Everlost (Mer Tales, Book 3)

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Everlost (Mer Tales, Book 3) Page 11

by Brenda Pandos

  “Probably the safe—” She winced as his bite pinched her skin. She closed her eyes, swallowing in the rest of her statement, working to clear her head of his seduction. Though she wanted to tell him the truth, she wouldn’t. Any information about the safe house in Florida would lead Azor right to those who’d successfully helped mers escape Natatoria’s tyranny.

  “Safe?” He nuzzled her hair and pulled her in tighter, molding his body against hers.

  “Just somewhere safe,” she spluttered.

  She finally relaxed into him and grew anxious for him to actually kiss her lips instead of tease her neck with his tongue. But at the roughness of his hands and the hard metal of his armor pressing into her, she recoiled, reminded of the King. Soon enough, the after-effects of the promise took hold and swam in her head instead. For the briefest of moments, she forgot everything: the rumor mill, Pearleza’s earlier exam, the suggested mating dance class, King Phaleon’s confessions and wanting lips. They all faded into a distant memory. Azor was what she’d wanted: his love, his acceptance, his body against hers.

  And as if he’d read her mind, Azor removed his armor and pressed all of his weight onto her tiny frame, forcing her to lie on the bed. Her heart raced at the thought of being together, and as humans do—so naughty. Her wiles as a woman weren’t broken after all. They’d only needed time alone, away from all distraction, to start their lives without a care of the world around them. No caste system, no servants, no titles or expectations of babies, no power, no death. Just their kiss and their touch.

  Azor worked his lips down her chest and fumbled at unhooking the back of her top.

  “Let’s run away,” she whispered, her wish slipping out off her tongue involuntarily.

  His fingers froze and he jerked his body up. “What?”

  She hiccupped, realizing her mistake, and smiled coyly. “Or not.”

  Azor dropped her to the bed and stood, a parental glare replacing his desire. “Run away? Are you insane?”

  She moved up onto her elbows, trying to coax him with her knee to lay on her again. “It just seems like a good idea considering,” she stalled, her voice quivering. “We could come back after everything smoothes over—take an extended promisetide in the Canary Islands.”

  “Our place is here, with our people. We don’t have the luxury of a promisetide, especially not now.” Azor huffed and pushed his dark hair from his eyes. “We’re going to be king and queen sooner than you think”

  He eyed her belly and then gritted his teeth.

  She froze, remembering King Phaleon’s prediction. “What do you mean?”

  Azor laughed. “Like my father has any desire to live now that he’s,” Azor gestured wildly, “finless and barely able to swim. How can he lead when he looks no better than a servant?”

  Her throat constricted, knowing the direct opposite to be true—he wasn’t dead, he was very much alive. “Why does that have to matter?”

  “It matters tremendously.”

  “Then change that archaic prejudice and show that accidents happen but it doesn’t change the person inside.”

  Azor’s eyes pressed into slits. “It’s not that easy.”

  She grimaced, not really wanting the King, wild and insane, to remain on the throne, but angered at Azor’s narrow-mindedness. “Don’t you mean it’s easier for you to take the throne and let your father wither away?”

  He closed in on the space between them, angry grooves marring his beautiful face. “Mind your tongue, Tatiana.”

  She blinked back her tears and smoothed down her bunched up skirt with her hands. How could he be so wonderful one minute and such a monster the next? Maybe he was just like his father in more ways than one.

  Tatiana popped up from the bed and tried to act natural when Nicole scurried into the room. She began to pull Girraween’s second-hand clothing from the closet and stuffed it into a garment bag.

  Azor spun around. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Nicole startled, eyes wide, then bowed low. “Your h-highness. I ap-pologize. I didn’t realize—”

  “You walk in without knocking?” he asked, his voice growing gruffer. “I should have you flogged.”

  “I-I didn’t know you were here. I’ll leave.”

  Tatiana moved in front of Azor and laid her hand on his arm, wanting to absorb his anger.

  “Don’t be upset. I allow Nicole to come and go as needed.”

  “A shut door should always mean you knock first. What if…” He didn’t finish, only glared harder at her servant.

  Tatiana lifted her head. “I recall another servant of ours committing the same crime. Did you flog her?”

  Azor grimaced, and whipped his hand from hers. He stared at the open bag full of borrowed clothing. “What’s this?”

  “I-I was p-packing for the Princess,” Nicole said in almost a whisper.

  “Packing?” His gaze swung to Tatiana. “Are you going somewhere?”

  Tatiana laughed nervously. “Home, silly. To the compound.”

  Azor cocked a brow momentarily. “I thought you’d want to stay here, considering the situation at the compound.”

  “Stay here?” Tatiana’s voice raised an octave. “No. I… you’re moving back to the palace?”

  “I’m not king yet,” he said with a smirk. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner. You seem far more at home here at the palace. Then you can socialize with your lady friends and mentor with my mother. It’s important you learn what it’s like to be queen. She said you’re taking nicely to your new title; even wearing your crown, I see. You’ll be far less bored than at my stodgy compound.”

  Her breath, stolen from her lungs, wouldn’t make words come to her mouth. He couldn’t be serious. Stay here? With the gossip and the lies?

  “Oh, Tatiana. Don’t look at me like that,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “It’s not like I won’t see you everyday. Actually, you’ll see me more than you do at the compound. And unless things become too demanding, I’ll stay nights here with you.” His hands gestured to the room. “It’s so much more human—just like you like.”

  Tatiana couldn’t stop the disappointment swelling in her chest, her mouth unwilling to speak. He was distancing himself from her—all to build an army against those who were loyal to her father.

  He smiled coyly. “Then Jacob can come back to the barracks with me and train the next round of guards coming in.”

  “No,” she said quickly, clutching her neckline.

  After the assault, she didn’t want to ever be alone in the palace again, and Jacob, though frustrating at times, was the one true person who cared about her well-being. He’d been there, sacrificing his very life, even when he could be arrested for what had happened. He still never left her side, for any reason, even when he really didn’t need to.

  “No?” Azor laughed. “I thought you couldn’t stand Jacob.”

  “I—” Tatiana swallowed hard. “I mean, no, I want to be with you. I go where you go.” The haunting words Jacob had just said to her slipped from her lips and felt oddly wrong.

  “Hmmm.” His eyes fell into slits. “You understand what that means, don’t you?”

  She looked up at him, meekly, her heart pounding.

  He remained stern. “You must stay out of my way and not question me when I leave.”

  She lowered her head. “I understand.”

  “Fine, get packed quickly. I plan to leave within the hour.” Azor exited the room, leaving Tatiana’s mind spinning and her heart aching once again. Could she really stay promised to this man? A man who put everything before her? A man whose priorities meant punishing those who’d helped her father? A man who didn’t act promised to her? She swallowed down her pride and held back her tears.

  The rumpled comforter under her bag mocked her. If she hadn’t suggested they run away, they’d be snuggling together in the afterglow of love instead of arguing. She might have conceived. A baby would heal the colony—blessed news
, a new distraction. But the thought of Nicole interrupting would have been ultra embarrassing. He would have most definitely flogged her if that had happened.

  Tatiana sighed and tried her best to shrug off the disappointment. They could start back up later tonight. After a whole day of briefing with his mom, he had to be tired. Butterflies reignited in her stomach at the thought. Tatiana quickly helped Nicole pack a few of her things, too, and together they stepped into the hall.

  Azor gave one intolerable glance to her servant. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I-I assumed.” Nicole lowered her head, casting a sideways glance to Tatiana.

  “You assumed what?”

  Tatiana walked over and kissed him on the cheek. “Nicole is my handmaiden, Azor,” and my only servant ally. “I want her to come with me.”

  “You have a servant.”

  Tatiana snorted. “Xirene? I’d think after what happened, you would have gotten rid of her by now.”

  Azor’s face tightened. “No, Tatiana. Xirene is responsible not only for the barracks, but for governing my household as well.”

  She jerked her head backward in surprise. Shouldn’t that have become Tatiana’s job? “Well, then Nicole can help her with the household chores. I mean, the guards have been eating us out of house and home.”

  He looked Nicole up and down like she was cattle.

  “Please?” Tatiana’s voice lilted.

  Azor exhaled hard. “Fine, but one mistake and she’s gone, got it?”

  Nicole nodded and retrieved their bag. Tatiana ran to Azor’s side and looped her arm into his.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  Over her shoulder, she gave a sly wink to Nicole. Behind her, leaning against the wall with his arms folded, Jacob scowled. Tatiana sucked in a breath. She’d been right. No one ever came for his arrest. But still, his judgment lay thick behind his eyes. Eyes that said she shouldn’t put up with Azor’s treatment of her, that she was more valuable than being merely arm candy.

  She looked away, focusing on Azor. Her life was with him, and whatever he could give had to make her happy. Jacob needed to accept that she could be loyal to both—be the peacekeeper. And they were finally leaving the palace like he’d wanted.

  Blanchard and a group of Dradux joined Azor, Tatiana, Nicole, and Jacob at the northern entrance. The need for such protection surprised Tatiana. Like Azor was king already. Did he expect an attack outside of the walls of the palace? A waft of oysters hit her nose, gagging her. Out of the water, the Dradux stunk. Once under the water, the stink faded as Azor took the lead, hand in hand with Tatiana.

  Giddy with excitement, she imagined how their special night together would start. Maybe a private dinner, or they’d forgo everything and immediately go upstairs. But the closer to the compound they swam, the more curt Azor’s responses were to Tatiana’s small talk. Upon entering the doorway, he dropped her hand altogether.


  : : :

  Overstepping the Bounds

  Tatiana’s heart plummeted at the crowd of golden armored guards in the front room.

  With a wave of his hand, Azor said, “Direct your servant to take your things to your room. I’ll be there shortly.”

  “Excuse me?” Tatiana fought the terrifying déjà vu and focused on the obvious. Why wasn’t he directing his guards back to the barracks?

  The soldiers all turned and watched, their faces a mix of curiosity and scorn. The heat of their stares prickled her nerves.

  Azor leaned in closer, eyes tight, and pulled her into the foyer past the statue Tatiana had affectionately coined Ms. Sea Urchin. “I thought we had an understanding.”

  “But you’re not going to dismiss them? Haven’t you done enough already today?”

  Azor scowled. “I need to know what’s happened in my absence. I will come upstairs as soon as I’m finished.”

  Courage surged inside her when staring into his dark eyes. “I’ll tell you what’s happened. While you were on your mission to find my father, the citizens were lost without a leader, fearful of more explosions, and heartbroken without their mates. They won’t hunt for food, and weird injuries keep popping up that can’t be healed by our blood. Okay?” She scowled. “It’s a mess, but I’m done waiting. You’re next item of business is me!”

  Azor pulled his head backward in shock. “I see,” he said, thoughtful. “Well, then…”

  He trailed his finger down her arm and wove his hand around her waist, pulling her in tight. A shiver of excitement flared across her fin, interrupting her brief tirade. Tatiana let out a small humph, but felt her body tremble and resolve weaken.

  She stiffened her lip. “And I haven’t quite forgiven you, yet.”

  “You will later,” he whispered in her ear. “Do you have something to wear that’s sexy… for tonight?”

  She closed her eyes and tried to remember why she was so angry a minute ago, her heart performing flip flops. “Um… maybe.”

  “Then go put it on,” he said with a coy smile, “and I’ll be there in a minute.” He pushed her on her backside into the hall.

  She glided away from him, her mind aflutter, and headed for the second story porthole. In the kitchen doorway Xirene hovered while watching Azor, unease drawn on her face. Tatiana hadn’t seen her since the incident a few days ago and assumed she’d be off attending to the wounded. Oddly, she wore a green polka-dotted, loose-fitting dress that flared in the current, as opposed to her typical skirt and matching top. Tatiana’s eyes lost focus staring beyond her polka-dots flittering in the current.

  Why was she allowed to wear something other than the approved servant attire and why was she at the compound? She couldn’t have possibly finished her healing duties. Tatiana took one glance over her shoulder to gauge Azor’s reaction to this infraction, and caught him longingly watching Xirene in return. Then his eyes instantly darted to Tatiana.

  He cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders. “Thank you, Love. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Don’t keep me waiting,” Tatiana said, with a quick swivel of her hips.

  She landed Xirene a glare before swimming up the porthole. That girl has got to go.

  Once in her room, Tatiana tried to rush Nicole, helping her unpack her things in her “dressing room,” in order to get prepared for her big night with Azor. The current, though, took the lighter items afloat and required rock weights to hold them down.

  “Don’t feel bad about having separate rooms. It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Nicole said, eyeing Tatiana warily as she placed a rock on the last floater. “Do you know the Queen has a separate room from the King as well?”

  “What? We don’t have separate rooms. I—there isn’t any closet space in Azor’s room.”

  “Oh, my apologies,” she said, lowering her voice. “Pardon my asking, but I heard Prince Azor has some rather shocking carvings in the master bedroom.”

  “Not any more revolting than that Ms. Sea Urchin in the foyer.” Tatiana fake laughed while sitting on the side of her sponge bed, trying to stay light-hearted and patient, wondering how long she could keep up the ruse to Nicole. “Yes, his design flare is very different. I’m hoping once things settle down, I can get to redecorating, starting with a bubble, at least on the second floor. Rock weights won’t do for my wardrobe,” she said with a nervous giggle.

  “Oh?” Nicole’s eyes darted to her hands. She began to clean an unseen spot on her gloves.

  “Why? Do you think that’s a bad idea?”

  “No,” Nicole cleared her throat, like she knew something but was worried to share. “You might ask him first.”

  Tatiana cocked her head and lowered her voice. “You’ve been serving in the palace for a while now, correct?”

  Nicole nodded.

  “Then maybe you know why his compound is so drab. Was it originally only meant to be an addition to the barracks? I can understand his need to stay here to keep an eye on things until they smooth over, but as king and que
en, I’d expected we’d live in the palace.”

  Nicole continued to scrub at her glove as she swayed on her seat. “Prince Azor’s fond of the old way.”

  Tatiana scoffed. “I know that. I was just hoping he’d change a little for me, or at least give me my own section to do with what I want.”

  “Maybe.” Nicole bit her lip. “He’s always been like this, even when he was little. This compound was his idea, actually, and the sharks…” She stopped abruptly.

  Tatiana furrowed her brow. “You knew Azor when he was little?”

  “Since he was born.” She sighed and leaned her chin in her hand. “I’m ancient, Princess.”

  Tatiana laughed. “Ancient? I highly doubt that.”

  “I’m twenty-eight.”

  “You don’t look a day over eighteen.” Tatiana cocked a brow and laughed. “Who would know?”

  “Well …” She held up her left hand and wiggled her gloved ring finger. “Being unpromised, I pretty much am a spinster.”

  Tatiana sucked in a breath and Nicole turned away, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, Princess. I-I shouldn’t have said anything. I overstepped my bounds, again. You can send me back to the palace if you want. My m-mouth always g-gets me in t-trouble.”

  And just like that, Nicole’s stuttering returned. She flitted up off her seat and flicked her tail, hand outstretched to the door.

  “No.” Tatiana moved in front of her and motioned she stay. “It’s fine. I understand and I don’t agree with keeping servants unpromised if they’d rather not. How is any of what happened to you, your fault?”

  Nicole clasped her gloved hands together and Tatiana wondered if her stuttering granted her servitude. And then she thought of her age in relation to Azor’s. At ten years apart, that would mean Nicole would have been a servant at ten. What?

  Then the answer popped into Tatiana’s mind. Nicole wasn’t maimed, she was an orphan—the product of a hidden secret deep within the dark corners of Natatoria. Her ears turned red in response.

  Nicole sighed. “At one time, promising was my dream until my parents died in a mining accident when I was eight.” She swallowed hard, hesitating as Tatiana watched with rounded eyes. “I didn’t have any other family to care for me, so I was taken to Dori, the royal nursemaid at the time. Pearleza’s and a few of the others’ parents also died. Gracious King Merric didn’t want us to suffer and there were no other orphans at the time, so we were cared for with the Princesses. But once Prince Phaleon took over and the problem started, an orphanage had to be built.” Nicole looked away.


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