The Rest of My Life

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The Rest of My Life Page 7

by Sheryl Browne

  ‘I have a place we can use,’ Adam said, turning away to collect up his keys.

  ‘Is it yours?’

  ‘No.’ He looked back at her, his eyes now devoid of the burning passion she’d seen there, guarded almost. ‘Coming?’

  ‘I need to take Tobias home,’ Sienna pointed out, as he walked past her to the steps.

  Adam sighed and turned back. ‘Come on, boy.’ He lifted the dog into his arms, climbed the steps and planted Tobias firmly on all fours on the quayside.

  ‘Thanks.’ Sienna smiled, joining him.

  Adam nodded tightly and pushed his boat doors closed. ‘I’ll wait in the car. It’s in the car park. The old PT Cruiser. Blue,’ he said, and turned to walk away.

  Right, well … Thanks for your patience. Sienna nipped her bottom lip, then winced from the bruises he’d left there.

  He didn’t speak as she climbed in the car, offering her nothing but a short smile as he started the engine.

  ‘Where is this place?’ she asked him.

  ‘Not far.’ He glanced at her. ‘Okay?’

  Sienna wasn’t sure whether he meant ‘is that okay’, or ‘are you okay’, so she just nodded.

  ‘You’ll need to fasten your seatbelt.’ He indicated the belt and then turned his attention to the windscreen.

  ‘Are you okay?’ she asked him as they pulled onto the road.

  ‘Never better,’ Adam assured her, smiling briefly again in her direction. It didn’t reach his eyes, though.

  ‘Are you sure?’ Sienna pressed him. Had she upset him? Did he think she was a rubbish kisser? Had he changed his mind?

  ‘Positive.’ He shrugged. ‘Just thinking, that’s all.’

  ‘Oh, right.’ Now Sienna really didn’t have a clue what to say.

  Silence ensued, Adam seeming to drive in quiet contemplation, Sienna wondering at the sudden chill that had replaced the definite charge between them. Had she imagined it? Had it been just part of his technique?

  ‘What kind of place is it?’ she asked, after another silent minute ticked by.

  ‘A cottage. A friend’s. Mine for the temporary use of.’ Adam glanced at her again, his look unreadable.

  Sienna debated this and then asked hesitantly, ‘Your girlfriend’s?’

  Adam shook his head. ‘I don’t have a girlfriend, Sienna.’ He smiled wryly. ‘Not in the sense you mean.’

  ‘Oh,’ Sienna said again. ‘I thought the woman on the boat might be—’

  ‘Nope,’ Adam said over her. ‘Like I said, she’s just a friend. That’s the way I like things. I won’t be stalking you or anything, Sienna, don’t … Damn!’ He cursed suddenly, banging his hand against the steering wheel.

  ‘What?’ Sienna asked, alarmed. He’d seemed so amiable back on the boat, so easy to talk to, and now he seemed distant, tense; different.

  Adam blew out a sigh. ‘Nathaniel.’ He nodded through his rear-view mirror. ‘He just passed us.’

  Sienna twizzled her neck, but the car was long gone. ‘Is that a problem?’

  ‘I, er … No, no problem.’ He shrugged. ‘Sorry, did I scare you?’

  ‘A bit,’ Sienna admitted.

  ‘Sorry,’ he said again, reaching for her hand and squeezing it, but only briefly. Sienna wished he’d held on.

  ‘We’re here,’ he said a short drive later as he turned onto a pretty hedgerow-lined track, presumably leading to the cottage.

  It was beautiful, Sienna thought, as she caught sight of it. A proper white-walled, roses around the door cottage. She turned to comment to Adam as he parked in front of it, but he was already half out of his door.

  Sienna’s tummy flipped over. He hadn’t said anything. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected him to say or do once they’d arrived, but she hadn’t expected him to walk to the front door and let himself in with hardly a word.

  He assumed she’d follow, she supposed. Sienna hesitated. She’d seen him angry, for good reason, when she stopped to think about it. She’d also seen him apologetic and courteous. He was caring, she knew that. He’d saved Tobias. He’d been caring when she’d fallen down the steps, when she’d mentioned her mum, she could see it, in his eyes. His kisses had been demanding, forceful, passionate, yet affectionate. He’d been full of remorse when he’d thought he’d hurt her feelings, and, oh, how he had. If she’d just ‘fancied’ him, maybe she wouldn’t have felt so crushed. The truth was, though, Sienna liked him, which, common sense told her, meant she probably shouldn’t go through with this. Desire, though, now pooling hot in the pit of her tummy, told her she very much wanted to. She wanted him. She would never have him. It was quite clear he didn’t do emotional commitment, but still, she wanted him. He’d ignited her senses, touched every nerve in her body, right down to the core of her. She wanted him to make love to her, whatever he chose to term it. Her tummy fluttered excitedly at the thought of it. Her heart, though, constricted a little.

  Calming her nerves, she climbed out of the car and followed him in. The cottage was just as pretty on the inside. The lounge was beautiful, white walls and high ceilings with natural wood beams.

  Adam was standing by the sofa. He was looking at her, at last, but Sienna couldn’t interpret his expression. ‘Better close the door,’ he said quietly.

  Sienna did as bid. She had no clue what to do. What he’d expect. She’d just have to follow his lead, she supposed.

  ‘Come over here,’ he said, his expression still inscrutable as she turned back.

  ‘It’s a very pretty cottage. The décor’s lovely, and the furnishings. I might steal some ideas for my place,’ she said, stumbling over her words and very nearly her feet as she walked towards him.

  He didn’t answer, just continued to look at her, his demeanour poised, his dark espresso eyes fixed hard on hers. ‘Closer.’ He beckoned her.

  Sienna stepped further towards him, right in front of him.

  His eyes growing disconcertingly darker, he reached out and slid the straps of her top slowly over her shoulders, the straps of her bra. Sienna caught a breath in her throat as he slid the garments further down, exposing her breasts completely. Instinctively, she moved to wrap her arms about herself.

  He caught them, lowering them back to her side. ‘Don’t hide yourself, Sienna,’ he said softly. ‘Never be embarrassed in the company of a man. You’re an exceptionally beautiful woman.’ He cupped her face in his hand. Sienna turned her cheek to his touch, her desire spiking as he dragged a thumb over her lower lip.

  ‘Your face, your body, you’re beautiful, totally,’ he assured her, sweeping his gaze down over her, looking back at her, a flash of heat now in his eyes. Or was it anger? His tone gave nothing away. ‘Come closer.’

  Sienna moved further towards him, her heart pitter-pattering against her ribcage as she watched him lower his head to take a nipple into his mouth. She gasped as he sucked her, slowly and sweetly, alternating between each breast as he circled gently with his tongue.

  She couldn’t breathe. Between her legs she was on fire, yet melting at the same time. A low moan escaped her as Adam trailed his tongue lower, planting soft kisses over her torso, his hands behind her, urging her still closer. Oh God, he was going lower, easing the button on her shorts, peeling them down, kissing her belly button, lingering with his tongue. Pressing feather-light kisses on her hips, first one then the other, he moved lower.

  She held her breath as he peeled her clothes further down, freeing first one foot of the restricting garments, and then the other. Wordlessly, he kissed his way back up her body. Then standing, his eyes on hers, a smouldering intensity now therein, he guided her towards the sofa. Brushing her lips teasingly with his, he took hold of her arms, gently urging her down.

  Her top still around her midriff, feeling foolish, excitingly intimidated, yet wildly wanton, Sienna obliged. Was he going to take her here? Get it over and done with? Nervously she watched as, lowering himself to his knees, he grasped her hips and eased her towards him.

Beautiful,’ he repeated, his eyes roving over her body, before coming back to hers, never moving from hers, as he eased her legs apart. Her breath coming in short sharp gasps, Sienna watched as he dipped his head, pressing his face to her most secret places, gently exploring, probing; pressing his warm tongue into her wetness.

  She gripped the edge of the sofa, panting out a breath as he found her most sensitive spot, softly licking, circling; increasing the pressure, nipping with his teeth, until a white hot spasm of exquisite pleasure shot through her.

  Tracing his way back up her body, caressing her warm skin with fingers and tongue, he paused again at her breasts, before seeking her mouth. His kiss was less forceful this time, slower, softer, almost as if he was trying to salve the bruises he’d left there.

  ‘Okay?’ he asked, drawing back.

  Speechless, Sienna nodded. God, he was beautiful. His dark decadent eyes peppered with concern, she could just eat him. ‘I’ve never, ever experienced anything like it,’ she answered breathily.

  ‘Never?’ he smiled wryly.

  ‘Never,’ she said. ‘I’ve never gone all the way. I’ve come close but, to be honest, I …’ Sienna trailed off, noting his eyes were now smouldering with an intensity of quite a different kind.

  ‘You are joking, right?’ He moved away from her, his face paling visibly.

  ‘No.’ Sienna blinked at him, stupefied. ‘It’s no big deal, is it? You sleep with loads of women. You must have had a thousand virgins throwing themselves at your feet.’

  ‘No big deal? Jesus, Sienna!’ Abruptly Adam got to his feet, now staring at her, astounded. No, horrified, Sienna could interpret that expression all right. She struggled to rearrange herself, to rescue some smidgeon of her dignity, as he dragged his hands through his hair, quite obviously frustrated. And then … he turned away. Turned his back on her.

  ‘It’s not a crime!’ Sienna stood shakily behind him.

  He didn’t say anything for a second, just continued to stand there, his breathing heavy, his shoulders rigid, and then— ‘Get dressed,’ he said roughly.

  ‘Don’t worry, I am.’ Sienna was already scrambling into her clothes. ‘Thanks for warming me up. I’ll find someone else to finish the job.’ She headed for the door, hot tears of humiliation stinging her eyes as she pulled it open.

  ‘You bloody well won’t!’ Adam was close behind her, placing the palm of his hand against the door and banging it shut. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ he shouted, his eyes impossibly darker, his expression pure thunder.

  ‘Why would you care?’ she countered, tearfully.

  ‘Because …’ Adam closed his eyes. ‘It doesn’t matter. Come back, Sienna.’

  ‘What?’ She turned to look at him, flabbergasted.

  ‘Look, I’m sorry, okay. It’s just … It is a big deal. It does matter.’

  ‘You just said it didn’t!’ Sienna wasn’t sure what his problem was. Her, obviously. She was the problem, just like her bloody ex-boyfriend had said. She didn’t want to do this, cry, in front of a man, again. ‘I need to go,’ she mumbled, breathing in hard, tying to will back the damn silly tears.

  ‘Sienna, don’t. I do care. I …’

  Sienna glanced down, a sob escaping her, despite her best attempts not to give in.

  ‘Sienna.’ He lifted her chin. ‘I’m sorry. Please believe me.’

  She wouldn’t look at him. Couldn’t.

  ‘Sienna … I do care.’ His face was close to hers, his lips on hers, soft on hers. ‘I … Dammit.’ He rested his forehead against hers, groaned deep in his chest, pulled in a breath and then picked her up bodily. Sienna was sure she could hear his heart thudding, as he strode through the lounge. Her own heart beat in tandem as he mounted the stairs, carrying her determinedly up to a bedroom. She should protest. What little modesty she had already in tatters, she should leave, but … she didn’t want to.

  She half-expected him to throw her on the bed as he pushed wordlessly through the door. Instead, he placed her gently there. ‘Are we undressing?’ he asked, peeling off his T-shirt.

  Sienna opened her mouth and closed it again. He was angry. She could feel it. She should have told him this was her first time, but she genuinely thought it would be no big deal to a man like him. It certainly hadn’t been a big deal to her ex, who’d decided she was frigid, because she hadn’t been ready to part with her virginity.

  She watched as he unzipped, pulling off his jeans, his boxers. Oh, hell. She gulped. His erection was eye-bogglingly huge, telling her that he most definitely still wanted to. How though? Her worried gaze drifted back to his face.

  ‘Don’t worry.’ He managed a smile. ‘I won’t hurt you. The clothes?’ He nodded in her direction.

  Her cheeks burning, Sienna squirmed out of them, feeling stupidly embarrassed after what he’d just done to her downstairs.

  ‘That’s better.’ He walked towards her, his smile warmer now, less forced, yet still uncertain somehow. ‘Don’t close your eyes,’ he said as she instinctively did. ‘You’re a beautiful, sexy woman, Sienna. There’s nothing to be scared about, I promise.’

  Sienna opened her eyes, watching as he lowered himself over her. He wasn’t just going to … Was he? Oh, no, thank God, he wasn’t. She caught her breath as he eased her legs apart and slowly inserted a finger inside her, sliding it gently in and out, over and over, until a groan of pleasure escaped her. Watching her face intently, he slid another finger carefully into her, moving both slowly, his thumb now expertly circling, building her to the heights of pleasure once more. ‘Beautiful,’ he said as if he really thought she was. Sienna wasn’t, she knew, but here, with Adam – seeing herself through his eyes – she believed that she was.

  ‘Oh God,’ she groaned again, clamping her eyes shut as he increased the friction, causing her legs to stiffen, her pelvic muscles to almost dissolve.

  ‘Open your eyes, Sienna,’ he whispered.

  She did as he asked her.

  ‘Much better,’ he said as she refocused on him, and then leaned in to kiss her lips, softly, lingeringly. His fingers still inside her he moved down, seeking her breasts. She moaned, pressure building inside her as he circled first one nipple with his tongue, sucking and tenderly biting, then the other. It was like nothing she’d ever experienced, so pleasurable it was almost painful.

  ‘Slowly,’ she heard him murmur, as if to himself, as he licked and kissed his way down her body, mapping every inch of her flesh, until her skin tingled and her body ached for him.

  She felt his mouth on her, down below. Again, she was fully exposed, open to his probing tongue, his fingers; his teeth softly nipping her most sensitive place. Sienna clawed at the sheets, twisting them in her hands, and then, unable to stop herself, she reached for his hair, raking her fingers through it, pushing him down, lifting her hips to him as her muscles contracted and something dipped and then exploded inside her.

  ‘Beautiful,’ Adam growled, and crawled up her body to press his mouth against hers. She could taste herself on his warm lips, his tongue. She was shocked with her own unrestrained lust for this man. With his ability to take her to the heights of sweet ecstasy, yet he hadn’t even wanted to.

  ‘Bring your knees up higher,’ he said, his voice deep and husky.

  She did as he asked, and he eased them open. He looked at her down there, gently stroking a finger over her folds again, and then, ‘One minute,’ he said, easing away from her.

  She waited and watched him, anticipation clenching her tummy, as he opened the drawer and reached for a packet. ‘Ever ready,’ he said, his smile back to inscrutable.

  Sienna felt a pang of sadness, guessing he would be.

  He positioned himself back over her. ‘Don’t tense up,’ he said. ‘I won’t hurt you. If I do, tell me to stop. Okay?’

  Sienna nodded, closing her eyes as she felt the tip of his erection press against her.

  ‘Open your eyes, Sienna. I want to see you,’ he urged her.

  Again, she did as
he asked, watching him, watching her as he thrust into her, one long thrust deep and hard. She bit down on her lip and tried to stifle a moan.

  Adam searched her face. ‘Shit,’ he cursed, a look of panic flooding his eyes. ‘Are you all right? Do you need me to stop?’

  ‘No. I’m fine,’ Sienna assured him, noting his expression was now one of undisguised concern. He was an enigma, so confusing. He must be so lonely, making love to so many women but not loving. Never being loved.

  He scanned her face again, as if looking for confirmation, then finding what he needed, he drew out and thrust into her again. And again. And again. Slowly increasing the pace, his eyes on hers, building the momentum, until he felt so incredibly deep, he filled her to the brim. She felt full, physically, emotionally. She whimpered, as he picked up the tempo, thrusting still deeper, and deeper, fast sure strokes. She wanted him to. She wanted him to enjoy it, even if he did get paid for it.

  She undulated under him, raising her hips to meet him, matching him, thrust for thrust, pushing her tongue deep into his mouth, biting his lips, breathing into him. Digging her fingernails into his back, she felt the wheals previously left there. Adam must have done, too. He caught her wrists, pushing her arms above her head and holding them there while he rode her, plunging into her, until she bucked beneath him, her muscles clenching around him in one flowing contraction, her climax exploding with such ferocity she sobbed out his name.

  His dark eyes smouldering above her, Adam thrust one last time, and then, with a throaty moan, he came. She felt his release. Felt a drop of sweat fall onto her forehead. His breathing was ragged. He closed his eyes, exhaling hard, his beautiful dark eyelashes brushing his cheeks. The scar there didn’t detract from his masculine beauty. She was sure she could fall for this man, if only …


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