Sons Of Australia: The Mackays: Australian Boss: Diamond Ring/Surprise: Outback Proposal/Tempted by Her Tycoon Boss

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Sons Of Australia: The Mackays: Australian Boss: Diamond Ring/Surprise: Outback Proposal/Tempted by Her Tycoon Boss Page 36

by Jennie Adams

  Cecilia glanced again in her hall mirror and couldn’t help but note that the person looking back was a far cry from the one who went off to work in casual clothes and sturdy boots most days.

  What would Linc make of the transformation?

  Not that she cared one way or another.

  Indeed, she’d spent hours fussing over her make-up and hair just to please herself.

  Outside, a car door closed. Inside her small home, Cecilia held her breath.

  Moments later footsteps sounded on the short pathway to her front door.

  Breathe, Cecilia.

  Somehow the hopes and expectations for this evening’s outing had got into her blood before the evening itself had even begun. The lift of anticipation only increased as the doorbell chimed.

  She collected her purse, made the short journey to the door and pulled it open.

  ‘Hi, Linc. Thanks for stopping by to collect me.’

  She got the words out before she looked at him properly. It was just as well, because when she did, she couldn’t drag her gaze away again.

  He had on a sleek evening suit in a dark pinstripe grey, a crisp white shirt and a thin powder blue tie. Polished black dress shoes completed the outfit, and as he moved his arm slightly, she caught a glimpse of a gold cufflink.




  Could any man look more handsome than Linc did tonight?

  ‘Good evening, Cecilia.’

  Linc spoke the words in slow response to Cecilia’s greeting.

  His first glimpse of her in a gown of deep pink shimmery fabric had stopped him in his tracks. All he could seem to see was bare sun-kissed shoulders, hair piled high on her head, showing off the lovely lines of her neck, and her beautiful face: eyes made up subtly to draw out their perfect blue depths, lips accented in a soft shimmery pink to match her dress.

  ‘You look...’ Stunning. Gorgeous. Kissable. ‘Lovely.’

  Even in saying that he felt like a master of understatement. What she looked was indescribably beautiful.

  His intention to behave in a highly businesslike manner this evening seemed to have flown away as he stood there, his gaze caught in the bright blue depths of her eyes.

  Linc tried to call that business mood back, but how could he as Cecilia’s eyelashes swept down and she thanked him for the compliment?

  When she glanced back up again, her gaze moved quickly over him and returned to meet his. A hint of pink tinged her cheeks.

  ‘You look nice, too.’

  The words were simple; the appreciation veiled at the backs of her eyes was complication bathed in blue.

  ‘Shall we?’

  He held out his hand for her to grasp before he managed a sensible thought. Led her to the car before he registered anything more than the subtle scent of her perfume—not floral this time, but something more complex and very alluring.

  Only when he’d closed the door after helping her into the car did Linc take a moment to draw a breath and wonder what had just happened there.

  This was not the first time he’d called for a beautiful woman to take her out somewhere. There had been women in his life. A number of them up until about a year ago, when it had all started to feel pointless and his dates had become further and further apart.

  But seeing Cecilia tonight had literally taken his breath away. How could he deny his attraction?

  Yet how could he do anything else?

  In this moment he had no answers to any of it.

  Linc strode to the driver’s side of the car, opened the door and got in.

  As Linc started the car, Cecilia stole another glance at him. Tonight he looked every bit the powerful and wealthy man about town. She might have always known it, but seeing him this way really brought it home to her that Linc was indeed a man who’d left his mark on life and would continue to do so.

  She felt a little Cinderella-ish at the thought.

  This is no fairytale, Cecilia.

  In an effort to distract herself, she spoke. ‘Did I tell you that tonight will start with a tour of the Gantry-Bell estate gardens?’

  At least she’d said something, and furthermore something that didn’t relate at all to how attractive she found Linc.

  ‘Apparently, this will be the first time ever that the estate has been opened to the public. Given the name of the charity, and the fact that for a whole month people will be allowed to visit and tour the gardens, the committee must have cut a deal with the owners.’

  They entered into a discussion about the flower show. Before she knew it, they’d arrived at the venue. Acres of beautiful gardens surrounded them on all sides, and in the midst of those gardens stood a mansion Cecilia would have expected to see in a fairytale.

  ‘Oh, it’s beautiful! Look at the ivy growing all the way up that south wall. There are turrets, too—just like on a castle,’ she murmured, and then felt more than a little foolish for showing her awe so obviously.

  ‘And a tower.’ Linc stopped the car and handed the keys to a waiting valet, but he opened Cecilia’s door himself and extended his hand to help her out. ‘Isn’t there a fairy story about a woman being trapped in a tower?’

  ‘There’s more than one story like that among the classic fairytales.’

  In that moment she felt rather like a princess in a modern-day fairytale herself. A princess waiting to be swept away by a millionaire prince, perhaps?

  Except Linc wasn’t royalty, and nor was she and Cecilia was certainly not a damsel waiting to be swept away by a fantasy love in any way at all.

  Would that be so bad, Cee?

  She must not allow such thoughts even the tiniest space in her mind—and yet hadn’t she already started to believe that she and Linc...

  So unbelieve it right now—or you might find a pumpkin dropping out of the sky at midnight and giving you a concussion or bringing you a prince who could be a shoe salesman!

  Yet they were here, and this was rather magical and Cecilia was tired of being practical all the time.

  For the second time tonight, she placed her hand into Linc’s outstretched one, and she did feel just a teensy bit regal as she alighted from his car.

  At least until her gaze moved around them and she saw the other couples making their way to the front of the mansion. Couples dressed in similarly glamorous clothing and all looking completely at home in these surroundings.


  ‘Look...’ She whispered the word to Linc. ‘Up ahead. Is that that famous Australian gardening celebrity?’

  The tall celebrity with his distinctive features turned and shared a laugh with the woman at his side. Cecilia knew for sure then.

  ‘It is. I can remember watching his show when I was just a child.’

  Cecilia felt even more out of her depth. A millionaire at her side, famous people all around her... Well, all right. She’d only seen one. But who knew who else might be there?

  She on the other hand was just a girl who ran a plant nursery. A girl who happened to be at the side of that very same handsome millionaire just now.

  ‘I can do this.’

  She muttered the words beneath her breath, but Linc heard them, anyway.

  ‘Don’t tell me you’re intimidated by your surroundings, Cecilia?’ He asked it with a teasing grin, as though he didn’t have a care in the world.

  Money would pave the way for that, she supposed.

  Actually, Linc would pave the way for himself, whether he had money or not. Instinctively, Cecilia knew this.

  So why should she be worried?

  ‘I was a little awed by all this,’ she admitted, ‘but only for a moment.’

  They made their way to the mansion’s entrance, where they were met by the president, who
’d called Cecilia earlier in the day.

  ‘I’m so glad you’re here.’ The woman, a tall powerhouse in her late sixties, greeted Cecilia with an air kiss and clasped one of Linc’s hands in both of hers. ‘The committee are so happy you could both make it. We particularly want to catch up tonight.’

  She gestured to a distinguished gentleman at her side.

  ‘This is our host, Mr Gordon Gantry-Bell.’

  ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you.’

  After a moment’s small talk, their host gestured inside.

  ‘Please make your way to the drawing room for light refreshments.’

  As they strolled away, Cecilia turned her head to catch Linc’s eye. ‘I wonder what the committee want to talk to us about. Maybe it’s just last-minute questions regarding the masked ball.’

  The drawing room turned out to be a huge room, easily capable of holding three hundred people. A curved alcove made up of long sparkling windows looked out onto one aspect of the gardens. A grand piano filled the space in the alcove, and a man sat playing, his tall, thin frame concentrated utterly on producing the lilting melody.

  Overhead, a long oval inlay graced the ceiling, and at its centre what must be a family crest in the form of an eagle was featured. Chandeliers hung at intervals along the ceiling. The room was stripped of furniture other than the piano and numerous oval tables spaced about. The pristine tablecloths bore the same eagle family-crest design, embossed into the cloth, while luxurious velvet-covered chairs surrounded each table.

  ‘I really do feel as though I’ve stepped into another world.’ Cecilia whispered the words even as she tried to ensure she had her most confident expression on as heads turned at their entrance into the room.

  Immediately, another committee member separated herself from a small group of people near the entry, greeted them and introduced them to a number of other guests.

  During a break in the flow of conversation, Cecilia leaned her head close to Linc’s and murmured that she supposed they should do as others were doing and divide and conquer. After all, a room full of flower enthusiasts, sponsors and other interested parties allowed endless possibilities for networking. She shouldn’t come across as though she wanted to cling to Linc’s side.

  ‘Don’t even think about leaving me.’ His low words sounded close to her ear, and her hand was lifted and tucked firmly into the crook of his elbow. ‘The only conversation I have to offer about flowers is how to make money out of them.’

  This was patently untrue, and Linc would be just fine on his own—Cecilia didn’t doubt that for a moment. Still, if he wanted her company...well, that felt good. It shouldn’t, but it did.

  Minutes later the tour of the gardens was announced. Curtains were drawn back from a sweeping set of doors at the end of the room. These were thrown open with a flourish, revealing a vista of glorious colour and splendour so eye-catching on the other side that it was almost too much to take in.

  ‘I’ve seen photos.’ Cecilia almost whispered the words. She felt spellbound as they entered the gardens. ‘But it’s so much more when you’re here. The perfect symmetry, the arches and blend of colours and shades, the different forms... I think these gardens may have taken some of their inspiration from the Butchart Gardens in Canada. This is so much more beautiful and complex than I realised when we first drove into the grounds.’

  She understood now why the event would have attracted celebrity interest—especially from a renowned gardening identity.

  ‘It is.’ Linc glanced into her eyes, and his seemed to shine with pleasure at her happiness. ‘Brent and Fiona would love to see all this. Their landscaping and Fiona’s artwork would both be inspired by it, I suspect.’

  ‘You must encourage them to come during the month the gardens are open to the public, Linc.’

  Cecilia herself felt inspired. Without even realising she was doing it, she clasped Linc’s hand. His fingers curled around hers and her heart expanded, taking in the beauty and the pleasure of sharing it with him.

  They wandered at their own pace. Cecilia barely noticed they had dropped behind the group at first, but after a time she became intensely conscious of the man at her side.

  Would he think she had lagged behind deliberately? She hadn’t.

  But she couldn’t deny that she wanted to be with him right now and couldn’t be sorry that the rest of the group had moved ahead.

  She forced herself to concentrate on this experience, and a thought occurred to her. ‘The committee have achieved something quite amazing in getting these gardens opened up. They must be very determined.’

  ‘And connected to the right people.’ Linc added this thought as they paused to admire an ancient sundial.

  Cecilia gave a contented sigh. ‘This makes my efforts at Fleurmazing seem small-scale, doesn’t it?’

  ‘Not one bit. Don’t downplay your success just because you’re seeing something larger.’ Linc held her gaze for a moment. ‘Let it inspire you.’

  ‘To even greater things?’ She liked his philosophy.

  ‘If you like.’ Linc sounded relaxed.

  Cecilia thought the gardens had worked their magic on him, too.

  ‘My dears, we’re about to make our way in. Will you join us at our dinner table?’

  The question broke through Cecilia’s reverie. The committee president had found them again. Indeed, it appeared the tour was over, because the entire group had dispersed and were making their way back to the welcome of the drawing room.

  The president introduced another member of the committee. ‘Do call us by our first names. I’m Susan, and this is Agneta. It would be such an honour to spend some quality time with you both.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Linc murmured.

  ‘We’d be delighted,’ Cecilia added and felt way too much like half of a couple.

  She supposed she was—but they were a business couple!

  They made their way to the table Susan indicated and took their seats. Shallow bowls filled with tea roses graced the centre and filled the air with their lovely scent.

  At the urging of their hosts, Cecilia accepted a glass of white wine. The bottle looked French, and she suspected it would have cost her a week’s salary. As she took a first sip she glanced at Linc.

  His gaze was on her lips, and for just a moment in time their gazes met and held. Even her heart seemed to skip a beat, and then make up for it by beating fast.

  ‘Madam...sir. Your entree.’ A waiter discreetly placed fragrant plates before them.

  ‘How long have you been in the plant-nursery business, Linc?’ Agneta asked the question and gave a smile that was both coy and a little cheeky all at once. ‘If you don’t mind me asking, dear?’

  Linc responded with the kind of smile and easy response that Cecilia would have expected if he’d been talking to an elderly aunty.

  ‘I got into the business at nineteen after working two jobs and renovating houses until I had enough money to buy my first small nursery.’

  Cecilia loved hearing this explanation. She’d never asked him these questions herself and took the opportunity to sit back and allow the older two women to grill him gently for all the information they wanted.

  ‘And you, Cecilia? How long have you worked for Linc as a nursery manager?’

  ‘Oh...’ Guilty heat crept into her cheeks, because she knew she’d allowed the conversation to drift over her while she just enjoyed sitting beside Linc and hearing him share information about himself. ‘It’s been six years.’

  They chatted easily with the committee members, getting to know others in the group as the evening wore on.

  Cecilia was never unaware of Linc—whether he was talking to the committee member on his right or engaging in conversation with others around the table. She just couldn’t seem to distance herself from a sharp co
nsciousness of him.

  She tried to focus her attention on the meal and on playing her part in the conversation. As the courses progressed from roasted fennel with blackberries to ocean trout and finally to a tangy lemon sorbet that was made with fruit from the lemon trees in the vast gardens, Cecilia felt tension building in the president and in some of the other committee members.

  Tension was building within herself as well, but for different reasons. Sitting so close by Linc had her senses humming. Maybe it was the setting, the glamour or perhaps it was just that in other circumstances this might have been any girl’s idea of a dream date. Whatever the reason, those two tensions—the one inside her and the one now being manifested by the committee—shortened her breath.

  ‘No doubt you’ve both been wondering why we so specifically wanted to speak with you tonight.’

  Susan’s words brought Cecilia back to earth.

  ‘We have a proposal that we feel will excite you. As you can see from tonight’s gathering and our surroundings, the Silver Bells flower show will be prestigious from beginning to end. Now that we’ve inspected your maze and gained a clear insight into your plans for the masked ball itself, we know that yours will be a wonderful feature event, too.’

  Here the woman paused and gave Cecilia an approving glance.

  ‘Cecilia, we were pleased and impressed by your initiative when you approached us to make a masked ball at Fleurmazing one of our feature events this year. We believe it will complement the core activity of the flower show very nicely. Indeed—’ here she glanced apologetically at Linc for a moment before turning back ‘—if the opportunity arose, we’d steal you to work exclusively on helping us with our arrangements for next year. A maze of the kind that you’ve produced at Fleurmazing, if undertaken here on these grounds, for example, could create a crowning glory for the event.’

  Although it was said with a tongue-in-cheek smile, Cecilia didn’t miss the keen look that accompanied it.

  An opportunity to add to these beautiful gardens? To leave a creation of hers as a legacy to be enjoyed into the future?

  ‘I’m stunned. Thank you. It’s very kind of you to say such a thing.’


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