Everlost (Mer Tales, Book 3)

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Everlost (Mer Tales, Book 3) Page 25

by Brenda Pandos

  “How old is your son?”

  Pearleza’s face lightened. “Ike is only a few weeks old.”

  “How—?” Tatiana blanched, catching herself for asking such a stupid question.

  Pearleza laughed and shook her head. She removed her glove, careful not to disturb the baby, and showed Tatiana her tattoo. “I’m not one to break the law, but we couldn’t help it. Love is a very powerful thing, and since Ike’s father is a widower, it’s not like anyone would find out.”

  Tatiana blinked, stunned for a moment, before crawling back into bed.

  Pearleza looked at the babe and broke into a smile. “When Queen Desiree found out after my pregnancy, she turned her head to it, because I’ve been a good servant and kept many of her secrets. And since I’m to serve you now,” she gestured to the child, “you must know the truth. And it’s difficult to remain celibate, Milady. Especially when there’s nothing wrong with your feelings or your parts.”

  “I can imagine,” Tatiana mumbled, suddenly thinking about Jacob.

  “So…” Pearleza’s head turned to the door, listening to the small murmurs outside. “You might want to do one final labor cry.”

  They both looked at the sleeping babe in Pearleza’s arms and sighed, deciding against it. Reluctantly, she finally handed the boy to Tatiana.

  “He is sweet,” Pearleza said, sniffing his head and kissing his brow, “for now.”

  Tatiana cringed, remembering the horror they’d just experienced with Azor. If he turned out anything like his father, Poseidon help them all.

  Pearleza took one last hard look at Tatiana. “Are you ready for this?”

  Tatiana sucked in a breath and held the bundle tighter, reminding herself that this wasn’t her son; that she was merely there to play a part. She’d care for the boy today, but she couldn’t get attached. Her plans were to escape with Jacob, not get caught up in a mess too big for her to fix. Why had she eaten the blasted weed?

  Pearleza replaced her glove and touched Tatiana’s arm. “It’s an honor to serve you, my Queen,” she said with a bow.

  At the title, something pinched inside Tatiana’s conscience, and her spine stiffened. Although she didn’t hold Azor’s promise anymore, she held the coveted fleur-de-lis along with the responsibility. And with Azor acting irrationally, she couldn’t run away to leave the kingdom to his wrath. So many innocent mers needed her help—the rebels, the servants, the maimed and the orphaned, the babe and his mother. They were all counting on her. They needed freedom, not only to love whom they wanted, but freedom from tyranny, and at the ceremony, they were going to get it, one way or another.

  “Yes,” she said with a heavy breath. “I’m ready.”


  : : :


  The briny water pulled in and out of Ashlyn’s gills, her heart pounding. She gripped Fin’s hand tighter as the light at the end of the tunnel from Tahoe grew larger. She’d finally see Fin’s underwater world. Her kingdom. Natatoria.

  She’d heard so much about the city, all good things in the past. Right before leaving her home in Tahoe, Fin explained the possibility of a lot of crap that could go wrong, of problems because the Prince stole Tatiana’s kiss, of a war. She’d already experienced some of it when his uncle Alaster forced himself on her and kissed her, but she’d never let Fin go to Natatoria without her. Their mission was clear: rescue her best friend from the clutches of the Prince. Problem was, from what Fin had said happened before, under the power of the promise kiss, Tatchi wouldn’t be compliant.

  With her foreign appendage propelling her along to the unknown, she felt lost. And her scales, something new and tingly all over her body, wouldn’t stop quivering in excitement and fear.

  “Is that it?” she asked, in English.

  “Yes,” Fin said softly, patting her hand.

  “Uh,” Jax said from ahead of them. “Sorry, guys. I—I kinda forgot to mention, things are a little different.”

  “What do you mean different?” Galadriel asked, her voice terse.

  Jax filled everyone in on what had happened since they’d been in Natatoria last. From the rebel attack, to the shark eating the King’s fin, to Prince Azor running everything with the help of his Dradux goon squad.

  Galadriel halted, creating a bottleneck in the tunnel for Ash and Fin, Fin’s cousin Colin, and his uncle Alaster, who was bound at the wrists by Ferdinand, the mute. “And you didn’t think to tell us to bring weapons?”

  Jax turned to her, his voice cracking. “I thought we’d get them in Natatoria.”

  Galadriel snorted nervously. “And where exactly will we find them? Azor’s compound?”

  Alaster’s hoarse laughter filtered through the water behind them all. “Fools. You have no idea what you’re up against.”

  “Silence,” Galadriel demanded, and Ferdinand yanked Alaster’s tied wrists. She moved her tail, coming inches from Jax’s face. “I should have been informed of this a lot sooner than now.”

  Jax’s mouth floundered, opening and closing. “I—I wanted to. I—I was just so happy to see you again. It kinda slipped my mind.”

  She closed her eyes a beat, then turned to Fin with a frown. “Is there anything at the house we can use?”

  Fin laughed, incredulous. “A few spears, but they’re smoldering in the ashes in the basement.”

  Galadriel huffed and pushed her hair away from her face. “I can already see running this kingdom is going to be difficult. Don’t keep stuff like this from me, Jax, please—”

  “I’m sorry, Princess.” Jax reached for her and took her hand.

  She closed her eyes again, softening to him. “Well it’s not like I’m deft at using a sword or anything. But I do have one heck of a siren. Besides, Darrellon and his two goons are scared of me anyway; so is my brother.”

  Jax pulled Galadriel close, hugging her.

  “Darrellon is dead,” Colin said quickly while his pectoral fins flared. “Chauncey is in charge now… and there are more than just two Dradux guards.”

  She pushed Jax away, her eyes lit. “How many are there?”

  Colin sighed. “Pretty much all of the true-blooded mermen who chose the King’s side over Jack’s were inducted.”

  Fin’s face fell. “Azor drafted all the mermen?”

  “Yeah.” Colin grimaced. “He blackmailed them after they saw what he did to the rebel families. Kind of like, be loyal to me or else. The rebels are awaiting punishment in the square.”

  Alaster’s laughter returned until a loud “oof” filled the air, silencing him. Everyone turned to see Ferdinand looking off to the side while Alaster leaned awkwardly over.

  “Call him off, will ya?” he begged, his voice pinched.

  Galadriel chucked, shaking her head. “Thanks, Ferd.”

  A slight smile played on Ferdinand’s lips.

  Fin’s hands wove their way around Ash’s middle, pulling her close. “Don’t worry about all of this,” he said in her ear. “I’ll never let anything happen to you.”

  Her heart thumped anyway. The Dradux guards sounded fierce, and without weapons, she had the impression they were sitting ducks.

  “Come on. Let’s face the music,” Galadriel said, leading the charge.

  Ash fluttered her tail, propelling herself out of the cave into—beautiful didn’t do the vast land and palace in the distance justice, with its vibrant spires and tiny lights in the windows. Palatial. Heavenly. And inside, her spirit felt whole. Home.

  Next to her, though, Fin cussed. “This isn’t the place I wanted you to see, Ash. This is—”

  “Where’s the song?” Exasperated, Galadriel’s hands flew upward into the current, then fell down, clutching her head.

  Once Alaster and Ferdinand cleared the cave, Fin whipped his tail and grabbed his Uncle by the throat. “What did the King do? Why is it like this?”

  Alaster’s face turned red, his beady eyes bugging out. “Your father is to blame.”

  “My father did not
hing. He hasn’t even been here.”

  “Stop it,” Colin interrupted, pulling Fin off his father’s neck. “He may be a son of a bass, but he didn’t do this. Azor did and we have to stop him.”

  “Azor,” Fin hissed through gritted teeth. He pressed his hands against his knuckles, cracking them. “I can’t wait to see him.”

  “What’s that stink?” Ash asked. “It’s like rotten oyst—”

  A bag slipped over Ash’s head and she thrashed about as someone’s hulking grip surrounded her middle, trapping her arms. A pinch sent fire racing up her scales. She cried out unsuccessfully, unable to make any sound with the bag wrapped around her gills.

  “Get the other girl,” a gruff voice said.

  Grunts and groans punctuated the air when an earsplitting scream flooded the water. Instantly her hands were freed. She untied the sack at her throat, and removed the bag, shrieking a blasting noise herself. Fin, Jax, Alaster, Colin, and four mermen dressed in green cloaks were all doubled over, holding their ears and moaning. Though the sound was hardly tolerable to her, the mermen all seemed pained over the noise coming from Ferdinand’s mouth.

  Galadriel freed herself as well and removed the cloak from the first guard.

  “Quick,” she said. “Get their clothing and their weapons.”

  Ash flexed her weighted appendage, wincing in pain, and somehow managed to maneuver herself over. She removed the cloaks from the two nearest thugs without any struggle from them.

  Ferd’s eardrum-shattering screech continued, loud and long. Galadriel put on one cloak and propelled herself forward with the spears under her arm, dragging Jax behind her. She motioned Ash to do the same. “Come on!”

  She took Fin’s and Colin’s hands, towing them slowly behind Galadriel with her gimpy fin.

  “I can’t,” she whimpered, feeling herself losing strength.

  But as they distanced themselves from Ferd, Fin and Colin were able to swim alongside her. Colin pulled his hand away.

  “I can’t leave my dad.”

  “But Colin,” Ash said, nervous. “You can’t go back there, and what about what your dad did to you…?”

  “I’ll be fine. Go ahead. I—I’ll distract them.”

  Fin shrugged and took over, taking the weapons and pulling Ash with him. “Let him go,” he said.

  Together they disappeared over the ridge.


  : : :


  At a wail, Tatiana’s eyes popped opened and a weird tingle passed over her breasts. Without a thought, she jumped out of bed and ran to the cradle, scooping up the child.

  “There, there, baby,” she said, rocking him. “I’m here. Don’t cry.”

  She looked around for Pearleza, whom she had more affectionately nicknamed Pearl. Where was she?

  “What’s that racket?” Coralade peeked her head out of the servant’s quarters.

  “The baby—I need Pearl.”

  “He’s hungry, feed him,” Coralade grumbled.

  “I know, but I just need help!” At her yelling, the baby wailed louder.

  Coralade groaned and threw on her robe. She banged on the locked door and once Chauncey answered, she marched forward without a word.

  Desperate, Tatiana offered her finger, which the boy accepted, sucking hard, but that only lasted a second. He let out another frustrated cry. Her breasts ached with each howl and she was confused why, until two wet circles soaked the front of her nightgown. Did she have milk already?

  With shaking arms, she sat on the nearby chair and hitched up her gown. Holding the baby’s mouth to her bare breast, she was unsure what to do. Rooting around with his nose, the babe nuzzled against her, and clamped onto her.

  She yelped, feeling a pinch and an ache, then held her breath, watching the merling suck in deep gulps. Pearl had made this all look so easy, relaxing even. She winced, imagining he’d take her nipple right off. How long does this last? The merling, though, breathed between swallows, completely content. She remained tensed, her arms aching, as she waited for him to release when the door opened.

  Tatiana snapped her head up. “Pearl?”

  “No,” Azor said, “it’s me. I came as soon—”

  He stopped and gaped, blinking at her, at the merling.

  Tatiana pushed the gown over her bare legs, hiding herself from his curious gaze.

  “How are you—?” he started, then stopped.

  She didn’t want to tell him she’d taken Pearl’s secret herbs. She wanted him to need her, to think her valuable in this twisted situation until she figured out a solution. He had to trust her.

  “My body must have thought I really was pregnant,” she said softly.

  He moved closer, caressing her lovingly with his eyes. A few days ago she would have killed for him to look at her that way, but now… a shiver crossed her skin. Why was he watching her like that? He held out a small bladder to her, dazed.

  “Pearleza gave me this earlier… but it appears you have things handled.”

  “Guess so.” She gazed down at the baby, who pulled away from her and drifted off to sleep. A mustache of milk covered his sweet lips. Quickly, she pulled down her gown to hide herself from Azor’s roving eyes.

  “I’ll say,” he mumbled. A look covered his face,—joy? She couldn’t be sure.

  “Where’s Xirene? I thought she’d be here by now.”

  “Oh, she’s…” Azor’s eyes glazed over for a beat. “Recovering. She’ll take over after the coronation, tomorrow.”

  At the words, Tatiana’s heart sunk. Reality. The brief bubble of bliss the merling gave popped. Things were about to get complicated and very ugly. Uglier than they’d already been. She had to remember the merling wasn’t hers. “And Jacob? Will he be joining me as well?”

  Azor stiffened, his face stern. Tatiana would have guessed he was jealous if she didn’t know better. “Afterward, yes.”

  She bit her lip, gauging whether or not he told the truth. She’d cooperated, and then some, going so far as to nurse the child. But then everything rushed in. Queen Desiree’s grief, the King lying impaled on the bed. She didn’t believe Azor when he’d said the King committed suicide, not after what Desiree said about past princes. He’d murdered his father for the crown, and he could do the same to her and take the baby.

  Instinctively, she pulled the babe close to her body. “I think you should go.”

  He furrowed his brow, hurt almost. “Yes. Tomorrow is a big day, my Queen. Rest.” He waffled in which direction to move, either to her side or the door. He stooped over her, petting the boy’s hair. But he wasn’t looking at the merling. He stared at Tatiana’s lips. “I want you to look your best for the coronation, Lovel—” He stopped himself, then stepped away. “Good night, Tatiana.”

  Only after she heard the door lock did she exhale a relieved breath.

  : : :

  The morning came with a bustle of activity: hair, makeup, and nails for the big event. Tatiana tried to remain composed, twisting her hands and pressing against her flat stomach as each second ticked on. Azor, a ticking time bomb, would get his final wish—the throne. She’d hoped he wouldn’t do anything rash in front of his people, but then with his past behavior, she wasn’t sure. What more would he want from her afterward? She ached at the thought of leaving the merling forever. She’d bonded with him. She’d miss him.

  “You’ve recovered so quickly, Princess,” one of the mer matrons said, breaking her spiraling thoughts. “And to have a human birth, I’m impressed.”

  Tatiana smiled appreciatively.

  “We are lucky having mer blood,” another said. “I’ve heard human women carry their young for practically a year, then afterward, they’re riddled with stretch marks and fat. Can you believe it?”

  “If I had to carry my thirteen around for thirteen years, I’d tell Gunderon to keep his clasper far away from me. Oye vey!” Mama Ondia, the eldest of the mer matrons in the colony, said with a chuckle.

laughed, too. She’d never known a human who’d given birth, but the length of gestation sounded dreadful. Weeks of pregnancy she could handle, but the lack of sleep? Just being awakened once during the night was difficult enough, not to mention her nipples felt rubbed raw with sandpaper and her boobs so full, like they were about to explode. But everything seemed worth it for the sweet nameless boy.

  Pearl sat close, cooing at the merling wrapped in her arms.

  “What’s his name?” Mama Ondia asked, admiring on.

  Pearl startled, jostling the babe awake. In response to his cry, Tatiana’s breasts began to leak, soiling her robe.

  “Oh, um.” Tatiana bit her lip, taking him from Pearl’s hands. “Azor—we haven’t chosen yet, but I do like Landon.”

  “Hmmm,” Mama said, “that’s different. Sounds human.”

  “Oh, really? I’m not sure,” she chucked nervously. “I’d like a moment to feed the baby, though,” Tatiana said to the women. They all cleared, but Pearl. “Its okay, Pearl. I’ve got this.”

  Pearl’s hands kneaded together, worry taut on her face.

  “I promise.” Tatiana laughed. “I did it last night perfectly fine.”

  “Okay,” she said with a quick bow. “I’ll be back.”

  Alone, Tatiana blew out a trapped breath and bit her lip, sucking air through her teeth once Landon latched on. Things felt a little easier this time. Then reality hit. She had no control over his name, his life, or anything. What was she doing still pretending? Landon belonged to Xirene. She needed to find Jacob and the others, and escape from Natatoria. She bit her lip. Could she do it now? Was Chauncey even guarding her door?

  She glanced at the babe again and her heart softened. She cared for him too much to just leave.

  “Landon, I promise to figure out a way around this.”

  The baby smiled up at her, blinking his long dark lashes.

  “Tatiana?” The door opened a crack.

  “I’d like to be alone—”

  “It’s me,” Lily, Badger’s niece, whispered. She rushed inside and closed the door. “I need to talk to you.”


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