Mask of Spells (Mask of the Demonsouled #3)

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Mask of Spells (Mask of the Demonsouled #3) Page 32

by Jonathan Moeller

  IRON RIVER, THE - The river that ran through the old Tervingi homeland, east of the Great Mountains.

  HEART OF THE SPIDER, THE - The ruined temple on Mount Armyar where the Old Demon defeated Marazadra.

  HIGH PLAIN – A broad plain northwest of the Grim Marches and northeast of Greycoast. Known for peaceful stability.

  KNIGHTS’ BAY – A bay of the western sea bordering on Knightreach. Knightport and Tumblestone are the chief ports on the bay.

  KNIGHTCASTLE – Seat and stronghold of Malden Roland, famed for its long and illustrious history. Located far to the west of the Grim Marches, and south of Barellion and Greycoast.

  KNIGHTPORT - A port town west of Knightcastle, located at the mouth of the Riversteel. Held by Lord Nicholas Randerly.

  KNIGHTREACH - A hilly peninsula west of the Grim Marches and south of Greycoast. Also the term for the lands sworn to the service of Knightcastle and Lord Malden Roland.

  KYNOTH – A small village in Greycoast, a few miles north of Castle Stormsea.

  LORD'S STUMP - A village in the Grim Marches, east of the Northwater.

  MASTARIA – The hilly country south of Knightreach. Once the domain of the Dominiar Knights, and now controlled by Lord Malden Roland of Knightcastle.

  MISTWATER - A small river in southern Greycoast.

  MONK'S REST - A small village in northeastern Greycoast.

  MOUNT ARMYAR - A mountain in central Skuldar, the location of the Heart of the Spider.

  MOUNT TYNAGIS – A mountain in the heart of the Great Southern Forest. A ruined High Elderborn temple sits atop its peak.

  MORSEN VILLAGE – Village in the hill country west of Castle Cravenlock. Once the fief of Sir Gaith Kalborn, San-keth proselyte. Destroyed by Malrags during Corvad’s search for the Glamdaigyr. A San-keth temple lies hidden beneath the village.

  MORVYRKRAD - The crypt of the high lords of Dracaryl, located deep in the caverns below the Great Mountains. Once the resting place of the Wraithaldr.

  NORTHWATER - A river several days' ride west of Castle Cravenlock, flowing north into the Lake of Swords.

  PRINCE’S REST – A village in northern Greycoast. Famed for its inn, where one of the Princes of Barellion once spent the night.

  RIVERSTEEL - A river flowing west past Knightcastle.

  RIVER ABELINUS - The river marking the traditional border between Mastaria and Knightreach. Fordable in only a few locations.

  RIVER OF LORDS, THE – The river flowing through Greycoast, terminating in the harbor of the city of Barellion.

  SKULDAR - A mountainous region west of the Grim Marches, home to a secretive people who kill any intruders.

  STILLWATER - A castle in the hills east of Knightcastle, held by Lord Tancred Stillwater.

  STONE TOWER - A village northeast of Castle Cravenlock. The site of Lord Richard Mandragon's defeat of the Tervingi host, and where Ragnachar betrayed and murdered Athanaric and Aegidia.

  STORMVALES – The land northwest of the Grim Marches. Known for its hilly terrain, deep rivers, and frequent banditry.

  SWORDGRIM – Once the castle of Lord Richard and the ancestral seat of the House of Mandragon. Destroyed during the aftermath of the Great Rising.

  SWORDOR - The stronghold of the Justiciar Knights. Located north of Knightcastle and south of Barellion.

  SWORD TOWN – The largest town in the Grim Marches, rivaled only by Cravenlock Town. Directly south of the ruins of Swordgrim.

  TCHROTH - The chief city of the valgasts, located beneath Mount Armyar.

  TRAVIA – A princedom north of the Grim Marches, Knightcastle, and Barellion. Currently in the midst of a civil war after its ruling Prince was killed during the Great Rising.

  TRYSTING WAYS, THE - A maze of secret passages and hidden galleries threading through Knightcastle, built gradually over the centuries by generations of Roland kings and lords.

  VEILED MOUNTAIN, THE - The resting place of the Mask of Marazadra and the lair of the dragon Azurvaltoria.

  VOLMAYA - A village in eastern Skuldar.

  TUMBLESTONE - A port town south of Knightcastle, held by Lord Agravain Rainier. Near the River Abelinus and Mastaria.

  URDBAEN TOR - A ruin of the Dark Elderborn in eastern Greycoast, near Castle Rutagne.

  Table of Contents


  Author's Note

  Chapter 1: Needle Teeth

  Chapter 2: The Prisoner

  Chapter 3: Firestorm

  Chapter 4: Something Went Wrong

  Chapter 5: Child of the Old Demon

  Chapter 6: The Rusted Knight

  Chapter 7: Underworld

  Chapter 8: Let The Buyer Beware

  Chapter 9: City of the Spiders

  Chapter 10: Prophecy

  Chapter 11: Hasty Departures

  Chapter 12: Spider Guard

  Chapter 13: Barbarian Nations

  Chapter 14: Battles

  Chapter 15: The Heart of the Goddess

  Chapter 16: A Goddess Reborn

  Chapter 17: Blood and Shadows

  Chapter 18: The Champion of the Goddess

  Chapter 19: Competing Destinies

  Chapter 20: The Last of the Jutai

  Other books by the author

  About the Author

  Glossary of Characters

  Glossary of Locations




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