Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)

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Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) Page 21

by Michelle Day

  After relieving himself, he dragged his toothbrush around his mouth before surveying the darkening bruises that now covered both shoulders, lifting an arm, he examined the scratches across his ribs and grinned, when he had her in full flow, he knew full well his skin would be ripped to shreds, he couldn’t wait!

  As he suspected, he found her in his wardrobe, his grey shirt from the previous night draped around her shoulders but being held open as she examined her body in the full length mirror.

  “Morning gorgeous,” he said as he stood behind her his chin resting on her shoulder, his arms wrapping around her. “Whatcha doin?”

  “Just seeing if I look any different,” she replied, her hand cupping her left breast. “When did you do this?” she asked, displaying the rosy love bite on the side, he simply smiled and kissed her neck, choosing not to answer, he instead stepped around her.

  “I really don’t think you have anything to complain about,” he said opening his arms and letting her look at him. “I’m going to have fun explaining these in the changing rooms,” he gestured to his various scratches and bruises.

  “Oops,” she giggled. “Sorry, I won’t do it again.”

  “Yes you will,” he stepped closer, his hand sliding beneath the shirt and grasping her waist. “I like it,” he bent to kiss her. “The shirt suits you,” he kissed her again. “But it would look better lying on the floor at the side of the bed,” he had both arms around her by then, his body rubbing against hers which responded in kind, her arms around his neck as he lifted her and lowered her to the floor.

  She pre-empted his intention to have a slow, long lasting session by grasping him as her back touched the floor and guiding him into her, wrapping both legs around his back, her heels digging into his behind as she encouraged him to take her right now, right this instant, quickly, forcefully.

  Gavin was ecstatic that he was able to be so vigorous with her this soon, supporting his weight on his hands, his body raised from hers, he thrust as hard as the cage of her legs would allow before he noticed she seemed somewhat distracted.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he panted.

  “What? No! Sorry,” she turned her attention back to him, “I got caught up in how good we look together.”

  “I agree, but can we talk about this later?”

  “Yeah, sorry,” she propped herself up to kiss him, the reflection in the mirror once more catching her eye, she began to laugh sending shudders of mirth down her body into her groin causing him to gasp.

  “What now?” he asked exasperated, still rock hard inside her and wishing she would stop messing around and let him continue.

  “It’s a good job you don’t show your bum in the changing rooms,” she laughed, he twisted to look at his behind.

  “I can’t see.”

  “Mirror. Idiot,” still laughing.

  “Bloody hell, look at my arse,” he started laughing as he saw the crescent moon shaped gouges in his cheeks “I think you forget that I have to have showers with the guys on the team,” he laughed again. “Shit, they are going to rip the piss out of me,” his laughter coming in bursts. Angel gripped his arms and moaned.

  “Laugh again, you twitch inside me when you laugh, it feels really good.”

  “You filthy bitch,” he chuckled, bucking his hips making her moan louder.

  “Again,” she demanded gripping him harder with her legs.

  “Fuck,” he whispered, unable to hold back but not willing to leave things there, he lowered his weight on top of her, his arms wrapping securely around her as she lay beneath him and continued to pump into her, willing his body back to erection.

  “Oh, clever boy,” she whispered, mocking him as she felt him grow hard again. She pushed against him, knowing he would let her go, and then scrambled to her hands and knees, facing the mirror, glancing at his reflection she beckoned and watched unbridled lust cross his face as he entered her again, he ripped the shirt from her back, flinging it away from them, pausing only momentarily when one of her hands snaked down her body, her fingers touching where their bodies met before moving slightly forward to stroke her clit, every movement reflected in the mirror.

  She watched him close his eyes as her fingers touched her sex, she smiled, it was so simple to get him turned on and close to coming, belying his reputation that Kiera had hinted at. She loved the way he felt inside her; she had never imagined it would feel this good. All thought stopped as her body began to shake and his hands gripped her hips, his second orgasm of the day hitting him split seconds after hers.

  They snuggled for a few moments before he pulled her to her feet, wrapping her back in his shirt, they walked back to his bedroom.

  “What time is it?” Angel asked sliding out of his shirt and into her dressing gown as he opened the curtains and glanced at his watch.

  “Half two,” he grinned, “We’re in for a world of sarcasm when we go downstairs.”

  “I’d better put some clothes on then, I don’t think I could stand Novak cataloguing the marks you’ve left on me,” she nipped across the hallway to her room and had a quick wash before getting dressed.

  He was only wearing his swimming shorts when he joined her in the hall;

  “Are you going to move your stuff into my room?” he asked.

  “I suppose I could,” she mused. “It would make sense,” she noticed the shorts. “You know those scratch marks are going to be centre of attention don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I’ve already had comments about the bite marks, I figured I’d let Novak get all the comments over and done in one go. Come for a swim with me,” he grasped her hand and they headed downstairs.

  “No, I’m hungry and really tired, I’ll just watch, maybe when you’re done and had something to eat, we can go back to bed?” she squeezed his hand.

  The other four house guests were sitting by the pool, Angel set about making them something to eat while Gavin went outside to face the music.

  “Oh, lover boy,” Novak taunted, sitting up from his prone position on the sun bed. “Come sit, tell me all about it.”

  Gavin sat at the end of the older boy’s sun bed. “What do you want to know?” he asked.

  “Er, everything, numb nuts,” Novak shoved him. “From the marks all over you, I’m guessing things went well.”

  Gavin nodded, “things went very well” he confirmed.

  “Details.” Novak demanded.

  “Oh no, I’m sure you can work it out for yourself, you don’t need any extra information from me.” Gavin started to walk away towards the deep end of the pool, he turned to dive in as Novak came to his feet, “Leave Angel alone,” he called.

  Novak sidled into the kitchen and watched Angel as she beat some eggs in a large bowl.

  “I guess you are now officially a fallen Angel,” he spoke, making her jump, she put the bowl down and turned to face him.

  “Bite me,” she answered.

  “I would but going on the state of the boy’s body, you would probably bite me back and I don’t tolerate pain well.”

  “What Kiera sees in you is beyond me.” Angel shot back.

  “Well, aren’t you a little touchy today?”

  “Leave her alone Novak.” James had joined them, liberating a bottle of vodka from the freezer, he came to Angel’s defence.

  “I just wanted to make sure she was ok,” Novak protested.

  “You have a bloody funny way of showing concern,” Angel muttered as she went back to her eggs.

  Novak went to reply but was stopped as James held up his hand “Go back to your sun worshiping,” he told him and when Novak had returned poolside, he asked Angel to pass him a glass. “Thanks”

  Angel glanced into the garden and, seeing Gavin still swimming laps, decided she would wait for him to finish before cooking the eggs, so she came to sit next to James.

  “Hey,” he smiled, leaning closer and nudging her. “You ok?”

  “I was until Novak pissed me off,” she answered.

p; “Don’t be cross with him, he does things to get a reaction, so the worst thing you can do is react,” James advised. “His heart is in the right place and he worries about Gavin.”

  “I know and I know he has all the first hand information of what Gavin’s been through, but I need him to be secure enough with me to tell me himself, I don’t want to hear it second hand and I get the impression Novak is dying to fill me in on the things I should know.”

  “Yeah, he is. He sees Gavin getting in deep with you, there are things you should know, but you are right when you say Gav should tell you and he will, give him time.”

  “Actually, I’d planned on asking him.” Angel admitted. “He’s told me about how his Mum died and his criminal record, what else is there?”

  “Nice try,” James chuckled. “You won’t get that kind of information from me besides Novak and Gavin have known each other way longer that I’ve known them, they’re like brothers, there isn’t a single thing one doesn’t know about the other so however reticent either of you are about passing information onto Novak, he will find out in the end, persistent bugger. At the end of the day, all you really need to know is that Gavin will look after you and from what I’ve seen of his behaviour towards you, he already has strong feelings for you.”

  Angel smiled, she had suspected as much. “Thanks James,” she rose from her chair then bent to kiss his cheek. “You are a really nice guy,” she finished, she moved across the kitchen and switched on the kettle, watching Gavin and Novak fool around in the pool.

  “I hope he treated you properly.” James said downing a shot of Vodka. “I’m not prying by the way.”

  “He did, I was surprised at his thoughtfulness,” she admitted. “I like being with him.”

  “Then my advice to you would be to let him know that. You’re a nice girl Angel, you seem to have your head firmly on your shoulders, tell him how you feel, don’t be afraid to stand up to him when he annoys you, and believe me, he will, and don’t take him at face value, there’s a lot more to Gavin than meets the eye. He has a lot of talent, musically speaking, some of the songs he’s written are outstanding, if he chooses to, he could easily make a career out of it but he needs direction and I’m not sure he’s quite ready to take it from his Dad yet.”

  “I thought he was getting on well with Paul.”

  “On the surface maybe, but there are still things that have been left unspoken between them and until one or the other of them finally gets all the angst off their chest, their relationship won’t be able to move on. And as they are both stubborn sons of bitches that could take a while.”

  “Paul loves Gavin.” Angel stated “You only have to see him around his son to know that.”

  “Oh I know and Paul’s a great guy, but he and Gavin are very much alike and they clash, Paul has very few grey scales, most things are black and white with him. Where Gavin is more likely to explore his options, Paul will jump in with both feet, he’s more impulsive which irritates Gavin and Gavin’s reticence irritates Paul. They’ll get there, but I have the feeling it’ll take a huge falling out to get them the proper father, son relationship they both secretly want. You and Suzanne might have your work cut out,” he laughed, “but they’ll get there with you tow behind them.”

  “You are very insightful.”

  “Not really, just observant. I sit on the outside looking in, I see these things from a third party point of view, maybe if I’d have taken a step back from my relationship with my parents, I would have been able to stop them from splitting up, who knows?” he smiled “Let him take care of you Angel, and take care of him, he deserves some happiness.”

  “Hey James” Gavin breezed into the kitchen, a towel around his waist, his hair still dripping. “You and Jim fallen out?” he grinned pointing to the bottle of Smirnoff Black on the table, when James usually favoured Jim Beam.

  “Yeah, Jim isn’t my buddy anymore, my clear Russian friend however, gives me the same buzz without the hangover.” James smiled. “I don’t know what you guys have planned for the rest of the day but I plan to sit here and get quietly smashed in preparation for the massage the lovely Gabby has promised me.”

  “Ah, guilt issues again?” Gavin laughed, James nodded.

  “What are you going on about?” Angel asked.

  “James thinks he should only be having sex in a committed relationship, preferably marriage.” Gavin explained. “But he occasionally meets girls like Gabby who get under his skin and he finds he can’t resist, so he goes all out, gets with the girl then has huge guilt issues brought on by his largely Catholic upbringing.”

  “The three of you are so incredibly flawed it’s scary.” Angel laughed.

  “We’ll grow on you.” James replied.

  “We will.” Novak spoke this time. “I apologise if I upset you earlier my dear, but if anything, it proved that at least your temper is intact.”

  “If you are going to make back handed apologies, then just don’t bother.” Angel sniped at him.

  “I only want to make the point that you are now officially one of us, that’s if the boy here did his job properly.” Novak replied.

  “He did.” Angel confirmed. “And I’m sure he managed it with more finesse that you could ever muster.”

  “Ouch.” Novak cringed.

  “You deserved that.” Gavin laughed, he picked up the bowl of beaten eggs. “I need to eat.”

  “I was waiting for you.” Angel responded.

  With scrambled eggs on toast and a pot of tea loaded onto a tray, Gavin and Angel disappeared to his room, sitting in his living room, a film playing on his wide screen plasma as they ate.

  “I’m tired.” Angel stretched then snuggled against him.

  “Go and sleep,” he told her, his hand stroking her hair.

  “I won’t sleep tonight if I nap now,” she nestled closer into his side

  “That won’t be a bad thing, I’ll try my best to keep you entertained,” he smiled, she looked up at him.

  “I’m sure you will. To be honest, my thighs ache a bit, I’m not used to having a man between them.”

  He laughed, pulling her closer, “I’ll rub them better for you, I promise.”

  “I know you will.” She rested her head back on his shoulder. “So how about we veg and work our way through your movie collection for the rest of the day?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Or......I could go and get my sketch pad and you could let me draw you.”

  “No” came the adamant reply.

  “Why not?” she sat up, legs curled underneath her.

  “I’m just not comfortable with it,” he frowned “Maybe one day.”

  “Oh, alright,” she relented, she leaned forward, stroked his hair from his face and placed her lips on his cheek. “Of course, there’s nothing to stop me drawing you when you are asleep.” She whispered, he sighed.

  “Ok, ok, you can draw me when I’m asleep but I’m not ever going to volunteer to sit for you.”

  Angel jumped up and ran to her room, returning with her sketch pad and pencils, she gave him a cheeky grin as she passed him on her way to the bedroom before plonking herself down on the sofa again where Gavin was good naturedly shaking his head.

  “Talk to me.” She demanded.

  “What about?” he asked.

  “Erm, oh ok, what gave you the idea for the candles?”

  “That’s easy, Mum loved candles, I’d come home from school some days and she would have our dinner ready, all the lights would be off and we’d eat by candlelight and catch up with each other, we always had candles going when Dad came to stay.”

  “You miss her don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I miss her a lot.”

  “Tell me about her.”

  “No. Not yet. I’m not ready to really talk about her yet, it still hurts too much.”

  Angel snuggled into his side again. “It will help to talk about her you know; her memory won’t be as painful.”

n wrapped his arm around her. “I know you are trying to help, but at the moment, I feel like I want to hang on to the pain of losing her, its mine to deal with, I don’t want to share it,” he said firmly “Do you feel like changing the subject?”

  “Ok, what do you plan to do with your life?” she asked.

  “Play rugby,” he answered.

  “That’s hardly a career though is it?” she asked.

  “It is. I was selected to play for the county when I lived in Gloucester and my match transcripts came with me when I moved here, the next step will be to try and get selected for the England squad, I’d love that, it’s my dream.”

  “I thought you’d go down the music route, your voice is fantastic and James told me you have written some, in his words, outstanding songs.”

  “Music is my hobby, I love it and it’s a great way to unwind, but rugby is my life.” He moved around, making them both more comfortable, one leg along the back of the sofa, Angel between his legs, her back against his chest. “What about you, what do you plan to do?”

  “I want to go to art school, there’s one in Brighton that I’ve applied to, and they’ll take me regardless of my exam results and have even hinted that I may be able to start in the next month.”

  “That’ll be good,” he mused. “Hang on, you’re going to Brighton? What about us?”

  “I’ll be there three days a week, the rest of the time I’ll be at home,” she turned around to face him “I’ll go down Sunday night and be home Wednesday night.”

  “That sucks.”

  “You’ll be so busy with college and rugby and battle of the bands that you’ll hardly notice I’m gone.”

  “I beg to differ,” he sulked.

  “Come on Gavin, it’s three days, once my car is back on the road, I’ll drive down Monday morning and be back Wednesday night.”

  “Yeah, I know but what if you meet someone like you, you know, arty and stuff and you get on with him better that you get on with me?”

  “Do you honestly think I went through all that crap with Quinn so that I could be with you just to dump you for someone else?” she asked.


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