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Dreamweaver Page 31

by Judie Chirichello

  “Why, you arrogant little—as if you didn't have enough lasses willing to come to your bed, even then. Our own mother loved you so dearly, I'm surprised she didn't spread her legs for you, herself!” Desruc took a deep breath as if to calm his fevered pitch. “Please, do yourself a favor. Don't fight Helig. He's capable of breaking you in two and I would so hate to see you miss the main event.” Desruc reseated himself, casually flinging his left leg over the arm of his throne as he began picking his teeth.

  “All of this, is because of your jealousy and hatred for me?” Tristan asked.

  “Such arrogance, Tristan.” Desruc laughed. “Why, this is about so much more."

  “But, Seerah and her family have nothing to do with us. Set them free and—"

  “Silence!” Desruc shouted, motioning to Helig.

  The giant abruptly dragged Tristan across the room, shoved him against the wall, then fastened his chains to an iron hook mounted there.

  Desruc stood, his hands balling into fists at his sides. “You will not command me. You will do as you're told! Ah, Tristan the honorable, so willing to give your life for love. But you see, her family is responsible for bringing you to me today.” He leered.

  “You're insane!” Tristan replied.

  “Tut, tut. You're being very rude, Tristan. Have you not heard the romantic tale of Kendahl and Galynne's true love?"

  Tristan remained silent.

  “And, do you also not know that you are merely a pawn in this great scheme, or that you are being used by Seerah and her grandmother to save her parents?” He turned to Seerah. “Do tell him about his role here, Seerah."

  “I ... I...” Seerah faltered, confused.

  “Tell him, I said!” Desruc nodded at the guard standing beside her.

  The guard reached down, grabbed a handful of Seerah's hair and twisted it, practically lifting her from the floor. “I do na’ know what you are talking about!” Seerah cried.

  “Oh?” Desruc frowned thoughtfully as if considering the truth of her words. “Too bad.” Desruc signaled with a wave of his hand and the guard released Seerah's hair. “Perhaps your grandmother kept her plans closely guarded from you. But I'm certain your parents know more. Bring the bitch. And Kendahl!” Desruc motion to two guards standing near his throne.

  The guards nodded, then took their leave. Moments later, they reentered the main hall pushing and shoving their prisoners forward.

  Galynne stumbled forward, her bound hands breaking her fall. When Kendahl attempted to help her to her feet, one guard clubbed him behind the knee, knocking him to the ground as well.

  Seerah gasped. “Mother! Father!” Without thinking, she scrambled to her feet and rushed forward. Then she was on her knees, crying and hugging them both.

  “I do so love tender reunions.” Desruc walked over to stand directly in front of Galynne. “Tell her, Galynne. Tell her of your mother's schemes to see me ruined. Tell her what you did to me,” Desruc ordered.

  Galynne glared at him. “You tried to rape—"

  Desruc raised his arm with a flourish and struck Galynne, knocking her to the floor.

  The guards moved quickly to restrain Kendahl and Seerah.

  Desruc's black eyes glowed red as he began to rant. “Lies! I loved you, but I wasn't good enough. The fire was no accident. You drew me into your web, then you used your powers against me, so Kendahl could save you and become favored among your people. I suffered great pain at your hand, then your mother cast that cunning curse on my manhood. Only a willing wench can stir my lust. Willing, hah! The mere sight of these scars is enough to send women running from me in fear.” Desruc clawed at his face.

  “But I've waited all this time for you, Galynne, and you will come to me or I will let every one of my men have their way with your precious daughter, right before your eyes. And you, Kendahl, a brave warrior, indeed,” Desruc taunted, moving closer to Kendahl, until they were practically face to face. “I will finally have my revenge on you as well."

  “Revenge? For what?” Kendahl struggled against the guard's restraining hold. “I accepted you as one of me own. I did all I could when you were near to death—not once, but twice."

  “You should have left me to die. Look at me! Galynne should have been mine. Oh how I wanted her. I waited and watched. She knew I was there. She enticed me with her charms, drawing me to her with her magic spell, so I could claim her as my own. I loved her, and you stole her away from me."

  Kendahl glared at Desruc. “You may have been drawn to her beauty but it was her powers you lusted after. You cared not for her. You simply wished to force the secrets of her magic from her. Aye, you thought to overpower her and make her yours, but she was stronger than you assumed. The fire was a result of the struggle, and you were surrounded by flames before you had time to implement your dastardly plans. When I rescued her, I knew not that you were even there until I heard your shrill, pain-filled cries. After I rescued you and learned what you had been about, Izebeth was in her right to punish you as she saw fit. Unfortunately, it appears she was too lenient with you. Cursing you with impotence, and exiling you to Normandy only served to further corrupt your evil soul. But you will die soon, and you will pay for your evil ways."

  Desruc's lips twitched and he raised his hand as if to strike. “A brave man you are Kendahl, to tell such lies to my face. And, so close to death. Why if I were a God-fearing man, I'd be certain you were on your way to hell."

  “I'm already there."

  “You call this hell?” Desruc threw his head back and laughed. Then he seized Kendahl's hair, and drew him so near that they faced each other nose to nose. “Try going through life as the bastard son of a Norse rapist. Or never knowing the full extent of your mother's love, because every time she looks at you she's reminded of how you were conceived. Do you have any idea what it's like, to be incapable of pleasing the only father you ever knew, because by virtue of your own existence, he can't stand the sight of you? This is not hell, Kendahl.” Desruc released Kendahl with a shove and walked back toward his throne. “Hell is the end, and this is just the beginning. You see, if your wife refuses to come to me, my men will rape her and your daughter repeatedly before your very eyes."

  Tristan strained against the shackles. “You are the Devil's own spawn, Desruc. You had Catrin raped, then you murdered her because of her love for me. All your life you have spread evil and preyed on the innocent. But now, you will die at my hand!"

  Just as he was about to gain the steps, Desruc glanced over his shoulder at Tristan. “Torture the fool for his impertinence, Helig,” Desruc commanded.

  As Helig lifted the leather whip in his hand high in the air, the door to the main hall burst open.

  Gareth charged forward, followed by fifty armed warriors.

  “Guards!” Desruc roared as he turned to face Gareth.

  “They've been subdued,” Gareth offered. “I be Gareth—Boyce MacFarlane—son of Kendahl and Galynne, brother to Seerah. Many men surround your keep. Surrender to me and your death will be swift."

  “Son of—” Desruc glared at Galynne, then back to Gareth. “No! It isn't possible. You died at infancy,” Desruc cried.

  “Apparently not.” Gareth wielded his sword. “Prepare to die."

  “You can not kill me, fool!” Desruc waved his hand, and all of the warriors behind Gareth began to cringe and moan. Some fell to the floor stiff as boards, others were brought to their knees writhing in pain. “I have the power to destroy each and everyone of you, without even raising a hand!” Desruc took a deep breath and exhaled. The air gusted at Gareth and the warriors, and their bodies grew as stiff as stone.

  “Seerah, the wand!” Tristan called.

  Desruc chuckled. “Yes, the wand.” He clapped with glee. “And the amulet too. Alas, they're useless in the hands of an amateur. And, that's what you are, my dear, Seerah, an amateur. Give them to me and I will be lenient with your lover."

  Seerah glanced at Tristan, with uncertainty.

“Nay, Seerah! You have the power. Trust yourself. Do it. Now!” Tristan cried.

  As Seerah scrambled to her feet, she glanced cautiously up at Desruc. Her eyes locked with his, and she froze. She could still hear and see, but it was as if he was somehow commanding her will.

  He grinned, and held his hand out to her. “You feel powerless because you crave love, Seerah, but love is worthless compared to power. I have great power because I love no one. Come to me and you will never again feel powerless. You will rule with me.” He motioned her forward, and Seerah's body began moving slowly toward him of its own accord.

  “Here, I thought you had no weaknesses, Tristan.” Desruc laughed. “Love is the most lethal weakness, indeed. I had thought you learned that the first time—when I murdered Catrin. That's it, Seerah, come to me. Because of your love for Seerah, Tristan, you will die a thousand deaths, before my eyes. One for every time I bed the new love of your life."

  When Seerah stood almost directly before Desruc, she stopped. She closed her eyes and held her head in her hands, trying desperately to fight the hold Duress had on her mind. She glanced at Tristan. “I ... love—"

  Tristan struggled against his chains. “Aye, Seerah. And I love you. I swear it, now, and forever! And I believe—you have the power!"

  “Come,” Desruc commanded, drawing Seerah's full attention.

  But Seerah didn't move. Her eyes suddenly rolled back in her head, then her lids slammed shut and her head tipped backwards. “No!” she declared. Her voice was a low growl, and her eyes sprang open. Holding her hands up in a grand gesture, she began chanting. “Fire and brimstone, sun and moon. Thunder, lightening, wind of doom.” Her eyes began to glow green, and a turbulent gust of sucked Desruc slightly forward, then blew him backwards against the steps of his altar.

  Calmly gaining his feet, Desruc brushed the dirt from his cape. “You've been practicing, but you're no match for me.” With a wave of his hand, Seerah's body floated up into the air. With a flick of his writs she flipped over so that she was lying horizontal facing the floor. Then Desruc let his hand fall. Seerah plummeted to the ground, stopping mere inches before she would have crashed into the stone floor. Desruc held his index finger pointed at her, as if keeping her suspended just above the ground. Then, with a flourish he turned his hand palm up, and Seerah dropped the short distance to the floor, in a heap near Galynne.

  Desruc sneered. “Seerah, Seerah. Do not insist on fighting me. It is such a waste of time and energy. You know you don't have what it takes to defeat me. Besides, I can cause much misery and pain to those you love. Perhaps I should show you."

  Jerking his head in Tristan's direction, Desruc closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

  Raising his hands slowly, he opened his eyes and focused his attention on Tristan.

  Tristan's body quivered and wrenched. His torso began twisting, and his limbs strained against the shackles. Then, his face contorted with pain and he cried out, moaning deep in his throat as fangs sprouted from his mouth and horns grew from his head.

  “No!” Seerah cried, clutching Galynne.

  Galynne held Seerah close and whispered, “You must be strong. Use the wand and amulet to free Tristan. ‘Tis all up to you, Seerah."

  “You can na’ fail now, Daughter.” Kendahl weakly clutched Seerah's hand in his own. “Know that we love you as does Tristan and have faith in your powers. Faith is the key,” he added, before releasing her.

  Seerah bent her head low and tried desperately to concentrate. Love and faith. I do love Tristan, with all my soul. And I believe he loves me. The power of love, Aye. Izebeth's voice filtered into Seerah's mind then. For the sake of the prophecy and Galynne, you must have faith—just as you must come to know that this be your destiny.

  Desruc's deep evil laugh rocked Seerah to the core of her soul. Slowly raising her head, she gazed directly at Desruc. Then, producing the alder wand from the sleeve of her cloak, she aimed it at the altar. The largest, center-most animal skull lying on the floor encircling the altar, bust into flames. Then the bowl of fennel tumbled to the ground, disrupting some stones and breaking the circle surrounding the altar.

  “No!” Desruc roared. Rushing forward he tried to repair the damage, but Seerah was quicker. With her magic she sent him flying backwards, slamming his body against his jeweled throne. He cried out in pain and frustration as he crumbled to the floor and writhed in pain.

  Wielding the wand like a saber, Seerah cast her magic at the chains binding Tristan next. They disengaged and Tristan crumpled to the ground in a human knot. Next, holding her amulet in her left hand, she turned toward Gareth.

  As Gareth and the warriors began to wake from Desruc's spell, Seerah chanced a glance in Tristan's direction. He uncurled his body slowly until he stood his full height, revealing that the fangs and horns had disappeared. Then, raising his fists high in the air, he roared; the sound echoed off the rafters like that of a mighty lion protecting his lair.

  Helig tackled Tristan from behind, but Tristan fought with the strength of a thousand men, matching Helig blow for blow, until the giant stumbled and fell to the ground. Helig's head slammed against the edge of the marble steps, knocking him unconscious.

  When Seerah turned toward Tristan, his expression changed suddenly from anger to alarm. “No!” he growled, as Desruc seized her about the waist, knocking the wand from her hand.

  Next, Desruc pulled a dagger from his waistband and held it to Seerah's throat. Eyeing the wand, he inched toward it. When it was within his reach, however, the wand trembled slightly, then suddenly vanished. Desruc jerked Seerah. “Bitch! Just like your mother. Give me the wand, Seerah, or I will torture Tristan by carving you to pieces before his eyes.” Shielding himself with Seerah's body, Desruc dragged her up the altar steps towards the open portal just beyond his throne.

  “The sword, Gareth!” Galynne cried.

  Gareth shook his head as if to clear his mind, then he moved slowly forward.

  “Fool!” Desruc cried. The tip of his blade nicked Seerah's throat and blood trickled down her neck. “You'll have to put the blade through her to get to me."

  Tristan slowly advanced from the opposite direction.

  “Stay back or I'll jump and she'll be lost to you forever."

  Tristan froze.

  “We could have had everything. Power, control, riches beyond your wildest dreams, but now...” Desruc faltered. Cocking his head slightly he glanced over his shoulder to scrutinize a strange sound coming from outside the window.

  Suddenly, hundreds of white birds flew through the window. As Desruc ducked against their assault, Seerah stumbled forward down the steps.

  Seizing the moment, Gareth hefted the huge broadsword and cast it at Desruc.

  Hilt over handle the sword careened toward Desruc, whistling as it sliced through the air. When it found its mark, the blade knifed through the center of Desruc's chest. The black screaming shadow of his evil soul rose from the cavity. The fatal blow carried his body backward, where he fell from the window. The white birds swiftly followed on the wings of the breeze, as if escorting Desruc's body to its death. The shadow of his soul remained, writhing on the floor and slowly shrinking in size until it vanished into nothingness.

  Desruc's morbid cry echoed through the chamber, then ended abruptly.

  Two lone birds remained. They flew directly to Kendahl on the other side of the hall and landed on his shoulders.

  Seerah ran to Tristan's open arms. She clutched his waist as he bent his head low to kiss her.

  Gareth directed the remaining warriors, including Zeth, Colin, and Greum to search the castle, then he joined his parents.

  Just then the hall doors blew open. Cosmo scurried over to where Kendahl, Galynne and Gareth stood together.

  “Cosmo. Thank the Gods. I have na’ seen you since the ship. Where have you—” Seerah began, but the ferret ignored her and scampered directly over to Galynne.

  “Mother?” Galynne gasped. “I thought..."
r />   “Well you thought wrong then, did you not?” Izebeth's voice echoed through the room.

  Breaking away from Tristan's embrace, Seerah moved toward the group. “Gran?"

  Tristan grabbed Seerah's hand, stopping her in her tracks. “You're not going anywhere."

  Seerah glared at him, disbelief lighting her eyes. “But, Tristan—"

  He smiled then, a smile that reached his eyes. “You're not going anywhere—without me.” He walked up to her, capturing her about the waist, and together they joined the others.

  “Gran? Is that really you?” Seerah asked. “How—Where..."

  “Aye, Seerah.” Izebeth's voice washed over the room. Bright light flashed. The hall fairly glowed for a moment or two and everyone shielded their eyes, but when the light faded. Izebeth stood where Cosmo had been. Her silvery white hair fell loosely about her shoulders and down past her hips. Her white gossamer frock billowed lightly. “Do not look so concerned, young Tristan, you have done well. ‘Tis plain to see you love me granddaughter,"

  Tristan nodded and hugged Seerah close.

  Seerah frowned. “But Gran ... how—” Seerah faltered.

  “Anything is possible if you simply dare to dream, Seerah. ‘Tis valuable advice passed on by me dear Great-uncle Merlin.” With a wink, she glanced at Galynne and Kendahl. “Be well, I must go now, but I will see you all again. If not in this life, then in the next. Or perhaps in your dreams.” With a modest curtsy and a wave of her hand, she vanished.

  “She's always been a show-off.” Chuckling, Galynne curled into Kendahl's warm embrace.

  Gareth advanced, then. “Mother?"

  Galynne embraced Gareth. “Boyce—I mean, Gareth, me son."

  “Aye. Son, indeed.” Kendahl joined in, hugging them both.

  After a moment, Galynne separated herself from the men and walked over to Seerah and Tristan. “A beautiful young woman you are, indeed.” Galynne hugged Seerah tight, before she addressed Tristan. “You will honor, love and protect me daughter?"

  “Aye. Forevermore.” Tristan nodded.


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