Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)

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Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) Page 23

by Michelle Day

  “I suppose you do have to go back to your job at some point,” she rationalised.

  “Yeah, that and I have a few lose ends that need tying up, I won’t be able to get any more time off until after the summer.”

  Kiera turned in the seat to look at him. “By lose ends, you mean girlfriend don’t you?”


  “How come you are just mentioning this now?”

  “I fell out with her before I came down here, when I go back one or the other of us will end it, I didn’t think telling you about a dead relationship was relevant.”

  “Perhaps things would have been different if you had.” Kiera answered “You cheated on her, that’s low. I don’t suppose you’ll be telling her about me when you go home?”

  “I won’t be telling her anything except goodbye.”

  “It might have been nice to have been able to make up my own mind about sleeping with you. I might not have done had I been aware of all the facts.”

  “You did make up your own mind Kiera. I didn’t force you into having sex with me and you were the one who was being rather suggestive in the back of Gavin’s car,” he pointed out.

  “Fair point,” she shrugged. “I like you Novak and I thought maybe we could have something going here, but obviously I was just a holiday fling for you.”

  “You are a little more than that. I’d like to spend more time with you but if I’m honest, I would probably fuck it up, I’m not ready for a relationship let alone a long distance one.”

  “The fact that you are down here, flirting and being downright dirty proves you can’t be trusted. You need to grow up.”

  “I do, and I will in my own time. I’m sorry if I hurt you, it wasn’t my intention to.”

  “Sorry doesn’t make it better,” she said sadly. “What happens if it turns out I’m pregnant?”

  “You won’t be,” he replied.

  “I think you’d better drop me off home when we get to Kingston.”

  “Oh this is not good,” Gavin said as he pulled into the drive way to find his route to the garage blocked by several cars.

  “It looks like you have visitors.” Angel said.

  Gavin pulled on the handbrake and switched off the car. “That’s my Grandparents car,” he pointed to a Mercedes. “And that’s my Great Grandparents car,” he pointed out an ageing Aston Martin.

  “Nice.” Angel commented.

  “The other Merc is the solicitors, you’ve met him, the Bentley belongs to my Uncle Matt, the Jag to my Great Uncle John, the Saab is Aunt Tessa’s, I have no idea who owns that,” he pointed to a BMW. “This is going to be fun,” he muttered. “Looks like you are about to meet my family,” he grinned at her. “Lucky you!”

  They found the front door was unlocked and stepped into the empty hallway, hearing talking and laughter coming from the back of the house.

  “We might just be able to sneak up to my room and avoid the whole nasty affair,” he mused just as Monica came out of the kitchen.

  “Gavin,” she came towards him with her arms open. “There you are,” both hands reached up and grasped either side of his face, pulling him down to her so that she could plant kisses on his cheeks.

  “Hi Grandma.”

  “Mama,” Monica called. “Mama come here.”

  An elderly lady in a flowered apron stepped out of the kitchen. “Ah, my beautiful boy,” she crooned in Spanish and as Monica did, grasped his face and proceeded to cover it with kisses.

  “Gran Abuela,” he greeted the older woman and exchanged a few further words in Spanish with her while trying to dodge the hands that squeezed his arms and patted his chest, his great grandmothers odd way of checking he was eating enough and growing well.

  Angel had watched the whole thing in amused silence, smiling when she saw Gavin’s cheeks redden at the attention he was receiving. The attention soon turned to her, with Gavin gesturing in her direction and coming to stand beside her as the two older ladies descended on them.

  “I’m glad you thought that was funny,” he whispered to her. “Now it’s your turn,” he faced his two female grandparents. “This is my girlfriend, Angel.”

  Both ladies grabbed her and kissed her cheeks, the older of the two exclaiming.

  “Ella es Hermosa.”

  “She says you are beautiful.” Gavin translated.

  “Thank you.” Angel could feel her cheeks getting warm at the compliment; she grasped her long hair and pulled it to one side, the bulk of it coming over her left shoulder, giving both women a clear view of the many love bites Gavin had placed on her neck.

  Monica scowled at him and Paula shuffled away muttering in Spanish about the prowess of her great grandson.

  “Well, there’s no need to ask what you’ve been up to this past week is there?” Monica commented.

  “Grandma,” Gavin started to protest.

  “Hey Gavin, how are you?” Monica’s brother John came to his rescue.

  “Great now, thanks John.”

  “No worries,” he turned to his sister. “Come on Mon, he’s a young man, you remember what we’re like,” he gently chastised her.

  “You still are you old rogue,” she laughed, she was about to turn away when she spotted a tall blond man sidle through the door. “Novak?” she asked.

  “Hi Grandma.” Novak’s face split into his broad smile and he bent to cuddle the older woman. “Long time no see.”

  “Indeed, what happened to your beautiful hair?” Monica grasped Novak’s hand and took him with her through to the garden.

  “Where’s Dad?” Gavin asked his uncle.

  “Talking business with Matt and Jake in the garden,” he replied. “Hi, I’m John,” he introduced himself to Angel.

  “Angel,” she smiled.

  “Sorry.” Gavin cut in. “Grandma’s disapproving glare always puts me off.”

  “She’ll get over it,” John replied, they had reached the garden. “Paul’s over there,” he pointed to the far corner of the garden.

  “I’d better go and say hello.” Gavin had grasped Angel’s hand as he surveyed the large amount of people and children in the garden.

  “I’ll be ok here,” she told him.

  “I’ll look after her.” Novak stepped over a ride along toy. “Wine?” he asked Angel.

  “Yeah,” she nodded. “Hang on, come down here, you have lipstick on your cheek,” she wiped the pale pink lipstick off.

  Novak smiled, “Gavin’s Gran never could resist me,” he led the way to the kitchen.

  Gavin made his way through the garden, greeting family friends and relatives as he went and finally reached Paul’s side.

  “Hi Dad.”

  Paul smiled at his son and excused himself from his conversation. “Hello boy.”

  “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

  “It’s ok, business was concluded a while ago. We were just chewing the fat. Did you have a good week?”

  “Yeah, it was great, the house is looking fantastic.”

  “Good, did you start up the pool heaters and uncover the gym equipment like I asked you to?”

  “Yes Dad.” Gavin tutted. “And we even tidied up before we left.” He mocked.

  “Good. Good,” he put his hand on Gavin’s shoulder as they began their trek through the garden and felt his son flinch from his touch. “Am I embarrassing you?” Paul asked.

  “No, my shoulder is sore.” Gavin replied.

  “I hope you haven’t pulled any muscles, you have a game on Wednesday”

  “No pulled muscles.” Gavin confirmed.

  “What then?” Paul asked.

  Gavin turned to face his father, his back to the garden and knowing Paul wouldn’t let it go until he knew the cause of Gavin’s pain, he opened a few more buttons on his shirt and slid the garment from his shoulder.

  “Oh,” Paul smiled. “I gather things have progressed between you and Angel?” as he was speaking he looked over Gavin’s shoulder to the patio where Angel was sittin
g with Novak and raised his hand to acknowledge her.

  “They did.”

  “Do you think it’s safe to leave her with Novak?” Paul asked.

  “Probably not,” Gavin laughed. “Although he does know I would kick his arse if he so much as touched her.”

  “Uh-oh,” Novak spoke. “Now you’re in trouble, Papa Jensen has noticed that you’ve marked his cub, he won’t be happy.”

  “He’ll be fine, trust me.” Angel laughed, try as she might, she simply couldn’t dislike Novak.

  “You’re right, knowing Mr. J, he’ll be dead chuffed that Gav is getting some,” Novak sipped his wine. “I told Kiera about my girlfriend,” he changed the subject.

  “I did wonder why you were alone,” Angel replied. “She didn’t take it well?”

  “She was very calm but now I feel like a total shit,” he answered.

  “You are a total shit.” Angel confirmed. “But Kiera’s tough, she’ll work her way through it.”

  “If there’s anything I can do to help I will,” he replied. “She doesn’t want to see me before I go home.”

  “Then your best bet would be to stay out of her way. I hate you for hurting her but I can’t bring myself to dislike you completely and to be fair, she does fall quickly for guys like you.”

  “I’d like to sit here and tell you I’ll change my ways, but we both know that would be a lie. Women are my weakness, I love them and plan to sample as many as I can before I settle down,” he admitted.

  “That’s horrendously selfish.” Angel told him.

  “I know, but I am a single man, or I will be within the week, there’s no harm in playing the field a bit.”

  “Leaving a trail of broken hearts behind you.” Angel finished.

  “I don’t make them any promises of longevity or fidelity and yet women still want to get in my pants, I’d have to be a monk to refuse.”

  “You can justify it all you like, from a woman’s point of view, it’s just plain wrong.”

  “But that’s the fundamental difference between men and women though isn’t it? Men seem to prefer sex without commitment and women like it the other way around,” Novak finished before rising and greeting Paul. “Hey Mr. J, what’s the reason for the party?”

  “I just closed a big deal, made a huge profit,” Paul beamed. “You appear to be missing about three foot of hair.”

  Novak grinned, “Yeah, time for a change,” he explained.

  “It looks good, you should keep it that way.” Paul stepped around him to Angel. “What have you done to my son?” he asked.

  Angel blushed slightly before replying. “Nothing he didn’t want me to do.”

  Paul laughed. “Now that I can well believe,” he turned to Gavin and handed him his wine glass “Fill me up son.”

  Gavin took Angel’s glass with him too, filling both and another for him with red wine before joining his girlfriend and father on the patio. He found he was stepping over a variety of children’s toys on the patio and had just reached the table when a squealing Marissa ran full pelt into him as she tried to escape from one of the younger guests causing all three glasses of wine to spill on Gavin’s shirt. Twelve year old Marissa stopped and regarded her brothers’ shirt before bursting into giggles which promptly stopped as she caught sight of his furious face.

  “Why don’t you look where you’re going?” Gavin growled, Angel had jumped to her feet and was at his side, taking the empty glasses from him.

  “I didn’t mean to.” Marissa folded her arms over her chest, pouting stubbornly. “You shouldn’t be in the way,” she added.

  “Apologise.” Paul spoke, taking his daughters’ hand.

  “Sor-ry.” she pouted.

  “Marissa.” Paul warned.

  “I’ve said sorry,” she squirmed out of his grasp and poked her tongue out at Gavin.

  “She needs to learn some manners.” Gavin addressed his father. “Her attitude really pisses me off.”

  “You aren’t allowed to swear in front of me.” Marissa gloated.

  “Go and play.” Paul told his daughter, then stood and addressed his son. “Your attitude often leaves a lot to be desired too. Go and get changed.”

  “What is her problem?” Gavin asked.

  “I don’t know but something isn’t right with her, try to have a little more patience with her.”

  Gavin shrugged and headed into the house, he hadn’t gone far when he felt Angel’s hand slide into his.

  “It was an accident,” she soothed, he sighed and turned to face her, taking both of her hands as he backed up the stairs.

  “I know, she just rubs me up the wrong way, I guess I should try to be nicer,” they had made it to his room. “Now I have to find something to wear, most of my stuff is dirty and still in the boot of the car.”

  Angel closed his living room door, “we should get this shirt off you first,” she suggested but she was already undoing the buttons, the shirt was soon falling from his shoulders to be replaced with her lips on his chest, her tongue licking at the wine on his skin. “This brings back memories,” she smiled before returning her mouth to his skin.

  “Only last time it was Bacardi Breezer,” he remembered.

  Chapter 16

  She continued to work her way down his chest, her fingers finding the waist band of his jeans and this time, expertly dealing with the buttons, she stepped back as he hopped out of his trainers and socks as well as his jeans before once again placing her lips on his chest, one hand stroking his nipples, the other occupied below the waist. She dropped to her knees once she had him fully erect, tugged his boxers down and kissed her way around his groin, almost, but not quite touching the burning flesh protruding from his body.

  “You know there’s a house full of people down stairs?” he asked.

  “I do,” she answered. “Ssh,” she breathed against his penis, he held his breath and felt her tongue touch him.

  Think of something else, he told himself, very close to coming already. The effect she had on him was shameful, he let out a long breath and a silent moan as her mouth enveloped him, her hand on his shaft where her mouth couldn’t quite reach, working in unison, while her free hand stroked his balls and inner thighs as she worked on him.

  She expected him to hold her head or to thrust his hips towards her, to try and fuck her face as had happened to her before but he seemed frozen to the spot, she stole a glance upwards and saw him look down at her, watching her mouth slide up and down his length, the taught flesh glistening when on its outwards journey. Not unversed in the skill of giving a satisfying blow job, Angel enjoyed the power it gave her but she was having trouble accommodating him, once hard, he was long and broad and her jaw was already beginning to ache, besides, if they were gone too long, it was highly probable either Paul or Novak would come looking for them. She tightened her hand around him, increased the pressure of her lips and pulled him a little further into her mouth; she only just heard his whispered.

  “Oh shit,” before he exploded in her mouth.

  He dropped back onto the sofa, at last freeing his ankles from his shorts, she followed him, her hand still wrapped firmly around him and pressed her body to his, her lips opening his mouth, he tasted himself, something he had avoided until then. He deepened the kiss, holding her to him for some time. She pushed herself away when she felt him begin to harden again.

  “And you say your Dad runs on batteries?” she admonished, he laughed. “Get dressed Romeo,” she told him and watched him move around his room, delving in drawers before he went and washed the remainder of the wine from him.

  Gavin had found an old pair of black camos and a white t-shirt that would do for the afternoon.

  “Nice shirt,” Angel commented. “I can see your nipples,” she teased one to make her point.

  “Then stop looking,” he pulled her into his side as they made their way downstairs.

  The guests were assembling around a large round table that Paul had hired for the occasi
on when they reached the garden. Paul was on the phone, one arm wrapped around Suzanne as he spoke and slowly edged towards the table. Gavin, Angel and Novak wound up sitting to Suzanne’s right with Monica and Paul’s grandparents sitting to Paul’s left, the remaining guests scattered, mainly in family groups around the table. Leaning forward, Paul addressed Angel.

  “Your parents are on their way here,” he told her.

  “Oh, how come?” she asked.

  “Well, since buying my car and all the business with Quinn, your Dad and I have become friends, it seemed only polite to ask them to join us,” he smiled, then glanced at Gavin. “Best behaviour from you son.”

  Gavin rolled his eyes. “Yes Dad,” he replied glaring at Novak who was laughing at him on Angel’s other side.

  Julian and Linda were seated almost opposite their daughter within ten minutes of Paul’s phone call, neither of them missed the closeness of their only child with Gavin, they seemed to move as one and their eyes never left the others’ face when they conversed.

  As the meal was served Paula struck up a conversation with Paul that had Gavin grinning broadly;

  “What is it?” Angel asked.

  “My Great Grandma is telling Dad that both his children are way too scrawny,” he laughed as he translated, the older Paula got, the more she liked to speak in Spanish and Gavin had picked it up on his many happy holidays to the family villa. “Oh, and now, apparently at age eighteen, I should be married and knocking children out regularly.”

  Angel grinned. “Well, we have been getting a lot of practice. Sounds like your Dad is getting annoyed.”

  “He is, she’s telling him that I should eat more and that I only picked at my food, oh God, she’s been watching me,” he groaned. “He’s trying to explain that I’m trying to keep my weight down, he’s not doing a very good job,” he reached for his wine glass, taking a large gulp. “Now I drink too much,” he finished as Paula threw her arms in the air in exasperation.

  “I didn’t know you spoke Spanish.” Angel snuggled into his side, it was beginning to get dark and despite the patio heaters, she was feeling chilly, she slipped her hand under his t-shirt, laying it on the warm skin of his stomach.


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