Their Lusty Little Valentine [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Lusty Little Valentine [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 23

by Cara Covington

  She held on to the waistband of his trousers, to give herself a sense of being in control. That is what one would call a false sense of security. The truth was, despite their so-called bargain with her, that she could be in charge outside of the bedroom, she wanted them to be in charge, ultimately.

  She wanted to know that they cared about her enough to watch over her and yes, give her a spanking when she did something dangerous.

  Because while she believed with all her heart that the action she’d taken today against Mort Robbins had been absolutely necessary, it had also been a very dangerous thing for her to have done.

  She knew from the flooring when they’d entered the bedroom. Preston’s movement and touch infinitely gentle, he lifted her from his shoulder so she could stand on her own two feet.

  She could tell he was holding himself back. She understood that. Despite her earliest impressions, he was a man who really did care deeply and take life very seriously. Charlie would be the one to shout at her, and Taylor would be the one to enfold her. But Preston was the one who would suffer because he hadn’t been able to prevent whatever happened to her from happening.

  Even if there was no way in hell he could have realistically done so.

  He looked down her body, and then back up. “Pants off, please.”

  Chapter 24

  Samantha’s hands trembled as she complied. She knew that to her contemporary sisters, it would seem she was a throwback to an earlier time when women were nothing but chattel. She’d studied such times and knew what women had endured at the hands of sometimes callous and uncaring men.

  These men were neither. And in a way she would be hard pressed to explain to anyone, she not only needed this, she wanted this.

  This wasn’t about erotic pain. It wasn’t even, really, about punishing her.

  It was about three very dominant men taking back the control they’d been robbed of when she’d faced an attacker they hadn’t been able to protect her from.

  Charlie and Taylor held back, their gazes locked on their brother. She took the time to fold her clothes and then she went to him.

  She’d left her shirt and bra on, because he hadn’t told her to remove them. She went over to him, and when she was just a few feet away, she did something that surprised him—something that surprised them all.

  She slipped to her knees.

  He swallowed, and she knew his throat had tightened. She kept her gaze locked on his. He nodded to her, went to the bed, and he sat down, his knees spread slightly.

  “Come here, Samantha.”

  She went to him, and gasped when he placed her over his lap. “You will get ten. I don’t expect you to count them off.”

  No, there was nothing erotic about the ten very firm, very brisk whacks of his hand on her naked ass. With the sixth one, she burst into tears.

  That he didn’t stop until he reached ten oddly reassured her.

  The instant the tenth one was delivered he scooped her into his arms, and held her on his lap—just held her as he, too, cried.

  “I’m sorry.” She found the words incredibly easy to say. “I’m sorry, my darling. I’m going to do my best to never frighten you like that ever again.”

  “I love you.” He cupped her face and used his thumbs to brush the tears from her cheeks. “I love you so damn much. I died a thousand deaths as I watched you take down that bastard—even as I was proud as hell of you for doing it—for protecting our mother.”

  “Love is like that,” Samantha said. “It makes us all hostages to each other’s fortunes.”

  “We can’t live without you, Samantha. We were coming to Austin today to tell you that.” He looked up at his brothers. As if they’d been waiting for a sign from him, they came over to the bed, and sat on either side of him.

  Preston turned her slightly and she hissed when her sore ass rubbed against his trousers. He stood, and laid her on the bed, on her stomach. “Stay here, kitten. We have an ointment that will help.”

  Samantha felt a totally illogical urge to laugh. There she was, half naked, about to get her sore butt tended to by her lover, the man who had made it sore, and she was flanked by his brothers, who were also her lovers.

  At this moment in time she had absolutely no dignity whatsoever—and it didn’t bother her one little bit. She didn’t need to clothe herself in dignity when she was wearing the love and devotion of these three men.

  Charlie and Taylor stretched out on either side of her, facing her, their chins propped up on their hands. “So, come here often?” Charlie asked.

  “I sure hope not,” she said. “That hurt.” She wasn’t going to whimper about it, because they had told her, days ago, that this might happen.

  She wasn’t going to tell them, either, that she was drenched for them.

  “It hasn’t turned you off, though,” Taylor said, “Because you’re wet. We can see and smell your juices coating your cunt lips.”

  “Here.” Preston had returned from the bathroom. She laid her head down on the bed and sighed as he spent the next few minutes smoothing the ointment onto her red ass.

  At least she assumed it was red.

  “How does that feel?”

  “Better, thank you.”

  “It occurs to me that as satisfying as that was on one very selfish male level, my spanking you like that may be the modern-day equivalent of having shot myself—or in this case, all three of us—in the foot.”

  Samantha knew these men, knew the heart of them, and had no trouble whatsoever understanding them. “If you think I’m going to let a slightly sore ass keep me from making love with you, then gentlemen, you have another think coming.”

  “I thought we were supposed to be in charge in the bedroom,” Charlie said.

  She saw the humor in his eyes. “Yes, and I was supposed to be in charge outside of it—so deal with it. I’ve been a whole week without you.” And then, because she had something important to say, she crawled to the top of the bed and sat—discomfort be damned—and faced the men that she loved with all her heart.

  “I thought that I needed to stay true to a goal I set when I was a teenager—that changing course would be a betrayal of my core principles. But I was wrong. That goal brought me here, to you. But it’s time to change it.”

  “You are not giving up your plans to be a lawyer.” Preston said that as if his word was law.

  She shook her head. Who was she kidding? For the most part, his word was law. “No, my darling. Just the idea that I could have either, or. I want to be a lawyer, but I want more. I want the three of you, too.”

  “We were coming to Austin to tell you we’ve been fired,” Taylor said.

  “At least from the Houston office,” Charlie said. “Granddad and the dads want us to open our own office—in Austin.”

  “Since you’re committed to be in Austin for the next few years, it seemed like a very good decision,” Preston said.

  “And maybe,” Taylor said, “after a little while, you’d consider coming to work part time for the family firm while you’re attending law school.”

  “Family firm?”

  “Our family.” Preston crawled up the bed to sit beside her. “We love you and we cannot—we will not—do without you. Samantha Kincaid, will you marry us?”

  “We’ll be your husbands and your partners, in every single aspect of life. You’ll never feel as if you’re having to do it all on your own,” Taylor said.

  “And think of the convenience—you’ll still have the same initials.” Charlie grinned. “Marry us, sweetheart. We love you, and we need you.”

  “I don’t know how this is going to work—legally—but yes. Yes, I’ll marry you! I love you all so much.” She didn’t even mind the tears that tracked down her face. “This week was pure hell without you.”

  “We felt the same way,” Preston said. He cupped her face with one hand, then laid his lips on hers. “We’re never going to leave you alone again. From this moment on at least one of us will be with

  “We’ll be careful of you when we’re not in Lusty,” Taylor said. He, too, leaned forward and kissed her sweetly. “We won’t make you the object of gossip. We’ll figure it out.”

  Charlie leaned in for his kiss. “We’ll make it all work, love. Whatever you need, you’ll have.”

  “I already have what I need—the three of you.” She met each man’s gaze in turn. “But there is one more thing I really have to have.”


  “Name it.”

  “You’ve only to ask.”

  “I want to have all three of you at the same time. I want one of you to fuck my cunt, one to fuck my mouth, and one to fuck my ass. I want us joined, together. One.”

  “Sweetheart…” She knew Preston would try to talk her out of it. He’d needed to spank her and now he was suffering a horrible guilt because he had.

  Preston Kendall was an extremely complex man.

  “I need you. I need you all inside me, a part of me, together. I can’t explain it. I just know that I do.”

  “Shh, sweet baby.” Preston gathered her close. “We’ll take care of you. We’ll always take care of you.”

  “Love me. Please.”

  “We do,” Taylor said.

  “We will.” Charlie moved, leaving the bed only long enough to reach for the protection and the lube they would need.

  Grateful that they always decided, among themselves, how they would love her, she surrendered to them.

  With soft kisses and gentle caresses they took off all that was left of her clothing until she lay naked before them. Their clothing littered the floor as they stripped, and then they came to her.

  The heat of their flesh warmed her body, and the heat of the passion she read in their eyes and felt in their kisses and their touches warmed her heart and soul. She gave and she took, rejoicing in being here, right here, loving them.

  She closed her eyes and reveled in them. Kiss after kiss, she drank them in, their flavors distinctive, but mixing on her tongue to create a wondrous, unique taste that she’d already become addicted to.

  The caress of their hands on her body thrilled her, the press of their lips on her face and throat and breasts aroused her. In turn she kissed and cupped, fisted and stroked, writing a symphony with her men that no maestro, however gifted, could ever hope to duplicate.

  Heat wrapped over and around and through, stoking her fires until want, sliding into need, bordered desperation.


  “Yes.” Preston kissed her, his tongue stroking hers, owning hers. Fingers pinched her nipples, and delved between the lips of her pussy, spreading her moisture, circling her clit.

  “You’re so wet, baby,” Charlie said. “You really want us.”

  “Yes, I do. I need you.”

  She heard the tear of plastic and the glide of latex. Then she was lifted, and settled on top of a hot and hard male body. “Then take me inside you, baby. Ride my cock.”

  The slide of Charlie’s cock into her body felt so good. Samantha shivered, and then, because it felt so good, she began to move on him. Sitting up, she rode him, hands high in the air, while she rose and fell, undulating her hips in a hot, sexy rhythm.

  “You’re a goddess,” Preston said. “Our goddess.” He handed a condom and the lube to Taylor, and then moved further up on the bed.

  “Taylor’s going to fuck that pretty ass of yours—while you suck my cock.”

  “Mmm, yes. Yes, I need you both just that way.”

  The silky slide of cool gel on her anus and the heat of a body close to her back sent tremors of excitement through her. Charlie’s hands cupped her breasts, squeezing as his cock flexed inside her cunt. Taylor pushed two fingers against her tiny rosebud, pushing and pushing until, burn morphing to pain, they moved past the tight muscle.

  And all the time, Preston held her gaze with his, enrapturing her.

  She moaned and let her eyes slide closed, the dark delight of the twin penetration nearly mesmerizing her.

  “Look at me, kitten.”

  Connected again, she understood why Preston had arranged them just this way. Taylor eased his fingers out of her and then moved closer.

  “Don’t let me hurt you, sweetheart.” His husky whisper, raspy sounding, spoke of his need, and his fear.

  “Fuck me, Taylor.”


  Preston’s expression left her in no doubt she was courting another spanking, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was being joined to all three of these men at the same time. All she wanted was to pleasure them and be pleasured in turn.

  She responded to the touch of Taylor’s hand on her back, and placed her hands on the bed, on either side of Charlie’s head. Taylor’s cock pressed against her anus, and the pain she’d felt moments before returned, and then grew.


  “She’s all right, Tay. Keep going.”

  Samantha breathed deeply, entranced by the twin sensations of pain and pleasure. Then the head of Taylor’s cock breeched her sphincter, and he slid all the way in.

  “Oh, oh, yes.” Samantha moaned as the stretching, the fabulous stretching, introduced her to a dimension of sexual arousal, sensual pleasure, she had never guessed existed.

  “Damn, sweetheart.” Charlie sucked in a breath and hissed it out. “Your cunt just got incredibly tight. I’m not going to last.”

  “Me neither,” Taylor said.

  “Let’s see if we can all come together.” Preston gained his knees. He moved closer, his glorious, hard naked cock in his hand.

  Samantha’s mouth watered for the taste of him. She licked her lips, leaned forward, and sucked him in.

  Passion ignited, as her tongue swirled, her mouth sucked, and her body rocked the cocks within her.

  Moans and groans and gasps spoke eloquently of hot arousal, spiraling to pleasure. Samantha shivered and quivered and knew the moment her sensual self broke free. Spinning out of control, beyond logic and reason, her arousal soared, exerting a will independent of anything but the moment. Her climax burst and she cried out, the sound muted around the cock in her mouth.

  Curses warned her, and she began to suck as Preston’s cum hit her throat. She wallowed and swallowed, and gloried in the added heat of jism filling condoms, pressing against her, and fingers reaching, teasing and pinching her clit, stretching her orgasm, making it resurge. Wave after pounding wave of ecstasy burned away the woman she had been, leaving her like the phoenix, reborn and brand new.

  “Easy, love.” Taylor kissed her shoulder and eased out of her body. Preston lifted her off his brother and laid her on her side. He brushed sweat-dampened hair away from her face, and spooned her, careful not to push against her bottom too tightly.

  Taylor returned, and carefully washed away the excess lube. When he returned from the bathroom again, he slid in on her left, and eased her head onto his chest.

  Charlie came back into the bedroom from the bathroom, crawled up the bed, kissed her, and then laid across the top of the mattress, his head resting next to hers.

  “Are you all right?” Preston asked.

  Samantha smiled. “Oh, I’m better than all right. Thank you. That was indescribable.”

  “We should be thanking you, baby,” Charlie said. “You complete us perfectly.”

  She drifted for a little while, basking in the love of her men.

  “It’s going to take us a while to get things set up in Austin. You’ll be starting law school in January.” Preston kissed her ear. “If it’s all right with you, we’d like to get married in February—on Valentine’s Day.”

  Samantha grinned. “Well, that’s one way to make sure you never forget your wedding anniversary.”

  Taylor laughed. “There is that. But look at it this way. Getting married February 14th guarantees that you’ll always be our lusty little valentine.”

  “I love the idea of getting married then. But I don’t need to be a Valentine’s bride to guarante
e I’ll always be your lusty little Valentine. All I need for that is the three of you.”

  “Kitten, I promise you that you will always, always have us.”

  As Samantha drifted off to sleep, she thought of the wrong turn she’d taken—the wrong turn that had turned out to be oh, so very right.

  She didn`t have to wonder any longer if she could truly have it all. She already did.


  Present Day

  “So we were married on Valentine’s Day, 1972, over at the Big House, because the great room there was—and is—such a perfect spot. It was a Monday, but we didn’t care. And we had to wait a few years before we actually had our honeymoon trip, but we didn’t care about that, either.”

  “When you’re in love, and you’ve found the man—or men—of your dreams, not much else matters,” Carol said.

  Samantha nodded. Carol, Warren, and Edward were going to be married a week to the day after she and her men celebrated their forty-second anniversary.

  “Grandmother Chelsea officiated at our Commitment Ceremony,” Samantha said. “Patrick Benedict filmed a home movie of the event. We’ve had it reformatted to DVD, and we watch it on our anniversary. And for a little while, we’re there, again, with so many we no longer have with us.”

  A wisp of melancholy brushed her flesh as she thought of those wonderful women, Kendall, Jessop-Kendall, and Benedict, no longer living. She felt blessed for having known them, and strengthened in a way that only women could understand, and only women could provide.

  And these women here, all younger, strengthened her, too.

  Samantha sighed as she sat back and took in the attentive faces of her daughters and near daughters. In just that moment she understood so perfectly why Kate had everyone call her Grandma. Of course, that good woman was following the tradition the family had started with Sarah and Amanda, and followed with Chelsea and Madeline, and Miranda, too.

  “I was very blessed, because although my father wasn’t thrilled, he never cut ties with me, and always treated his sons-in-law with affection and respect.” She grinned. “Of course, once the babies started coming, then there wasn’t even a hint of disapproval. My mother and Miranda got along so well. For a time, I had two wonderful mothers. And when they were gone, why then, Kate stepped into that role.”


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