Fire Island: Book 3 of The Chatterre Trilody (Chatterre Trilogy)

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Fire Island: Book 3 of The Chatterre Trilody (Chatterre Trilogy) Page 13

by Jeanne Foguth

  Nolan tied a thin strip of fabric over the cut, then Benji finished cutting the vegetables into small cubes. Once that was done, they moved to the crude iron stove, which they had stocked with twigs, and lit on fire prior to cutting the vegetables.

  Benji hoisted a large, shallow black iron pan on top of the hot surface and threw in a glob of yellow goo, which Nolan called butter.

  The goo started sizzling and melting. Nolan grasped the pan's crude handles with a thick piece of fabric, then tipped it one direction than the other, as he explained to Benji that the bottom needed to be coated. Tem-aki thought the idea of goo being called a coat was strange, but Benji seemed to accept Nolan's advice. When the liquid was in a thin layer over the bottom, Nolan poured all the cut vegetables into the hot pan. A delicious aroma sizzled into the air.

  Tem-aki's mouth watered so much that she had to swallow.

  As instructed, Benji used a wooden spoon to spread things evenly, then began breaking eggs into a bowl. Once they were all broken, he added milk and began to energetically beat the mixture. Twice, he stopped beating the egg mixture long enough to stir the cooking vegetables, then when Tem-aki could see air bubbles in the eggy mixture, even from across the room, Benji poured it over the mouth-watering vegetables the pan, plunked a lid on top and grasped the big pan with the thick cloth as he moved it to a cooler part of the stove.

  That apparently done, Benji stacked plates and eating sticks on the serving counter while Nolan sliced bread. Without being called, everyone began filing into the large, rustic kitchen. After what Tem-aki calculated to be fifteen minutes, Nolan removed the lid, letting a delicious aroma into the room. He then used the knife to cut the gelled egg and vegetable mixture and began ladling a serving onto each plate.

  Cameron didn't need to tell Tem-aki to get in line.

  He got in line behind her, and, as he had done so many times, said, "I wish I knew why you came to me."

  However, for the first time, Tem-aki understood what he was saying. She turned to look back at him, surprised that he wanted to know the same thing she did.

  Benji put a slice of bread on her plate and Nolan put a big spoonful of the eggy mixture on top of it. As she walked to her place at the table, they did the same thing to Cameron's plate. His words kept circling in her mind. 'I wish I knew why you came to me.'

  As he sat in the chair opposite her, Tem-aki softly said, "I wish I knew why, also."

  Cameron looked like someone had tasered him. "You spoke!" Staring at her, he sat down hard. "Do you seriously not know why you are here?"

  Everyone was staring at her.

  Tem-aki gulped and wondered if it was proper to nod or shake her head. "I do not know where here is. I do not know why am here."

  All but one of the men looked shocked. She looked from face to face, wondering why they were suddenly looking at her with such strange expressions. Why did Varlet's expression look smug?

  "You really don't know why you are here?" Nolan asked, as he sat down on the only empty seat. Turning her attention to him, Tem-aki shook her head.

  She swallowed and tried to remember the word for brother. "I try find Larwin."

  "What's a Larwin?" Nolan asked.

  "Is it a dragon?" another asked.

  "Why does she call dragons larkins?" someone else asked.

  Cameron simply stared at her, his brown eyes confused.

  Tem-aki cleared her throat. "I look for him for three years."

  Cameron's forehead furrowed. "Larwin is important to you?" She smiled and nodded. His frown deepened.


  Cameron shoveled down his breakfast omelet without pausing to savor it. Conversation ebbed and flowed around him and though he knew that most of it focused on the day's preparations for the upcoming Summer Solstice Ceremony and planning a trek to Dragon Ridge to begin setting up the festivities, his thoughts kept coming back to 'Larwin' and how Tem-aki's face had softened when she'd said the name.

  Though she had not said so, he knew from her soft expression that 'Larwin' was a man.

  Despite the fact that Nolan's special omelets were his favorite food, breakfast was tasteless and dry. Cameron gulped some coffee to wash it down, and burned his tongue.

  Meanwhile, Tem-aki sat across from him eating her food with gusto, and examining several bites, as if she'd never seen food before. Of course, she did that frequently. Was the food here so different from heavenly fare?

  And who was 'Larwin' to her?

  Furthermore, how could a celestial being lose someone, because that was exactly the impression she had given them about why she was looking for 'Larwin'.

  Cameron's teeth ground together.

  "You're making Benji feel bad," Nolan whispered.


  Nolan leaned close and spoke softly, so his words did not carry, "The way you're glaring at your plate, stuffing food in your mouth and chewing, as if you don't want to taste it." Nolan sighed. "Benji was so proud to make breakfast, but now..." his words trailed off.

  "Sorry," Cameron said. And he genuinely was sorry for making the kid feel badly. "I was thinking of something else."

  "I thought as much." Nolan relaxed. "Planning for a major event like this is a burden... and between you and me, knowing this year was the end of the current eighty-two year cycle, is one of the reasons I asked not to be considered for the office of high draco."

  Cameron forced his muscles to relax and focused on the conversation. "I wish I had thought ahead, instead of being so honored by the offer, that I immediately accepted." He didn't know why he had assumed the position of high draco would focus on people's individual problems, when with each advancement he had been given, he got further and further from individuals. While he could understand why each promotion became more political and about organization, for some reason, he had assumed that he would still have the satisfaction of helping, and be able to see the results of his time and efforts.

  He sighed, as he realized that instead of seeing smiles on the faces of people whose name he knew because of returned health or an improved crop, his results were bags of decorations and canisters of fireworks that would make this cycle ending/beginning a Summer Solstice Ceremony that would be remembered long after he passed onto the next phase of existence.

  And, he'd been sure he was in the right place and it was the right time, for him when Tem-aki and GEA-4 had emerged in the Protected Place.

  Now, he wasn't so certain.

  And now, he wondered who 'Larwin' was and why he was so important to Tem-aki.

  Was 'Larwin' the reason why she walked the beaches every morning and stared into the distance some mornings and the depths of tidal pool on others?

  Was 'Larwin' more important than the preparations for the coming celebration?

  Apparently, so, since she never sat down to help with any preparations.

  Seeing Nolan watching him, Cameron focused on smiling and relaxing his muscles, then pretended to enjoy breakfast. He doubted that Nolan was ignorant enough to believe his act, but Benji's stiff posture relaxed, so apparently his body language was believable.

  Tem-aki ate her last bite, then got up from the table, rinsed her dish, and then headed outside. Presumably to go to the beach and look or wait for 'Larwin'.


  "The tip of the peninsula appears to be an extinct volcano," GEA-4 said.

  "You thought that the original place the big boat was at was the site of one, too," Tem-aki said.

  "That is true, however, the area under the original site is still heated." GEA-4 made a very human gesture as she pointed at the distant dark brown mountain, which stood in stark contrast to the cloudless blue sky. "While that is not." The dark, cone-shaped hill overlooked the narrow entrance, which protected the vast harbor-area from the white-topped waves of pounding water beyond.

  "I can't see any of those strange hexagonal stones over there. It's a shame that I don't have access to my lab, that data would probably be fascinating. In fact, it might even be
a new form of mineral."

  "What about the life signs? Do you believe it is possible for a mineral to be a life-form?"

  Tem-aki shrugged. "I think anything is possible, until its scientific properties are proven or disproven."

  Staring across the calm water, she studied the cone. Volcanoes were fascinating places, particularly the cool ones, which were often excellent sources of gem-stones and other minerals. However, there was no easy way that she could see to get over to the extinct volcano, so there was little hope of finding out any answers to that mystery. However, she could analyze the pools that appeared when the water level went down. Each pool seemed like it was an entire eco-system full-throttle in an explosion of life, yet when the water returned, each one became visually inseparable from the bay.

  "Will you finish processing the slate and calcite by this afternoon?"

  "The project should be finished in three hours."

  "Excellent, we can test it after lunch.... Let us hope the idea works."

  GEA-4 gave a curt nod, then turned her attention back to polishing the slab of slate.

  Unwilling to think of the hundreds of things which could go wrong with her communication plan, Tem-aki hiked her robe up to her thighs, took out her tricorder, waded into the water and focused on the black-spiked things scuttling in the sea grass closest to her. Shortly after morning meal, she had watched the three youngest yellow-robed boys laughing and splashing in the shallow water, as they played a game with the spiny creatures. Using odd spoon-shaped sticks, the boys had expertly scooped up the bristly balls and tossed them into a basket on shore.

  She expected them to dump them back, once their game was over, instead two of them grabbed the basket's handles, while the third had carried the three scooper-sticks toward the stairs.

  Did they want those creatures for their pins?

  Her tricorder showed that the spiny balls were poisonous. Tem-aki inched backwards, toward shore.

  Obviously, the boys had collected the oddly pretty balls because they were trying to make the shore safe.

  A large shadow passed overhead. Tem-aki looked up in surprise. Seeing the belly of a bloated, golden beast, she gasped and jumped backward.

  Her foot landed on a spiny ball, driving the barbs in deep. With a shriek of fright and pain, Tem-aki fell backward into the knee-deep surf. Water surged over her head and into her nose and mouth.

  Flailing screaming, and choking, she fought against the water and the sudden dragging weight of the golden robe. All thought of the thing in the sky was temporarily lost, as she struggled to breathe.

  Suddenly, hands grasped her under the arm pits and she was pulled upright. Blinking water out of her face, she saw GEA-4 tow her the short distance to dry shore.

  "Thank you for saving me."

  "All you needed to do was stand up."

  Tem-aki pointed to the three spines protruding from the sole of her foot. "Those are why I fell."

  GEA-4 picked up her foot with one hand and expertly extracted the spines with the other.

  It felt like fire was moving from the sole of her foot to her knee, then the flames licked higher. Tem-aki closed her eyes and gritted her teeth against the screams of pain, which welled in her throat.


  Cameron hummed a cleansing mantra as he sharpened the tiny, curved blade on the special stone, then, washed the small knife in hot, soapy water to sterilize it. Switching to a preparation chant, he grasped the first sea urchin. with a pair of eating tongs and cut a round opening in its top with the knife, then he passed it to Emmet.

  Picking up the mantra, Emmet grasped the dangerous, spines with his own pair on tongs, and began to scoop out the tongues of sea urchin with a small bone spoon. As quickly as Emmet disgorged a succulent morsel, Tristan rinsed it in the stream of cold, fresh water, then put the cleaned bit into the heavy red ceramic bowl. Meanwhile Benji added minced onions and chopped cilantro to the bowl. Nolan sliced bread, while he watched them.

  Cameron frowned, wondering what was missing, then put down the tiny knife and looked for Varlet. He spotted him outside, leaning over the railing, laugh lines obvious on his face. "Varlet, you need to add the olive oil and lemon juice," he called.

  Varlet whirled from the railing and stomped inside. Cameron clamped his jaws together and focused on cutting circular holes in the tops of the urchins. While he could quiet his tongue, even though he was chanting the cleansing mantra, he could not seem to quiet his negative thoughts about Varlet.

  Why had the guy joined their order, when he obviously wanted others to serve him, instead of serve others?

  "Add some of the fermented apple-mint, too," Nolan told Varlet.

  Varlet's eyes flashed a brief look of defiance, but he complied. Then, he went back outside and resumed watching whatever had captured his interest on the beach. Even without looking, Cameron knew Varlet was watching Tem-aki. The question was, why he seemed to be laughing at her.

  In her pale way, Tem-aki was a beautiful woman, but that didn't explain why Varlet constantly spied on her. In fact, the only good thing about Varlet's apparent obsession with the celestial pair was that he didn't disappear as frequently when it was time to share chores.

  Of course, he still only volunteered for the easiest bits. Emmet, Benji and Tristan had spent nearly two hours collecting the urchins, and were now happily helping in the preparation of the special treat. Varlet had barely spared two minutes, as he added the liquids to the marinade.

  "Having problems remembering the tune?" Nolan asked.

  "Sorry," Cameron said. "I was preoccupied."

  "Which is something you do not want to be, when dealing with urchins," Nolan said. "Get pricked and you will be in pain for a long time. That is why we chant during preparation."

  "I know." Cameron tried to clear his thoughts, and focus on cutting the small holes.

  As the onion, cilantro and urchin mixture marinated, Nolan brushed olive oil on the slices of bread and began toasting them. After both sides were golden-tan, he put them on a serving platter.

  As Nolan rang the luncheon gong, Benji placed a large platter of sliced cheese and fruit at the center of the table, then he poured fresh water into the goblets. Meanwhile, Tristan and Emmet spread the sea urchin mixture on top of the toasted slices and arranged them on two smaller platters.

  Finally, everyone except Tem-aki was seated. Since urchin was a special treat to commemorate the test flight of the hot air dragon-shaped balloon Annosha's faction had just flown, Camera gave the blessing, so everyone could begin eating. Though he wondered where Tem-aki was and what Varlet had been laughing about, he had learned it was wise to choose his battles carefully, and never, ever enter one without all the facts.

  So, the only thing Cameron did was load Tem-aki's plate, to assure that the boys did not eat her portion.

  As they were clearing the table, he kept glancing out the window. It was not like Tem-aki to be late for a meal. Cameron decided that as soon as he could do so, without being obvious, he would go to where Varlet had been standing. But, before he got a chance, he noticed Tem-aki, who was leaning on GEA-4, appear on the stairs. Her wet hair and the robes clinging to her curves, proclaimed that she had endured a through dunking.

  Odd, aside from the first moment he'd met her, she seemed to avoid getting wet.

  As her bare feet touched the stone surface of the patio, he realized she was limping badly. Rushing to her, he asked, "What happened?"

  Was her misfortune what Varlet had found so humorous? After all, he had been looking at something down on the beach, instead of admiring Annosha's gigantic golden masterpiece as it flew its maiden voyage over the harbor.

  Tem-aki sank onto a nearby bench, raised her left foot and pointed to the tell-tale punctures. Grasping her foot, he inspected the injury. "You did a good job getting the spines out, but you need to soak this in vinegar." He called for Tristan to bring the shallow pan, then noticed Varlet snickering behind the lemon tree.

  What was
wrong with the man?

  Did he think that laughing at the misfortune of another person was proper behavior for a potential draco?

  Chapter 18

  Bryta's scream startled Nimri. She and Kazza raced across the garden toward the door. Another scream helped her pinpoint the sound as coming from above.

  Was Mica hurt?


  Kazza passed her and she heard his paws thudding halfway up the stairs by the time she was inside the kitchen door. "Bryta, what's wrong?"

  But Bryta's screams continued without answer. Nimri took the stairs two steps at a time, arriving at her bedchamber's door, she heard Mica's crying, too.

  What had happened to him?

  Dashing into her room, she ignored Bryta, who was looking out the window, leaped over Kazza's slashing tail and scooped Mica up out of his basket.

  Hugging him tight, Nimri soothed her son and herself. By the time her heart stopped slamming against the confining ribs, she was sure that whatever had terrified Bryta had nothing to do with Mica's health, and he had only been upset because of her screaming.

  What had Bryta seen out the window that caused her to put the household into a panic? Taking a deep, cleansing breath, Nimri pivoted toward Bryta, whose screams had reduced to sobs, as she collapsed in a heap next to Kazza, who sat, tail now just twitching with interest, as he stared out the window.

  From the back, she couldn't see what they were looking at, but obviously, no one needed help, because they weren't running to aid anyone. Aside from blood, and destruction, what could have caused such excessive emotion?

  Edging around Kazza's massive form, she realized his attention was on the skull.

  What was going on with it, this time?

  Moving closer, she recognized Thunder and Raine's faces. This time, Thunder's face was much clearer, though she only really recognized Raine because of her pale, shoulder-length hair. However, she could make out some leaves behind them. Nimri focused on the vegetation, certain she had seen those leaves recently.


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