Stone Unhinged (The Stone Book 2)

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Stone Unhinged (The Stone Book 2) Page 7

by Renee Harless

  Chapter 8

  Dressed in dark skinny jeans, brown boots and a navy blue sweater, butterflies dance in my stomach as I wait on my couch for Alex to pick me up for our date. Eyes glued to the television, I’m nearly hypnotized by the weather report’s prediction for the incoming winter storm. I’ve never witnessed one of this magnitude, and in all honesty, I’m a bit terrified. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself how lucky I am that my apartment is fully stocked with food and beverages. Now I just need to make sure I can survive this date with Alex…

  A knock on the door shatters my revere, despite the fact I was expecting him, I’m still a bit startled to find Alex standing in front of me. Taking a moment to soak in his presence, I gaze at him in awe from head to toe. Beginning with the brown boots, moving up the dark wash denim gripping his muscular thighs, lingering for a moment across the tight shirt embracing his torso beneath the fitted sports coat, before finally settling my gaze on the beauty of his face. I could stare at his chiseled jaw, strong nose, and the thick eyebrows hiding his beautiful golden eyes for hours. With him here in front of me, I begin second-guessing my decision to go on a date with him tonight. I’m not sure I could survive a breakup with him again.

  “Hello,” he says softly.

  “Hi,” I reply, still gripping the doorknob in my hand.

  “Please don’t over think this, Mallory.”

  “How did you…?”

  “I’ve always known what you’re thinking. I can read your emotions on your face. That was part of my job, remember?”

  Suddenly remembering a scene up against the medallion in his secret room, I can feel a blush creep up my chest, neck, and cheeks.

  Chuckling, Alex states, “Looks like you remember.”

  Trying to mask my embarrassment, I invite Alex into the apartment while I grab my handbag. I do a final check to ensure that I have supplies for the storm, hoping he can take me by the store if I need batteries or flashlights.

  “Hey Alex, do you think this storm will be as bad as they are predicting?” I holler from my bedroom. I wait a moment, then walk back out to the living room when he does not reply. Alex is watching the same weather report I had been viewing prior to his arrival.

  “Alex?” I ask again, “Do you think this storm will be as bad as they’re saying?”

  “I don’t know, but it will be bad regardless. I’m just not sure of the severity. Will you be ok here by yourself?”

  “Of course. Steven is staying next door and Bea lives two blocks over.”

  He nods, mulling it over, then looks back at the television.

  “I’d rather you were staying with me. At least then I’d know you had secondary heat if the power goes out.”

  “What are you talking about? I’ll be fine.”

  “All of these fireplaces were closed off years ago: they’re purely decorative. Not that you have any wood, even if they did work.”


  I hadn’t thought about that.

  Alex continues to stare at me, his brows crinkling as he mulls something over in his head.

  “Are you ready to go?” He asks suddenly, rising from the couch. “I’d like to get you back home before the storm begins. The report just said it is due to start earlier than they originally expected.”

  “Yep. Lead the way,” I reply, throwing a scarf around my neck and following Alex to the parking lot, where a sport utility vehicle awaits.

  Chuckling to myself I say, “I like your pick-up better.”

  Smirking at my comment, he opens the passenger door and helps me into the truck. Sliding into his side of the vehicle, he starts the engine and backs out of the parking lot.

  “Do you like it here so far?” he asks, turning the heat up slightly.

  “I’ve only been here for about a week, but I like it. I’m still undecided if I want to stay or not.”

  “What do you mean?” he asks curiously.

  “Well, they want me to head up this division, if I want to, of course. If I decide that it’s not for me, I only need to stay for three months before training someone else to take over.” I pause for a moment, enjoying the blast of warm air radiating from the vents. “It’s just that I already miss my family and friends. I don’t know if I can make it three months here, let alone a lifetime.”

  “I understand. It’s hard to start somewhere new.”

  “Starting somewhere new is my only reason for staying right now.” I explain, “It’s the whole reason I came here. I needed to get away from everything. I didn’t want to see people that knew me before the kidnapping.”

  “I’m sorry,” he says, his voice quiet.

  “For what?”

  “Well, I’m sure you didn’t plan on seeing me while you were here, for one thing. But I’m sure it doesn’t help, either, that I’m the reason all of this happened to you.”

  Breathing deeply and letting the air fill my lungs, I allow myself to remember our conversation from Monday night.

  “I know it wasn’t your fault, Alex. Seth had us all fooled. I was just so angry and hurt when you left that it was easier to place the blame on you.”

  Alex smiles slightly as he continues to look at the road ahead.

  “Thank you. I think I needed to hear you say that. Leaving you was the single most difficult thing I have ever done, but honestly, I had good intentions about your safety,” he says earnestly, and the words seem as though they have been pent up inside him for a long time.

  “When we started finding press following me around, I knew I had to leave. Then when I heard that Seth attacked you, I knew there was a possibility you’d blame me. Which is fine – I do understand that. In fact, it’s probably why I didn’t fight more to stay at the hospital. I couldn’t bear to see the accusation in your eyes.”

  Lacing his fingers through mine and resting our hands upon the center console, I turn to look at his perfect face. A sense of relief is gracing his features, like a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

  “I love you, Mallory,” Alex says, squeezing my fingers warmly.

  Smiling, I lean back against the headrest and watch him drive through the city. I can barely take my eyes off of him long enough to pay attention to where we are going, but eventually I do notice that the scenery is slowly changing to a country landscape.

  “Where are we going?” I query, creasing my brow slightly.

  “I’m taking you to this little restaurant on the outskirts of town. They tend to leave me alone when I’m here. I think there’s going to be less chance of being hounded by the press.”

  Pulling to a stop in front of a cottage, we park between four other cars. Taking my hand in his, Alex leads me inside the restaurant. We are immediately seated at a tablet in the back corner. The charm in this restaurant tugs at my heart as I glance around at the cozy décor. It reminds me of visits to my late grandmother’s home. When a sweet older woman appears at our table, I allow Alex to place my order for me. Old habits die hard I guess.

  “Alex, what did you mean about the press?” I ask suddenly, thinking back to his choice of location.

  “Oh that,” he says, taking a sip of water. “See, my family is famous already because of our titles, but with my Formula One team, I tend to have a bit more of a following. Of course, the bachelor article didn’t really help either. I have a hard time going out in the city without the press taking notice. I’m rarely seen with a woman out in public, so they don’t pay much attention to me, but I know if I took you out to a romantic restaurant there would be thousands of photos posted within minutes. Not to mention we’d either be married or divorced by the morning. None of that would bother me with you,” he says, smiling briefly, then lowering his voice softly, “but I assumed all of that attention would make you uncomfortable. They tend to enjoy digging up dirt about people’s pasts.”

  “Seth,” I whisper.

  “Exactly. I don’t want you to go through that, beautiful.” He looks at me for a moment and the sparkle finds its way ba
ck into his eyes. “Plus, my mother would be absolutely furious if we were leaked to the press before she got her formal introduction.”

  “I’d be pleased to meet her sometime,” I say, scarcely believing the sudden turn that my life has taken.

  “Thank you.” Alex grins, squeezing my hand. “I’d like that.”

  By the time our food arrives, I find that we have slipped back into a comfortable relationship with each other. Despite the doubts I had possessed about tonight, I realize that it is as if we haven’t spent anytime apart. We talk about my job and his racing team, about which he is incredibly passionate, barely tasting our food, even though it is spectacular. The chicken cordon bleu Alex ordered melts in my mouth, hints of ham and cheese marinating on my tongue. I wash down the flavors with a dry Pinot Grigio that compliments the meal perfectly. Before either of us notice, our clean plates are cleared away and the check is quietly placed at the table. Slipping some money to our server for dinner and a tip, Alex helps me from the table and walks me back to the car, holding my hand sweetly.

  “I need to get you back before the storm starts. The clouds are hovering awfully close.”

  “Are you going to be ok getting home?” I ask, eyeing the foreboding sky with concern.

  “I’ll be fine, darling. Thank you for your concern. It means more to me than you’ll know,” he replies confidently, pressing his lips to the back of my hand.

  “If you say so,” I grumble, and lean closer into his warmth.

  On the drive back to my apartment, the snowflakes begin falling lightly at first, coating the roads and grass in a soft white blanket. As we approach my building, however, the snow is falling much more heavily. Sneaking a quick peek at my phone, I find a missed message from Steven.

  Steven: Bea and I both went to a local hotel to wait out the storm, the power keeps

  flickering. She said you were with Alex tonight so I didn’t book you a room. Bea

  says to call her if you want to join her. Be safe.

  Concerned, I show Alex his message.

  “Do you think I’ll be ok here? Should I call Bea?”

  “Why don’t you come with me, Mallory? You’ll be safe at my house and it would give me peace of mind.”

  The offer is simultaneously tempting and terrifying.

  “I…I’m not sure I’m ready for that, Alex,” I stammer.

  “Mallory, you can trust me. I swear to you that you can trust me. You can have your own room, Gregory and his family even live next door if it’s too much for you to stay with me. I’m sure he would offer you a place to stay. I just…I can’t have you here by yourself. Please?” he begs. “It’s taking everything in me not to force you to come with me, but I’m holding onto a loose thread as it is. Please?” he asks again.

  Hearing the concern in his voice, I know he truly is thinking only of my safety. If I told him no, he would accept my decision and let me stay at my own apartment.

  “Ok,” I murmur, after a long moment.

  “Ok? Really?”


  “Thank you,” he says, his perfect lips curving into the smile I love so well. “I don’t think I would have slept for days knowing you were here alone.”

  “Don’t be silly,” I reply, rolling my eyes. “Do you think I can run upstairs and grab some things?”

  “Sure. I’ll help you pack a few days worth of clothes. This could last a while.”

  It takes us only fifteen minutes to collect the essentials, but when we step outside, a few more inches of snow has already packed onto the ground.

  “Can you drive in this?”

  “Not a problem. Let’s get your bag inside and head out.”

  The drive to Alex’s house is terrifying. I have no idea where the street ends and the sidewalk begins. We pass dozens of cars that have spun out onto the side of the road and are now empty of their occupants. Taking a right hand turn, we at last creep down a road that is lined in picturesque Victorian homes. I stare out the window, mouth open slightly, gawking at their splendor against the white backdrop.

  “Alex, where are we? It’s like a postcard out here.”

  “I guess it is; I’ve forgotten how charming this row can be. You get used to it when you see it every day.”

  Pulling into a shoveled driveway, Alex says, “This is mine.”

  “Wow,” I say, staring up at the magnificent blue and cream-colored home with all the intricate details that make it unique. A porch wraps around one corner of the home where a delightful swing hangs in a crevice. A statuesque turret juts out from the pitch of the roof, giving the home a castle-like feel.

  “This is wonderful, Alex. I’m very impressed. I wouldn’t have imagined you in a home like this.”

  “Thank you,” he says, a touch of pride shining through his expression. “I’ve remodeled the entire home. I kept with the Victorian design, but tried bringing in my own modern taste. I think I did a good job.”

  A tap on the SUV’s window brings our attention to Alex’s side, where we see Gregory waving and grinning like a crazy man. Opening his door, Alex steps out and thanks Gregory for shoveling his driveway.

  Laughing, Gregory says, “Ha, you know I didn’t do it for you. You brought one of my favorite people with you. I needed to help you make a good second impression. Let’s face it,” he adds teasingly, “you can use all the help you can get.”

  Clinging to the door for balance, I cautiously step onto the wet – but much clearer-driveway so that I can give Gregory a hug.

  “It’s so good to see you,” I say inhaling the familiar vanilla and tobacco scent that always lingers on his clothes, due to his affliction for cigarettes.

  “Same here, Ms. Winston. I’m assuming you’re staying the night? My wife and I would love to have you both over for brunch tomorrow.”

  “That would be splendid,” Alex says, brushing some snowflakes off my cheeks with a smile. “Please let Maria know that we will come around 10:00am.”

  “Yes, Mr. Stone. See you tomorrow morning, Ms. Winston. You two let me know if you need anything. I prepared your home as you requested.”

  “Thank you Gregory. I look forward to seeing Anna play in the snow.”

  “Me too, sir. Good night.”

  Seizing my bag from the back of his vehicle, Alex leads me inside his home. Stepping into the foyer, he places my bag on the floor and asks if I’d like a tour of his home. Bobbing my head in agreement, I follow Alex through the downstairs where he masterfully blended the Victorian charm with the modern, clean lines of his liking. Darkened hardwood floors line the main living areas where Alex strategically placed modern leather furniture with old world accessories. I actually think his use of a trunk and stacked suitcases as a coffee table and end tables are genius.

  “This is very well done, Alex. You did a remarkable job.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How long have you had this home?”

  “About five years. I bought it after my first big win with the racing team. Let me show you the upstairs. You can see all the rooms you can choose from.”


  All five bedrooms are lovely, but the master bedroom astounds me. It is exactly what I would design for myself. The walls are a light gray, the furniture is ebony in color, while the fabrics coordinate perfectly in soft white and light gray. Suggestions of color are found in the dark teal pillows and a few assorted accent pieces. As the fire crackles comfortingly in the hearth, warm light bathes the room in a romantic glow.

  “You look lovely in the glimmer from the fire, Mallory,” Alex says, and I am suddenly aware his gaze has lingered on me as I took in the beauty of my surroundings.

  Turning to find Alex standing against the doorway, I reply, “Thank you,” as I feel the heat creep up my cheeks.

  Walking slowly towards me, like a sleep cat stalking his prey, he comes to stand in front of me. We are so close to the bed… Pushing a lock of hair behind my ear, he rests his hand lightly against my neck.

“I really want to kiss you.” He murmurs.

  Gazing up at him, I realize I want him just as badly, perhaps more so. I don’t know what it is – but he has always been able to ignite this blazing fire inside of me.

  Allowing myself to take a chance on him, I simply reply, “Ok.”

  Leaning his head forward, Alex presses his soft, full lips against my own, and my body releases any reservations I possessed about being with him. Warmth rushes through my veins; the only thought of which I am aware is simply that Alex is my heart. He is my soul – he is my entire reason for being.

  As I wrap my arms around his neck, his arms glide down my back and settle around my waist, pulling my own body closer to his. In this moment, we are so perfectly aligned that it would be difficult to see where one of us ends and the other begins. Feeling our heartbeats synchronize themselves in a hot, pulsating rhythm, I let a certain realization trickle into my mind as I savor the strength of his chest and arms. It is a thought I had pushed back since seeing Alex at the charity event, one that has haunted me ever since. Perhaps we were fated to meet here. Maybe, of all people, he will be the one to help me trust again.

  Taking a risk, Alex lets his hands slip down to the curve of my bottom and grips me tightly, bringing my center closer to his growing erection. I am beginning to lose myself in the heady intoxication of his kiss when a particularly loud crackle of the fire causes us to jump, and we both pull back for a moment.

  “I’m sorry that I got carried away. I want you so bad, Mallory.” Resting his forehead against my own, Alex continues, “I’ve dreamt about you for months. I’ve always wondered how it would feel if you were in my house. It feels perfect; right.”


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