Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)

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Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) Page 4

by Michelle Day

  Gavin sat back in his chair, sliding his iPod back into his jacket as he met Quinn’s gaze, his initial thought was, what a jerk. Quinn was everything about wealthy people that Gavin despised. Tall with slicked back, perfectly cut blonde hair, bulk standard blue eyes and manicured nails, born with a silver spoon in his mouth and prepared to let everyone know it. Gavin smirked at Quinn’s beige Chinos and pale blue Ralph Lauren shirt with his cashmere jumper draped over his shoulders he was in complete contrast with Angel’s mildly grunge look. Gavin could feel the waves of hostility coming across from this boy and realised with a jolt that he was considered a threat. He saw Quinn’s gaze focus on his watch and pulled the sleeve of his jacket over it, his watch was one of the few things that gave him away as one of the elite and he made a mental note to invest in a different one. In order to appear the better man, Gavin extended his hand to Quinn,

  “Nice to meet you Quinn.”

  Quinn took Gavin’s hand and noticed his own disappear into the other boys larger one.

  “Likewise,” he murmured, “so, Gavin, what do you like?”

  At this question, Gavin deliberately glanced at Angel and watched the other boy bristle at the subtle confirmation of his intentions,

  “I play rugby and I used to be in the swim team at my other school.” Gavin answered.

  “And do you consider yourself proficient at either sport?”

  “Yeah, I was Captain of both teams.”

  “Well, you may have a stab at Captain of the swim team here but the rugby team is mine.” Quinn warned.

  “Really? I guess now would be a good time to tell you that the coach has asked me to try out for the rugby team then.” Gavin smiled. “I’ll have him show you my match results if you like.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that, I will judge for myself how good you are at the tryout.”

  “Now boys, play nice.” Angel nudged Quinn, “are you coming to Biology?” she rose without waiting for an answer.

  “Come on Gavin, I’ll take you to the science block” Kiera was also on her feet, she picked up her bag then turned to him “What are you doing this weekend?” She asked, a slight blush colouring her cheeks.

  “I don’t know what would you like to do?” he stood, towering over her as he asked the question.

  “You could be my date, if you like, there’s a bunch of us going to the movies and you can save me from being a third wheel.”

  Gavin held the door of the cafeteria open for her, “I can’t believe you don’t have a date,” he heard Angel moan as she and Quinn passed at his more than obvious attempt to be smooth.

  “I can’t believe you won’t have to blow off some drop dead gorgeous honey in order to save me from Gooseburyville.” Kiera came back.

  “New boy remember, I don’t have any friends around here.”

  “Can’t see that being a problem for very long,” she replied.

  Seating in Biology was the same as in the form room, with the exception of Quinn occupying the seat next to him. Having a photographic memory, studying came easily to Gavin and he often gave the appearance of someone who wasn’t quite paying attention, try as he might, the lecturer couldn’t catch him out and Gavin found himself feeling rather smug as he left the room later that afternoon.

  “You’d better come with me,” Quinn told him as they left Biology/ “See you later babe,” he directed at Angel who waved and walked the other way.

  “You do know Babe is a pig right? You did see the film?” Gavin asked, that particular term of endearment irritated him beyond belief.

  “Your point being?

  “You refer to Angel as babe, ergo; you are calling her a pig.”

  “Let’s just get this straight newbie,” Quinn growled as he turned to face Gavin, placing a hand on Gavin’s chest to stop his forward motion. “You and I will get on fine, providing you steer well clear of my place as Captain and my girl.”

  “You are the only one who can save your place as Captain, if I turn out to be better than you, that position will be mine. As for Angel, she doesn’t like me, she has made that abundantly clear, doesn’t mean I’m not going to try, you don’t own her.”

  “You’re messing with the wrong person.” Quinn scowled.

  Gavin returned the scowl. “Don’t think for one second that you scare me Quinn, I could drop you in a heartbeat.”

  “Oh I would like to see you try.” Quinn stepped back and beckoned for Gavin to come closer, Gavin went to step forward then saw the coach approaching and thought better of it, instead, he stashed his bag in one of the lockers and waited for instructions, never once taking his eyes off Quinn.

  Having proved himself a more than adequate player, Gavin was given a place on the team and, after grabbing a quick shower, Gavin and Quinn headed back to their respective form rooms for the day’s final lecture.

  “Quinn is a complete douche.” Gavin said leaning on Angel’s table.

  “You don’t know him, that’s really unfair, he’s been nothing but nice about you,” she hissed.

  “He’s playing you,” he replied. “You’re just too blinkered to see it.”

  “OK, Mr Perfect, whatever you say,” she waved him away. “Jerk,” she muttered when he had gone to his seat.

  The final bell rang and students began to leave. Gavin was following Kiera and Angel from the room and out of the college when Quinn and a few of his friends joined them. As Quinn draped his arm around Angel, Kiera fell back to walk with him.

  “So Gavin,” Quinn called over his shoulder. “Do you drive?”


  “What do you drive?”

  “A Toyota.” Gavin replied, hoping they had perhaps found some common ground. “How about you?”

  “I’ve just taken delivery of a Range Rover Sport.” Quinn answered as they neared the car park.

  “Sweet.” Gavin answered.

  “There’s my baby.” Quinn spoke, strolling over to a white Range Rover Sport which was parked in the middle of two spaces, resplendent on its gold rims.

  “Holy shit,” Gavin whispered to Kiera, “He seriously thinks that looks good?”


  “Oh dear, want to watch me rain on his parade?” Gavin winked.

  “Yes please.” Kiera nodded, she took Gavin’s hand when he offered it.

  “Not bad Quinn,” Gavin said, he ran his free hand down the side of the vehicle noticing the glitter flake in the white paint as he did. “Sweet paint, guess it changes colour in different light?”

  “Absolutely, she goes an awesome shade of pale purple then sort of fades into green then back to white.”

  “Uhuh,” Gavin nodded “personally think black rims would look better.”

  “No, I want her to stand out.”

  “She certainly does that.” Gavin agreed squeezing Kiera’s hand when she giggled and stifled a snort. She composed herself when she caught Angel glaring at her for mocking her boyfriend.

  “I’ll give you a race sometime.” Gavin offered.

  Quinn laughed. “My car against a Toyota, you have to be kidding.”

  “Come with me,” Gavin beckoned and headed for the far end of the car park. Situated behind yet another Range Rover was Gavin’s car, “I think I would be able to give you a run for your money.” Gavin told him.

  “Nice car,” Angel and Kiera spoke at the same time, Angel unable to help herself as she looked around the Range Rover and saw the black Toyota Supra.

  “It’s a little old isn’t it?” Quinn scoffed.

  “Yeah,” Gavin agreed. “But it has a three litre turbo under the bonnet, custom paint and interior, kick ass stereo.....,” he stopped.

  Angel continued. “Vented disc brakes all round, intake manifold to cool the brakes and I’m guessing a minimum of three hundred and fifty break horse?” she finished.

  “You know your cars,” Gavin nodded.

  “Grew up around them, that really is a beauty.”


; “I’m not overly keen on Jap imports.” Quinn cut in, annoyed by Angel’s admiration of the Toyota, she hadn’t even commented on his Range Rover.

  “Import or not, it has far more class than yours.” Gavin answered.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Range Rover is true blue class.”

  “My Supra would piss all over it and you know it.”

  “Black on black?” Angel cut in, referring to the paint.


  “The mirrored glass is a bit tacky,” she added.

  “I know but that’s exactly why I like it,” he grinned opening the driver’s door to reveal the black leather interior, piped in red and white racing dials.

  “There’s more to you than meets the eye.” Quinn spoke, arms folded across his chest.

  Gavin frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “The way you dress is at odds with the watch you wear and the car you drive.” Quinn replied. “You are either only mildly wealthy and playing at being stupidly rich or you are in fact stupidly rich and are playing it down, either way it doesn’t add up.”

  Gavin sat in the driver’s seat and looked up at Quinn. “I could just be lucky, either way it’s none of your business,” he answered, and then continued. “I’d love to stay here and let you pick me apart but I have a job to get to. I’ll call you later Kiera, see you guys tomorrow,” he closed the door and started the engine, letting it idle while he opened his window and plugged his MP3 player into the cars stereo, easing the car from its parking place to the sounds of Metallica’s Enter Sandman, he slowed to walking pace as he reached Kiera. “You ok getting home?” he asked.

  “Yeah, Quinn drops me off.” She answered, “that really is a cool car.”

  Gavin grinned up at her. “I’ll take you home tomorrow, speak to you later.”

  Kiera climbed into the back of Quinn’s car, he turned to look at her.

  “Not so much of a gentleman after all then if he isn’t taking you home.”

  .“You heard him, he has to go to work.” Kiera answered. “I wonder what he does,” she mused.

  Angel laughed. “Seriously Kiera, you ask the guy out then don’t even bother to ask what he does to make money.”

  “To be honest, I didn’t really get past checking out his arse long enough to even consider finding out anything else about him,” she grinned.

  “You need to stop thinking with your crotch,” Angel tutted.

  “I’m obviously dating the wrong girl,” Quinn muttered.

  “That can soon be remedied,” Angel warned.

  “Just mucking around babe, you know I wouldn’t swap you for anyone,” he covered, “Gavin does have a hidden agenda though, why cover up your fortune?”

  “Perhaps it’s like he said and he’s just lucky, can’t you just take him at face value until he’s comfortable enough around us to open up a bit?” Angel asked.

  “I suppose so,” he sighed.

  Gavin did his shift as life guard at the nearby private health club then returned home. Leaving his car in the driveway, he let himself into the house then headed for the kitchen.

  “Hi, smells good,” he greeted his step mother.

  Suzanne Jensen turned from the cooker to talk to her step son. “Hi, how did you get on at school and work?”

  “Ok,” he nodded. “At least that’s the first day out of the way and I hopefully won’t be the centre of attention anymore,” he grabbed a soft drink from fridge. “Is Dad home?”

  “He will be soon; dinner will be about 20 minutes.”

  “Cool, I’ll be in my room,” leaving the kitchen, he took the stairs two at a time and disappeared into his room. Suzanne counted to five in her head then grinned as, on cue, Gavin’s stereo started up and a heavy bass line vibrated through the ceiling.

  Paul stood in the kitchen doorway and cocked his head to one side, listening:

  “Ah, the dulcet tones of Lou Reed, he does have some taste,” he nodded his approval then kissed his wife.

  “Dinners almost ready, you’d better go and get him,” Suzanne told him

  Before going to his son’s room, Paul removed his jacket and tie and dropped them into his own bedroom, he caught up with Gavin as the boy left his room and headed for the stairs.

  “Hey Dad.” Gavin greeted the older man.

  “How was your day?”

  “Better than expected.” Gavin answered. “I’m starting the whole make new friend’s thing and I have a date at the weekend.”

  “That was quick.”

  “Yeah, there’s a group of us going to the cinema, I am apparently saving her from Gooseburyville, her word, not mine.”

  “And how was work?” Paul asked gesturing for Gavin to sit at the table.

  “Great actually, my boss, Mrs Palmer is a real sweetheart; I think I’m going to like it there.”

  The following morning on pulling into the college car park, Gavin guided his car into the space between Quinn’s car and a very nice BMW M3. Stepping out of the car he realised it was warmer out than he had originally thought, he removed his leather jacket and dropped it in the car before locking it and heading to his form room. He winked at Kiera as he walked towards her and acknowledged Angel with a nod, stopping dead as he caught sight of her AC/DC t-shirt, he looked down at his chest and grinned.

  “Great,” Angel moaned, “now we both look as though neither of us has an original bone in our body.”

  “Sorry, perhaps I should text you every morning to let you know what I’m wearing.”

  “I’m the rock guru around here newbie, pick any other genre and we will be fine.” She replied coolly.

  “Ah, you also seemed to have cornered the Ice Queen market, don’t worry, that title you can keep all to yourself,” he put his back pack on his table. “You’re only bitching because you have competition in the music stakes and deep down you know you aren’t up to the challenge.”

  “Oh please,” Angel stood. “You only profess to like that type of music in a feeble attempt to make yourself look cool.”

  “Whatever your coldness,” Gavin mocked, “I bow to your superior knowledge.”

  “Seats please,” their tutor interrupted, abruptly ending the conversation.

  Gavin didn’t see Angel or Kiera until lunch that day, he sat himself next to Kiera.

  “You ok with what we talked about last night?” he asked.

  “Friends with benefits? Sure, I’m not looking to tie myself into a relationship either,” she nodded.

  “Sweet, I’ll take you home after school, I’m not working tonight if you fancy hooking up later.”

  “Yeah, I’ll have to walk the dogs but I’m free after that.”

  “I may even come with you.”

  “That would be good. Can I ask, what is it with you and Angel?”

  “I don’t know, she just seems to have the knack of rubbing me up the wrong way and I seem to do the same to her,” he shrugged. “I don’t mean anything by it, I actually think it’s amusing to push her buttons, she bites so easily.”

  “Try to be nice, she’s my best friend.”

  “I’ll try,” Gavin re-assured her, then, as Angel sat down, he shot Kiera a devilish grin, opening his mouth to speak. “Greetings all powerful Ice Queen, any chance of the thaw starting soon or should I just ask you to hang onto my drink for a bit to cool it down?”

  Kiera hit him.

  “I suppose you think you’re funny?” Angel scowled.

  “I think I’m adorable,” he answered.

  Angel couldn’t help but smile. “There’s just no hope for guys like you.”

  Gavin was about to reply when his phone rang, “Stan, you’re back,” he answered the call. “When are you going to get my guitar finished?” he waited for the reply. “Another two weeks? Come on dude, surely you can work some miracles and get it done sooner,” he wheedled, “I’ll even forgo the custom paint job and let you do one of your standard colours,” he waited again then chuckled. “You, my friend, are a god,” he ended the

  “You didn’t say you played guitar.” Kiera said.

  “You didn’t ask,” he replied. “I’ve been waiting ages for my new one.”

  “Angel is one of those really annoying people who can play just about anything she gets her hands on.” Kiera told him.

  “I can’t play everything,” Angel spoke “But I do like to try.”

  “I get by with guitar but I can’t read music so it’s a struggle sometimes, I can sing though,” he told the girls.

  “I could teach you to read and write music, it’s easy.” Angel answered.

  “I might have to take you up on that.”

  At the end of the day, Gavin found Kiera waiting by his car, Quinn’s monstrosity had already gone as had the M3 that had been parked on the other side. On the drive home, Kiera asked if she could smoke and when she was told no she replied,

  “It’s only a bloody car.”

  “Yes but it’s my bloody car."

  "That your dad probably gave you!"

  "Actually, I bought it with some money I was left, so it means a lot to me."

  "Oh." She sensed that there was more to that loaded revelation, but knew she shouldn't ask.

  "It was in a pretty sorry state when I got it," he continued. "I paid for all the mods and upgrades, the seats for example are hand stitched and cost a fortune. Dad did step in when I ran out of money, but I paid for a good 95% of it myself. So you see, it’s my baby, and there will be no smoking, drinking, eating or anything else in my baby.”

  She laughed at his possessiveness. "Have you always been like this about cars?"

  "This is my first car. It's the only car I've ever truly wanted and other than my driving instructors car, it's the only car I've ever driven."

  "Pretty flashy for a first car."

  "Yeah, I couldn't even drive when I bought it. Once I passed my test, my dad made me have lessons on how to handle a performance car. I had to jump through a lot of hoops to get it, but it was worth it. I love it."

  "You're such a boy," Kiera giggled. It's still just a car."

  “Don’t start that again,” he grinned. “Don’t you drive?”

  “Oh I have a car, I’ve just failed my test six times, so I figured it’s probably not a good idea for me to drive, I’ve taken it as a sign that I may kill someone. My parents are looking into getting me a driver.”


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