The Reaper (S E Rise's The Fade series Book 1)

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The Reaper (S E Rise's The Fade series Book 1) Page 11

by S E Rise

  “Good because I was thinking you might have to carry me up there.”

  Directly across from us was the entrance to the dining areas and restaurants. “Do you want to get cleaned up first or just go ahead and eat?”

  Her eyebrow arched at the thought and an even better idea crossed her mind. “Do they have room service?”

  “No, but they do deliver.”

  She tilted her head in a question. “Really?” and before I could answer I heard an unexpected voice come floating down to us.

  “Briana?” the voice said and there he was in all his Vampiric Splendor. Doctor Damian Christos descended the staircase as only a vampire could. Brin turned towards me and grabbed my arm. “Jack, is he a …vampire?”


  “How does he know my name?”

  And before I could elaborate he was at the step just above us. “Jack, Briana…How is this possible?” he said and Brin closed her eyes as he asked the question. Her eyes were relatively new to her, her hearing was not. Shock once again registered on her face.

  Her eyes suddenly shot open in astonished recognition.

  “You are him aren’t you? The doctor, the one who cared for me when I was a girl?”

  “Yes, Briana. Doctor Damian Christos at your service…” the Vampire said, narrowed his eyes and took in the enchantment in her eyes. “But I am being rude…” he said and quickly took his gaze from her and set it upon the ravishing blonde Vampiress holding his arm. “Please let me introduce to you the Countess Elania Chablis.”

  The countess wore a very revealing gown of black, with an enormous diamond pendant perched between her breasts.

  “Charmed, I’m sure.” She said and nodded to us in greeting.

  “We were just on our way to dine, would you care to join us?” Damian asked and I saw the blonde’s hand tighten on his forearm in displeasure. Besides that, I wasn’t sure Brin wanted to dine with a pair of vampires. Brin responded to his invitation without hesitation.

  “Thank you but we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. I have my eye surgery scheduled tomorrow..” she said and it sounded forced. I don’t think she had said it for my benefit and by the way the Doctor furrowed his brow with slight annoyance I could see who it was meant for.

  “Who is your Doctor?” he asked and even more incredulous was the fact that for a moment I thought I saw jealousy. What business was it of his?

  “Doctor Richard Chun.”

  The brow relaxed as he heard the name and a smile returned to his face. It was no secret that Damian still practiced medicine in the modern world and he had an incredible reputation. That’s what happens when you’ve been a doctor for five hundred or so years though. “Ah very good. Doctor Chun is a very skilled surgeon. I have met him on many occasion.”

  Brin actually seemed a little impressed as did I.

  “Well then I wish you much success tomorrow. It was very good to see you again…And you as well Jack.” I took her hand and we ascended the staircase. I stopped a sharply dressed man I recognized named Alfonse and gave him a list of the things I would like delivered to my room. He was a hard worker and very reliable.

  “Of course.” he said, gave a nod of his head and continued about his tasking.

  “Is this a dream Jack?”

  “No, do you want it to be?”


  Chapter Thirty Seven

  A feast awaited us as I opened the door to my place. The succulent scent of roast duck and lamb made my mouth water and the fresh baked bread sent us both over the edge.

  “You sure know how to impress a girl Jack.” she said and we lost ourselves to the food and only once I was able to think clearly did I take the opportunity to open the curtains and sliding glass doors to the balcony and beyond. I heard her intake of breath beside me. The sun had just set and the pink of the burning sky reflected across the River Styx. Magnificent arcs of Electricity tore and rumbled from the Tesla Towers in the distance.

  Blue candescent orbs began to flicker on and the Boulevard of Lost Keys began to glow like an ethereal artery. The town of Cricket cast its ghostly silhouette a short distance away and the blue artery continued through and away to the faint blue glow of Hollow in the distance.

  She stood awestruck as the splendor that was the Fade revealed to her a glimpse of what it was made of. The faint blue light of Tesla fire illuminated her profile for me and I knew I would do anything to keep this woman safe and alive. At that moment I understood what Archibald, the Reaper was unwilling to give up.



  “Whatever happens tomorrow or twelve hours from now or after this very next breath…” she turned to face me then and as the enchantment burned in her eyes I felt her take hold of my soul. “Thank you for this moment.”

  The sky around us rumbled and burned with the explosive light of Tesla fire as she pulled me down into her wanton embrace. Without thought of consequence we gave ourselves to the electric blue of our burning passion and satisfied our long awaited desire.

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  Slumber’s embrace wove its tendrils across my mind. What does Death dream about when he closes his eyes? He dreams about all the things he has taken from life.

  Brin’s father was watching me and laughing. Intermittently, Marley’s voice mumbled random words of obscenity.

  Silence then and I felt fear creeping over me.

  He was watching and waiting, the black liquid hung in sticky strands from his dead maw. They suddenly came alive and he was next to me. Brin walked towards us and I could see that the black liquid was in her eyes.

  “She only has eyes for me Jack.” Marley said and laughed into my face. The black tendrils lighting upon the skin of my face, touching my lips…

  Silence as the world came to a halt.

  “You took my eye Reaper; guess what I am going to take from you.” He whispered within intimate distance of my face. Brin turned to smile at me…”You promised Jack.” she said and the liquid black exploded outwards from her eyes.

  My eyes shot open and I found myself being enticed by the most incredible scent imaginable. I had closed my eyes for a few minutes as she showered. What secret rituals do women posses that make them smell like magic after they bathe? I have never smelled like that and I imagine she had used my soap and toiletries.

  “All freshened up.” She said combing her fingers through her wet locks. She sauntered up to the side of the bed. The towel wrapped around her left little to the imagination.

  “You smell delicious.”

  “Mmmm…Are you my Big Bad Wolf now?”

  “Are you my Little Red Riding Hood?”

  “I can be.” She said, pulled the towel loose and morphed it into a hood that covered her head and shoulders. “Oh my…what big teeth you have….” I licked my lips in response. Suddenly her eyes found something else she liked about her Big Bad Wolf…

  “You Beast….I think I like that too.”

  Chapter Thirty Nine

  The lack of care we gave to the imminent threat that Marley posed had begun to weigh upon me. I did not have a plan nor did I have a way to combat his new level of magical skills. Her finger’s traced the scar where her bullet had torn the flesh from my shoulder.

  “Is this from me?” she asked and I remained silent. “Sorry, you heal incredibly fast by the way.

  “I do.” I took the moment to redirect the conversation. “I think this might be a good time to talk about the situation we are in…”

  “Okay let’s start at the obvious…Why is Marley after me?”

  “Because of me.”

  Her acceptance of the supernatural, magic and the Fade was commendable. Amazing actually.

  “Because I am yours…”

  “Yes.” I then recapped to her my involvement with Marley. She listened without interrupting; her thoughts and judgment her own. I had reached a point for a pause and she took the moment to respond to what she had heard.

“I remember that day like it was yesterday. I actually remember your voice now that I think about it.” she said and I had nothing to say so I waited for her to continue. “I never saw you as a man…I never blamed you for what happened to us.”

  “I haven’t been a man for a very long time.”

  She ran her hand across my bare chest, up the side of my neck and gently turned my face to her. The touch of her lips was gentle and kind. It was more than I deserved and I felt something inside me twist in agony.

  “Enough talk for now…I want to see this world you live in…I want you to show me The Fade.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” I checked the time on my phone and caught the look of concern in her eyes.

  “I will have you there in time.”

  “I know.”

  Chapter Forty

  “What are those? She asked, in the distance steampunk plows diligently pushed mountains of refuse into the Black.

  “Mankind’s overflow and excess gather there and must be maintained. This is the place of lost and forgotten things. It is the place where the things of memory and all those ancient possessions eventually end up. Ever lose a sock in the washing machine? There are mountains of unmatched socks out there.”

  “Sounds kind of like a dump.” She said and changed the focus of her attention. “What are those?”

  “Those are the Tesla Towers. Nikola Tesla created them to supply the power to all of the Fade.”

  “I thought he died.”

  “So did he.”” I said and left it at that. Tesla’s tale was for another day. I pointed to the dark winding river that gave a backdrop to the hotel. “That is the River Styx. They say that it is so ancient that it has forgotten that it is a river and believes it is a sea. That is why it washes its waves against the shore. It’s waters cross many worlds and realms…it is the Master of Oblivion and any who go into its depths are lost and all their memories washed away.”

  She wrapped her arms around herself. “That sounds ominous.”

  “It is.”

  A wave of blue rolled towards us down the Boulevard of Keys and I felt her tense on my arm.

  “It’s okay, it won’t hurt you.” I said to calm her but she clung to my arm anyway as it rolled across us. “This place looks a lot different during the light. Right now it is dark and mysterious. Like a realm of fantasy. But during the daylight it is pretty much like any other town.”

  “We are walking upon the Boulevard of Keys. It is said that every key that has ever existed can be found upon the Boulevard. All you need to know is where to find it. To do that you have to stop and see the Master of Keys. Harry Houdini.”

  She let go of my arm and turned to me. “The Harry Houdini? Seriously?”

  “One in the same.”

  “Jack you are not going to let him get me are you?” She asked and I knew she wasn’t referring to the Master of Keys.

  “Not as long as I live and breathe.”


  Chapter Forty One

  “Who is that blue skinned guy sitting by himself at the table?” she asked and kept her voice low enough so only I could hear her. Outside of the Hookah Emporium, clouds of smoke transformed and danced to an unknown rhythm. “Wait, are those tattoo’s?”

  “They are not. His skin is blue because he is Djin. That is his place of business. Would you like to meet him?” The smoke began to swirl above the blue skinned man and after a moment formed an image of her face. Blue smoke filled the irises of her eyes.

  “Oh wow, that’s beautiful. Who is it?” she asked and it struck me then. I couldn’t believe it hadn’t occurred to me before. She had been blind for most of her life. How would she know it was her? It wasn’t like I had a mirror in my bathroom; she probably didn’t even look for it.

  “Brin, that’s you…”

  “Oh…” she put on a odd smile and took a step towards the Emporium. “Thank you Mr. Djin it is beautiful.” The blue skinned Djin smiled at her and nodded his head. It is said that the Djin had been in the world since the beginning and that when God decided to destroy the old world, the Djin helped create this and other places like it. It had cost them most of their magic and though diminished they could still pull out a surprise or two.

  I didn’t have the heart to tell her that The Djin is what he is not his name. He liked to be called Mr.Cooper.

  “Thank you Mr. Cooper. It was beautiful.” I said and Brin covered her mouth in embarrassment and then decided to follow suit.

  “Thank you Mr. Cooper. It was beautiful.” She said correcting her unintended slight. Mr.Cooper raised his hand in acknowledgement and his smile broadened even wider.

  I had to make a stop at the next alley and I needed to do it without her by my side. There were certain individuals that specialized in Wetworks and clean up. I needed them to do so without Brin knowing. We stopped at the waist high marble wall in the center of the road. The Boulevard split around the massive oval and reconnected on the other side.

  “This is the home of the Minaki Fey.” I said and pointed down into the grotto of dense jungle. “See the tiny sparks of golden light?”

  Her eyes widened even further as one of the tiny fairies flew up to her eye level. It’s tiny pixie body was perfectly proportioned and nude. “Aren’t you a sexy little thing?” Brin asked it. The fairy waved its little hand at her and darted away.

  “Hey would you mind waiting right here for a few minutes. I have some business I have to take care of. I won’t be far.” I asked her and pointed to the alley then to the door of Grimly’s. I saw a flash of well deserved separation anxiety but she reigned in her control of it and said it wasn’t a problem. She returned her gaze once more to the grotto.

  “Right here. Don’t go anywhere.” I said and she smiled at my own display of separation anxiety.

  “Yes Jack, right here.”

  Chapter Forty Two

  I was in and out Grimly’s faster than I would have expected. I gave them the address, what to expect and what I needed done. They were expensive but they were also the most reliable company at this sort of thing. I exited from the doorway and from the darkness came Damian Christos. The blonde no longer accompanied him and he was dressed in more casual attire. This of course would still be considered high end to anyone else.

  “Damian.” I offered in greeting and turned to visually confirm that Brin was present and safe. The little goat boys were clomping around and pointing things out to her.


  “To what do I owe the visit?”

  “A courtesy is all. I am officially still her doctor if you remember correctly.”

  “I didn’t before but I do now.” I said and he registered the information I had just given him.

  “I see. Not that it matters, but I thought you should know I took the liberty of speaking to Doctor Richard Chun. The man is an incredible doctor. He was gracious enough to explain the surgery and the procedures he will be performing on Briana.” He said and it annoyed me the way he said her entire name. That’s okay though because I think it annoyed Brin as well and that was just fine with me.


  “The man is brilliant…It will work. He can correct the damage done to her by the summoning fire.”

  “Thank you Damian that is fantastic news.” I said and I could see he had something else on his mind. Damian had never been one to withhold his words or criticism.

  “Is it Jack?” he asked and waited for me to understand his unspoken question.

  “Yes Damian, it is.” I knew what he was implying and I didn’t need the reminder.

  “It is Jack. It’s the right thing for her.” He said and his tone was starting to get on my nerves.

  “I know it is and I promised her that I would have her there in time.”

  “Good, her check in for prep is in four hours, that’s eight hours on this side.”

  “I know and Ginger’s spell will have run out long before then.”

  “I do not envy y
ou when it does my friend.”

  Chapter Forty Three

  “Hi Jack.” the goat boy said and I recognized him as Jimmy the messenger boy the Marshal had sent to me some time back.

  “Hey Jimmy. Are you over here stealing my girl?” I asked and the goat boy smiled, nodded his head in mock challenge as only a Billy Goat could do.

  “You’re too late. She loves only me now.” He clomped his hoofed feet in place, brought Brin’s hand up to his lips and placed a kiss upon it. He laughed as he ran away with his two companions.

  “He’s cute.”

  “Don’t let him hear you say that. He’s a Pan. When he grows up that little kiss he placed upon your hand will have you on your back and begging for more.” I said and she laughed at the thought. I wasn’t kidding though. Adult Pan’s were notorious lovers.

  The hours burned away as I showed her one marvel after another I knew our time was coming to an end. Marley had not made his presence known to us and for that I was suspicious.

  “Would you like to know how this little town gets its name?”

  “I would like that very much.” She said and I could hear it in her voice. She knew we were running out of time as well. I took her down a side alley, made a sharp left turn and the stone crafted stairway appeared before us. As we reached the bottom an ancient forest sprawled out around us and the River Styx washed against a sandy shore in front of us. It took only a moment of silence for the serenade to begin and the crickets made their presence known. The beauty of the harmony was enthralling and this was why the town was named Cricket. We enjoyed the serenade and held each other like it was the last time.

  I heard the clinking of glass as did she and she turned to look. The bottle had washed ashore and I took the moment to satisfy her curiosity.

  “Upon the River Styx messages in bottles wash against the shore. Within those bottles are the hopes, dreams and memories of those who have forgotten and those who have been forgotten.”

  She turned to look up into my face and I could see the last of the enchantment slide from her eye as a tear along her cheek.


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