Possessed by You

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Possessed by You Page 20

by Jo-Anna Walker

  Brett took a step back and pinched the bridge of his nose before meeting my stare. “I didn’t cheat on you. I would never cheat on you. I’m so fucking sorry that I said that. I didn’t know what else to do so I lied.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me?” I asked, still not quite believing what was happening. As much as it hurt, I would get over it. I would be there for him.

  “I couldn’t handle it if you broke up with me over my own stupidity, so as much as it killed me, I broke up with you instead,” he said, scrubbing his hand down his face.

  “You don’t know me at all, do you?”

  His eyes narrowed. “What the hell does that mean?”

  I shook my head. “Do you think that little of me that you couldn’t come to me with something like this? You slept with her before me. I would know that it wasn’t because you cheated on me. I loved…love…” I huffed. “I trusted you.”

  “Did you? Did you really trust me, Evvie? I don’t think so.”

  “Did you…did you use a condom?” I knew it wasn’t any of my business but I needed to know if everything Brett had told me during the weeks we were together was the truth or not. I needed to know that we shared at least something. A first for us both that we had never given another person. My stomach clenched. Neither of us had been in love before and now that we were, we couldn’t be together.

  He took a step towards me and pinched my chin, tilting my head. “Yes. You are the only woman I’ve slept with where I didn’t. The only woman I’ve actually felt.”

  I swallowed hard. “I wish you would have told me.”

  “I was scared. I’m not ready to be a father. I’m still learning how to take care of myself,” he mumbled. With a shaky hand, he scrubbed it down his face.

  My heart broke for him even though I was still mad. I had never seen him lose it. Never seen a side of him where he let people truly in until me. Even then, I wasn’t sure if he was giving me the real Brett. “So now she has a grip on you forever.”

  Brett’s jaw tightened and he pulled away, pacing back and forth.

  “I feel like there’s something else that you’re not telling me,” I whispered, leaning against the door. I crossed my arms under my chest but couldn’t stay still. My nerves were shot.

  He shook his head. “I’m done.”

  I nodded and pushed off the bar. With a heavy heart, I stopped once I reached the door to his office. “I think we could have worked through our trust issues.” I looked at him over my shoulder, my vision blurring.

  He sat on the couch, a glass tumbler of golden liquid swirling inside of it in his hand. “Would you want to raise someone else’s baby?”

  “If it meant being with you…” I took a breath, the tears rolling free down my cheeks.

  My father had to stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks thanks to him not listening to the doctors’ orders about eating healthy. My brother’s snuck him in fast food unbeknownst to me or else I would have put a stop to that.

  With everything that had been going on, I forgot to call my brother, Everett. Not looking forward to the reaming out I would get, I let Evan call him instead. Ethan had called him as soon as our father was taken to the hospital but no one had called him since. He was not happy when I saw him at our dad’s place the day he was discharged from the hospital.

  “I can’t believe none of you fucking called me to let me know that he’s alright,” Everett snarled. He roughly pushed his black-rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose and glared at us.

  We all sat at the small table in our old family home while we attempted to catch Everett up on everything. He may have been skinny and shy but he had the harsh Neal temper that the rest of us had.

  “We’re sorry,” was all I could get out before Everett rose to his feet and stormed out of the kitchen and down the hall to our dad’s room. A door slammed shut making my heart jump and I let out a shaky breath.

  “God, I’ve never seen him so pissed,” Ethan mumbled, his eyes widening in awe.

  “He has every right,” Evan said, clapping a hand on the back of his neck. Evan looked at me. “How are you doing?”

  I knew he was asking about Brett. I hadn’t seen him since the night I walked in on him and Claire. My stomach cringed at seeing her all over him, practically fucking him with her clothes on. After I left his office, he didn’t chase me down, didn’t beg me to stay with him and he’d been avoiding me ever since.

  I shrugged. “I’m fine.”

  “Have you talked to Brett?” Evan asked.

  “Why do you care?” I snapped.

  “Really? You’re going there?” Ethan said to Evan before shoving out of his grip and met my gaze. “We need you happy again. Do what you gotta do but I’m sick of seeing you this way.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, my voice monotone. When really, I felt like a zombie. Like the world could blow up in my face and I wouldn’t care. All because one man wouldn’t talk to me. Wouldn’t fight for me. God, I couldn’t stand this feeling of losing myself. All because of Brett MacLean. He had a firm grip on my soul. He possessed me but didn’t want me. I couldn’t stand it but I didn’t let anyone else know this.

  “You’re a fucking liar,” Evan took a step towards me and towered over my chair. “We need our sister back.”

  My jaw clenched and I crossed my arms under my chest. “I’m fine.”

  “Evvie, I may have been in and out of jail for most of my life but I’m not fucking stupid,” Ethan said, his back stiff.

  “Evvie,” Evan stood behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. “We don’t like seeing you like this. If I could find him, I would fucking kill him for the shit he’s putting you through.”

  “Not if I get to him first.”

  All of us turned to the deep gravelly sound of our dad as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen. He nodded at Evan and Ethan. “Let me talk to her.”

  Evan kissed my head and Ethan lightly squeezed my hand before they both exited it the small white kitchen.

  My dad pulled a chair out from under the table and sat in front of me before grabbing both of my hands. “Tell me everything.”

  “You don’t want to hear—”


  I swallowed at his stern voice and sighed, letting the words flow from my lips. I told him everything that had happened over the past couple of weeks. How Brett demanded my love. Knew me better than I knew myself even though it was such a short amount of time that we had been together. I also mentioned how Brett had brought me to the hospital to see him.

  I met my dad’s cold gaze. “I’m sorry.”

  He frowned. “Why the hell are you sorry?”

  “For making more poor choices.”

  He sighed and wrapped his thick arms around my shoulders, holding me.

  The scent of spicy cologne invaded my nostrils, sending a wash of peace over me.

  “Are you worried that I’d be disappointed in you for going out with an asshole?” he asked, holding me at arm’s length.

  I nodded, biting back an onslaught of fresh tears.

  “Sweet pea, I could never be mad at you, especially not over something like that.” He chuckled. “I have to tell you. Brett reminds me a lot of me when I was his age.”

  My eyes widened. “Really?”

  He nodded, his eyes going distant like he was remembering. It seemed like a lifetime ago since he was happy. Truly and honestly happy. He was way too young to lose someone. “Brett clearly made some shitty choices. Letting that Claire woman control who he loves makes me wish that she was a man so I could punch her fucking teeth in.”

  I gasped. “Daddy.”

  He grinned. “Well it’s true. I don’t like seeing my baby girl hurt. Yes, I agree that Brett was an ass but something tells me that there’s more to it than the whole pregnancy thing.”

  “I’ve tried talking to him. He won’t tell me anything.”

  My dad cupped my cheeks in his big hands. “Patience.
I know you want everything to happen right now. You want a perfect relationship but I hate to break it to you, no relationship is perfect. You have to work at it. Make it fit for the both of you and after all this shit, everyone who tried to ruin you, that tried to destroy you, will be the losers in the end. And you know why, Evvie?”

  I shook my head.

  He smiled, his blue eyes warming. “Because you’ll have each other and that makes every damn problem worth it.”

  Tears burned my eyes. “What if he doesn’t want me anymore?”

  “Sweet pea, that man loves you like no other. It’s deep. Powerful. All consuming. I know it because I’ve been there. You do that to him. I may have only met him once but I know he loves you. Now you just have to ask yourself, is the love you feel for each other worth it? Whatever the answer is, I will support you and be there for you to the end.”


  That Saturday night, I walked into the club to hand in my uniform and stopped in my tracks. Jake was behind the counter with another bartender. Someone I didn’t recognize. The tall woman was slender, sun kissed skin and long dark hair that was pulled back into a tight pony tail. The tiny uniform fit her curves perfectly making me feel self-conscious about my white t-shirt and black pants.

  I walked up to the bar and smiled when Jake noticed me.

  He looked between the other woman and me and gave a small wave.

  “Hi Jake,” I said, stepping up to the counter.

  “I didn’t think you’d be back,” he said, pulling me in for a hug.

  “Just handing in my uniform.” I was also a sucker for punishment.

  “Hi, I’m Janice,” the tall woman said, holding out her hand.

  I returned the hand shake.

  “I’m sorry, Ev. Janice is the new bartender,” he said softly, his eyes glossing over.

  I nodded, pasting on a smile. “No problem,” I croaked. “It’s been fun working with you, Jake.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a strong squeeze. “Stay in touch. No one can make martinis like you.”

  I laughed and patted his back. We exchanged numbers. We both knew that I wouldn’t be back after that night.

  “Girl, I cannot believe you fucking quit and didn’t even tell me.”

  Shit. I turned to Tatiana coming up behind me.

  She scowled and threw her arms around my shoulders. “Why? Why are you leaving me to fend for myself?”

  I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. “You know why, T.”

  She huffed and looked over her shoulder.

  I followed her gaze, my heart skipping a beat when I saw Brett leaning against the wall in his signature pose. Arms crossed under his chest, fingers rubbing his jaw. The casual display of empowerment that left me wanting.

  “I don’t care what he says, he’s gonna fucking miss you and I’ll be here to clean up the pieces.”


  After leaving the club, I headed downtown to a small coffee shop not wanting to make my way home just yet. My heart felt heavy. I already missed my co-workers and friends at the club. I hadn’t worked there for long but they were like family.

  “Have the night off, beautiful?”

  My heart gave a start at the deep voice and I turned to find Mathis looming over me. “No. I quit.”

  “Too bad. I was getting used to seeing your beautiful face there. Mind if I sit?”

  I shook my head and leaned back against the cushioned seat, tucking my feet under me.

  “So how are you doing, Evvie?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I know you didn’t come here to make small talk, Mathis, so what do you want?”

  He smiled, his gray eyes twinkling. “Perceptive. Your boyfriend agreed to go to New York and manage my club.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  Mathis scratched his jaw, the corners of his mouth turning up.

  I huffed. “Looks like you got what you wanted after all.”

  “Not everything.”

  My cheeks burned at his hidden innuendo. Not on your life, asshole.

  “He still loves you, you know.”

  I scoffed. “If you’re here to ruin my evening—”

  “I know he fucked my sister-in-law and I know what she did.”

  I frowned. “What she did?”

  Mathis pulled out his gold cigar case and placed it on the counter in front of him. “I can’t say that I’m happy about my business partner having relations with a family member. Even though she’s not blood,” he mumbled. “But that’s out of my control. Regarding what she did, you need to talk to Brett about that.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t understand. She’s pregnant. That’s not something that’s just her doing. It’s Brett’s fault as well.”

  Mathis nodded. “I don’t like my sister-in-law. Never have. Never will.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I like you, Evvie and not just because I want to sleep with you. I know that will never happen anyway.”

  I gaped at him. “Well I appreciate your honesty,” I muttered.

  “But you are a good woman, Evvie Neal. Brett is a lucky guy.”

  “Tell him that,” I said, picking up my coffee cup. I inhaled the dark sweet aroma and rolled my head from side to side. God, I could go for a good massage right now. The muscles in my neck tightened, shooting a pain down my spine. I let out a sigh. “When does he go to New York?”


  My heart tightened. That was only four days away. “For how long?”

  Mathis’ gaze warmed. “However long is needed.”

  I searched his face. “What do you really want, Mathis? Besides getting in my pants.”

  He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I want him happy. I want his head in the game. If I lose money, I won’t be fucking happy.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “No darling. But it can be. I’m not that bad of a guy. Just don’t fuck with my money.”

  “Whether it’s legal or not, right? Doesn’t matter. Money’s money.”

  “Is that what your daddy taught you?”

  I looked away.

  “Tell your father I said hi.”

  My eyes widened. “How—?”

  “Be happy, beautiful. Misery doesn’t look good on you.” And with that Mathis left the coffee shop.

  I gaped after him, confusion coursing through me. He knew my father? I shook my head. Doesn’t really surprise me with the shit my dad’s been in.


  I startled awake as a bang on the door erupted through my small apartment. I laid there on my couch momentarily stunned as the sounds crashed into my head.


  My back bristled at the deep smooth voice that came from behind the door and I took a minute to let it wash over me, caressing my skin. It had felt like weeks since Brett had said my name or even talked to me, for that matter.

  “I know you’re in there. Open up.”

  I rubbed the grit out of my eyes and rose to my feet. My gaze glanced at the clock on the DVD player. 4:00 A.M. It was fucking 4 o’clock in the morning and he wanted to talk now?

  I trudged to the door and turned on the hallway light, noticing a note on the table from Kane. I smiled to myself when he wrote that he wasn’t going to be home, knowing he was with Tatiana.

  I took a breath and opened the door, keeping the chain lock in place. “What do you want?”

  “To talk.”

  “Do you know what time it is, Brett?” I asked, fighting back the urge to let my gaze travel down his suit clad body. God, he was beautiful.

  “Let me in, lover,” Brett demanded.

  “No.” I attempted to close the door when his foot stopped me. “Brett.”

  “Let. Me. In.”

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on? The real reason why you broke up with me in the first place?”

  His eyes narrowed.

  I huffed. “Didn’t think

  “If you don’t let me in, I’ll fucking break down this door,” he snarled.

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me.”

  My body bloomed. Ah yes, now there was the Brett I had come to know but it was too late. “Fuck you.”

  He chuckled. “We’ve done that already, lover and look where it got us.”

  “That’s not my fault.”

  “It’s not my fault either. God.” He shook his head. “Evvie, just let me in.”

  I looked up at him and glared. “Why the hell should I?”

  “I want to talk.”

  I huffed and took a step back, releasing my hold on the door. “Move your foot.”

  He did as I said and I closed the door, unlocking the chain and walked to the living room.

  A sense of defeat washed over me as the hairs on my body tingled. Did he want to fuck me one last time? Get me out of his system? Treat me like one of his whores? God, I was so stupid to think he actually—

  A heavy hand grabbed mine and pulled me against a hard body.

  I gasped, my hands landing on Brett’s chiseled chest.

  His heated gaze looked down at my lips as his mouth inched closer to mine and then the unexpected happened. Something I never thought I’d see, ever, coming from Brett MacLean. He fell to his knees.

  I couldn’t believe it. Brett on his knees. Wrapping his arms around my waist. The man was going to beg and I couldn’t keep my jaw from dropping.

  “I’m so fucking sorry for everything. Please forgive me,” he mumbled against my stomach.

  “Brett.” I tried pushing out of his grasp but it only tightened. “Let me go.”

  “No. I’m never letting you go.”

  He wasn’t making any sense. One minute he wanted me, the next he wanted nothing to do with me and then he lied to me. Now he wanted me again?

  “Brett, I can’t do this,” I said, my vision blurring. I pried out of his grip and took a step back.

  His shoulders slumped as he looked up at me. His full lips were set in a firm line, the muscles in his jaw clenching. “I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t even fucking work. I love you. I need you.”


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