Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)

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Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) Page 19

by Michelle Day

  Angel had decided that tonight was the night; she was going to wind Gavin up to the point where he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. Stepping out of her room, rolling her eyes at the sounds still coming from Novak and Kiera’s room, she nipped across the hall to Gavin’s room, miffed when he wasn’t there. She found him in the gym, a rather spectacular sight running full pelt on the treadmill, sweat making his body shine. She noticed a towel beside the pool and figured he was planning to have a swim after he’d finished in the gym.

  She ran back upstairs and delved into the bottom of her bag where she’d left the obscenely small bikini she had packed in the hope of having a chance of using it for just this purpose. Wrapping herself in a fluffy white bath sheet, she made her way back to the indoor pool where Gavin was now swimming front crawl. She waited until he was swimming away from her before she stepped into the pool, the water was freezing, and her skin immediately broke out into goose bumps, her nipples poking against the thin material of her bikini top making the garment even more obscene.

  Gavin tumble turned in the deep end and resumed his next lap, as he reached the shallow end, he went into another turn, being mindful of his head in the shallow water, he kicked off from the side and was almost in full flow when he noticed a rather shapely pair of legs in the water. Stopping suddenly, causing a wake of water to wash around him, he stood and turned towards her.

  “Oh. My. God,” she thought. “He looks like one of those statues in Ancient Greece,” the sight of him, hair slicked back, water cascading down his body caused her heart to leap into her throat, she would never get used to the site of him like this, he was magnificent.

  The sight of her wasn’t helping to calm his libido, that bikini looked like it had been sprayed on and her erect nipples hadn’t escaped his notice. Neither had the fact that she had tied her long hair up away from her long, slender, and he now knew, sensitive neck. He held out his hand, pulling her with him into deeper water when she took it, then guiding her towards the edge of the pool. He thought he had manipulated her position so that he was in control of the situation, he couldn’t have been more wrong.

  With her back against the wall of the pool and his arms supporting her, Angel was free to wrap her limbs around him. She was pleased that he wasn’t holding back with his caresses and with only two thin bits of material separating them, the feel of him against her was almost as good as it would be had they been naked.

  Angel hadn’t overlooked the way he responded to her touch, the way he seemed galvanised into action when her nails raked his skin and her teeth found his flesh. With his hands occupied, his mouth planted firmly on her neck, she set to work getting her way. She wrapped her legs tighter around his hips, pressing her genitals firmly against his, she began to gyrate against him, feeling his arms hold her tighter, and she wished her neck wasn’t as sensitive as his mouth sucking at her was turning her on so much, causing her to speed up her movements, she knew there was no going back for her now, there was no way she was going to stop. She flattened herself to his chest, her mouth finding his shoulder and biting hard as her orgasm shook her.

  Gavin couldn’t believe it, she was clinging to him like a limpet, using his hardness to bring herself off, not that he objected to her body sliding against his and he was sorely tempted to forego the memorable first experience and just slide inside her now, the only reason he could find not to, was the lack of an easily available condom. She was the first girl who had bitten him, the first one to dig her nails into his skin; he was at a loss as to why the pain turned him on so much and was trying to figure it out, delaying the inevitable when her teeth sunk into the same shoulder she had bitten yesterday, he gasped in pain and gripped her tighter as she began to shake, waiting for it to stop before easing her legs from his hips.

  “Not now,” he whispered. “We aren’t doing this now.”

  “What?” she was stunned, she’d been sure he would relent. “Why not?” she pushed him away.

  “I’m not going through it again,” he replied, irked at her attitude. “I think I’ve done enough explaining.”

  “You’re a pig,” she spat whirling away from him, trying her hardest to make a dramatic exit while wading waist deep in water.

  Gavin lowered himself further into the water and glided over to her. “You know, your departure would be quicker and more effective if you swam,” he said, coming to his feet.

  Angel spun to face him, putting the whole weight of her body behind the slap she delivered to his face. He watched her leave without further comment, letting forth a bellow of frustration once she was out the room.

  It was past midday when Angel finally woke from a restless sleep. On opening the curtains she discovered it was still raining. She dressed in jeans and a lightweight hoodie leaving her hair loose to cover the love bite on her neck before leaving her room in search of her friends.

  “Oh my head,” James moaned, sinking back into the warm water of the hot tub between Kiera and Gabby.

  “Tequila is not your friend,” Novak called from the pool, sitting astride a large float.

  “I know, that’s why I switched to Jim Beam,” James replied. “Big mistake.”

  Novak laughed then stretched to catch the beach ball Gavin threw at him. He had noticed his young friend looked tired and he was very quiet, never a good sign and decided he would try to get a few moments alone with him.

  Gavin felt his swimming shorts slip as he lobbed the ball in Novak’s general direction. He waded closer to the shallow end so that his hips were clear of the water and reached down to re-tie his shorts at the exact same moment that Angel entered the room, her eyes following his hands then snapping up to his face, the cold look she shot him sent a chill through him before she looked away.

  “Morning,” Novak called paddling his way to the shallow end.

  “Hi,” Angel answered “Gabby? Kiera? Any chance of a quick chat?” she asked. The two girls rose from the hot tub causing all three sets of male eyes to look in their direction. Once wrapped in towels, the girls made to leave the room but not before Angel threw another filthy look at Gavin.

  With the pool to themselves, Novak slid from the float and swam over to Gavin, standing up behind the younger boy, Novak wrapped both arms around him, pulling him back into his embrace, effectively pinning Gavin’s arms to his sides, “Ok little brother, what did you do?” he asked, his mouth by Gavin’s ear.

  Knowing it was futile to struggle against the enveloping bear hug; Gavin looked over his shoulder and replied, “Nothing.”

  “You didn’t get that doing nothing,” Novak replied releasing his friend and jabbing at the bruise on his shoulder that Angel’s teeth had left making him flinch.

  “Ok, things got a bit heated,” he answered stepping out of the pool and away from further jabs.

  “And?” Novak asked following him up the steps.

  “And nothing. I stopped it.”

  “He didn’t just say he stopped?” James asked, directing the question at Novak.

  “He did.” Novak confirmed. “Are you insane?” he asked Gavin.

  “Of course not.” Gavin snapped. “I’ve told her that I want it to be memorable but she keeps pushing,” he explained. “I think I’ve fucked this up.”

  Novak looked at James, “I think our boy needs a little coaching session.”

  “He does,” James agreed. “Can we wait until my hangover passes?” he asked.

  “I don’t think so,” Novak shook his head. “You need to sweat it out,” he told James. “Fire up the sauna Gav and get ready for a lesson in life from the love guru,” he grinned.

  “I honestly don’t think any advice from you is going to be based on love.” Gavin said but he was having to stifle a chuckle at Novak’s description.

  “Neither do I,” James cut in. “But never fear young one, the voice of reason will be at your side,” he gestured to himself.

  “Christ,” Gavin spoke to himself as he walked to the sauna. “This is all I need, a l
ecture from Dr Love and the Agony Aunt.”

  With the steam surrounding them and James admitting that he did actually feel better, Gavin told the story of the previous nights events with both older boys cringing when he relayed what had been said.

  “You are seriously stupid.” Novak sat opposite Gavin and ignored the pacing James’ protests. “I told you when we got here that she was up for it, clearly she still is, just fuck her for Christ’s sake, you’ll both feel better for it.”

  “Yeah, and afterwards,” James put in. “She’ll hate you for the five second fuck it’s bound to be if you don’t pace yourself and ease her into it.”

  “I’m inclined to agree with James on this one.” Gavin told Novak.

  “You’re both pussies. She’s not fighting you on this Gav, how much clearer does she have to make it?”

  “Come on Novak, it’s her first time, it needs to be a gentle, caring affair,” James disagreed. “I get why you don’t get it though, I’m guessing you’ve never had the honour of taking a girls’ virginity.”

  “Implying?” Novak crossed his arms over his chest and scowled.

  “That the girls you go with are far from virginal.” James offered.

  Novak pondered that statement “True,” he replied. “So how do you plan to bring this whole de-virginating thing back on track?”

  “I’d planned Champagne, strawberries, candles and roses.” Gavin admitted. “I wanted to make it relaxing and romantic.”

  “Then stick to the plan,” James advised. “And do lots of apologising and sucking up.”

  “Novak?” Gavin asked.

  “Not my style,” he admitted. “But I think you’re on the right track. You must really like this girl. You let her drive your car, you’re going all out to please her and you obviously let her bite you,” he pointed again to his bruised shoulder.

  “She’s worth it,” Gavin replied. “And the biting? Fuck it feels good.” He smiled.

  “I can remember you telling girls they couldn’t mark you.” Novak grinned.

  “That’s because there was more than one on the go at the time,” he answered. “Not anymore.”

  “So you’re sorted then?” James asked, he still hadn’t sat down. “Champagne, strawberries etc, nice romantic entry into our world of sleaze?”

  “Yeah,” Gavin nodded. “Providing she will actually talk to me again,” he paused. “I need to ask a favour.”

  “Go on.” Novak encouraged.

  “Can you two take your girls out tonight? If I’m going to do this right, it has to just be her and me.”

  “You don’t want me standing at the foot of the bed giving you pointers then?” Novak asked.

  “Hell no, I think I can manage.” Gavin laughed.

  “You’ve spoiled his whole plan you know,” James was laughing. “He has his cheerleader outfit ready, pom poms and all, he even worked out a cheer. “Gavin, Gavin, he’s our man, if he can’t do it Novak can.”

  “You’re both idiots.” Gavin chuckled, happier now that his friends had boosted his flagging confidence. “But thanks guys, I mean James, your advice has been great.”

  “Huh, as if my advice wasn’t invaluable.” Novak tutted.

  “Just fuck her isn’t always the most suitable answer,” James replied then jumped back as Novak towel whipped him, causing his own towel to drop to the floor.

  “Fuck. Do you pass out every time you get a boner?” Novak asked, this was the first time either he or Gavin had seen James naked.

  “This is why I don’t get naked in front of you two.” James reached for his towel.

  “Jesus James,” Gavin grinned, “you fucking dark horse. I thought you were just shy.”

  “I didn’t want you two to be jealous.” James smirked.

  “I can see why you only date gymnasts and dancers,” Novak said. “You need a girl who can open her legs wide enough to accommodate that monster,” he finished.

  “Must be like having a third leg.” Gavin added.

  “Well, I’ve never seen him fall over, have you?” Novak answered.

  “Stop.” James demanded. “Enough, it’s just a dick at the end of the day.”

  “It’s a beast James and you know it.” Novak scoffed.

  “I feel a little intimidated.” Gavin admitted

  “I sometimes wonder why I’m friends with you two. I have a big dick, get over it, and move on.”

  Novak and Gavin looked at each other, contemplating.

  “I don’t think my ego can take not being the biggest.” Novak answered, his face dead serious causing Gavin to curl up laughing.

  “You’re a cock.” James laughed.

  “Yeah, I know, I guess no one will ever tell you size doesn’t matter.”

  “Being big has its own problems but that’s a story for another time.” James grinned.

  Gavin spent the rest of the day planning his evening and disappeared from the house on several occasions. Angel had heard plans being made by the others to spend the evening out at a local bar meaning she would be spending the evening in the house with Gavin and after his most recent rejection of her, it wasn’t a thought she revelled in.

  Chapter 13

  Angel asked her friends if they wouldn’t mind her tagging along and noticed their hesitation. Novak had been within earshot and he could see the girls begin to waver so he stepped in.

  “Angel,” he called her over. “You wouldn’t have any fun with us now would you?” he asked putting an arm around her shoulder and squeezing.

  “I don’t want to stay here with him,” she replied, gesturing towards Gavin.

  “Coming out with us isn’t an option I’m afraid,” he told her. “Besides, he knows he’s fucked up, just give him one last chance to put it right.”

  “It doesn’t seem to matter how many chances I give him, he simply doesn’t want to know.”

  “I beg to differ,” Novak answered. “We won’t be late back,” he let his arm drop from her shoulder “Ready ladies?” he asked as he walked by them and over to Gavin. “We’re off,” he tapped his friends arm, Gavin removed his headphones.


  Novak leant in closer. “You need to do loads of serious sucking up bro; she’s pissed at you in a big way.”

  “Great, thanks, as if I didn’t know that already.” Gavin rose out of his seat. “Have fun.”

  With the others out of the house, Angel came to the conclusion that in order to avoid Gavin for as long as possible, she would have a nice long soak in the bath and as he’d vanished upstairs, it was the perfect opportunity to get into her room without having to talk to him.

  The bath was long and deep affording her plenty of room to stretch out and relax in the bubbles, unfortunately, her over active mind wouldn’t allow her to relax and instead of enjoying the bath she found herself fuming at not only Gavin but at Kiera too, for not insisting that she join them on their night out. She was so going to give Kiera a piece of her mind in the morning.

  “I’ve had enough of all of them,” she thought as she dried her hair. “I’m going to go home in the morning,” she pulled her suitcase out of the walk in wardrobe, she pushed her mp3 player into her speaker dock after creating a playlist of particularly venomous tunes and cranked up the volume as she began to stuff her clothing into her bags.

  Gavin stepped out of his shower and vigorously rubbed his wet hair before drying his body, pulling on his shorts and jeans, he moved about his room lighting candles, giving his hair a chance to dry a little more before putting on the dark grey shirt with dark red pinstripes that he had selected before brushing his hair and stepping into the hall.

  Angel’s door was ajar, music blaring from the room. Gavin was familiar with the song that was playing, it wasn’t light hearted. He took a deep breath and stepped up to her door with the intention of knocking. The sight of her flinging clothes, complete with hangers, into her bag at first had him frowning; he pushed the door further open, leaning against the frame, watching her.
  Angel threw a pair of jeans, still attached to their hanger into her bag; they promptly rebounded off the other hangers protruding from the zip and landed on the floor. She picked them up a further two times before stamping her foot and screaming at the garment to stay in the bag. She heard a laugh and turned toward the sound.

  “I’m glad you think it’s funny,” she yelled. “What do you want?” as angry as she was, she took note of the very nice shirt and the new black jeans over bare feet.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I’m getting ready to leave in the morning. You can give yourself a pat on the back for finishing whatever we had before it even got started.”

  “I was hoping you would let me make it up to you,” he hadn’t stepped into the room, he continued to lean on the door frame.

  “There’s no point, we’re done you and I, it obviously wasn’t meant to be.” She thrust her hands into the pockets of her bathrobe.

  “We are far from over,” he told her, finally moving towards her. “I can only apologise so many times before it stops meaning anything, but I am sorry Angel. Do you think you might just be able to give me one last chance?”

  “Give me one good reason why I should,” she folded her arms.

  “Because you know you want to, and you know the right thing to do would be to let me try,” he said softly. “And because I want you.”

  She dropped her arms to her sides, unable to object any further.

  “Come with me,” he took her hand and led her to his room, she could smell vanilla wafting through the door as he stepped behind her and covered her eyes with his hands, her own coming from her sides to cover his.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Trust me,” he whispered guiding her forwards, through his living room and into the bedroom where he uncovered her eyes. She didn’t move or speak for what seemed like forever, her hands had covered her mouth as she took in the scene before her.

  Every flat surface was covered with candles on beds of rose petals, there was a bottle of champagne on ice next to a large bowl of juicy looking strawberries and vases of roses. His bed had been freshly made; he had replaced his usual black and red bed linen with snow white sheets with a further light scattering of rose petals, she felt like Romeo’s Juliet. Slowly, she turned to face him.


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