Sons Of Australia: The Mackays: Australian Boss: Diamond Ring/Surprise: Outback Proposal/Tempted by Her Tycoon Boss

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Sons Of Australia: The Mackays: Australian Boss: Diamond Ring/Surprise: Outback Proposal/Tempted by Her Tycoon Boss Page 29

by Jennie Adams

  ‘To know who you are. You have worked that out. Your heritage.’

  ‘Those things, yes, but they’re not everything.’ He gave a slight shrug. ‘I don’t know if I believe in this place in quite the way Morgan does, but I respect his beliefs and his age and wisdom, and I have sorted out my thoughts and it did seem fitting to bring you here.’

  Jayne’s heart began to beat hard. ‘I’m not sure if I understand.’

  Alex took her hand and squeezed. ‘I found you, Jayne. You wanted a company to provide pillow gifts for Cutter’s Tours. That company was mine. We came together through that link.’

  Though the words were about business, the look in his eyes was not. The meaning behind the words was not. Could he mean—?

  ‘I fell in love with you.’ His admission held a deep tone of conviction. ‘I never expected that to happen in my lifetime—with any woman. I didn’t think I knew how to love a woman. Not like that.’

  Jayne hadn’t expected that to happen to her, either, but it had and now that she’d heard Alex’s words—oh, she wanted to believe in them but could he really be certain of his feelings?

  One side of Jayne wanted to reach for Alex, to hold him, hold this, but how could she do that? ‘You’re twenty-five. How can you truly know what you want? How can you know this isn’t just a phase for you?’

  He shook his head and met her gaze. ‘You know better than that. We may have known each other a short time, but it’s been an honest, open time where both of us have revealed things about ourselves that others wouldn’t have seen. Where we’ve faced deep issues and had to deal with them whether we wanted to or not. In different ways, I’m as mature as you are. You pointed out our age gap but what’s that matter in the end? It’s ten years. Some couples have double that gap between them. Why does it matter so much to you? If it’s because of your father, you’re not responsible for his relationship choices or their outcomes.’

  Jayne didn’t answer straight away. Could Alex be right? Had she used her father’s messy relationships with younger women as an excuse for avoiding committing to a man?

  She’d fallen for Alex and it was partly the fact that he was younger that had made Jayne afraid to fully trust in how he might perceive her. ‘You’re in the prime of your twenties and that shows. You’re a highly attractive man and I suppose I was conscious of no longer being that young, of beginning to age and perhaps not being quite perfect in some ways.’

  His eyes widened with shock that bordered on incomprehension. And then they narrowed. He said very firmly, ‘I don’t want to hear you say anything like that again, Jayne. When I first met you, I thought how beautiful you were. Inside and out. I loved your elegance. That was something a younger woman wouldn’t be able to have no matter how she tried, because your maturity and life experience are part of it. You should only ever celebrate your age and be proud of all it means. That you’ve lived. I value that, Jayne. It’s very attractive to me.’

  He meant the words—Jayne could see that, see his sincerity. She’d felt so threatened by the difference in their ages, by body image and wrinkles. And, deeper still, by the fact that two very key people in her life had not truly been able to freely love her.

  Deep down, Jayne knew she had to admit this to Alex. To be brave and do that.

  ‘I felt insecure when Mum left, and because Dad couldn’t let me close the way I wished he could.’ She finally admitted it. ‘I blocked myself off from the idea of commitment with a man because I didn’t believe I’d find somebody who would love me for myself.’

  ‘I’ve felt threatened by being younger than you. Matching your age isn’t something I can do. If you wanted that…’ He drew a breath. ‘I tried to get you to work with me so I’d be sure I could keep seeing you, but I need more than that with you. I need all of you, Jayne, if you can find those feelings inside yourself for me.’

  And in that moment, out here in the clarity of the outback with nothing but this still pond and red dust plains and silence and sky over them, Jayne finally stopped worrying about the little things, and even the bigger things, and put her trust right out there. ‘I’m in love with you, too, Alex.’ She finally allowed the words to come out. ‘I realised it the night we were trapped out here and we…made love. That wasn’t like any other experience I’d had. I knew it was something special and when I woke in the morning and…missed you, even though you were just outside, I knew what was inside my heart. I let my fears get in the way. I thought you didn’t feel the same way, that in the light of day you’d looked at me, at my…age and it wasn’t attractive to you.’

  She hadn’t expected to find someone she wanted to spend her life with. But it had happened anyway.

  He shook his head. ‘I didn’t understand my feelings at that time, but that had nothing to do with attraction. You’re stunning to me. You always will be. I thought you were rejecting me because of my age, or because I couldn’t be what you wanted.’

  ‘No.’ She bit her lip as a memory stirred and warmth made its way to her cheeks. ‘Actually, when we first met I found the thought of being attracted to you, an older woman to a…younger man…exciting. I felt bad about that because of my father, but…it was there.’

  A slow smile spread across his face and a hint of devilment came and went in his eyes. ‘I can work with you feeling like that about me.’ He sobered. ‘It’s not something that will ever worry me, Jayne. I’ll only ever be proud to be at your side.’

  Jayne laughed and tried to push back her blush and then she, too, sobered. ‘If I do this, Alex, if I give you all my love, it will be for ever. I won’t be able to control that.’

  But she’d already given it. Her heart had given it. Her mind just hadn’t been ready to catch up and acknowledge what had happened. A smile started to tug at the corners of Jayne’s mouth until it finally, tremulously broke through. ‘It’s too late to worry about controlling things or making up excuses, isn’t it? I’m already there.’

  ‘I’m there, too, and I’ll make it worth it for you, Jayne.’ His hand rose to touch the sides of her face, to cup her chin and there was so much love, so much emotion in that touch, in the way he held her. So much gentleness and so much strength and so much commitment…

  He drew a deep breath. ‘I can’t love you any way other than with what’s inside me, and that’s…everything.’

  ‘I love and need you, too, Alex. And…I think we can be stronger together than we would be apart, and that we can go forward together and be happy together. I want to live with you, handle all these family-related ups and downs with you as they come along. Things aren’t great with my father at the moment. He’s angry that I resigned and…I’m angry that he didn’t value me more but I’m still hopeful of a decent relationship outside of the office, given some time for both of us to cool down a bit. Maybe if I’m not working with him there’ll be a better chance for that.’ Jayne was willing to try. For now, she knew what she needed. ‘Most of all, I just long to be with you.’

  ‘I want to marry you, Jayne. I want all of it.’ He drew a breath. ‘I…need to hope and believe that, despite anything around us or whatever we’re up against, we can build a life together and be strong.’

  ‘It’s what I want, too.’ Jayne knew it. Oh, way deep inside she knew it with every certainty, every part of her. ‘So I will marry you, Alex. We’ll plan it and we’ll do it, and we’ll work together on everything else, too.’

  She drew a tremulous breath. ‘Would you consider a baby one day?’

  Alex stilled completely and an awe-struck expression crossed his face. ‘A son or daughter with you. Yes, Jayne. I would want that.’

  Alex drew her to her feet and she looked into his eyes with the backdrop of the Australian outback all around them, a vast vista filled with secrets and possibilities, harshness and durability and changes and things that never changed. Filled with Alex’s history, and hers too, because this country Australia was home to both their hearts.

  And Jayne knew she would come back h
ere with him again and again to remind both of them of all they could do and be together. Jayne had a suspicion that Alex’s uncle Morgan had known exactly what he was doing in bringing Alex here.

  Because she and Alex had found the beginning of the rest of their lives together here.

  And Jayne couldn’t be happier.

  As Alex took her into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers, Jayne gave herself to those emotions and knew he was doing the same.

  This was their beginning.


  Jennie Adams

  Boss’s invitation to the ball...

  This year, horticulturist Cecilia Tomson is hosting Sydney’s most glamorous masked ball. Usually unflappable, she’s struggling to concentrate—her boss, Linc MacKay, who rejected her years ago, has picked the worst moment to visit. And he’s as gorgeous as ever!

  Self-made millionaire Linc thinks he has it all. Orphaned as a child, he never felt love—then or now. Until one breathtaking kiss with Cecilia has him questioning his priorities. The ball could be the perfect chance to prove he is the man of her dreams...and that this time he’s here to stay!

  “Hi, Linc. Thanks for stopping by to collect me.”

  She got the words out before she looked at him properly. It was just as well, because when she did, she couldn’t drag her gaze away again.

  He had on a sleek evening suit in a dark pin-striped gray, a crisp white shirt and thin powder blue tie. Polished black dress shoes completed the outfit, and as he moved his arm slightly, she caught a glimpse of a gold cuff link.




  Could any man look more handsome than Linc did tonight?

  Dear Reader,

  What a journey it has been for the MacKay brothers. First Brent found his wonderful partner, Fiona, and then Alex found the beautiful Jayne. Now it is finally Linc’s turn to find love, and his plant nursery manager, Cecilia Tomson, is just the woman to help Linc along that path. Or perhaps I should say “through that maze,” for Linc will have to take an internal journey of discovery, acceptance and understanding before he is finally able to allow himself to reach out fully for love.

  Much of Cecilia’s romantic heart has gone into the creation of the Fleurmazing plant nursery with its delightful flowering feature maze. Her work at the nursery has helped Cecilia through some tough times, and she has an even tougher road ahead before she will finally reach the fulfillment of her own personal love story...with Linc.

  I hope you enjoy the journey as Linc and Cecilia follow their special pathway to love. I found great joy in writing it.

  From Australia with all my love,

  Jennie Adams

  After years of living in a small inland city in New South Wales, Australia, JENNIE ADAMS re-embraced the country lifestyle of her childhood. When she isn’t writing, Jennie dedicates her time to promoting the natural wonders of her new area and encouraging others to visit and enjoy what now constitutes her backyard—large tracts of native bushland, flora and fauna reserves, and wetlands. Jennie’s family has grown to embrace in-laws (and outlaws, she always jokes), sisters, daughters and brothers of the heart. Find Jennie at

  Books by Jennie Adams

  Harlequin Romance

  Daycare Mom to Wife

  His Plain-Jane Cinderella

  Invitation to the Prince’s Palace

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

  For my dad. You were my first storyteller and you’ll always remain the best to me. Love you.


















  ‘GOOD MORNING, CECILIA.’ Linc MacKay spoke the greeting as he stepped between shoulder-height hedge shapes bursting from within with raised flowering displays. ‘Your second-in-command told me I’d probably find you here.’

  ‘Here’ was the feature maze area of the Fleurmazing Plant Nursery on its acreage just outside the Sydney city limits. The Australian sun warmed the air, and the light breeze carried the scents of a summer garden.

  Now it had also brought a handsome millionaire, stepping around a corner of the maze to an alcove where a statue of a sun goddess draped in gossamer folds reached her arms upwards as though to bless the world with her light.

  Was it the soft look in Linc’s eyes as his gaze moved beyond the sun goddess and lingered on her that made Cecilia’s breath suddenly catch? A moment later the expression disappeared, if it had ever truly been there at all.

  ‘Linc. Is it that time already?’ She focused on projecting professionalism into her words and tried to push those discomforting questions to the back of her mind. ‘I’m glad Jemmie was able to point you in the right direction to find me.’

  Cecilia placed one final hedge trimming into the basket over her arm and walked towards the plant nursery’s owner. If she didn’t feel entirely calm she could at least act as though she were.

  ‘This is my favourite part of the maze, to be honest.’

  ‘I can see why.’ His gaze took in the maze, its beautiful flowers every shade from creamy white to deepest violet and blue. But then he turned back and took in Cecilia, too, from the top of her honey-blond hair in its high ponytail, over her face, lingering on each feature, and quickly sweeping over the simple strappy sundress that showed off her curves to perfection.

  She rarely dressed in her best girly attire for work but, knowing that today she’d be inside most of the day in the office, Cecilia had let her most feminine side have its way.

  ‘It’s stunning,’ Linc finally said. ‘The...ah...the maze.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She drew a slightly unsteady breath. ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t up front, ready to greet you.’

  Cecilia glanced at the trimmings in the basket over her arm and hoped by doing so she would disguise her swirling thoughts from him.

  ‘This is a never-ending job.’

  ‘And a very important one at the moment, I can imagine.’

  Why, oh, why did she have to feel suddenly oh-so-conscious of him? She had much better control than this. Usually...

  Wasn’t it enough that she’d mistaken his interest once before, years ago?

  ‘The maze needs to look good. Fantastic, in fact.’

  She forced the words out and told herself to concentrate on matters at hand. The Fleurmazing plant nursery was the third and most recent of Linc’s Sydney plant nurseries that she had managed over the six years she’d been in his employ, but this one was different.

  It was her brainchild—a holistic nursery that required greater upkeep but offered an enhanced experience for its visitors. At least in this aspect of her life she had it together!

  She should keep her focus on that. Now, of all times, Cecilia needed to ‘sell’ the nursery’s virtues to Linc at any opportunity she got. Noticing his character traits or wondering if his attention was caught on her wasn’t part of that plan.

  ‘We’re logging hundreds of people every day, who all come here specifically because they want to experience the maze. Sales out of that alone are fantastic. And the maze needs to be perfect in time for the part we’re playing in Sydney’s Silver Bells charity flower show, so I’m giving it a lot of attention at the moment.’

  ‘A masked ball in the middle of a
plant maze is ambitious.’ One side of his mouth kicked up. ‘But I’m sure if anyone can carry it off it’ll be you.’

  ‘The Silver Bells organisers have put their faith in me, so I have no choice now.’ She said it laughingly, but the importance of it was never far from her thoughts.

  She wouldn’t have had the opportunity if Linc hadn’t agreed to let her take the risk.

  ‘It’ll pay off, Linc. Your whole chain of plant nurseries will get good attention out of our participation in the Silver Bells event.’

  Linc owned a dozen nurseries across the city, along with bucketloads of real estate and a commodities trading portfolio that, on its own, probably ran into millions. He truly was the quintessential millionaire bachelor, with the world at his feet. They were more than poles apart, which had made her faux pas of throwing herself at him six years ago even more embarrassing.

  He hadn’t been interested. She’d mistaken his charming way for something it wasn’t, and then—moments after he’d let Cecilia down as gently as anyone possibly could have—a woman had arrived for her lunch date with him. A sophisticated older woman.

  Old news, Cee. Linc played the gentleman that day, apologised that he’d given the wrong impression and went off on his date with Ms Socialite while you went back to digging around in potting mix. And you got over it.

  Cecilia had worked hard to impress him professionally since then, and she’d dated. Then she’d found Hugh, and that relationship had lasted almost two years. Linc had no doubt dated lots more versions of Ms Socialite, too, though Cecilia had not heard of him ever being in a serious long-term relationship since she’d known him.

  ‘I appreciate you coming in for the business review. I know you’re busy. Actually, I thought you might have sent someone to do it for you.’


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