Page 168
Black, F. F, 321
Black, H., 884-85
Blackstone’s Commentaries, 177
Blair, W., 788-89
Blake, G. A., 702, 703
Blegen, C., 921, 928, 933
Blencowe, W., 169
Bletchley Park, 976
Blonder-Tongue Laboratories, 833
BLUE, 489
Bohlen, L. von, 530
Boki, G. I., 640
“Book of Ballymote,” 88, 89
Bookmaking, 817-21
Booth, J. W., 220, 863
Bozart, J., 669
Bracewell, R. N., 946
Brahmi, 901, 915
Bratton, R. S., 27
Braune Blatter, 447, 448
Britain, Battle of, 976
British Broadcasting Corporation, 541-45
British Security Coordination, 486
British Tabulating Machine Company, 976
Brooke-Hunt, G. L., 310, 354
Brotherhood, F. M., 1, 2, 11
Brousse, C., 487, 488
BROWN, 493, 579
Brown, F. H., 809
Brown, R. T., 806
Browne, Sir Thomas, 866
Brunon, R., 860
Bruxella, A. de, 91
Bryant, H. L., 2, 3, 4, 50
Bucher, L. M., 971
Buck, F. J., 405
Bulge, Battle of the, 509
Bullitt, W. C., 493
Bupo, 661
Bureau du Chiffre
Army, 305-06
Foreign Ministry, 255-56, 259
Burke, J. P., 718
Burnett, E. C, 859
Burns, W. J., 816
Burr, A., 186
Busch, H., 506
Bush, V., 559
Business, 823-27
Byblos inscriptions, 896
Byrne, J. F, 767-68
C-1, 493
C-36, 426
C-48, 433
C-52, 433
Cabinet Noir, 162, 188
“Cablegram Code Book, Melancholy Notes on,” 851
Cablegrams. See commercial codes
Cables, German transatlantic, cutting of, 266
Caesar alphabet, 84, 619
Caesar, J., 83
Caesar substitution, 83, 136, 619, 631, 775
Callières, F de, 173, 174
Campillo, M. G. del, 860
Canada, 486
Canaris, W., 453, 542
Canine, R. J., 390, 702
Caporetto, Battle of, 319
Carbonari, 772, 787
Card playing, 821-22
Cardano, G., 143-45
Cardano grille, 144, 519, 521
Carmona, J. G., 251
Carnetde chiffre, 314
Carnet réduit, 314
Carnia, 319
Carr,D., 13, 51
Carter, M. S., 702, 703
Cartier, F, 262, 277, 299, 300, 303-06 passim, 315, 319, 348, 376, 621
Casanova, J., 153
Casement, Sir Roger, 281
Cave, R., 49
Cavendish-Bentinck, V. F W., 486
CD-55, 433
Censorship, U.S., 513-26
Central Intelligence Agency, 674, 681, 688, 699, 729
Ceylon, 685
CG-210, 806
Chadwick, J., 932-33
Chaff, 721, 722, 723
Chamber analysis, 348, 479
Chambers, R. W., 798
Chambers, W., 638
Champollion, J.-F, 907-11
Chandler, A. B., 216, 218
Chaocipher, 767, 768
Chappe, C, 836-37
Chase, P. E., 203-04
Chaucer, G., 90, 354, 873
Checkerboard, 83, 86, 203, 546, 620, 650, 651
Checkoway, A., 527
Chesapeake, 971
Chess, A. P., 818-19
Chétardie, Marquis de la, 617
Chi test, 380-82, 388
Chiffres Secrets Dévoilés, Les, 250
Chiffrierabteilung, 456-57
Chiffriermaschinen Aktiengesellschaft, 421
CHI-HE, 569, 587
Childs, J. R., 327, 333, 337-39, 355
China, 73-74
Chorrin, 151
Christie, A., 799
Christoph, Prince of Hesse, 448
Church, B., 175
Churchill, W. L. S., 268, 502-03, 556, 721, 972
C.I.A. See Central Intelligence Agency
Ciano, G., 445, 471-72, 498
Cicero, operation, 451-52
Cifax, 828, 831-33
Cifra general, 115
Cifra particular, 115
Cifrario rosso, 316, 319
Cifrario servizio, 316
Cifrario tascabile, 317, 319
definition, xv
first modern Western political ciphers, 106
first Western military ciphers, 82
oldest surviving key, 86
oldest Western keys, 107
telegraph fosters, 191
unbreakable, 398-400 see also code; field cipher
Cipher alphabet. See alphabet
Cipher device
Byrne, 767-68
cipher reel, 220
Hawley, 215 see also cipher disk; cipher machine; grille; multiplex system; skytale
Cipher disk, 239
Alberti, 127-29
Befehlstafel, 315
Burr, 186
Confederate, 217
Danish Communist, 635
Mexican Army, 322
most popular invention, 764
Porter, 139
U.S. Army, 324, 326, 584 see also cipher device; cipher machine
Cipher machine
de Viaris, 240
Friedman, 385, 391
Gretag, 826
Hitt, 388
Kryha, 825
mathematical models of, 708
Mi-544, 826
Ottica Meccanica Italiana, 826
Pletts, 372-74
presently popular, 731
RSHA, 450
Safford, 388
Siemens and Halske, 459, 482
State Department, 712
typewriter caps, 321, 415
U-boat, 506
U.S. Army, 575
Vinay and Gaussin, 240
Wanderer Werke, 459 see also Damm; Enigma; Geheimschrijf machine; Hagelin; Hebern; Hill; M-134-C; M-228; M-325; ORANGE; PURPLE; RED; SIGABA; SIGTOT; Vernam; Wheatstone
Cipher Machines Corporation, 421
Cipher Secretary, papal, 112
Cipher telegrams, New York Tribune publication of, 221
Cipher wheel, Owen’s, 879
Ciphertext, definition, xv
Ciphony, 551-60
Civil War, 214-21
Clarence, J., 685
Clark, E. G., 885
Clark, H. L., 21
Clarke, A. C., 958
Clarke, C. W., 604-05
Clarke, R., 268
Clausen, H., 674
Clausen, M. G. R, 650, 651, 654, 655, 656
Clausen-Thue, W., 838
Cleartext, definition, xvi
Clinton, Sir Henry, 180, 182-84
Clopfruna, 88
Cocconi, G., 943, 946, 948, 952
book, 177
commercial. See commercial code
definition, xiv
dictionary, 177, 181, 183, 186, 216-17, 222-23
enciphered. See enciphered code
field, 314-16, 326-33
first printed, 192
hybrid, 289, 816
nomenclators engender today’s, 190
oldest existing, 76
origin of Western, 106
solution of, 242, 286-87, 289, 335
trench, 314-16, 324 see also cipher; commercial code; enciphered code; open code
Code Compilation Section, 326-33, 611, 678
Code Compiling Company, 359
Codebreaking, definition, xv
Codegroups, definition, xiv
aking, interest in, 768-70
Codenames, 501-03, 751 see also under individual codenames
compared to codewords, 251
condensers for, 841-42
definition, xiv
Codetext, definition, xv
compared to codenumbers, 251
construction of, 847-48
definition, xiv
in commercial codes, 838-44, 847-49
Colfax, S., 222, 783
Coincidence, theory of, 376-80
Cold War, 969
Collins, S. W., 524
Colophons, 75, 76, 888
Colossus codebreaking device, 979
Columnar transposition, 155, 195
double, 301, 302, 539
interrupted, 312-13, 669
irregular, 303, 634
regular, 303
single, 302, 529
solution of, 16, 302-03, 440, 539
Combat Intelligence Unit, 7, 8, 10, 13, 39, 562-70, 573
Commercial code, definition, xv, 189-90, 836-53
Communications intelligence, 718
definition, xvi
Communications Intelligence Summary, 40
Communications security, definition, xvi
“Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems,” 744
Compton, A., 547
Computers and tabulators, 440, 443-44, 458, 562, 563-64, 566, 568, 576, 582, 585, 595, 707-08, 725-26, 732, 917, 975, 976, 983-84
COMSEC, 709-18
D.E.S. development, 979-81
Condenser, commercial code, 841-42
Confederate States of America, 216-21, 324
Congress, U.S., 981-82
Consolidated Exporters Corporation, 802, 803, 810-13
Contact chart, 100-01
Convoy HX155, 978
COPEK, 25, 31, 47, 564, 570
Coptic, 86, 904, 908, 910
Coral Sea, Battle of, 565
Corbiere, A., 170
Corderman, W. P., 388, 517, 575
Corner reflector, 722
Cornwallis, Lord, 182-84
Cory, Mr., 38
COSMOS, satellites, 720
Council of Ten, 109
definition, 722 see also electronic countermeasures
Craig, M, 11
Cramer, G., 770-71
Criminals, 802-13, 815-22
Crisis Center, 711
as a physical science, 737-38
becomes a major element of intelligence, 348
becomes most important element of intelligence, 612-13
becomes specialized, 348-49
coining of term, 384
contrasted with cryptography, 298, 737-39, 768-69
definition, xv
first, 80
general and special methods, 140, 738-39
independently invented in West, 108
linguistic basis of, 744-48
linked to statistics, 384
machines for. See robot cryptanalysts; computers and tabulators
mathematization of, 612
outgrows chamber analysis, 348
relation to cryptography, 753
science of, invented by Arabs, 93, 96-98
science or art, 754-55
scientific method in, 738
time element in, 754 see also cryptanalytics; enigmatology
Cryptanalytic bureaus of smaller countries, 730
Cryptanalytics, 754
Cryptanalyze, definition, xv
Crypto Aktiengesellschaft, 432, 433
Cryptoeidography, 827-36
definition, 828
Cryptogram, definition, xv
Cryptogram, The, 769
Cryptograph, Inc., 424
Cryptographia, 155
Cryptographie militaire, La, 230-39, 794
as mathematics, 410, 737, 739
as noise in a communications channel, 751-52
binary digital alphabet, 983
contrasted with cryptanalysis, 298, 737-39, 768-69
defective and effective, 752
definition, xiii
first recorded instance of, 71
hierarchy of systems, 14, 192, 587
in Middle Ages, 89
Internet, 983
machines for. See cipher machines
mechanization of, 575, 612
practical principles, 233-36, 753-54
public interest in, 980-83
public key, 982-83
relation to cryptanalysis, 753
spontaneous cultural generation of, 84
time element in, 753 see also cryptoeidography; cryptophony; steganography
Cryptologia, 155
administrative organization, 305, 611-12
as a black art, 91-93, 783, 792
biological roots of, 757
definition, xvi
effect of permanent embassies, 108
effect of radio, 298-90
effect of telegraph, 189-92, 298-99
effect of World War I, 348-50
effect of World War II, 611-13
first appears as cryptography plus cryptanalysis, 93
future of, 731-33
in ancient or primitive civilizations, 72-73
in theory of games, 752
linked to mathematics, 383-84, 408-10
logic of, 738-39
morality of, 758
psychological bases of, 755-57
recorded history opens, 71
sociology of, 752-53, 757
terminology, xiii-xvi, 384
U.S. takes world lead in, 385
West takes lead over East in, 127
Cryptomeneses, 155
Cryptomenytices et Crypto graphiae, 154
Cryptomenytices Patefacta, 155
Cryptophony, definition, 551
Cryptotyper, 424
CSP-642, 582 see also multiplex system
Cuba, 251, 972
missile crisis, 713, 715
cryptography, 75-76
decipherment of, 912-14
signs, 898, 912
Currie, L., 638
CW, 319
Cylinder, Bazeries, 247-49 see also multiplex system
CYNTHIA, 486, 487, 488
Cypher SA, 279-80
Cypher W, 279
Cypriote, 920, 921, 925, 930
Czechoslovakia, 540-41, 975
D-1, 493
Dachnaks, 637
Daddario, E. Q., 939
Dahlerus, B., 435
Dalgarno, G., 870
Damm, A. G., 422-25, 478, 612, 825
Dancing Men cipher, 795-98
Daniel, 79-80
Darwin, C., 942
Data Encryption Standard, 979-81, 983
Dato, L., 126
Davidian alphabet, 93
Davidson, J. C. F., 279
Dawes, C. G., 492
D-Day, 542-45
Deceptions and dummy traffic, 40, 508-09, 714-15
Dechiffrierdienst, 318
Decipher, definition, xv
Decode, definition, xv
Decoys, 722, 724
Decypherers, British, 169-74, 187
Decyphering Branch, 171-74, 187-88, 704
Dee, J., 866
De-fa tana, 85
Defense Communications System, 672
De Furtivis Literarum Notis, 138
De Grey, N., 282, 285, 287, 294, 485
De la cryptographie, 242
Delafield, J. W., 540
Delastelle, F. M., 240, 242-44
Delaunay, L., 836
Demotic, 905
Delcon Corporation, 827
Denniston, A. G., 274
De-Scrambler, 552
Despacho Universal, 115
De Sub
tilitate, 143
Deubner, L., 438, 629, 631, 633
Deubner, O., 438
Deutschen Reichspost, 555
Devers, J. L., 511
Devos, J. P., 860
Devoy, J., 281
De Vries, Marquis, 737, 753
DEW Line, 720
Dewey, George, 254
Dewey, Godfrey, 743
Dewey, T.E., 364, 604-08
Dhorme, E., 896-99
Diaries, 777-79
Dickinson, V., 520
Difference method, 440-43
Diffie, W., 982
Digital shorthand, 850
Digraph, definition, xiv
Digraphic substitution, 198-202, 404, 450
first, 139
Direction-finding, xvi, 7-8, 270, 334, 503-04, 708
Disk, cipher. See cipher disk
Distant Early Warning Line, 720
Division of Cryptography, 712
DNA, 942-43
Dogger Bank, Battle of, 271
Doheny, E. C., 815-17
Dolphins, 963
Dönitz, K., 465
Donnelly, I., 874, 885
Double-key cipher, 151
Double transposition. See columnar transposition, double
Doud, H. S., 9
Douglas, L. C., 799
Draemel, M. F., 415, 491, 566
Drake, F. D., 938, 947, 949-51, 959-61
Dreyfus, A., 254-62, 469
Driscoll, A. M., 417, 418
Drugs, smuggling of, 817
Dubthach, 89
Dulles, A. W., 390, 498-99, 674
Dulles, J. F., 729
Dumbell cipher, 180
Dunlap, J. E., 696-97
Dunning, M. J., 49
Durbodha, 74
D’Urfe, Madame, 153
Dusenbury, C. C., 28
Dvorak-Dealey keyboard, 741
Dyer, T. H., 48, 562-64, 593, 595
E-7, 827
Eastern Island script, 916
E.C.C.M. See electronic counter-counter-measures
Eckhardt, H. von, 289, 294, 354
Eckert, T. T., 215, 863
E.C.M. See electronic countermeasures
Edgers, D., 29, 50
Edie, L. C, 945
Edward, Prince of Wales, 776
Egypt, 970
Eisenhower, D., 325
Electric Code Machine, 416
Electric Coding Machine, 25
Electro-Crypto Model B 1, 424
Electronic counter-countermeasures, xvi, 721, 723
Electronic countermeasures, xvi, 721
active, 722-23
passive, 722
Electronic fingerprinting, 539
Electronic intelligence, xvi, 720-21
outline of, xvi
Electronic reconnaissance, xvi, 719-20
Electronic security, xvi, 721
outline of, xvi
Electronic warfare, 719-24
Elements of Cryptanalysis, 384
Elgar, Sir Edward, 800
Eliopoulos, E., 817
Emanuel, T., 13
Emergency Code List, 329
Emission security, xvi, 721, 723
Encicode, definition, xv
Encipher, definition, xv
Enciphered code, 129, 251-52, 402, 644
Austrian, 278, 319
criminal, 222-23
definition, xv
first, 129-30
French, 312, 402
German, 268-69, 271-2, 273, 315-16
Italian, 256-59, 469