Vampire Descendants 2: A bite of bitterness

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Vampire Descendants 2: A bite of bitterness Page 13

by Pet TorreS

  “Get rid of it!” my father ordered with his bitter voice. I closed gradually my eyes for some time as I imagined Valeska could be alive and everything had been just a horrible nightmare.

  My father did it without stimulus. He had Valeska as a strong ally, a faithful servant and I had broken that covenant between the two. My stupid egotistical desire had ruined everything in our lives on Neptune.

  I should have died in her place. Yeah, I thought of it. But now it was so late. Valeska was lifeless and I would never forgive myself for it. My own forgiveness was excluded from my life.

  Bizak held her head with great suffering and left the scene as he looked horrified at Valeska’s punishment.


  Some days later…

  As expected, Vincent went back to sleep for an indefinite time in his deep sleep as a vampire master.

  He needed to sleep infinitely to restore all his vampire energy and strengthen his master-vampire powers. Fresh blood was not enough for it. He also needed to feed his own sleep.

  The castle was even more empty and silent at this moment and it made me remember Valeska’s absence all the time. I looked to see her in the castle rooms. Her voice was walking into my ears. She still looked to be alive in my world, even after my father had cut off her head.

  Now only Eros, Bizak and I gave the air of our grace through the rooms of the castle. From five, three were left. My father had fallen asleep rapidly and nobody knew when he would wake up. Maybe it would take months or even years.


  In due course, I decided to walk through the woods. I was trying to forget the horrible scenes that stuck in my mind about Valeska’s death. Inside me, I carried the blame for the destruction of this woman. Everything would be different if I wasn’t there. She would still be alive.

  I stopped walking when I saw Eros curved down on a massive rock. He looked to the other side as he seemed distracted by something that was surrounding his secret thoughts. I would love to know what he was imagining at that moment, just to identify if he was thinking about me as I was thinking about him.

  When he realized someone was there, he turned and looked at me. His lips packed together. But his voice didn’t come out of his lips. Maybe he had nothing to say me at that moment or not needed to speak me anything.

  “I cannot stop thinking about the way in which Valeska died!” I confessed walking towards him and perceived his face turned hard before me. But he fixed his eyes on mines. His short silence for some instant made me incapable to think of other thing if not our rigid converse.

  “She deserved it,” he said resigned and glanced down.

  But I insisted. I had to expose my bitterness in that so hard moment. “It was my fault. If I was not here, she would be alive.” Soon I stopped waking in front of him and gazed into his countenance.

  “She died because she betrayed the trust of Vincent.” Eros explained and exhaled noisily. My look remained on his pale face. The hood over his head hid a part of his pale expression.

  “She just did what I asked for,” at last I said again. Eros needed to get Valeska had done nothing by herself.

  Eros gazed back to my face. His tone of voice looked not cheerful at all. “She wanted to destroy you, so she let you know about the existence of Odik.”

  “You never liked her!” shook my head delicately. He was making me even from bad to worse. During that, my fingers ran over my long black hair. My lips compressed at anguish. That conversation sounded a little frustrating into my ears.

  “I just never trusted her,” he alleged as his gaze ran away and reached some dry trees far-off.

  “I will go away from here,” My head curved as I confessed him after a deep sigh. My confession looked like my departure someway that hurt inside me. So I remained looking to the ground under my feet.

  “You cannot do it! Your father?” he asked, looking at my face. His attention was imprisoned by me. Eros really looked worried about my decision.

  “He knows how to live without me,” soon I said as looked up and faced his face as well. My lips folded up.

  “This is your home now,” his arms opened to the sides as he insisted, glancing around. Everything there belonged to me, my father and our class of vampires.

  But my words were precise and said them after a bite on the corner of the mouth. “I cannot live here, after everything that happened.” After that I confirmed my silence and he continued gazing on my pale face. Eros did not look persuaded by that. Maybe I was not sufficient as much as necessary to influence him with my affirmations.

  “Put the notion in your mind that Valeska didn’t like you. She was jealous of you, she always wanted your destruction,” he confessed and his voice sounded annoyed with something.

  “How do you know that?” soon I asked as I stared at his face and met his attractive eyes. I desired secretly myself to go never away from them, not even for one second or two.

  “I sensed that about her, so I always told you to stay away from her.”

  Subsequent to that I lowered my head reflecting the words spoken by Eros. Perhaps he was right. He always knew how to make use of his words to try to make me see the right thing to do in my life.

  “Drop this idea that you want to go away. Here you are safe, in the company of your father.” He stared at me gravely. I stared at him too.

  “On Earth you will be in danger. You cannot live with humans!” He believed this and I could see he was troubled.

  “What about my mother?” I asked. “I miss her!”

  “You will have to continue to exist in your mother’s absence.” There was a short pause. “As I live in loneliness.” his voice was low.

  My eyes enlarged at him as I listened to his declaration. For some instants Eros looked to have a human heart. “Do you feel lonely?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yes, for centuries.”

  During his words, I looked at him tenderly. I had the desire to end his loneliness.

  Forward, Eros got up, took two steps and kept his back to me.

  My mind was flooded with scenes that occurred on planet Earth some time ago, on the night of the Rock and Roll concert, when the doctor chased me with the goons.

  Then another scene - I saw everyone dead, their bloodied bodies, lying on the street.

  “Was it you?” I asked, alarmed.

  Even so I returned to reality and saw Eros still standing in front of me.

  “Did you kill them?”

  “Did I kill them?” He frowned at me. My question looked like a puzzle. “What are you talking about?”

  “I am talking about the doctor and his men. I saw them dead.” My head vibrated. I declared, disappointed.

  “Yes, I killed them,” soon he confessed without regret. His gaze looked normal. I held to be true he would make it over again.

  “Why?” I demanded.

  He looked at me from head to toe and responded in fact, “To ensure your safety.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Eros gazed away. “I didn’t think it was necessary.”

  Eros knew perfectly well I would never have come to Neptune knowing about the carnage he had caused.


  Hours later, I wanted everyone to fall asleep.

  From the time when I wanted to be certain that I would be safe to put my plan into practice. This night couldn’t pass without me doing what I had to do.

  Soon I put on the same dress that I had brought with me from Earth. Valeska had left it in the corner of my bedroom. My dress was not in great condition to be on my body, but I imagined it was the correct attire for me to return to the planet Earth.

  Ahead I left my immense bedroom and closed the door behind me with the propose to make no noise. Since then, I walked toward the long quiet corridor in pure silence, as I was trying not to make any noise and wake up someone in the castle.

  Seconds later, I stopped at Eros’ bedroom door. One side of my face touched its closed passage for a short
time. A strong sensation inside my chest made me wish to stay there for long or maybe perpetually.

  At that moment, I decided to open it and go in. I wanted to see him one last time, even if he was asleep and could not see me or look at my eyes and perceive I loved him so much and would love him for all my life. I looked up at the dark ceiling and he was there, sleeping with his head down like a helpless being. I looked at him for quite a few minutes. I said goodbye to him secretly in my mind. I was going away from him against my own will. That was right. Eros could not know the great sacrifice that I was going by after leaving that castle, him and my father.

  But at much cost, I walked back to the hallway and closed his bedroom door with my bleeding heart. My tears of blood were protected by my gray eyes and they could not be showed up on my face. Nevertheless, I knew they existed inside me, in my broken heart.

  I moved on...

  At that moment I entered my father’s bedroom and I redoubled the care I had when I entered Eros’ room. I walked to the bed where my father had been asleep for days. His tummy up and his hands crossed on his chest, like a manner of defense.

  I looked at his face for a moment. I had found him and by my own force I would separate him from me. I thought that my mother would need me more. She was alone in the world and my father had Bizak and Eros by his side.

  My anger for not being able to become human again, had caused me to make that decision. It would be impossible to live in that place next to Eros, and I would never have his love. I would always look at him and wish to be human. It would be the worst torment of my life. Keeping away from him would be the best thing to do, since the love I felt for him had cost the life of Valeska.

  With all my heart I touched my lips lightly on my father’s forehead as I was trying not to wake him.

  After that I left his bedroom with more haste than when I entered it.


  Right now, I was recalling that Valeska told me all that was needed to return the planet Earth when we were hidden in the room where it was allowed. She explained to me everything she knew about it and enough for me to know how to do it one day if I would need to return to the planet Earth. My mind had always anticipated that I could be in this situation some day.

  Quickly I entered that secret room and closed the door behind me. I looked up at the ceiling and saw the symbol of Neptune turned off. It was a beautiful strange symbol. Always I looked at it I remembered my father and his entire lineage. But for some instants, I looked frozen by my memories, just when I arrived there and saw my father for the first time. Now that was much strange the sensation because I was abandoning him, even not in favor of my will.

  Adorable memories with my father came over me just in that very decisive moment. Just the first day that I saw him for the first time.

  He took a few steps towards me and suddenly threw out his arms. “My daughter!” He exclaimed, a smile breaking across his handsome face. He beckoned me towards him, but I remained unsure. Pulling his arms in just a little, he insisted, “Come on. Give your father a hug.”

  Another break of memory came up, and then I saw charming scenes of Eros invading my mind. These panoramas made me more confused. That was not a great moment for me to see Eros again before my mind’s eyes. As always, he looked to annihilate all and have a power of making things look so hard in my life. I was always divided between my life in the planet Earth and also in Neptune.

  In some moments, I preferred never to have existed.

  Maybe that would be the easiest way to try to run away from my problems.

  “You cannot do it! Your father?” he asked, looking at my face. His attention was imprisoned by me. Eros really looked worried about my decision.

  “He knows how to live without me,” soon I said as looked up and faced his face as well. My lips folded up.

  “This is your home now,” his arms opened to the sides as he insisted, glancing around. Everything there belonged to me, my father and our class of vampires.

  But my words were precise and said them after a bite on the corner of the mouth. “I cannot live here, after everything that happened.” After that, I confirmed my silence and he continued gazing at my pale face. Eros did not look persuaded by that. Maybe I was not sufficient as much as necessary to influence him with my affirmations.

  “Put the notion in your mind that Valeska didn’t like you. She was jealous of you, she always wanted your destruction,” he confessed and his voice sounded annoyed with something.

  “How do you know that?” soon I asked as I stared at his face and met his attractive eyes. I desired secretly myself to go never away from them, not even for one second or two.

  “I sensed that about her, so I always told you to stay away from her.”

  Subsequent to that I lowered my head reflecting the words spoken by Eros. Perhaps he was right. He always knew how to make use of his words to try to make me see the right thing to do in my life.

  “Drop this idea that you want to go away. Here you are safe, in the company of your father.” He stared at me gravely. I stared at him too.

  “On Earth, you will be in danger. You cannot live with humans!” He believed this and I could see he was troubled.

  “What about my mother?” I asked. “I miss her!”

  “You will have to continue to exist in your mother’s absence.” There was a short pause. “As I live in loneliness.” his voice was low.

  My eyes enlarged at him as I listened to his declaration. For some instants, Eros looked to have a human heart. “Do you feel lonely?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yes, for centuries.”

  After that, some agitated white flashes came firmly over my eyes and I perceived I was back to my sad inflexible reality. I was also before the hard decision of my life, to continue in Neptune or then return to the planet Earth and see my mother. I really needed to make my choice and maybe to put a new start to my destiny.

  Thinking that way, my lips nearly curved into a humble smile of hope.

  In advance, I stepped cautiously into the gigantic circle on the dark-gray ground. It was necessary for me to be in it, to get it right. The gray walls there looked so silent and I felt on my own as if I lived unaccompanied in that castle. In fact, sometimes I felt like that, even in my father and his servants’ presences.

  Then I looked at the symbol again. My eyes were gray. The strength of my eyes made the symbol of Neptune turn on. Then a blue light, the same that appeared in the sky when I was on Earth with Eros, came out.

  A disconcerting wind traveled fast through the mysterious protected place and rocked my body into a windmill.

  I was completely sucked by that vast energy deposited to the wind. It was floating upwards, towards the symbol on the ceiling. The same was broken and opened a clandestine passage into which I was flung.

  The passage closed little by little and it transported me to another dimension. I wasn’t on planet Neptune any longer, with my father...

  In a little while, I would be back on planet Earth, just the planet where my origin had been brought up and ultimately I would find my venerated mother again...


  Excerpt from



  In Anarchia all these ones who are about 18 years old need to be submitted to tests and since then after theses tests, they are capable of choosing their Hierarchy class, but there is a secret test that can choose these ones who are much over the human side.

  Edley is 17 years old and she is about to do her important choice, but that is if abnormality does not choose her first.


  Battle for Control

  Chapter 1

  Welcome to Elysia the fifth planet in the Blagmia galaxy with support for both plant and animal life. Elysia is divided into two districts, the Vainglory district and the Anachia district. The two districts are governed by two different opposing principles, Vainglory is governed by the principles of government while Anachia is go
verned by the principles of no government. There are also opposing and contrasting features in the atmosphere around each district. A trip to Vainglory district would show a high rate of bustling and hustling, high skyscrapers, and high population. In contrast, to Anachia District which looked so calm and peaceful.

  Fenton Sprite the president of Vainglory district looked down from his office window to the streets and memories came rushing, it was just fewyears’ back that he was down those slums not far from here. He could see it from his window. He had fought, kicked and scratched his way into being the president of Vainglory today. He remembered one incident from the slum and sighed deeply. He was not going to let anyone take this from him.

  Just then his chief security officer Edward Cain walked in.

  “Good day My Lord.” He said as he bowed to pay his respect.

  "Good day Edward, what are the situations report?"

  “Yes my lord I’ve investigated the rebel group as you requested.”

  “Okay, and what have you found out?”

  “Here is the complete list of the rebels I and my boys were able to find.” He handed Fenton the file. Fenton opened the file and glanced through the names and stopped at one name.

  “Come here are you really sure about this name?” He asked pointing at number five on the name list.

  "Yes my lord, am very sure, please look at the financials in annexure c. You will see that he has been secretly sponsoring these so called free speakers against you."

  Fenton flipped the pages to the Financials and looked through it for about ten minutes.


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