Her Hero

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Her Hero Page 9

by Hildie McQueen

  “Good thing. Good to know my stalking paid off.”

  “You didn’t stalk me.” Sophia hit his chest, then quickly kissed where she’d struck.

  Chad laughed and lifted her chin so she’d look at him. “I joined your gym and went to your church after we met at the grocery store. I was hoping you’d notice my drop dead looks and ask me out.”

  She’d suspected he came to the gym to see her. But once she found out who he was, Sophia figured it was just a pleasant coincidence. “Seriously?” A happy smile inched her lips up.

  “Yep. I had it bad for you since I met you.”

  “Do you really think we will work out?”

  “I hope so. I don’t have time to stalk someone else. Ouch!” he yelped when she pinched him.

  “Don’t you dare stalk another person.”

  His mouth covered hers and he cupped her bottom bringing her against his hardness. “I want you too much. If you break up with me, I’ll stalk you again.”

  “I hope we don’t ever break up.” Sophia slid down below the blankets. She trailed her tongue down his stomach past his belly button until the tip of his sex pressed against her lips.

  They didn’t talk for a long while.

  Chapter 18

  Chad’s parents arrived at the ranch. His mother held a wrapped gift and his father carried a covered casserole dish. “Happy birthday, Sophia.”

  Sophia rushed to them and, after hugging Mary, she went to his father. “What do have in there?” She sniffed the air, hopeful that it was his special rice casserole.

  “Made my special recipe. Slaved over a hot oven for you, young lady,” Chad’s father announced with a grin.

  “Yum.” Charley pushed Sophia aside playfully. “You never make it for me on my birthday.” She took the dish and stuck her tongue out at Sophia.

  “Probably cause you’re always on one of those complicated diets.” Her father quipped.

  Sophia turned back to the door just as Mandy and her husband arrived. Behind them was Don with his wife. “Happy birthday, Bestie,” Mandy exclaimed and hugged her.

  She’d spent more time at Chad’s lately than at her own condo. They’d begun discussing her moving there, but Sophia preferred to wait and take their time. Four months had passed, marking their six-month anniversary. She’d promised him that before the year was up, she’d move in.

  “Hey,” Chad came up behind her and hugged her around the waist. “You think too much.”

  Sophia cupped his jaw. “I have never been so happy. Our families get along so well.”

  “Yeah. Being that we both have small families, I think they enjoy the feel of a larger one when we all get together.”

  Laughter rang out when Mandy tripped on a dog and yelped in fear. “Where did that come from?”

  Sophia rushed to the terrified little dog. “Goodness, Mandy. She’s a Chihuahua. How can you be afraid of such a tiny thing?”

  With narrowed eyes, Mandy studied the shaky dog that tried to duck her face into Sophia’s arm. “When did you get a dog?”

  “Chad and I went to an animal benefit. She was sitting in a cage all alone. I couldn’t leave her there.” Sophia nuzzled the little dog. “Chad and I have split custody.”

  “What a cutie. She will love my Bella. What is her name?” Mary Hunter reached for the dog that began licking her face. “Aren’t you a sweetie?”

  “Mama loves dogs,” Chad said with a chuckle. “Good luck getting Cherry away from her.”

  “Cherry?” Mandy smiled at Chad’s mother and the dog. “Cute name.”

  “Yeah, Chad and I met in the produce department at the grocery story by the cherries.”

  “Well, isn’t that the most romantic thing,” Mary said more to the dog than to anyone else.

  “Where’s Tom?” Sophia asked Charley.

  “He’s an ass.” Charley said with a frown and walked to the kitchen counter and made room for the rice casserole.

  “I’m hungry,” Don announced, peering to the table where food was set.

  With much loud talk and shuffling of plates, platters and pouring of drinks, finally all nine settled into chairs at the long table in the dining space.

  Don surprised Sophia when he lifted a glass. “A toast to Sophia. I love you, Cousin, and am so proud of you. Happy birthday.”

  There was clinking of glasses and Sophia kissed her cousin’s cheek. “Thank you, Don. I love you, too.”

  Chad stood and everyone quieted. “I also would like to toast Sophia.” He turned to her and pulled her to stand. He held her hands and looked into her eyes. “I love you and have no doubt we will stay together. But being a control freak, I kinda want to make sure.”

  When he lowered to one knee, Sophia gasped, her eyes threatening to pop out of her head. “What are you doing?”

  “It’s pretty obvious,” Mary said, lifting Cherry up and turning the little dog toward Sophia. “Look, baby, your parents are about to do something special.”

  Sophia swallowed and stared down at the one person she loved more than anything in her world.

  “Sophia, I love you. I can’t imagine life without you. Will you please marry me?”

  Tears trailed down her cheeks and she nodded, her reply barely a squeak. “Yes.”

  Chad jumped up and hugged her, lifting her off the floor. He turned her in a full circle, kissing her while she sniffed.

  The ring he produced was a perfect solitaire that he slipped onto her finger. Everyone got to their feet and rushed them. The doorbell rang and Sophia met Chad’s gaze. “No more surprises right?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Tom walked into the room and looked around in surprise. “Sorry I’m late. Charley uninvited me, but I thought, what the heck, it’s Sophia’s birthday.”

  “Make yourself a plate, boy. We got an empty seat,” Chad’s father said as he waved Tom over.

  Sophia noted Charley wasn’t as inviting.

  Tom scratched his head and looked to Charley. “I’m sorry.”

  Of course, everyone stopped talking and heads swiveled between Charley and Tom.

  Letting out a sigh, Charley rolled her eyes. “It’s not a big deal.” She scanned everyone in the room. “We broke up again. This time it’s permanent.” With the announcement done, she began to eat.

  “We’re engaged,” Sophia went to a miserable Tom. “Look.”

  He brightened at seeing her ring and hugged her. “Congratulations.” Then he went to Chad and they did the half-shake, half-hug man thing.

  After the meal, Mandy and Charley brought a cake in and everyone sang Happy Birthday. Sophia blew out the candles, exclaiming the entire time how the cake, a two-tiered delight decorated in teal and gold, her favorite colors, was too beautiful to cut.

  Nonetheless, the cake was sliced and everyone ate a piece, including Cherry, who got a tiny sliver.

  “I have something to say,” Tom blurted. He gave an awkward wave in Charley’s direction. “Mr. Hunter, I would like to ask your permission to marry your daughter.”

  “What?” Chad and Charley both asked at the same time, with identical confused expressions.

  “I love you, Charley. The reason I was late to meet you for dinner the other day was because I was picking a ring. I had to go get it and that’s why I didn’t want you to come with me yesterday. I handled it all wrong. But you’re so dang nosy.”

  There was a clearing of throats and coughing to cover up chuckles as Tom waited for whatever Charley would say.

  She looked to Chad. “What do you think, Brother?”

  “I say, please put Tom and the rest of us out of our misery and marry him already.”

  Her lips curved and, in typical Charley fashion, she rolled her eyes. “What do you think, Dad?”

  The patriarch looked to Tom. “If you’re brave enough to take her on, then you’re a better man than I could ever want for my daughter. Being you’ve been around her since your teens, you know what you’re getting into.” He waved to Charley
. “She’s yours.”

  “Gee thanks. Why does everyone sound as if they’re glad to get rid of me?” Charley stopped speaking when Tom reached for her and kissed her soundly.

  “Shut up and marry me.”


  Once again, the room erupted into yells of happiness and clapping and everyone began hugging and such.

  “You know how to throw a nice birthday party.” Mandy nudged Sophia’s shoulder.

  Sophia sniffed and wrapped her arms around Mandy’s waist. “Thank you so much for being more than my friend. I appreciate you being there for me through the bad times and the good.”

  “Of course. Besides you have blackmail material against me.” Mandy hugged her back. “What a happy day!” she exclaimed and ran out of the room.

  Charley left and returned with a iPod, she got Tom to connect it so they could play music as champagne was poured and the toasting could continue.

  “Hey, you think too much,” Chad whispered in Sophia’s ear. “What are you thinking about?”

  Sophia let out a breath and pulled out a crumpled business card. “I met a reporter at the gym. I believe he can relate to me, my situation and will do an interview that we can both benefit from. Since we’re getting married, the press finding out who I am should be on our terms.”

  The man of her dreams looked into her eyes and his lips curved. “Sounds perfect.”

  And so, her future looked to be exactly the way her mom had often predicted. “You’re going to meet a handsome prince and live happily ever after, Sophia, you’ll see.”

  The End.

  Other Magnolias & Moonshine Books

  The Sassy Bride by Ciara Knight

  Her Hero by Hildie McQueen

  Hurricane Bride by Beth Williamson

  The Wedding Charm by Susan Hatler

  Sweet Love of Mine by Lindi Peterson

  Moon Over Atlanta by Kymber Morgan

  Georgia on My Mind by Amanda McIntyre

  It Could Happen to Us by Lucy McConnell

  SEAL You in My Dreams by Sharon Hamilton

  Magnolia Mystic by Lisa Kessler

  Anxious in Atlanta by Kristen Osbourne

  Southern Secrets by Susan Carlisle

  Out-lanta by Tina DeSalvo

  From Now On by Raine English

  Sweet Georgia Peach by Amelia Adams

  Maybe Baby by E. E. Burke

  A Kiss is Just a Kiss by Melinda Curtis

  Heat Wave by Merry Farmer

  Taste of Tara by Shanna Hatfield

  Hit and Run Love by Jennifer Peel

  About the Author

  Whether a rancher, a highlander or a hunky cowboy, you will fall in love with Hildie McQueen's heroes!

  Hello, Dear Reader. Writing is my dream come true. There is nothing I love more than bringing my characters and stories to life and sharing them with you.

  I thoroughly loved writing Sophia and Chad’s story. If you enjoyed Her Hero, please recommend it to your friends and family and leave me a review.

  I love hearing from my readers and am always excited when you join my newsletter to keep abreast of new releases and other things happening in my world. You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

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  Website: http://www.HildieMcQueen.com

  Keep Calm and Read On!!




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