazy woman’s dream of power and destruction. Well I was fixing to show her what true power was. I swipe up at Bird Man with my claws. At first, I only glaze his cheek. Kicking up with my feet, I get the distance I want and slash my claws into his throat, almost severing his head.

  We fall in a whirl to the ground below. Bird Man’s claws go lax and I’m able to free myself from his grasp before we make impact. I tuck my legs under and roll as I hit the ground, coming to a stop in a crouch. Bird Man just lands with a thud next to me. The ground becomes soaked with the blood trickling from his throat.

  The black cloaks on the ridge stand there, silently watching and waiting. They don’t even try to attempt to help those trying to protect them. I steal a glance at Cerelia. She’s still standing on the stone ledge, laughing. Her hand is resting on the staff and her eyes are glowing a brilliant red.

  Another Chimera starts running toward me with a loud growl. I brace myself, ready to pounce. My muscles tighten and right before I jump up to fight, the scaly monster falls to my feet. Its head rolls to the side a few feet away from its body.

  I look at Coy, amazed at what he just done. Blood covers his body but none of it appears to be his. Coy’s equipped with a long silver sword. The hilt is wrapped around his hand, almost like it was made to fit. Whoever made that sword, wanted to make sure they could keep a firm grip on it. I’m just wondering where he got it.

  Coy gives me a once over to make sure I’m okay before turning back to the battle. Most of the Chimeras on this side of the island are down. I can’t see the others over the hill but while I was in the air, it looked like they were holding up pretty well.

  As I do a circle, searching for my next victim, Danika and Meira grab me by the arms. They never quit running as they drag me with them. “We must hurry,” Meira says as she pulls me along.

  Within seconds the other Elders are beside us. We run straight for the black cloaks, ready for the next battle to get to Cerelia. Our pace slows as wolves run past us to create a line of defense between us and the cloaks.

  The cloaks still don’t move. How can they be so confident? As I look into their eyes, I feel a thrill of fear. They’re out for blood, and won’t stop until they get it.

  The wolves jump up in unison so they can pounce on the first line of cloaks. The cloaks finally come alive right before the wolves hit them. They swipe out at the threat and toss the wolves aside. It doesn’t hurt the wolves because they are back on their feet and attacking before ever hitting the ground.

  Witten and the other Witches throw out their hands, their energy bursts, shoving cloaks out of their way. I run through the opening to try and get to Cerelia. I make it in five lines deep before I’m grabbed and thrown to the ground. I hiss up at whoever threw me.

  Well, what do you know; it’s the leech from last night. Time for Round Two.

  I get back on my feet and take up a fighting stance, as we circle one another. “If your blood is as sweet as what was in that vial, I’m in for a treat.” Her lips pull up into a taunting vicious smile.

  “Oh, I’m sweet alright. But I also have a bitter bite.” I lash out at vamp girl, slicing into her neck as I swing around her. I grab her throat and roll her over my back, slamming her into the ground. I start to bring my boot down on her face but with lightning speed, she grabs my foot from under me, bringing me to the ground.

  She jumps up on top of me with an eloquent grace and tries to sink her teeth into my neck. I pummel my fist into her face, knocking her back. A broad grin spreads across my face when I see the knick I put in her tooth.

  Vamp girl spits blood out of her mouth. “That was fun but I have more pressing things to do than toy with you,” she says, and jumps up high in the air to land on me. I roll out of her way before she lands and launch a kick while she’s still in the air, smashing my boot into her face. The blow knocks her back but doesn’t do as much damage as I’d hoped.

  “Racquel!” I hear Danika shout my name. I glance at her, hoping vamp girl doesn’t attack while I’m distracted. Danika throws a golden stake toward me. Let’s see who has the upper hand now. I reach up and grab it out of the air as vamp girl goes in for the kill. She misses as I spin out of her reach and twirl my stake for a better grip. I twist around and with the stake firmly in hand; I thrust it into her chest. A choked scream comes out of her mouth as her pale-white skin turns grey. She falls into a heap of ash, the black cloak she had been wearing flutters to the ground.

  I spin around and focus on Cerelia again. The black cloaks are all distracted as our Shadows tear into them. I keep running as fast as I can, not wanting to be stopped again. Hands grab me as I go by but none are strong enough to stop me. I lash out at some that try to get in my path. My sharp claws rip into their skin, knocking them out of my way.

  A rushing wind makes me stumble. I follow the path of the blur going by and see Natahala come face-to-face with Aldrick. They smile at one another, fangs displayed. Natahala says something but I can’t hear them over the Shadows and cloaks shouting around me. I channel my hearing to focus on them.

  “Natahala, dear, it’s so good to see you again.” Aldrick has a calm casual tone, like the two of them are good friends.

  Natahala chuckles. “Yes, Aldrick it is. It is very nice, especially since it will be the last time we ever meet.” Natahala takes another step toward Aldrick. “You have destroyed the Coven for your own selfish ends. No more, Aldrick. Your reign is over.”

  Natahala doesn’t wait for a reply. I can tell from the time I’ve spent with Natahala that she’s not one to fool around with excess banter. They continue to circle one another, going in for bites and jabs whenever there was an opening.

  I focus back on my own enemy, the one who, like Aldrick, has brought nothing but hurt and pain to others because of her own selfishness. Cerelia meets my gaze with a taunting smile. My veins boil with rage and anger. A growl escapes from deep in my chest as I start running again, faster than ever.

  I’m almost through the crowd when Cerelia stretches out her hand. A stream of red shoots from her hand and before I can react, it wraps around my body. With the slightest movement of her hand, Cerelia lifts me high into the sky. Panic grips me, heating my body with distress, as I dangle in the air. This is exactly what happened in my vision—the vision that ends with my death.

  Cerelia lowers her hand and the red around me disappears. I go falling back to the earth. The air is knocked out of me from the impact. As I stand up again, I take deep breaths, breathing through the pain. I clutch my side. There’s no mistaking the broken ribs. They’re poking out at odd unnatural angles. Blood starts coming out of my mouth in a slow trickle.

  A punctured lung. Great!

  I look up at Cerelia as she starts to speak. “Give it up Racquel. Join me,” she says, reaching out a hand. “Take your rightful place beside me and together we will show them true power.”

  I try pushing against my ribs to put them back in place. If I can get them in place, I will heal faster. I can barely speak through the pain and blood. “Where…is…Edwin?” If I’m going to die, I at least want some answers first.

  Cerelia waves her hand, “That silly old man, he never would amount to anything. I did the world a favor when I got rid of that coward.”

  I stumble back. How could she kill him? He was the one who set this in motion. Without him, Cerelia wouldn’t have any of this. A sense of sadness I never thought I would feel overwhelms me. My grandfather was lost to us when my grandmother passed away. He was angry and wanted to protect what was lef
t of his family. It was wrong, and I wanted one more chance to convince him he was wrong. Now I would never get the chance.

  Adrenaline shoots through me as anger fills my battered body. I no longer feel the pain in my side or the sadness of losing my grandfather. The only thing I feel or see is red. Red-hot anger and a vision of Cerelia’s dark red blood spilling onto the ground once I kill her.

  I start to move toward her again but Cerelia’s prepared.

  She raises her hand out before her as red light engulfs her hand. “No? Well that’s too bad. I hate to lose such a powerful force.”

  Just before she sends out her power at me, I hear a familiar voice in my head. Get ready! I gasp as I watch Micah come alive. He grabs Cerelia by her hair and throws her back into a pillar. Micah turns to the staff and without pausing, rips it out of the ground. I cover my ears as Cerelia’s high pitched scream echoes through the air.

  Micah doesn’t stop there. He launches the staff through the air, right at me. I take off running, crouch down for leverage and launch myself in the air. When my hand lands on the staff, a fierce power radiates through my body, almost causing me to drop it.

  I keep my hand firm around it as I land. A tremendous burst of energy explodes in my body. I can see my Shadow auras align perfectly with one another. My hand starts to burn where I’m holding the staff but I ignore it and continue to hold on as I watch my auras intertwine in a perfect spiral.

  Heat radiates through my body as my wounds heal. The power of the staff and the Perigee Moon combine to heal my wounds much faster than they would have on their own. In a few moments I am completely healed, and my body starts to tremble. I can feel it needing to shift. My body needs to complete the transformation so that I can be complete once and for all. Before I let that happen, I open my eyes to see Micah lying on the ground, lifeless. Cerelia is standing on the stone ledge, furious.

  I bring the staff up over my head. I draw in as much power from the staff as I can to finish shifting before releasing the staff. Then I propel the Tellurian at Cerelia. As soon as the staff leaves my hand, my body starts the transformation.

  I cry out in pain as I double over onto all fours. I can feel my bones breaking and realigning to fit into a new form. I look down to see I no longer have hands or feet, nor do I have the bird form that comes with my usual transformation. I now have paws with long curling claws. My face burns as it extends into a snout. My incisors grow out past my jaw, much like a saber tooth tigers. I snap my jaws and growl as the pain continues.

  My back arches up as long black wings spread out over my sides. My eyes glow, lighting up the already bright night. As the pain dulls, I look up to see the Tellurian has almost reached Cerelia. Although my painful transformation felt like hours, in reality it’s only a mere second or two later.

  In a speed I didn’t think was possible, I launch my new body into the air and get to Cerelia just as the staff tears through her chest. She is propelled back against the stone floor, cracking it on impact. I land on her screaming body and thrust the staff deeper into her chest.

  My jaws snap as my long sharp fangs graze her cheeks. Cerelia tries pleading for her life, “Racquel, don’t do this. Look at how magnificent you are. I created you. You can’t kill your creator can you?”

  I growl at her and push against the staff. My mind feels muddled but I can still make out some of my thoughts. Does she really think I won’t kill her? If her attempts at trying to get me on her side have failed in the past, why would she think this would change anything? The raging beast inside me would like nothing more than to be let loose so it could finish her off. I hold it back, knowing the Elders need to trap her spirit.

  Cerelia continues to plead with me as I wait for the others. I ignore her banter as I try to get a glimpse of Micah. He’s still lying on the ground, unmoving. Blue light encompasses my body as I look at him. If he dies, I will personally bring this bitch back to life so I can kill her all over again. Cerelia screams, spurting blood. My blue energy is more powerful than hers now and where it touches her, it burns.

  The Elders finally show up. Some look almost surprised I’ve been successful, but they soon refocus on the task, and join hands. Witten steps in front of the Crone, Mother and Maiden to place the goddess crystal on top of the staff. A perimeter is made around us as the Lycans defend off what’s left of the black cloaks.

  The Elders begin the binding chant.

  Goddess of the Moon, Earth, and Sea

  Bind this evil

  Bind this spirit

  By your powerful hand

  Bind this spirit so it shall never be free

  Goddess, hear our plea

  Bind Cerelia from the Earth and Sea

  Cerelia thrashes under my weight as the Elders chant over and over. “You will regret this. I am the most powerful Witch who has ever lived. You will not defeat me.”

  I feel Cerelia’s desperation. Her red glow becomes stronger as she starts to push me off. With no other choice, I release control of the beast inside me. A loud growl escapes from my throat right before my fangs rip into her throat, cutting off her screams. My fangs are so long, they push through to the other side of her throat. I snarl loudly and start to thrash her from side-to-side but Danika kneels down beside us.

  “Racquel, stop! They need to bind her spirit before she dies. You must stop.” Danika doesn’t touch me but she lowers her face so I can see her. I loosen my grip on Cerelia’s neck but I don’t let go. I keep her pinned as the Elders continue to chant.

  Goddess of the Moon, Earth, and Sea

  Bind this evil

  Bind this spirit

  By your powerful hand

  Bind this spirit so it shall never be free

  Goddess, hear our plea

  Bind Cerelia from the Earth and Sea

  So mote it be, blessed it be

  Cerelia’s body convulses as the final line is said, sealing her fate. A bright flaming light erupts from Cerelia’s body and I’m thrust into the air. My wings extend out, allowing me to hover in the air. The light funnels into the staff still impaled into her chest.

  When the light disappears, her body shrivels, the age of time taking its toll as she crumbles into dust. The Tellurian wobbles on its tip before falling to the ground with a clank. Loud screams fill the air as the remaining black cloaks become engulfed in flames. They thrash around on the ground trying to put the flames out. Unluckily for them it’s not an earthly flame. This is a spiritual flame that’s devouring their souls.

  Then the last of the screaming stops, and the night air becomes quiet. The lifeless bodies of the Chimeras and some black cloaks lie on the ground, while some of the black cloaks turn to ash.

  I descend to the ground, landing softly on my paws, not too far from the staff. A part of me is panicked, while the other part of me feels unbelievably alive. Will I be like this forever? How do I turn back? As happy as I am that I found balance and feel whole for once in my life, I’d rather not be stuck like this forever.

  I turn toward the Elders, hoping they will be able to help. The Shadows have gathered around the stone ledge and are regarding me in awe. Witten takes a step forward and with a pleased expression, he kneels down before me. Everyone else follows suit, bowing down before me like I’m a god.

  They stay like that for what felt like a little too long, and finally rise with Witten. He takes a step forward and answers my unspoken fear. “You can come back Racquel. You just have to focus on your auras and draw them back in. Visualize what you want.”

  I nod my head and do just what he says. I imagine my human body and focus in on the spiral of auras. They’re still in a spiral, thrumming with a rainbow of power. I visualize the strands aligning side-by-side; living in harmony until the day I need them to become one again.

  They automatically respond to my request and untangle themselves from one another to align alongside one another in a tight formation. My body shudders at the release. I cry out as my bones break and re-form into their orig
inal state. My long black wings retract and fold into my back tightly as my fangs recede back into my gums.

  When the transformation is done, I fall in a heap on the ground. My body shakes from the shock as my lungs gasp for air. My heart is racing but picks up even more speed as I see everyone looking at me… naked!

  Chapter Seventeen

  Addie runs over to me with a black cloak in hand. She shakes out some ashes, and drapes it over my stark-naked body. She starts laughing when she sees my horrified face.

  “I guess you faced that naked fear after all.” She holds out her hand to help me up. I take it, keeping my other hand tightly grasped to the front of the cloak.

  “Ha, ha, very funny.” I smile, then pull her into a hug. I can’t believe we did it. I guess those visions aren’t foolproof. A change of heart can shake destiny.

  Addie pulls back and gives me a tight squeeze on the shoulder before stepping back. I cringe under everyone’s gaze. I don’t like being the center of attention yet here I am, surrounded by admiring eyes as they wait to see what I do next.

  Jared is standing off to one side, covered in blood, trusty machete in hand. A loud chuckle escapes him. “I guess I got to see some skin after all. Too bad it was after the battle. Oh well, I can still use it to inspire sweet dreams.” I narrow my eyes at him, but can’t help smiling at his stupid jokes.

  Witten ignores Jared and steps forward. “You did us a great honor today. It was magnificent to see you in your true form.”

  It was nice to have felt all that tension and uncertainty set free. But what was the price? “What about these?” I lower the cloak just a bit and gesture to the wings that are pulled tight against my back.

  Everyone stares at my wings with fascination. “I’m afraid they appear to be a permanent addition,” Witten says.


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