Dirty Little Thing

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by Sara Brookes

  Dirty Little Thing

  Copyright 2015 Sara Brookes

  Cover art and formatting design by Silver Phoenix Labs

  Photo by Deposit Photos

  Ribbon Label Vector: FreePik

  This book is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locations are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity, and are used factiously. All other characters, and all incidents and dialogue, are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language that may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase.

  Disclaimer: Please do not try any new sexual practice without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither the publisher nor the author will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from use of the information contained in this book.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned of distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in piracy of copyrighted materials in violation with the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  About the Author

  Other Titles by Sara Brookes

  Connect with Sara

  Bonus Excerpt: Get Off Easy

  Bonus Excerpt: Riding Irish

  Chapter One

  Adelita had never had an orgasm.

  She’d had plenty of sex, but had never achieved a gut-wrenching, tear-your-soul-out climax. I was determined to be the one to give her that moment. Not because I owned a sadistic streak a mile wide. I simply had a deep-seated desire to hear Adelita scream my name and feel her pastel-pink nails dig deep into my wrist as she tumbled over the precipice of release.

  I had no idea why I’d made her lack of orgasm my mission. Why I felt so flustered, and even a little perturbed, about the situation. I only knew I wanted to be the one who gave Adelita something she’d never experienced before. To be the one who held her while she basked in the blissful haze of afterglow.

  Adelita was the first woman I’d been with who didn’t know what her body was capable of. I’d tried again earlier this evening, seducing her as soon as she’d strolled through my front door. Even as I’d been face-deep in her cunt, tonguing the cute, delicate nub of her clit and kissing the glistening folds of her pussy lips, it had become clear my valiant efforts weren’t going to break the cycle. The suffocating heaviness of our frustration had driven us to the corner pub where we’d ordered drinks we didn’t want.

  Now…I was brooding.

  Adelita was crying. But the tears streaking down her cheeks weren’t what clenched a tight fist around my heart. It was the frustration—with me and with herself—saturating the choking, smoke-laden air between us. She wanted so much to please me, but all we’d discovered so far was the bitter sting of disappointment.

  However, if anything, I was damn persistent. And stubborn. I wouldn’t toss in the towel without a tenacious fight. I wasn’t going to give up on her, either. Or on my abilities to make this woman come. I was going to have to be dragged off Adelita kicking and screaming. Even then I probably wouldn’t stop trying to break through the formidable wall her body, and mind, had erected against pleasure.

  I loved her too much to give up.

  Adelita excused herself to the bathroom, wiping her face as she started to thread her way through the crowd. Along the way, she brushed off the advances of the few straight men who had decided to brave Ladies Only Night.


  Usually the men who showed up when the place was bursting at the seams thought they’d find a fountain of ripe, untapped pussy. Those same men had the typical male attitude toward two women being together. A one night, filthydirtyfuckme threesome where they made certain they spread their seed.

  As I said…jackasses.

  I’d given up on men as viable bed-mate material in high school. Sure, that age was a little young to make such a life-altering decision, but I’d always known I wanted eat pussy and not suck cock.

  Dangly bits did absolutely nothing for me.

  Adelita returned, the tearstains gone. Her cheeks were tinted a faint pink, making the freckles on her skin stand out even more. Gah, she’s adorable. And beautiful. And mine. Why can’t I…

  “There were some women in the bathroom.”

  I snorted as I picked up my beer and tried to shake off the gloomy thoughts running rampant through my brain. “Only a few? Slow night.”

  She slapped my arm. “That isn’t what I meant. It’s just…I saw, I mean, they were...never mind.” She trailed off, averting her gaze as she fiddled with her untouched bottle.

  Something had certainly caught her interest. Intrigued, I touched her chin, gently encouraging her to look at me. She resisted, but finally her gaze met mine. In those sparkling blue depths, I noticed her pupils were constricted. Combined with her rapid breath, and the way she kept trying to break my gaze, I knew she’d caught a glimpse of something exciting.

  “You’re turned on.”

  Her bare legs burned hot against my denim clad ones. Struck with inspiration, I parted her thighs and tugged her close. The gauzy fabric of her skirt slid up my forearm as our bodies came together, her breath blowing hot across my cheek as I brought her face close to mine. I kissed her lightly at first, nibbling her lower lip as I skimmed my mouth against hers. I inched my fingers higher on her leg, and traced the small scar on her upper thigh as I flicked my tongue against her slightly parted mouth.


  She tried to say it, but it came out muffled against my probing tongue. The hungry noise she made instead was enough to encourage me. When I dipped my fingers between her legs, I discovered she’d removed the lacy thong she’d been wearing earlier. Delighted with the bounty of her bare pussy lips against my finger, I took my time tracing, fold by fold, fighting my craving to dive deeper.

  “Naughty girl.” Hot breath ghosted over my cheeks as she nodded. “Did you play with yourself in the bathroom?” She shook her head. Time bent around us, everything far away and dreamy. We made our own little world where the heat of her cunt was burning the tips of my fingers and everything felt so good, nothing else mattered. “Tell me,” I ordered as I lifted my free hand to her collarbone before trailing down to her breast to play and explore. Her nipple puckered under the silk, the stiff point beckoning to me. “Go on, beautiful. Tell me the wicked things you saw that made you so hot.”

  Adelita shivered, a signal that lowering the timbre of my voice, adding that touch of command, had been the right choice. “They didn’t pay attention to me when I walked in. Didn’t hesitate for a second. Right out there in the open. They were just…”

  The arousal pooling between my legs grew heavy as I touched her clit and found it hard. She jerked, a tremor arching her back so those perfect breasts were pressing against mine. God, she has the best fucking tits. “What were they doing, baby?”

  I gave her a few seconds to gather breath. Just as I ready to ask—no, demand—her tongue flicked out to wet her lips. “There was a redhead with her back against the wall. She had a leg wrapped around a blonde, just a little shorter than her, and…I could see the blonde’s arm moving.”

  The image of the two women formed in my lust-hazed brain. Adelita had never expressed an interest in playing voyeur, but something told me her first taste of the kink wasn’t going to be her last. “Did you see anything?”

  She shook her head, inhaling sharply when I parted her pussy lips. Her blue eyes glazed over again, the illicit
thrill of being openly touched as she described the scene she’d witnessed pulling her further into the moment.

  “Did you stop and stare?” When she didn’t answer, I dipped one finger into her opening, just to the first knuckle. Her eyes fluttered closed, breaking the intense connection we’d been sharing. No. I wasn’t going to let her pull away from me. “Look at me, Adelita.” When she complied after a few long tense moments, I pushed my finger to the second knuckle. “Did you watch them fuck?”

  “Not at first.” Her throat worked as she inhaled. “I felt like I was intruding, so I ducked into a stall. I could still hear them, though. They were whispering to each other, but I could hear every word they said. So, I…I listened.”

  Her obvious embarrassment at doing something so out of the ordinary was adorable. My straight-laced, OCD, nary-a-strand-of-hair-out-of-place lover had gotten all hot and bothered by a couple of strangers just trying to sate their needs. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her right now, but I also didn’t want to break the intensity of the moment. “What were they saying to each other?”

  She shrugged. A defiant gesture that made me withdraw my finger. Her soft whimper, and the way she clamped her fingers around my wrist, nearly made me shout in triumph. “Tell me what they were saying and I’ll touch you again.”

  Her grip on my wrist eased. “The blonde spoke the most. She was explaining in detail what she was doing. Silly because the redhead could feel exactly what was going on, right?”

  “There’s a lot to be said for dirty talk. Carefully executed, the right woman can make someone come with just her voice. And you don’t really think it’s silly at all, do you? The talking.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you liked it, didn’t you? You liked hearing the blonde talk. Liked knowing what was happening on the other side of the stall door. I would bet the dirtier she talked, the wetter you got.” I had a suspicion the couple had deliberately stepped up their game when Adelita had walked into the bathroom. Otherwise, they would have stopped the second they’d realized they weren’t alone. “Didn’t you?”

  Adelita drew a shaky breath. “The blonde had three fingers inside her girlfriend.”

  It wasn’t a direct answer to my question, but it was enough. “And?”

  “The redhead started begging for more. The softest whisper at first, so I couldn’t understand the words. But then the blonde told her she wasn’t going to slide another finger inside her unless she got louder.”

  “She did, didn’t she?” Adelita dipped her face, hiding her shame. “Did you take off your panties off when the blonde told the redhead about filling her with four fingers?” When I pushed my finger back to the second knuckle, feeling Adelita’s warm tissues surround me, I smiled smugly. Even if she denied it, the wetness coating my finger told a much different story. “Did you touch yourself? Decide you wanted to get off with them?”

  “I…wanted to.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  Adelita finally lifted her face again so I could look into her eyes. “I wanted to give them some privacy.”

  “And did you?”


  “You stopped to wash your hands didn’t you?” She bit her lip, tugging on the corner as she shrugged. I stared, unwilling to allow her to continue to evade me. When her shoulders sagged, and she nodded, I nearly grinned. “You and your damn hygiene.”

  Despite the scolding tone of my words, she giggled softly. I took advantage of the opportunity, pushing my finger further into her, she tightly gripped the bar.

  “I bet you didn’t just wash your hands. You took your time. Made a process of it and dragged out every little movement. Maybe even scraped under each of your nails even though they were already squeaky clean. And while you did all this, you watched them in the mirror.”

  Embarrassment flushing her face, the corners of her mouth curved in a cute little smile that made me want to kiss her. But hearing about what had turned her on this much was so much more tempting. Even secondhand, it was gloriously exhilarating.

  “The redhead had her leg draped over the blonde’s shoulder. I…could see everything.” The breathless quality of her voice charged the air around us, revving my system higher as I listened. “The blonde kept working her fingers in and out. In and out. In. Out. And her partner just took it, encouraging her even. They kept talking, describing everything, each time the blonde slid her fingers inside. Deeper. Taking it. And then…she took it all.”

  My inner walls clenched, fluttering as the phantom memory of the first time I’d fisted a woman flashed through my mind. I suddenly wished I’d been there in the bathroom with Adelita, watching the two women partake in such an intimate and intense act. More importantly, I would have liked to have been there while Adelita had watched. Her interest was tangible, but to have been in the room experiencing it with her first-hand would have been a game changer.

  “So what happened next?” I asked as I kept my fingers unmoving inside her.

  “The redhead came.”

  “You’re going to be disappointed if you think I’m going to settle for that kind of ending to your story.” I stared at her, waiting. When a faint pout turned down the corners of her mouth, I had to smile. “You don’t really think I’m going to let you off that easy do you?”

  “Why? It’s the end of the story.”

  “You and I both know it’s not. You’re wondering how it felt. To be filled so much you feel as though your soul is going to be ripped in half. Wondering if feeling me inside you that way, filling every inch of you, is going to be the thing that finally bridges this gap we’ve erected between us.” I leaned close to touch the tip of my tongue against the corner of her mouth. “You want to know if my fist is going to make you come.”

  Her gaze darted sideways, scanning the bar as she shifted her hips and pushed my finger deep inside her. “Yes.”

  “Go on,” I urged, wondering if she realized her excitement was coating the fingers I had shoved deep inside her. If she didn’t, I was determined she would by the end of the night. I used her arousal to massage her, seeking to drive her so high into her head that she wouldn’t care if I pushed her over the bar, flipped her skirt up to expose her cunt, and worked her until she took each and every bit of my hand.

  “The blonde kept whispering, taunting her partner with threats of slowing down or even stopping all together.”

  “But she didn’t, did she?”

  Adelita shook her head as her inner walls clamped hungrily around my fingers. I began moving, sliding against puffy tissue. Dragging and sliding. Touching. Teasing. “Did they notice you at all?”

  “The blonde smiled at me. Winked at me without stopping. She held my gaze in the mirror as she flicked her tongue against her lover’s clit.” Adelita’s breathing quickened as she spoke, her words becoming forced as she tried to maintain her composure. I continued working, unwilling to stop now because I was sure I could finally, finally make her come.

  “The redhead’s hips bucked against her partner’s mouth, but the blonde never missed a beat. She kept thrusting her fingers in and out. Faster and faster. Her forearm straining as she worked. It’s was…” Adelita’s voice had lowered to a hushed whisper, her focus restricted to the new sensations blossoming deep inside her. The ones I was awakening. “I’ve never seen such an unabashed and open display before. It took my breath away.”

  “Did she scream when she came?” The slender column of Adelita’s throat worked as she swallowed. But she didn’t answer me. Her eyes had glazed over. Her nails digging painfully into my wrist, sharp and raw.

  So fucking good.

  She was ripe and ready. And I was more than prepared to drive her beyond herself. Tangled, wild sensations twisted inside me. This was finally it. The moment we’d worked so hard for. And we were going to share it with a hundred unsuspecting strangers.

  I brushed my lips gently against her ear as I whispered, “How will you sound when you come for me, baby?”<
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  Adelita finally tipped over the edge, her unrestrained passion spilling into my palm. She milked my fingers as she latched onto my shoulder with her teeth, shivering and quaking as she came apart. I swallowed the little gasps of air as I captured her mouth with mine. The contact unleashed another flood of tremors and quiet little moans that nearly sent me flying, too.

  When she finally calmed, I withdrew my fingers, and touched the tips to her bottom lip. Hunger flashed hot in her eyes. Without warning, she launched forward, climbing into my lap as she took my mouth. The sweet, tantalizing flavor of her exploded on my tongue and I groaned as my desire shot to staggering levels.

  I had to have her. Taste her. Touch her. Feel this dirty little minx of mine come again, over and over, until she was a screaming, writhing mass of soft, beautiful woman in my arms who couldn’t remember her name.

  As I held Adelita, I scanned the crowd to see if anyone had noticed our secret moment. Everyone appeared to be caught up in their own little world, executing the carefully crafted ritual of most Friday nights in a bar. As I continued to look around, I noticed two females leaving the restroom.

  One blonde and one redhead. The passionate couple who had unknowingly assisted with Adelita’s first glorious orgasm. I smiled as they passed, fingers tangled as they walked hand and hand. I felt as though I should thank them for opening up this unexplored territory to the woman I loved, but I simply smiled and turned my focus to the very satisfied woman in my arms.

  “You never answered me.”

  “I was a little preoccupied,” she whispered against my neck. “Thank you.”

  As much as I appreciated her recognition, I still had a burning desire to know the answer. “That’s an excuse?”

  Adelita rolled her eyes in obvious annoyance. “Yes. She screamed, all right?”

  I tossed a twenty between our beers, and nodded at the bartender when she came by, indicating she could keep the change. Ready to get out of bar, I grabbed Adelita’s hand and pulled her off the stool. We sped past women standing in a disorganized line waiting to get inside the bar. As soon as we cleared the crowd, my gaze arrowed on a secluded spot across the street.


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