Tricks & Treats: A Romance Anthology

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Tricks & Treats: A Romance Anthology Page 20

by Candace Osmond

  Really? The only way to get away from him was to get closer to him.

  “Thanks,” she said, wishing the universe would swallow her up whole. She summoned up a breath and moved closer, slipping through the small space between his broad chest and his friend’s back. That’s when her nose was assaulted by the most delicious smell of leather and spice. Her heart raced.

  The friend talking up Scarlett took a sudden step backward and Cassie lost her balance, falling right into Mr. Steely Eyes’ arms. But he didn’t just catch her, oh no, he caught her and then held her close. So close her brain cluttered up with white noise like a transistor radio trying to find a signal. Her iPhone slipped from her hand and hit the floor and for a moment she didn’t care. She couldn’t move. More precisely she didn’t want to move.

  “Thought you had a call to take, Boston?” She was so close to him his breath fanned her nose. It was delicious. Cinnamon. She had to move before she melted into a mushy swooning puddle right there on the casino floor.

  “What? Oh, yes right.” She blinked a couple of times trying to look down between them to see where her phone had landed. His grasp on her never slackened. What was wrong with her? This guy was hot as balls and she couldn’t get away fast enough. No! The sane part of her conscience called out to her. He’s a man. They’re all alike. Run while you still can.

  He let go of her then and eased down to pick up her phone, handing it to her with ease.

  “Thanks.” Her voice was breathy. Was it warm in here?

  “Looks like you lost your call,” he said with an arched brow.

  She glanced down at the phone that hadn’t actually rung and said, “Yeah, guess so. I should…” She pointed in the direction of the main hallway. “I’m going to just go see who that was.”

  He smiled and her knees threatened to buckle. She turned in the direction of the piano bar and hurried inside, flopping into a big leather chair with a heavy sigh. What had just happened? She tried to collect her thoughts while taking advantage of the full view of the roulette table from her seat. Her friends were still engrossed in conversation with Mr. Steely Eyes’ friends, but he was now nowhere to be found.

  “Can I get you something, Miss?”

  “Limoncello martini, please.”

  “Coming right up.”

  Cassie sighed and straightened her skirt over her knees. She was flustered as all hell. When the waiter laid the martini in front of her she downed it in two gulps and laid the glass back on the table before he had turned around.

  With wide eyes he asked, “Another one, Miss?”

  She nodded. “Keep ‘em coming.”


  “I look absolutely ridiculous.”Cassie stared at herself in the mirror. Siobhan’s costume included fishnet stockings and a tight leather bodice that pushed her boobs nearly up to her chin. “Where did you get these boots? They look like something Lady Gaga would wear.”

  “You look sexy as hell, Cass.” Scarlett stood next to her, fastening her earrings in to place. Siobhan had left no detail to chance. She had scored black spider-web earrings with a spider caught in the middle and a red jewel in the centre of its back. “Do you know how envious I am of that fiery red hair and those amazing green eyes? And don’t get me started on that figure. Here, help me with this choker.”

  Cassie clasped her friend’s necklace into place as Siobhan bound into the room with three riding crops in her hand. “Ta da! What’s a hard core dominatrix without a crop?” She snapped it in the air until it made a smacking sound and then let out a throaty laugh. Standing in front of them with one hand on her hip that jutted out perfectly, Siobhan O’Mara looked every bit a dominatrix. She would bring every man in the room tonight to his knees and she knew it.

  Scarlett giggled.

  “There’s no way in hell I’m hauling that around with me all night,” Cassie said. “It’s bad enough you’ve dressed me up like a cheap floozy from Fields Corner.” She blotted the red Perfect Score Mac lipstick Siobhan insisted they all wear as part of the costume.

  “Girl, you look like a high class call girl who blows senators, not one of those dirty skanks from Fields Corner!”

  Cassie laughed at Siobhan and the three of them lifted their wine glasses.

  “Where is this party anyway?” Cassie asked.

  “I don’t know. All I have is an address.”

  “Is it here on the strip at one of the other hotels?” Scarlett asked.

  Siobhan checked her phone. “No. It looks like a residential street address. I have a number for a car service I called earlier. They’ll be here for us around nine.”

  “A car service? Wow. That’s some host,” Cassie said.

  “That’s a rich host, “Siobhan said.

  “I’m surprised you two gave up the new friends you made downstairs to go to this party? It looked like you were hitting it off.” It was Cassie’s last-ditched effort to get out of this ridiculous costume and check out the Bellagio’s room service menu.

  Siobhan smiled wickedly. “As it happens…they had their own invite to the Masquerade Ball.”

  Cassie stopped breathing. “You’re kidding me. All of them?”

  Siobhan nodded slowly, as a big grin spread across her face. “Don’t think I didn’t see how you blushed talking to Jay earlier.”

  “His name’s Jay?” Cassie asked.

  “You were pressed tight against him for like five minutes and you didn’t even ask him his name?” Scarlett joked.

  Cassie felt her cheeks burn again. Great. Now her whole face matched her lips.

  “It wasn’t like that…” she started, but the ding of Siobhan’s phone drowned her out.

  “Car’s here, ladies. Let’s roll!”

  Siobhan and Scarlett grabbed their black leather clutches and headed out of Cassie’s bedroom where they had perfected their costumes. Cassie took one last look in the mirror. She felt even more ridiculous in this get up now since finding out Mr. Steely Eyes would be in attendance.

  She picked up her glass and swirled the last of her red wine before downing it. Her face would be covered with a mask so no one would know who she was anyway.


  After about thirty minutes in the back of a stretch limo they left the bright lights of the Las Vegas skyline behind them and entered a high-end residential section. They weren’t just in the burbs; they were in the high-end burbs. The only evidence of life was a glimpse of light that broke through the thick wall of trees lining the long driveways. There was some serious money here.

  The car slowed and turned into a gate that opened automatically. The car wound its way through the tree-lined driveway toward a well-lit mansion decorated with intricate stone work. The elaborate fountains and light gave the place an old-world European feel. Dozens of costumed people lined a red carpet to enter. As her brain worked over-time to take in her surroundings, Cassie noticed the lack of pumpkins or nurses or silly costumes. This was serious. These people barely wore any clothes, and if they did, it was revealing and suggestive and they were all…beautiful. It was like a prerequisite.

  “Wow,” said Scarlett. “This is amazing.”

  “Fuck me. This is how I want to live,” Siobhan said.

  The limo rolled to a stop and their door opened. “Ladies,” a deep voice said and a hand appeared to assist Siobhan, Scarlett and then Cassie out of the luxurious car.

  As Cassie stepped out and took in her surroundings her mouth gaped. “Is this for real?” she whispered.

  “It is tonight.” Siobhan slapped her ass. Cassie let out a small yelp and moved forward. “Come on ladies, I want in on this party!”

  They took their place in the red carpet line. When they reached the front of the line they were met by a man and two women. One woman gave them a plain black mask to fasten into place; the other gave them a token. Cassie took the token and turned it over in her hands. The number thirteen sparkled in the moonlight. She smirked. Unlucky thirteen sounded about right. The man stood behind a cloth-
covered table behind a glass bowl.

  “Memorize the number on your token please,” he said.

  “What’s this for?” Cassie held it up, examining it. Even it looked expensive.

  A sly grin spread across his face. “First Masquerade Ball? Oh you’re in for a treat.” The two women with him laughed. “Pop that token right in here, doll. In you go. You’ll be scooped up in no time.”

  Did he just growl at her? Cassie scooted by him, dropping the token into the bowl with dozens of other pieces and followed her friends inside.

  What the hell had Siobhan gotten them into?


  If the mansion’s exterior was considered impressive, its inside was like something directly out of a movie. A sprawling staircase was the focal point of the atrium leading in opposite directions from the landing. Floating above all of it was the largest, most sparkly, shimmery chandelier Cassie had ever laid eyes on. It looked like a hundred thousand diamonds glittered from the ceiling.

  “What a pad,” Scarlett said under her breath. She took out her phone and snapped a picture.

  “Will you put that away!” Siobhan said, swatting at her arm. “Jesus, Scar, you’re going to make us look like hillbillies. And hillbillies don’t belong here.”

  “Neither do we,” Cassie said.

  “Will you at least try to have fun, Cassie?” Siobhan asked. “We’re here, we’re dressed to kill, and we’re anonymous. That’s the recipe for a great night, but you have to want it. I got you this far. Now, you can choose to have fun or you can go sit in the corner and let all this pass you by.” She kissed Cassie on the cheek. “It’s your choice, Cass,” Siobhan said and walked away.

  Cassie immediately felt guilty. Siobhan had created this weekend just for her. She had pulled out all the stops. Sure, Cassie was a little uncomfortable about tonight, but Siobhan was right. She just had to give into it and let loose. She grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter clad in nothing but a black thong and a white mask, and boy, was he ripped.

  In fact, all the wait staff was barely dressed. They milled around the room, serving hors d’oeuvres and champagne. By the time she tore her eyes away, Scarlett and Siobhan had moved through an opening leading out of the massive house.

  Cassie stepped onto a sprawling stone patio. A large rectangular-shaped pool held what looked like synchronized swimmers doing some crazy Cirque de Soleil shit, but even they had masks on.

  “Hey there, Boston.”

  Cassie stopped in her tracks, blood rushing to her head. No way! She wore a mask and it was dark, well mostly dark. He couldn’t possibly recognize her. She turned around to face the deep voice.

  “H-hi?” It came out like a question. She waited a beat before looking up, but it was definitely Mr. Steely Eyes in the flesh. She couldn’t believe he was the first person she encountered in a crowd of at least one hundred scantily clad people. Though, he was fully dressed in the same delicious outfit as earlier, but now he donned a white mask. Not that it mattered. She would know those eyes anywhere. She could get seriously addicted to them. Look away!

  “How’d you know it was me?” she asked, averting her gaze to the pool and the wild show taking place there. Were they having sex? No way. Her Catholic upbringing made her question the plausibility of that thought because surely that could not be happening right there. In front of all these people?

  He chuckled and his eyes stayed on her and not on the sex show behind her. “That’s easy. There aren’t too many natural red heads around and certainly not ones with curves like yours.”

  She laughed, but it didn’t even sound like her. “I’m sure you say that a lot.”

  “Actually, I don’t,” he said, moving a little closer.

  She swallowed hard, catching the whiff of his spicy cologne again. It was intoxicating.

  He leaned in. “I have to be somewhere for a few minutes, but I’ll be back for you. Will you wait here for me?”

  She nodded and he pressed his lips lightly against her cheek. Dear God. Would she be here? Yep. In a heaping pool of her own making right here where she stood.

  “Uh huh,” she managed to choke out.

  He flashed a brilliant smile and disappeared into the crowd.

  A female voice sounded over a loudspeaker. “Ladies and gentlemen, would you please come together for the most exciting part of the evening. The moment you’ve all been waiting for. Ladies to the right of the pool; gentleman to the left.”

  Cassie looked up at a woman clad in a skin-tight silver dress speaking from a balcony above the pool area. Women began to cluster around Cassie. Okay, she was on the right side at least. Good thing because she wasn’t sure she could move if she tried. She glanced around, but Siobhan and Scarlett were nowhere to be seen.

  “Please, ladies, step forward when your number is called,” the woman said. “Let the Masquerade begin!”

  Slow and sensual music sounded from some corner of this crazy party and people began to move and sway almost as if they were under a spell. The man who had handed out the tokens outside the mansion when they first arrived appeared again with the glass bowl. He nodded to the first man in line, who stepped forward to choose a token.

  “Twenty-two,” the woman from the balcony said.

  Cassie’s eyes shot up. This was a sophisticated operation. The woman next to Cassie stepped forward and walked over to the man who had picked her token. He leaned in and kissed her briefly, whispered something in her ear and they moved off inside the doors of the mansion. The next number was called.

  Cassie’s heart thumped wildly in her chest. Did these people even know each other? Surely, Siobhan did not have sex with strangers in mind when she said they were going to a masquerade ball! Cassie thought the worst that could happen tonight was that she’d get drunk and dance on a table, maybe even fall down. There was no way she was staying for this.

  She craned her neck, searching for her friends. The women around her buzzed with excitement. For a split second she was furious with Siobhan. Then she heard it.

  “Number thirteen.”

  A man started to walk towards her. No fucking way! Absolutely not. She was not doing this. He stopped a few feet away and extended his hand, coaxing her forward. Her breath hitched. It was Steely Eyes. Cassie’s mind raced, but somehow she moved toward him. Wait. What? When she was near enough he took her hand and pulled her in close. Whispering in her ear he said, “Hey Boston, looks like it’s my lucky night.”

  Cassie was speechless as he placed a chaste kiss on her lips. When he pulled away his smile was wickedly sexy and Mother of God—those eyes. She melted right there on the spot.

  Have fun Siobhan had said.

  Could she do this?


  He closed the door behind them and crossed the room to the bed. She leaned back against the door, eyes pinned shut and her hands behind her back laid flat against the door. She raised one leg and fixed her boot against the back of the door. She was fastened to this poor old door like a magnet, knowing that if she moved at all she might fly into this man’s arms and the thought of that terrified her to no end.

  “I don’t bite.” His voice oozed sex. She opened one eye. He was sitting on the end of a king size bed on the other side of the room, elbows on his knees, leaning slightly forward, watching her. He could be an axe murderer for all she knew.

  “Don’t you?” she managed to croak out.

  He threw his head back and laughed. “I could, I suppose, if that’s what you’re into. But, you don’t look like that kind of girl to me.”

  “Ha.” She almost snorted. “You don’t know the half of it.”

  “I bet I do.” His eyes raked over her. “Let me guess. Your friends dragged you here under false pretenses and you can’t wait to get out that door.”

  “You read minds too?” she asked.

  He chuckled again. “No, but I’ve seen that look before.”

  “You do this a lot then?”

  He frowned. “No. I don’
t usually take part, but I saw you walk in tonight and I just couldn’t resist.” He stood up slowly and walked across the room not once taking his eyes off her. He took off his mask and tossed it on a chair in the corner of the room.

  “Did you really just randomly pick my number?”

  He stopped and placed his hands on either side of her head against the door. “What do you think?”

  She couldn’t think. His spicy leather smell filled her head again and those eyes looked at her like she was the only person in the world. She took a deep breath. Did she really care? “Are all these people pairing off just to randomly have sex?” she asked.

  He smiled. “Is that so terrible?” He lifted off her mask, his thumb taking an extra second to slide across her cheek before tossing the mask to the side. He must have felt her pulse race because he placed his hand against her heart.

  “Is that for me?” he whispered.

  She nodded slowly. “I—I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  His lips grazed her neck while his hands slid up her body then to her neck before getting lost in her hair.

  “I mean—I—could never do this.” She was almost breathless as he brushed kisses along her jawline and then across her cheek. His hands slid down her back coming to rest on her ass.

  “I would never make you do anything that made you uncomfortable.” His lips were a breath away from hers. “You can leave whenever you want.” His lips found hers again and this time he kissed her. Like really kissed her. She groaned into his lips and her belly fluttered as he smiled briefly against her mouth. It was a shockingly intimate feeling. How could she feel such a connection to this man?

  In between kisses he said, “You don’t sound like someone who wants to go just yet. Do you want to leave?” He didn’t wait for a response. His lips devoured her, his kiss more urgent this time, his tongue darting out to make her open wider. Cassie gasped, her hands suddenly coming to life sliding up his thighs and resting on his chest. His rock hard chest.


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