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Venom_ARC448_FM8.indd Page 12

by Venom (mobi)

  "So we made no progress at all." As they maneuvered down the alley again, past the dancing girls, Cass envisioned Liviana and the mysterious dead girl in the windows, their decaying corpses trussed up for the night creatures to feed upon. Then she saw herself among them, her arms and legs nailed to the stucco, bare breasts slashed and bleeding. A surge of bile filled her throat, but Cass fought back the urge to vomit. She wrapped her fingers tightly around Falco's arm, as if he were a talisman that could protect her from evil. For all she knew, the murderer was out there in the streets, stalking her like an animal. Watching her every move. Waiting.


  So, princess," Falco glanced sideways at Cass. She realized she was unconsciously pulling him toward the gondola. "Time to return to your satin sheets?"

  Part of Cass wanted nothing more than to wake up in bed and realize the whole crazy night had just been a dream. But she knew it was real, as real as the fading scratch on her arm. She couldn't give up now. Not after everything she'd already gone through. She wouldn't. "There must be other places we could check." Dark shadows formed and dissolved in the waning light of the lanterns. Cass glanced over her shoulder. The seductive twisting of the window girls was slowing, their energy fading along with the light.

  Falco paused at the edge of the canal. "I know of a couple other houses in the area."

  Cass was not happy about repeating the experience she'd just had, but if they could find out anything about the murdered girl, they might also learn something about the whereabouts of Liviana's body. She watched the water ebb and flow against the stone retaining wall. Across a narrow bridge, a row of torches illuminated a line of broken-down buildings, their stucco walls stained and peeling from years of water exposure. Heaps of trash lay strewn at the edge of the canal. A shadow moved in one of the piles. A man, hunched down, pawing like an animal.

  "Unless, of course, you'd rather give up." Falco's voice was light, but taunting.

  "Of course I don't want to give up," Cass said, tossing her head. "Lead the way."

  They turned away from the sanctuary of the bobbing gondola, back toward the dancing girls. The dark-haired girl was now sitting in the window, resting her head against the frame. Falco pulled Cass beyond them, into a second, labyrinthine alley. They passed under a stone archway and stopped in front of a slick marble staircase, half overgrown by a thick web of vines. "Here is your discretion," Falco says. "This place is one of Venice's best-kept secrets."

  Cass dragged a hand across the smooth marble as she allowed Falco to lead her up the stairs. She wondered again how Falco knew so much about places like these.

  Just as they reached the top of the steps, something rustled behind the vines. Cass tensed up, again wishing she had brought the kitchen knife. A tall boy wearing plain yellow breeches and a leather doublet pushed through the leaves. Cass thought he looked familiar. When he got closer, she saw his doublet was soiled with smears of paint. He was one of the boys from outside Liviana's funeral—one of the boys who had laughed at her when Falco knocked her down. Falco let out a small exclamation of surprise. The other boy shook his head, and then, ignoring Cass, gestured for Falco to step aside and speak with him.

  Falco turned to Cass. "Wait for me here, okay?" he said. "I need to speak to Paolo."

  Falco and the tall boy—Paolo—descended the marble staircase and stood a few feet from the house. Cass watched them for a moment, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. All she could see were Paolo's arms gesturing back toward the canal, his chin-length black hair swishing as he shook his head repeatedly. Cass frowned. How had Paolo found them, anyway? Had he been following them?

  The double doors in front of her were outlined in gold leaf, and each was adorned with a crest featuring a raven holding a dying serpent in its beak. Cass knew she should wait for Falco, but she couldn't help but think she had gone from obeying Agnese's commands to obeying Falco's.

  She was still a prisoner, just in a different cage.

  With sudden resolve, Cass pushed open the door. She entered into a long open portego, with chairs upholstered in purple velvet and tapestries of cathedrals on the walls. Above her head, a bronze candelabra swayed slightly as the door clicked shut. A basin of rose-water sat on a pedestal in the corner of the room, perfuming the air with a light scent. Cass was momentarily startled by the prettiness of her surroundings—the place reminded her of Madalena's palazzo.

  The room was empty except for a pair of older men in thick velvet cloaks and leather boots laced up to their knees. Golden medallions hanging over embroidered vests marked them as government officials. A girl in a pale blue gown with a square neckline and an enormous wheeled farthingale floated through the room. Her sleeves were made of a gossamer fabric, so long and flowy they reminded Cass of wings. A jeweled butterfly hair ornament held her honey-colored braids back from her face, highlighting her impossibly high cheekbones.

  Unlike Andriana, this girl didn't touch the men in the room. She simply smiled at them as she passed. After she exited, another girl walked through, this one with wavy hair so blonde it almost looked white. The girl followed the same path as the one before, stopping just long enough to play a short melody on a wooden flute. Cass couldn't believe how ordinary everything felt here. She might as well have been watching Madalena model the newest dresses her father had brought home from his journeys abroad. Cass tugged at her neckline again, adjusting part of her braids so they fell over her shoulders and covered some bare skin.

  Just then, a blast of cool night air ruffled Cass's skirts as a tall stranger slipped inside. The doors thudded closed behind him. He wore thick black robes, like a priest, and a black velvet hat pulled low over his eyes.

  "Ciao bella," he said, bending into a deep bow. "Are you here for welcoming?"

  "I'm—I'm waiting for someone," Cass stammered. She was afraid to ask what "welcoming" involved.

  The man nodded. He grabbed her right hand with a flourish and pressed his lips to it. "I thought you looked a little more undone than the girls here. Pity. So tall and lovely."

  Cass blushed. She lifted her skirts just high enough to expose her chopines. "It's these shoes. I'm really not that tall."

  The stranger's eyes lingered on her exposed ankles. "You shouldn't be ashamed. Are you a dancer, perhaps?"

  Cass shook her head. Madalena had taken her to a ballet performance at the Palazzo Ducale once. Impossibly thin girls jumping and twirling across the room like weightless fairies. Cass had found the spectacle mesmerizing.

  The stranger reached toward her face and Cass felt her muscles contract. His fingertips brushed the lobe of her ear and returned with a golden ducat in his hand. Cass gasped. "Are you a conjurer?" she asked.

  "Maximus the Miraculous at your service." The man removed his hat and held it against his chest as he bowed a second time. His black hair stood up in wild spikes and curls. "And you are?"


  "My favorite name." Maximus closed his fingers around the coin he had pulled from her ear. When he reopened them, his right palm was empty. He made his left hand into a fist and opened it to display three golden coins. "Apparently I'll pay triple for your company this evening." He made a fist again. "Or if you prefer." He held the hand out to Cass. "Kiss it."

  "What?" She felt a little drunk, as if the man had cast a spell on her.

  "Quickly now or you'll ruin the magic. Kiss my hand."

  Cass glanced around. Falco was nowhere to be seen. The two men in the salon were chatting, oblivious to the conjurer's presence. She hurriedly brushed her lips against the strange man's knuckles and a tiny gray songbird emerged from his hand.

  Cass gasped. The bird circled around the candelabra, perching delicately between two red candles, its head just inches from the flames. "How did you do it?"

  "A conjurer never reveals his secrets," the man said, holding up his index finger. The bird circled the room once before landing on it, beating its wings softly. The white-blonde girl with the wooden flute
reappeared from behind a thick velvet curtain. "Maximus," she said, leaning in to kiss the conjurer on the cheek. "I'm afraid I have bad news for you."

  Maximus waved a silk handkerchief over the songbird and it disappeared. "What is it?"

  The girl twirled her flute between her palms. "It's Mariabella. She's gone."

  Cass felt her heartbeat speed up. So a girl had gone missing . . .

  The conjurer nodded. "Last time I was in the city she mentioned she had attracted a benefactor. I assumed it was only a matter of time . . .” His voice trailed off. "Does she still room with you? Just down from Santa Maria del Mar, as I recall . . ."

  The girl laughed. "Your memory is as splendid as your magic. The doorknobs are shaped like suns. You're welcome to go there now, but you'll have no luck finding her. She hasn't come home in days. Signor Dubois has been seen out in public often, but no one has seen Mariabella at his side. The man must be keeping her shackled to his bed."

  Joseph Dubois again. He must have been a patron to the girl—to Mariabella.

  "Excuse me," she said, trying to keep her voice from trembling. "What does Mariabella look like?"

  The girl with the flute looked at Cass as if she were seeing her for the first time. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice edged with hostility.

  Cass quickly devised a story about how she had come to the brothel to find a certain woman for her brother, who had fallen in love with her after spending the evening together. "He's returned to his studies abroad," Cass explained, "but I told him I would try to get a message to the beauty who captured his heart last time he was in Venice."

  The girl's gaze lingered on Cass's plunging neckline, as if it were factoring in to her calculations about whether or not Cass could be trusted. Behind her, one of the men wearing medallions coughed gently.

  "Excuse me," the girl murmured, shaking her pale hair as she glided across the black-and-white tile floor to where the gentlemen were sitting. Moments later she led the taller of the two behind the velvet curtain, her wooden flute left behind on the divan.

  "Mariabella is divine," Maximus said, leaning in toward Cass. "Beautiful and talented. She used to assist me in my act from time to time. I wouldn't be surprised if she was the beauty your brother fell in love with."

  "What did—does—she look like?" Cass asked.

  Maximus pulled a rose out of thin air. "She has silky dark hair and the most delicious set of lips." He reached out his index finger as though to touch Cass's lips and then seemed to think better of it. "You resemble her, in a way. Except you don't have her birthmark." He traced the shape of a heart in the air.

  Cass's blood accelerated in her veins. A heart-shaped birthmark. It had to be the same girl. Mariabella. A maid missing from Joseph Dubois's estate, and now a dead courtesan, one of his chosen companions. Could it possibly be a coincidence? Emotions churned together in her stomach—excitement and wonder and fear. And more excitement. She leaned in to give the conjurer an impulsive peck on the cheek.

  The conjurer pressed the rose into her palm. "I think your master is watching us."

  Cass glanced up and saw Falco staring at her—no, at them—from the doorway of the portego. Cass hadn't even heard the front doors open. "I see you've met my beautiful signorina," Falco said, nodding to the conjurer as he snaked his fingers around one of Cass's small wrists.

  The conjurer winked at Cass. "Indeed. There's something magical about her, wouldn't you say?"

  "You've no idea," Falco said. He pulled her across the room, out of the conjurer's earshot. "Is it safe to leave you alone for a few minutes while I go speak to the owner of the house?"

  "No need," Cass said. She couldn't help but smile triumphantly. "I've not only learned the name of the dead girl, but I also know where she lives."

  Falco arched an eyebrow. "All that, and you still found the time to bat your eyelashes at some traveling con man? That is impressive."

  "I wasn't batting anything," Cass said. "I was appreciating his performance. Come on. I'll fill you in on the way to her place."

  As the two passed the conjurer, Falco's grip on her was so tight, she was afraid he was going to leave a bruise. "Goodbye, Maximus," she called behind her. "Thank you for the magic."

  Outside the house, Falco kept his hand wrapped around Cass as they headed down the marble staircase. The tall boy in the vest was gone.

  "So who's Paolo?" she asked, pausing at the bottom of the steps to catch her breath. The night had definitely taken a turn for the better. "My roommate," Falco answered shortly. "Friendly," Cass said, remembering how the boy had looked straight through her.

  "Seems to me you have no shortage of admirers," Falco said. And then, abruptly: "You know conjurers are nothing but common criminals, right? I'd check your pockets—I wouldn't be surprised if several coins are missing."

  Cass's eyes widened. "I believe I've heard the same about artists. And it almost sounds like . . . But surely it's not in the nature of a patron of a common prostitute to be jealous." One of her ankles wobbled, and Cass had to grab onto Falco's waist to keep from falling over.

  Falco pushed her away playfully and then pulled her tightly to his chest. "Funny," he whispered in her ear. "But I doubt there's anything common about you." He shook his dark hair back from his face. "Ready to get serious now?"

  "What do you mean, Master?" she asked, half reeling from the heat of Falco's breath on her jawbone. A rush of warmth surged through her body.

  "You're the one who figured out where our murdered prostitute lived," Falco said. "Lead the way, Signorina Avogadore" Falco linked his arm through hers.

  "Murdered courtesan," Cass corrected. "It's just as you thought." Cass recounted the conversation with Maximus and the blonde girl. Falco whistled and Cass swelled with pride.

  "So," Falco said. "To Santa Maria del Mar we go . . ."

  There were only two streets branching away from the little campo that housed the church of Santa Maria del Mar, and Falco and Cass found Mariabella's house—and the signature sun-shaped doorknobs—on the first street they selected. She lived in a small pink building clustered with several others around a tiny courtyard overgrown with weeds. All the houses here looked abandoned to Cass.

  She and Falco made their way to the door, carefully avoiding a network of deep cracks in the crumbling stone walkway. The shutters hung askew, revealing dirt-encrusted glass beneath. Cass put her face to the glass but saw only a distorted reflection of herself. Falco knocked on the warped wooden door. No answer. He pulled something small and silver out of his pocket and jiggled it in the lock.

  "What's that?" Cass whispered.


  Cass watched as Falco twisted the flexible blade. The razor-sharp knife reflected the light from the lantern Falco carried. Cass couldn't stop staring at it, not even when she heard a click and the door swung open with a groan. She couldn't help but think of the X carved in Mariabella's chest. "Why do you carry that?" she asked. "Where did you get it?"

  "I use it for detail work when I'm painting." Falco wrapped the blade carefully in a bit of fabric and pocketed it.

  A musty smell wafted from the open door, almost overpowering Cass. The place was decent-sized, but dingy, with a square living area leading into a single back room with tiny beds and plain wooden wardrobes pushed against two of the walls.

  The bed nearest to them was neatly made. Cass ran a hand over the burgundy coverlet and her fingers came back faintly dusty. Clearly, no one had slept here for days. Cass peered inside the wardrobe. A wooden sitar missing several strings stood in one corner. A rainbow of brightly colored dresses lay folded on warped shelves, most of the garments fraying at the wrists and hems.

  "I thought courtesans were wealthy," Cass said. The room had a lonely, desolate feel; she could practically smell it.

  "It depends on their patrons. Like you said, she had only just tried to find work outside of the house." Falco knelt down and peered under the dusty bed. He pulled out a royal blue silk bag with a yel
low braided drawstring. As he turned the bag inside out, strands of pearls and jeweled hairpieces clattered out onto the floor. "Or maybe she was overly fond of trinkets." Falco wrapped a strand of pearls around his hand and held it up in the faint light. Tossing the bag back under the bed, he slipped the pearls into his pocket.

  "Falco!" Cass said sharply.

  "What? It's not like she's going to miss it."

  "It's—it's disrespectful," Cass said. She felt a rush of pity for this dead girl, the girl who'd lived such a small, narrow life and then been cut down so young. Cass thought about how many times she had complained to Mada about her aunt's musty old villa. How the whole place often felt just one good storm short of crumbling to dust. Compared with this room, Agnese's home was like the Palazzo Ducale.

  Suddenly, she couldn't wait to leave. The room seemed to be getting smaller by the minute, the walls subtly closing in on her. Living here would be like living inside her armoire. Cass knelt down on the cold stone floor, intending to reorder the jewelry Falco had scattered, when something caught her eye.

  "Hey, look at this," she said. A square bundle only slightly larger than her journal lay half unwrapped, concealed beneath the bed. Cass lifted the bundle and gently folded back the layers of muslin to expose a small portrait. Mariabella must have received the painting not long before she died, or else surely she would have hung it on the wall.

  Falco righted the portrait. Cass squinted, but she couldn't make out the figure on the canvas. She brought over the lantern and held it next to the painting.

  It was her. Mariabella: the dead girl from Liviana's crypt. Only here she looked happy, her thick hair hanging over bare shoulders, her red lips forming a playful pout. She had one of her arms extended, as if she were reaching out toward the artist. The painting was done in unusual choppy brushstrokes, giving the picture a blurred effect.

  Cass thought of the discolored corpse, the ring of bruises around the neck, purple splotches where blood had pooled. She touched a finger to the canvas, almost expecting her hand to pass straight through it into some other land where things were normal and right and Mariabella was still alive.


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