Made to Love You

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Made to Love You Page 6

by Sheryl Lister

  Mariah sat next to Vivian and draped her an arm around Vivian’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Viv. I just didn’t want to see you hurt again.”

  She leaned against Mariah. “It’s not your fault. I should have been honest with you guys.”

  “What happened? Why did you break up with him?”

  Although they were her best friends, Devin deserved to hear it first. That is, if she got up the nerve to tell him. “Let’s just say my brother’s antics came back to bite me again and I realized it was for the best.”

  “So, let me get this straight, you break up with a seemingly good guy for… some reason you say is ‘for the best’,” Dawn made quote marks in the air. “And he’s making a move again and you’re going to do…what?”

  “Nothing.” As hard as it would be, Vivian had to let Devin go.

  “Your brother has always been trouble. But you’re not going to go back to Devin, even if he wants to?” Mariah asked.

  “No,” Vivian answered softly. “I can’t. I promise to tell you the whole story, but I want him to hear it first.”

  Dawn folded her arms. “Is he good in bed?”

  Vivian felt her cheeks warm.

  Mariah whipped her head around. “Dawn.”

  “What? She doesn’t want to end up with some guy who can’t bring it in the bedroom. If he can curl your toes, Viv, you might want to reconsider. And the look on your face says he can. Some other woman will be happy to snap him up, if you don’t. All that fine chocolate won’t go to waste for long.”

  Mariah glared at Dawn. “This isn’t the time, Dawn.”

  Dawn shrugged. “Hey, I’m just saying.” She shook her head. “I can’t wait to hear this story. It must be a doozy.”

  Mariah rolled her eyes. “Viv, I don’t understand what you’re doing, especially since it’s clear you still have feelings for Devin. As your friend, I’ll stand by your decision and be here for you. And I’ll be waiting to hear the whole story.”

  A tear slid down Vivian’s cheek. “Thanks, Riah. I’ll be okay.” The two women hugged.

  “Don’t leave me out.” Dawn rushed over and sat on the other side of Vivian. “Group hug.”

  Vivian laughed through her tears and engulfed Dawn in a hug. She didn’t know what she would do without them.

  “Okay, okay, enough of this. All this emotional stuff makes me hungry,” Dawn said, hopping up from the bed.

  The thought of food turned Vivian’s stomach. “You guys go ahead. I’m not that hungry. I may get something a little later.” Seeing their concerned expressions, she smiled. “Really. I’ll be fine. I promise.” It took some convincing, but Vivian finally got them to leave.

  Alone again, she took a long shower. Feeling better, she ventured out to the balcony. Even though it was early, the temperatures had already started to rise and the day promised to be another warm one. She took a seat in one of the chairs and stared out at the calm blue water, wishing she felt the same way. No matter how she viewed the situation, or how many ways she played the conversation in her head, not one scenario ended without Devin hating her. Several times over the past year, she thought about taking the risk, but the fear of him finding out about her past—not to mention the thought of going to jail—always stopped her. After today it wouldn’t matter. She had to tell him.


  By the time Vivian left to meet Mariah, her head had stopped hurting, but the butterflies in her belly were doing an all-out salsa.

  “Oh, good. You’re here,” Mariah said as soon as Vivian entered the workroom. “Grab that basket with the purple and orange orchid blooms and the bucket of palm branches.”

  She picked up everything and followed Mariah to the gazebo where the wedding ceremony would be held. With the assistance of one of the resort planners, Mariah wrapped the columns with palm branches and accentuated them with the orchid blooms. Vivian just stayed out of the way. Then end result was so beautiful it rendered her momentarily speechless. “Samantha is going to be so happy with what you’ve done. I’d venture to say we’re going to be even busier once the word gets out about this wedding. You really outdid yourself this time, Riah.”

  Mariah placed her hands on her hips and surveyed her work. “I think you might be right. Maybe we’ll get lucky and land another trip here.”

  Vivian laughed. “Now, that would be great. I took pictures of all the pieces we did yesterday to add to the portfolio.” She took out her phone and snapped several pictures of the decorated gazebo. “I’m going to create a destination wedding display poster to place in the window. We’ll have to come up with some prices to go with it, just in case we have any inquiries.”

  Mariah smiled. “Now, that’s the Vivian Michaels I know.” She glanced down at her watch. “We have an hour until the ceremony starts. The wedding party should be in their respective holding rooms by now. We can get everybody pinned pretty quickly then I’ll come back out here to make any last minute adjustments if I need to. Will you help me get the reception area set up? We can leave near the end of the ceremony. They’ll still have to take pictures, so that’ll give us plenty of time.”

  “Of course, I’ll help. All I have to do is place them on the tables—piece of cake.” They went back to the workroom, loaded everything onto a cart, and then met the wedding party, starting with the ladies. While Mariah handled the bouquets, Vivian pinned corsages on the mothers and grandmothers.

  “Viv, I’m going to get started with the guys.”

  “Okay.” Vivian breathed a sigh of relief. She wouldn’t have to see Devin just yet. However, her relief was short-lived when Mariah came back a minute later.

  “I hate to do this to you, but the wedding coordinator needs me. You’re going to have to handle the guys.” Mariah must have seen the panic on Vivian’s face because she said, “I can call up to the room and have Dawn come down to do it if you’re going to be uncomfortable.”

  “No, that’s okay. I can do it.” She’d done this a hundred times. The other guys would be there and she could be in and out quickly.

  “Are you sure? I know—”

  Vivian waved her off. “I’m sure. You go. I’ll be fine.”

  Mariah viewed her skeptically for a brief moment then nodded. “I’ll see you in a few.” She gave Vivian a quick hug and was gone.

  Vivian gathered the boutonnieres and her courage, and went in search of the men. She heard raucous male laughter before she rounded the corner. All eyes turned her way when she entered the room. “Hi, guys. Let’s get these flowers on and you can be on your way.” She scanned the room quickly in search of Devin, but didn’t see him. She had planned to get his done and over with first. Then there would be no way for them to talk. “Looks like you’re missing a couple of people, including the groom.”

  “Tony and Devin stepped out for a minute,” one of the groomsmen offered, coming to stand in front of her.

  Having no other choice than to get started, Vivian set down the basket, picked up the first boutonniere and pinned it to his vest. Tony and Devin returned just as she finished the last one.

  “Hi, Vivian,” Tony said, grinning. “Have you seen Samantha?”

  She smiled and pinned his flower on. “Yes, and she looks beautiful.”

  “I have no doubts about that. I’m ready to do this.” Tony rubbed his hands together and walked over to where the group of men had gathered.

  That left only Devin. He came and stood in front of her, their bodies so close she could feel the heat emanating from his big body. The clean, masculine scent of his cologne drifted across her nose and she resisted the urge to bury her face in his chest. Vivian took a step back. He didn’t say a word, but the way he stared at her had her heart beating double time and her hands shaking. It took three attempts to pin the flower. “Okay. You’re all done.” She turned to walk away and he placed a staying hand on her arm.

  “I’ll see you later, Viv. We’ll talk after the reception.” His tone brokered no argument and she no longer had the w
illpower to fight the inevitable. He pivoted on his heel and left her standing there.

  Vivian released a weary sigh and exited the room. The guests had already started to arrive by the time she made it to the gazebo.

  “How did it go?”

  She spun around at the sound of Mariah’s voice. “Okay.”

  “Did you guys talk?”

  She shook her head. “He says he wants to talk after the reception.” She wrapped her arms around her middle. “I’m not really looking forward to that conversation.”

  Mariah lifted a brow. “Is there something you’re not telling?”

  The music began, preempting any reply Vivian had. She and Mariah sat on the last row near the exit.

  “They look great don’t they?”

  She nodded. The groomsmen wore white pants and vests with purple shirts and ties that matched the bridesmaids one-shoulder floor length gowns. Instead of the purple, Tony wore a white shirt and tie, the only splash of color being supplied by the purple Calla lily. Samantha looked stunning in a white strapless A-line gown with layers of lace and beaded floral appliques, asymmetrical ruched bodice and a deep sweetheart neckline. She wore her hair in a curly up-do with bangs and a jeweled barrette.

  As stunning as Samantha looked, Vivian couldn’t take her eyes off Devin. He stood several inches taller than the other groomsmen and looked so good in his formal wear. She could imagine him standing there as the groom ready to take his vows. The thought caused a pain in her heart. Tears welled in her eyes. He turned her way and their eyes met. His brows knit slightly in concern and she quickly dropped her head. Vivian discreetly swiped at the tears and composed herself.

  When she lifted her head, Devin’s eyes were waiting. Vivian shifted her gaze and tried to focus on the bride and groom.

  “Let’s go,” Mariah whispered.

  They quietly left the area, but she couldn’t resist one more glance at Devin. Their gazes connected once more and a twinge of sadness hit her. She wished she could experience the same kind of joy she felt between the bride and groom, but knew it would never happen.

  Devin groaned inwardly. They had been taking pictures after the ceremony for the last half hour and he needed to find Vivian. When he saw her tears, it took all he had to stand in his position and not rush down the aisle to her side. He’d felt something when their eyes connected and, as much as he wanted to remain emotionally distant, he couldn’t. He was fighting a losing battle. Focusing on the photographer again, he smiled on command while the man clicked away, though his inner turmoil increased.

  Finally the photographer released them to the reception. Devin spotted Vivian as soon as he walked into the private garden area and strode over to where she stood. He gently took her arm, ignoring her startled gasp, and led her to a secluded corner.

  “Devin, what are you doing?” Vivian whispered, glancing over her shoulder apparently looking to see if anyone noticed.

  “You were crying earlier. What happened?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing. The ceremony was beautiful and I got a little emotional, that’s all. It’s not unusual for people to cry at weddings, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know. But, I think there’s more to it.” Her eyes widened for a split second before she schooled her features. “You forget I know you, Viv. Sweetheart, I know you almost better than you know yourself. And no amount of time can erase that.”

  “You’re reading too much into this. There’s nothing wrong. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work before the rest of the guests arrive.” She whirled around and walked off before he could reply.

  Devin let her go. They had plenty of time to continue their conversation. During the dinner, she made sure to sit as far away from him as she could. He kept up a steady stream of small talk, but his gaze never strayed far from Vivian.

  “I think it’s time for us to give the toast, Devin.”

  He went still when Lora leaned down and pressed her breasts against his shoulder while whispering seductively in his ear. He glanced over to see the amused expressions on Tony and Jason’s faces. Devin shot them a dark look, rose to his feet and tapped his fork against his glass until the guests quieted, then gestured for Lora to go first. The DJ supplied a microphone and she offered her toast. She passed the microphone to Devin when she finished. He did presentations all the time at his job and had no problems with doing them, but this was different. He had been trying to figure out something to say ever since Tony asked him to be his best man and, six months later, Devin still hadn’t written one word. Now, he would do what he did best with his back against the wall—wing it.

  “I’ve known Tony for twenty years and he’s been like a brother, not like I needed another one.” He paused to wait for the laughter to subside. “And over the years, he’s proven to be the best friend a man can have. When Tony first met Samantha, I knew there was something special happening between them. He couldn’t complete a sentence without mentioning her name. They’ve been together for almost two years and I can’t think of a couple more perfect for each other. She brings out the best in him. So thank you, Sam, for making my best friend a better man and husband. I know he’ll cherish you every day.” The guests laughed again when Tony threw up his hands and Sam leaned over and kissed him. “In closing, I’d just like to say that marriage is less about finding someone you can live with and more about finding that one you can’t live without.” Devin lifted his glass. “Family and friends, I ask you to raise your glasses in a toast to Tony and Samantha Baldwin. I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. May God bless you both.” Devin sat amid thunderous applause.

  A short time later, the music started. Tony and Samantha shared their first dance followed by their parents, grandparents and wedding party. Devin completed the obligatory dances then went straight for Vivian. He coaxed her out onto the dance floor and she hesitated a moment before starting a subtle sway of her hips. Soon, they were both caught up in the music. Her slow, but seductive movements spiked his arousal and sent desire flowing through his veins. She smiled up at him and he nearly came unglued.

  He didn’t really want to end their dance, but if they stayed there one more minute, he’d be tempted to strip her naked and have his way with her, here and now. Devin reached for Vivian’s hand. “Let’s get something to drink.”

  She fanned herself. “Whew. I haven’t danced like that in ages. I forgot how much I enjoyed being on the floor.”

  “So had I. With the right partner, that is.” Their eyes held and they shared a smile. Devin’s vow went right out the window. He had missed being with her. They took their drinks, sat an empty table and sipped while watching the others dance.

  “Tony and Sam are in their own world.”

  He followed her gaze to the newlyweds in the middle of the dance floor. Tony’s forehead rested against Samantha’s and their bodies barely swayed, seemingly oblivious to their surroundings. “As it should be.”

  “I didn’t know they listened to R&B here,” Vivian said, tapping her foot to the beat of a popular song from the states.

  “I’m sure they listen to a variety of music, just like we do. But, Tony and Sam gave the DJ some of their favorites.” They lapsed into companionable silence. Moments later, the new Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin thanked everyone and departed to start their honeymoon.

  “Your toast was really beautiful, Devin,” Vivian said after several minutes. “How long did it take you to write it?”

  “Thanks. And I didn’t write it. I made it up as I went,” Devin added with a chuckle.

  “Really? That makes it even more special.” She lowered her head and stared into her glass.

  “Are you having a good time? You and Mariah did an amazing job with the flowers.”

  “All I did was a few boutonnieres and corsages. Mariah did all the real work and I am having a good time. I never really imagined we’d have this kind of opportunity, especially since our shop is still so new.”

  “I remember how afraid you were of
going under and me telling you not to worry.”

  “Yeah,” she said softly. “You did.”

  He lifted her hand and placed a kiss on the back. “I’m proud of you, Princess.”

  “Thank you, Devin. It means a lot coming from you.”

  Devin recognized the song playing, set their glasses on the table, stood and reached out his hand.

  “Is this Monte’s song, Just To Be With You?”

  “Yes, that’s the song. Dance with me.” She placed her hand in his, he led her back out to the dance floor and pulled her into his arms. Her soft curves molded against his body and he relished the feeling.

  “Do you remember the first time we heard this song?”

  “Yes. At Monte’s concert when he proposed to your sister. He said she inspired him.”

  And, that night, Vivian had inspired Devin. It was the night he realized he had fallen in love with her. He felt a faint stirring in his heart, and he closed his eyes to try and force the feeling away.

  “I really like this song.”

  Devin hummed along then sang the chorus in her ear. “I want to touch you and tease you, kiss you and please you…” His hand slid down her back and skimmed her hip.

  She gasped sharply and her body trembled. “Devin.”

  Her hands roamed over his chest and the contact electrified him. He had to have her. “I want you, baby,” he murmured close to her ear. When she lifted her head, her lips were so close he only had to lean forward a fraction. He caught himself just before their mouths touched. One, this was his best friend’s wedding day and, two, Devin didn’t trust himself to stop kissing her once he got started.

  “I don’t know if we should.”

  “Do you remember how it was with us? We were good together.”

  “Yes, we were, but—”

  “One night, Princess.”

  She reached up and stroked the side of his face. Then she nodded and he heard her soft sigh of surrender. “One night, Devin.”

  At her words, his heart started a pounding rhythm reminiscent of the pulsing Caribbean beat now playing. Devin wanted to leave this moment, but he had to stay until the end. They continued to dance in silence. Thirty minutes never seemed so long.


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