License to Date (Better Date than Never)

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License to Date (Better Date than Never) Page 11

by Hatler, Susan

  “I lied to you earlier.” He dropped off the last railroad-tie and came toward me in sure and steady steps. “I told you there was nothing more I could do to convince you.”

  I lifted my lashes as he closed the space between us. “Paul?”

  “Kaitlin.” He set my wine glass down, cupped my face in his warm hands, and tilted my face toward his. He peered into my eyes with his deep blues. “I love you.”

  Tingles danced across my chest and down my arms. I stretched onto my toes, gazed into those ethereal eyes, then paused a breath away from his lips. “I love you, too.”

  As if that was all he needed to hear, his mouth captured mine and my world exploded into a dream. The rippling water echoed behind me as Paul kissed me sure and strong like he wanted to claim me. But I was already his. Our mouths opened as we explored, tasted, and savored each other. I snaked my arms around his neck, then wove my fingers into that thick tousled hair, wanting to pull him even closer and never let him go.

  When he finally leaned back, I was breathless. His arms went around me, his lips curved upward, and he lifted me against him. I threw my head back and laughed as my feet left the ground and he twirled me around and around—pure bliss flowing through every cell in my body.

  In this moment, I found my true happy place.

  And that was with Paul.


  Instead of coming to the Black & White Ball in a limo, I arrived in a silver truck, but I’d ended up on a date with Milton after all. My black heels clicked across the marble lobby floor and I gazed over at Paul who slipped his hand into mine and winked at me.

  Warmth flooded my belly as we headed down the hall, then strolled into the Geoffries’ grand ballroom hand in hand. The waiter at the entrance did a double-take at Paul and me before serving each of us a glass of champagne.

  I bit my lip and raised my flute. “To you finally agreeing to go on a date with me.”

  Paul lifted his glass toward mine. “What do you think we’ve been doing all week? I’ve just been waiting for you to realize it.”

  My mouth spread into a wide grin. “Sneaky guy.”

  He clinked his glass into mine. “Sweetheart, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

  I sipped the bubbly liquid and surveyed the room. Black and white drapery, an incredible crystal chandelier above us, and elegantly dressed guests scattered across the entire room. A wooden dance floor took up the far corner of the room where hundreds of people were getting down to a hit song I recognized from the radio.

  My eyes squinted as I peered at the band. “Oh, my . . . is that the Street Knights?!”

  Paul chuckled. “Most definitely. I’ll introduce you to the band when they take a break. I think you and Tiffany will hit it off.”

  “Tiffany Heart and me?” I couldn’t imagine what I’d possibly have in common with the Grammy winner. “How exactly did she become a knight, anyway?”

  “It’s a long story. I’ll let her tell you.” He laughed, then brushed his lips against my cheek. “Would you like to dance?”

  “I’d love to.” I followed him across the room toward the pumping music. We reached the edge of the dance floor and as we set our drinks on the table, an enchanting fragrance wafted up my nose and filled me with joy. My eyes flashed to the glass bowl center piece filled with white-petaled flowers that had bursts of yellow at their core. My hand flew against my chest. “Paul, those are plumeria flowers.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted. “You told me you wanted a white dress, music, plumeria flowers, and your friends.”

  I followed his gaze to the edge of the dance floor where familiar faces greeted me, smiling. Ellen and Henry. Kristen and Ethan. Ginger. Melanie and Matt.

  Ellen waved. “It’s about time you got here!”

  Placing my hand along the side my mouth, I shouted, “Better date than never!”

  Mel gave me a knowing look, nodded her head at Paul, then mouthed, “I told you so.”

  I nodded, smiling.

  The band switched to a slow tempo and Tiffany belted out the beginning of a love song about saying what you want, getting what you want, and the familiar song had never rung truer. Ginger, Ethan, and Kristen stepped off the dance floor. Ethan shook Paul’s hand and they began chatting as I turned to my friends.

  Ginger rubbed her hands together. “Looks like you’ve done it.”

  Kristen raised her brows. “Are we on for painting tomorrow?”

  I shook my head. “I’m afraid not.”

  Ginger’s brows came together. “But the bartender is date number five—”

  “No, he’s not part of the game.” I hugged Ginger first and then Kristen. “Thank you.”

  Kristen squeezed me back. “For what?”

  My eyes watered as she released me. “I thought by consuming myself with the remodel, I was making my house my sanctuary. In reality, I was hiding. Not wanting to hurt again.” I shook my head. “I wouldn’t have met Paul if it weren’t for you both.”

  “Glad we could be of service.” Ginger laced her arm through Kristen’s. “Now we just need to find a man for me. I’m thinking someone like that guy right there. Or maybe him.”

  I laughed as Ginger pointed from the Street Knight’s hot guitarist, to their keyboardist.

  “Ladies,” Paul came over and held his hand out to me, “mind if I steal her away?”

  He led me to the dance floor, twirled me around once—my white satin dress flying around me like a ballerina—and then he pulled me against him.

  I lifted my lashes. “You invited all my friends?”

  He shrugged. “I sent the tickets to Kristen and she did the rest.”

  I glanced down at my white strapless gown with its black satin sash. “You picked this dress out for me?”

  He grinned mischievously. “Alice helped me out. She’s my assistant.”

  A bright light flashed above my head. “So that’s why I always see her with you.”

  He tapped my nose playfully as we swayed to the music. “I did approve of the dress if that counts for anything.”

  I grinned. “It counts for a lot. All of it.”

  His sapphire-blue eyes gazed into mine. “You said you wanted the fairytale ending in a white dress, but I’m giving you a fairytale beginning. For now.”

  My stomach flipped as the air between us thickened and pulsed—matching the heavy pounding rhythm of my heart. “I lost my bet. You’re going to have a lot of painting to help me with.”

  He brushed his fingers along my cheekbone. “Your wish is my command.”

  Then he kissed me and I was in my happy place.


  Two months later. . . .

  News Article: Sacramento Social Scene

  Photo (man and woman embraced in a kiss as they rappel down a building)

  Triple S has discovered that the man in this photo is actually Milton Paul Geoffries Junior, hotel heir and former Hollywood playboy. The woman in the photo has been identified as local Human Resources Manager, Kaitlin Murray. Reports have been circulating that the couple is engaged. Both parties declined to comment, but Triple S was able to get this statement from Geoffries’ ex Virna DiAngelo:

  Triple S: Are the engagement rumors true, Ms. DiAngelo? Any idea how the happy couple met?

  Virna DiAngelo: If I had inside knowledge, I wouldn’t be at liberty to say. I would, however, like to formally extend my best to the couple. Paul has been looking for the right woman for a long time and I’m thinking he’s finally found her.

  Triple S: I’m sure Paul and Kaitlin appreciate your heartfelt support. Now, please dish on you as we were all thrilled with your Oscar win this year!! What’s in the works right now?

  Virna DiAngelo: I’ve just started work on a new movie. It’s about a woman who’s given up on love, then she’s handed a second chance when the perfect man walks up and serves her martini. He’s not what he seems, but he’s everything she never knew she was looking for. It will be released in theatres next year and
it’s called License to Date.


  If you enjoyed spending time

  with these characters,

  be sure to read Jill’s story in:

  Driven to Date

  (Better Date than Never series, Book #7)

  (Coming - March 1, 2014!)


  When I started working on License to Date, I made the decision not to go through the usual drama, trauma, and roller coaster of emotions that occur every time I write a book. This time I’d work in an organized manner and enjoy the smooth, calm process.

  Yeah, didn’t happen.

  I freaked, groaned, pulled at my hair, determined (more than once) that this story was impossible to write and never going to come together. Since multiple people had to endure my mania, I figure a token of gratitude is in order.

  Much appreciation to my first readers for their feedback and kind words: Veronica Blade, Tiffany Davis, Virna DePaul, Cyndi Faria, Mike Hatler, Kristin Miller, Ann Rego, and Parisa Zolfaghari. You all rock!

  Big hugs to Kristin Miller for being super fun to brainstorm with over coffee and giggles. Smooches to Kate Perry for writing dates with champagne, and for denying me the Internet code at a certain coffee shop when I needed to get some pages written (tough love). Endless hugs and kisses to Veronica Blade, who is always there for me and drops everything when I need her.

  Words can never describe how grateful I am for Virna DePaul, who is always the voice of reason during my chaotic writing process, reminding me, “That is exactly what you said the last time.”

  Most of all, I’m forever thankful to my hubby, Mike Hatler, for listening patiently while I stress (a lot), bringing me food while I work, giving me shoulder rubs, reading my stories, and for always believing in me. You’re my real life romance hero.

  About the author:

  SUSAN HATLER is an international bestselling author who writes humorous and emotional contemporary romance and young adult novels. A natural optimist, she believes life is amazing, people are fascinating, and imagination is endless. She loves spending time with her characters and hopes you do, too. You can visit her website at

  Books by Susan Hatler:

  Love at First Date (Better Date than Never series, Book #1)

  Ellen may not believe in storybook love, but it’s about to rewrite her life . . .

  Ellen’s figured out that finding the right guy is all about compatibility. That’s why she signs up for Detailed Dating—the local online dating scene in Sacramento. They ask men the hard questions, compare their answers with hers, then she filters through the profiles of each provided “match.” After numerous email exchanges, she narrows it down to two promising candidates she’s excited to meet in person.

  When Ellen’s best friend asks her for a favor, dog-sitting leads to disaster and Ellen ends up at the local vet where she meets a man she can’t get out of her mind. Henry isn’t a logical choice, but she finds herself paying for dog obedience class to spend more time with him.

  Ellen knows that in order to have a lasting relationship, she should take the safe route and go for one of the pre-screened guys. But, how can she think with her head when her heart keeps begging her to give Henry a chance?

  Truth or Date (Better Date than Never series, Book #2)

  Gina Hall is done with men who won’t commit. Ten years waiting for her ex to propose wasted her time. Never again. When her friend Kristen starts a game of Truth or Dare, she dares Gina to go on a date with Ethan, who’s amazing and total marriage material.

  As Gina plans the going away party for office playboy Chris Bradley, she spontaneously initiates a game of Truth or Dare with him. When his turn comes around, he dares Gina to pose as his girlfriend to help get a flirty colleague off his back. Gina finds playing couple with Chris way too much fun.

  Even though Gina and Chris are pretending, their relationship begins to feel painfully real. Fearing she might be falling for another fly-by man, Gina must focus on Ethan so she doesn’t make the same dating mistakes all over again.

  My Last Blind Date (Better Date than Never series, Book #3)

  Should Rachel risk another dating disaster by trying yet again for love?

  It’s Valentine’s Day and Rachel Price has a choice: Stay home and watch TV with her loveable doggy or let her best friend, Ellen, set her up on a blind date. What to do….

  Ellen says the guy is a “10,” but the last guy she set her up with was a “–5.” Rachel’s been flirting with coworker Noah Peterson and she’s hoping he’s noticed. Then, she finds out Noah has big plans. Even worse, he advises Rachel to go on the blind date!

  Should she play it safe and spend the Hallmark holiday with her loyal pooch, Chester, or risk another dating disaster by trying yet again for love?

  Save the Date (Better Date than Never series, Book #4)

  Kristen swears off men, but temptation swoops in when her sexy friend Ethan starts flirting with her.

  Kristen knows men hide things. Case in point, her last boyfriend turned out to be married. Just like anyone else, Kristen is devastated. However, since Kristen evaluates people for a living, her ex’s duplicity has her searching for a new career as well as swearing off men.

  Touring history museums with her sexy friend Ethan doesn’t count, because he has a girlfriend, and has only shown friendly interest in Kristen. He even helps with her career counseling tasks. Although Kristen has a secret crush on Ethan, spending time with him is safe. Until she discovers he’s actually single. Gasp. And now he’s flirting with her, too.

  Suddenly, Ethan is way too dangerous. Not to mention tempting. Sure, he seems like sixty shades of perfect, but how’s a girl with bad judgment supposed to detect what skeletons he has in his closet?

  A Twist of Date (Better Date than Never series, Book #5)

  Will Melanie have to follow her best friend’s narrow dating rules in order to find lasting love?

  Melanie Porter has been dumped—again. When others accuse her of “being in love with being in love,” she agrees to let her best friend, Patti, step in and direct her dating life.

  The Boyfriend Bylaws by Patti Hartley

  Rule #1: No giving out your phone number until approved to do so.

  Rule #2: Must obtain permission to accept any date invitation.

  Rule #3: No bringing up marriage, kids or the future.

  Rule #4: No going to first base without authorization.

  Amended Rule #4: No going to first base, or any other base, without authorization.

  Rule #5: No scribbling your first name with some guy’s last name. Ever.

  Rule #6: New rules may be added as Patti Hartley deems necessary.

  Memorize it, live by it, and happy dating!

  An Unexpected Date

  Holly may be living in her dream location, but is her little resort town too small to attract the right man?

  Holly loves living in her cozy mountain town and all the surrounding beauty soothes her soul. She treasures beading jewelry for her own small business while watching nature and its amazing creatures outside her window. But, her mom begs her to move back to the city so she can find a man to marry. Holly doesn’t want to give up on her dreams, but does that mean she’ll have to give up on love?


  In high school, it’s tough enough reading Steinbeck and Shakespeare…now Kylie has to read minds.

  High school junior, Kylie Bates, can suddenly read minds. When she touches people’s hands, she’s able to see their deepest thoughts. As if that’s not freaky enough, her dad sends her to help hottie detective, Sam Williams, track down a missing girl. Way too much pressure, especially for a girl who can’t watch Scream without getting nightmares.

  Then, finding the missing girl leads to much more than Kylie’s prepared for. Like discovering that her dad has been lying to her. That she has a family she never knew about. That the girls have powers similar to hers. Oh yeah, and that someone is out to get her.
br />   When the detective’s teenage wanna-be-cop cousin, Trip Williams, approaches Kylie at school insisting she help him solve the case, she discovers Trip might be the only one she can trust, and the only one to help her unravel the secrets behind her mysterious gift.

  If you enjoy Susan Hatler’s books, you’ll also love Veronica Blade:

  From Fame to Shame

  When good-girl Maddie switches places with her famous bad-girl twin Jackie, she has some pretty high stilettos to fill.

  Despite the danger of tabloid drama if their identity swap is discovered, Maddie has to save her sister's butt. When Jackie’s ex-boyfriend shows up with a rekindled spark for “Jackie,” his deep gray eyes and sweet kisses make Maddie's heart thumpety thump. But dating the guy who dumped her sister is a no-no. Too bad Dallas isn’t used to girls saying no. What will happen when he discovers Maddie’s deception?

  Blind Date, Checkmate

  Should a woman who’s unable to forget her first love give “happily ever after” one more try?

  Shelby Winters’ one great love went sour. If she can’t feel that way again, why bother?

  When her best friend sets Shelby up on a blind date with Logan, the one who broke her heart, he pursues her relentlessly, forcing her to make a choice: give her heart what it’s always desired and risk total devastation or shut Logan out and lose her only shot at happiness.


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