Giving It to the Bad Boy

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Giving It to the Bad Boy Page 12

by Jenika Snow

  “Hey now.” Reese pushed Marcus away and wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing her close to his side.

  “Sorry, man. Just showing your girl some love.” Marcus grinned over at her, but whatever look Reese gave him had the smile on Marcus’s face leaving right away. “Whatever, you possessive asshole.” Marcus grinned again, and she heard and felt Reese chuckle.

  “You would be, too, if you had a girl like Kiera.” Reese leaned down and kissed the top of her head, and Kiera’s pulse raced. She loved that he didn’t care what others might think about him showing her affection.

  “Yeah, man, true dat.” Christian hollered for a fresh round of beer, and Marcus flipped him off. “I guess I should take care of these bitches. You guys want a beer?”

  Reese looked down at her, and she shook her head. “Nah, man, we’re good.”

  “Cool, man.” They followed Marcus over to the rest of the guys, and Marcus started introducing her to everyone. “Shayne, Zac, Mike, you know Reese’s girl, Kiera.” The three guys she had seen around school lifted their beer cans or tilted their chins in acknowledgment. The fact Marcus called her “Reese’s girl” had her flushing. Kelly, who was on Mike’s lap, looked her up and down, but the smile she gave Kiera was anything but genuine. “Jake and Colt over there go to Mount Tess University with Mason.”

  “Where is your asshole brother anyway?” Colt chuckled, which had the other guys laughing as well. “He was supposed to be back with more beers twenty minutes ago.”

  “He probably found some chick to bang in the backroom of the convenience store.” Everyone murmured their agreement or started laughing.

  Marcus rolled his eyes, and must have seen her confusion because he said, “Mason is my brother and a bigger man whore than…” He cut his eyes to Reese, and she instantly felt uncomfortable because she knew what he was implying. “Let’s just say he likes the female population.” He cleared his throat and murmured about finding some beers inside. He headed off into the darkness and toward the house.

  Reese sat on one of the lawn chairs, and to her surprise and embarrassment, pulled her onto his lap. His lips found the shell of her ear, and he whispered, “Is this okay, Kiera?”

  This was a little blatant for her, but then again she knew she liked the feel of his hard, strong body beneath hers, and the fact he so clearly wanted to place claim on her. Looking down at him, she wet her lips and nodded. He curled his fingers around her hipbone and pulled her toward him so her back rested against his chest. After a while Kiera grew more comfortable and enjoyed talking and joking with the other guys. Kelly stayed quiet and texted on her phone. The only time she looked up was when Mike would whisper something into her ear and make her giggle. Marcus came back ten minutes later with an older looking version of himself following behind. She assumed the new guy to be Mason. He held a twelve pack of beer in each hand and did a little head lift to everyone.

  After being introduced to Mason, they sat around the fire for another couple of hours talking. Kiera couldn’t help but laugh at the sordid and drunken stories Mason and the other college guys told. It seemed the more beer the guys drank the looser their lips became. She knew that if they had been sober they certainly wouldn’t be revealing some of their more embarrassing tales to everyone.

  Reese brushed her hair away from her ear and said in his low, deeply sexy voice, “You want to leave soon? It’s getting kind of late.” He let his lips brush back and forth along her ear, and she sighed—sleep being the last thing on her mind. Feeling a bit wanton, she turned and let her lips press against the skin right below his ear. His whole body grew taut beneath her, and she swore she heard him suck in a breath but not yet release it.

  Trailing open-mouthed kisses over his neck and up to his ear, she knew people were probably staring, but at that moment she didn’t give a damn. “I actually would like to leave, but sleeping isn’t what I want to do, Reese.”

  Yeah, he stopped them earlier, telling her it was best not to rush, but Kiera wanted to be with him desperately. Being so close to him and having the hardness of his muscles right under her, had Kiera thinking about the two of them in bed together, naked and sweaty. She looked into his eyes, knowing that he could see exactly what she meant, or at least she hoped he did. The way he swallowed, as if he was struggling to do that simple task, had her shifting on his lap. He groaned softly, and he grew hard under her ass.

  “Kiera…” The tightening and loosening of his fingers on her hips kept her grounded, but that wasn’t what she wanted to feel right now.

  “Will you take me home, Reese?” They stared at each other, and she swore she could see darker flecks of blue swirled within the lighter tones. He didn’t answer, and so she asked him again. “Will you, Reese?”

  “Is that what you really want, pretty girl?” Voice pitched low, but filled with enough heat to rival the sun, Reese kept her gaze trapped within his.

  He was giving her a way out. He was saying much in just a few words. He made her feel like there was no one else in the world for him but her. He had a past, a hard and violent one from what she gathered. Giving herself to him was one of the biggest steps she would ever take, and one that would mark every other intimate part of her life from this point onward. She looked around, realizing that not one person was paying them any attention. In essence, they were in their own little world. When she looked back at Reese it was to see him still staring at her. There was no pressure in his expression, even if she was the one who brought this whole conversation up.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more, Reese.” And that was the truth. Sparks flashed behind his eyes. He looked away, and she could tell he was thinking about it, possibly even thinking of an excuse to wait. He was honorable, but she wanted him to be her first tonight. In the next moment he was standing and striding with her away from everyone. He called out over his shoulder that he’d catch up with them later. They reached the car, and when she thought he’d reach over and open her door for her like he did every other time, a gasp of pleasure left her when instead he spun her around, pressed her back against the side of the car, and kissed her. His strong arms caged her in, and his tongue slid against hers. Kiera wanted nothing more than to let him have her right in the open and against his Trans-Am. He broke the kiss far too quickly, looked down at her as he breathed in and out heavily, and finally opened her door. Her legs shook as she moved into the passenger’s seat. He moved fluidly around the car despite the obvious arousal that tented the front of his jeans.

  The silence filled the interior once he was seated beside her, but the sound of their heavy breathing showed exactly where their minds and bodies were. She asked him to drive back to her house, and he did so in record time. Once he pulled the car into the driveway and turned it off they sat there for several minutes. The reality of what they were really about to do, about what she asked him to do, consumed her. He might have a wealth of experience where sex was concerned, but he looked just as nervous as she felt.


  “Reese?” She knew what he was going to do—try to talk her out of this once again, but that was the last thing she wanted.

  She heard him swallow before he answered. “Yeah, baby?”

  She turned in her seat and looked at him. Kiera wanted him to see that what she said was exactly what she wanted.

  “I want this. I want you.”

  Time froze, and then he pulled her in and kissed her. A sigh left her because she knew she would never get used to the powerful emotions one little kiss from him could create inside of her.

  “Take me inside, Reese.”

  They were in her house and up to her room only moments later. Kiera shut the door behind her and leaned against it as she stared at Reese. He walked around her room, and ran his fingers along the edge of her dresser, her windowsill, and finally came to stop at the edge of her bed. It was a queen-sized frame, but Reese made it look tiny in comparison. She hadn’t bothered turning on her light, so the only illumination they
had to work with was from the moon shining through the window.

  He faced her and said, “Come here, Kiera.” She loved the way he said her name, so low and deep, but filled with enough scorching fire she felt it down to her bones.

  Making her way over to him, she stood just inches in front of him and breathed in his scent. She wanted his hands on her as badly as she wanted her next breath.

  “I want you to touch me, Reese.” She didn’t know where all this courage came from, but she was going to go with it. No way would she let her fear control her again.

  “Christ, baby.” She was roughly pulled into the hardness of his body and closed her eyes at the contact. “You smell so good.” His lips were soft and almost hesitant as they skated down her temple to the corner of her mouth and placed a soft kiss there. He continued his downward path and inhaled deeply when he reached her throat. Using his hand on the side of her neck to tilt her head to the side more, he inhaled deeply again and groaned. “Like lavender.”

  Moisture pooled out of her pussy and her clit throbbed.

  “I could spend all night just dragging my tongue along your body, memorizing every inch of your soft flesh, and making you mine.” He moved his mouth to the corner of hers and whispered, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, baby?” His tongue came out and slipped along her lower lip. “You like being mine.” He traced her lips with his tongue. “You like knowing that if any asshole fucks with you I’ll break their bones.”

  A shiver worked through her body. Yes, she knew he spoke the truth, and yes, she loved the fact he had grown so possessive of her. Every feminist out there would most likely scoff at the knowledge she liked Reese getting all territorial and caveman when it concerned her.

  His words were like an aphrodisiac, one that had her pressing her breasts against his chest harder and silently pleading for more.

  “Answer me, pretty girl.” He gripped her ass and squeezed the mounds. A moan slipped from her as his fingers dug between the crease of her bottom and curled inward.

  “Yes, Reese, I want to be yours. Only yours.”

  He growled, literally growled his approval. “And you are, Kiera.” Gripping her shoulders, he pulled her back from him and brought his face close to hers. “You’re mine and no one else’s.” When he gripped the edge of her dress and slowly dragged it up her body it was torture all in itself.

  When the material was pooled by her feet and Kiera stood in nothing but her plain white bra and panties, she wished she had opted to wear prettier undergarments. Of course she hadn’t seen this happening when she dressed, or even changed her panties, not after Reese said they needed to take things slow. The way he looked up and down her body made it clear she could have been wearing her granny panties and it wouldn’t have made a difference. He still liked what he saw.

  “God, you are so fucking gorgeous, Kiera.” She liked the way he looked at her, liked the things he said, but she didn’t want to stand here anymore. She wanted to be beneath him, on top of him, and any other way he saw fit.

  “Please, Reese.” Fortunately, she didn’t have to elaborate, because the steamy smile he gave her was confirmation enough. She reached out for his shirt, but he had it off and tossed on the ground with her dress in the blink of an eye. This was the first time she had an unobstructed view of his chest, and God what a beautiful chest it was. Even in the darkness she could make out the individual lines and shapes of his tattoos. The dark, swirling designs that covered the tanned flesh of his forearms and biceps was a visual overload. He also had his left nipple pierced, and the small piece of metal glinted in the moonlight. His chest was free of any ink, but that didn’t matter because it was just as glorious as the rest of him. Hard, defined muscle over smooth, hairless skin.

  “I want to go slow, baby, I really do, but if you keep looking at me like that I won’t be able to control myself.” She didn’t want him to control himself.

  Tearing her eyes away from his rippling abs and pecs, Kiera looked into his face. Shadows hid him partially, but she could still see his eyes, and what she saw in them had her reaching behind her and unhooking her bra. Letting it fall to the ground, she hooked her thumbs under the elastic of her panties and pushed them down her thighs. The air wasn’t cold, but her nipples hardened further, or maybe it was the way he looked at her, like he was starving and he wanted to devour her. He smoothed his hand over his mouth, his eyes roaming over every exposed inch of her.

  “Kiera…” He all but groaned her name. “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you.”

  Fortunately, he didn’t make her stand there nude for long. He quickly undid his belt and popped the button free on his jeans and slid the zipper down. He took his boxer briefs down with his pants, and then he was standing before her, all hard, aroused, naked male flesh. Looking her fill sounded like a good idea, especially when her eyes stopped at his massive erection. It was hard and long and pointed right at her.

  “Come here, baby.” He wrapped one arm around her waist and slipped his other hand through her hair, tilting her head back so her throat was bared. “I won’t let anyone else have you. Ever.” His declaration was fierce and strong. He took her down to the bed at the same time he pressed open-mouthed kisses along the column of her throat. The sheets felt ice cold against her back, or maybe her flesh was just too overheated. Kiera spread her thighs wide so Reese could fit between them. An involuntary gasp left her when his cock pressed against her slick folds.

  “Fuck, baby.” He panted against her chest, right above her breasts, and her nipples tingled from the close proximity. “You’re so fucking wet and hot.” He was off her in the next moment, and she watched him grab a condom out of his pants and quickly sheath himself. “I want to taste you, Kiera. Will you let me, pretty girl?”

  He could do whatever he wanted as long as he eased her suffering. Her mind was on hiatus, and her body was now running the show.

  She nodded, but clearly he wanted more.

  “I want to hear you say it.” He was slowly moving his lips down her chest. The warm, little puffs of air from his mouth warmed her flesh, and blood rushed to the surface. Back arched when he latched his lips around her aching nipple, all Kiera could do was grip his hair and bite her lip to hold off from crying out in pleasure. Over and over he tormented her body, alternating between breasts, and sucking her nipples so hard the pain and pleasure morphed into one.

  “Ask me for my mouth on your sweet pussy.”

  His words were dirty, filthy, but they fueled her on, and she found herself lifting her hips and crying out.

  “Please, Reese. Please touch me down there.” Was she still so embarrassed? He was poised an inch from her pussy, and his voice sent vibrations through her clit and caused the bud to swell. Fortunately, he didn’t make her ask for anything else. Kiera didn’t even know if she could have formed any more words. He licked her from the opening of her pussy to her clit then slid back down again. He repeated this action until she squirmed beneath him, her climax approaching swiftly.

  “Reese … I’m going to—” In a move so quick it cut her off, Reese had her clit in his mouth and a finger pressed into her body. He sucked harder and faster than she could comprehend. He added a second finger, and the stretch of the penetration from those digits had her exploding. Ecstasy washed through her, stealing her breath, her pulse, even her sanity. He didn’t stop, wouldn’t stop even after she begged him to. Legs shaking, heart racing, and sweat beading her brow, Kiera finally felt him move up her body. His mouth claimed hers, and she tasted herself on his lips. It was unexpected, but certainly not unpleasant. In fact, she gripped his hair and opened her mouth wider. His flavor mingled with hers, creating a plethora of sensations that burst along her tongue. Lifting her hips and grinding her still sensitive pussy on his cock, anticipation and nervousness slammed into her when he reached between their bodies and placed the tip of himself at her entrance.

  “It’s going to hurt, baby, but God, it’ll feel fucking incredible.”

>   Kiera let her hands slid to his shoulders where she gripped the steely muscles.

  Maybe it was her nerves, or maybe it was her need to feel comfort at that moment, but she asked, “Have you—” Kiera closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “This is a first for both of us, Kiera.” She didn’t have to ask if he had been with virgins before. He could read her so well. “If I could make this be my first time as well, I would in a heartbeat, Kiera.” He ran his lips along hers in a slow, sensual glide. “I wish I would have waited.” He pulled away and looked down at her. “If I could take the pain away I would.” He was kind and sensitive, and that just made her decision to be with him more solidified. Nodding, she wrapped her legs around his waist and stared into his eyes.

  “I know you would, Reese, and that’s why I want it to be you.” There was more to it than that, but she wasn’t about to go that deep with him, not at this exact moment. No doubt her emotions would freak him out. Hell, they freaked her out from their intensity. He pushed in just a bit, and the thick head of his shaft stretched her opening. Of course it would fit inside of her, but it was still a frightening experience, especially given his size. He worked himself in and out, only penetrating her with the tip, easing her into the feel of being stretched by the wide head of his cock. Soon she relaxed, not realizing how tense she had grown. That was clearly what Reese had been waiting for, because he pulled out until the tip rested at her entrance, then pushed every single inch into her. Searing, white-hot pain had her crying out.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” He repeated those three words like a mantra against the center of her chest. Her inner muscles clenched around him, causing deep, whisper-like moans from him. The pain receded, and she smoothed her hands down his back. He placed his forearms on either side of her head and pushed up so he hovered above her. He looked dark and dangerous, like a fallen angel, her fallen angel.


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