Ra' van (Book Three of the Items Trilogy)

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Ra' van (Book Three of the Items Trilogy) Page 17

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Mistress Marge bulled her way into the tent and relief blossomed into her features as she came up and embraced the queen she thought of more as a daughter. "I was so worried!"

  "I am well." The queen admitted and hugged her back.

  "And I am finished." Niranene said after tying the upper strings together. With Marge distracted Allahandra smiled gratefully as Niranene scooped and hid Rakkian's items behind her back. "I'll tend to the wounded. It will be a busy night for me and Krum. Head to the command tent as soon as possible. I expect that is where Alex will find you when he is done." With that she exited the tent and quickly returned the items to their rightful owner.

  The queen knew she had to repay Niranene's discretion with answers.

  Mistress Marge took Allahandra by the hand and pulled her from the tent. First thing they saw were littered and lifeless bodies and the next were the amount of fiends surrounding the area and after being around them for so long she knew these fiends were the ones Alex brought. Jakz and the hulking Grizon stayed near with the other of her personal guards, who came immediately despite their shift, and escorted her safely to the command tent where the activity there was disorganized, but as her men saw her alive and well they instantly relaxed.

  All she could do now is wait for what is to come next.


  Chapter 9

  A half hour quickly passed as Alex did his upmost to capture or extinguish the life of those who somehow entered the camp while moving unawares in shadows. Ten fell to his blade when they chose to attack while two were captured and detained nearby. Wary eyes fell upon Alex from all around as he returned to the command area and it reminded him of his appearance. One of the dead had a reasonably clean tunic and he used it to wipe the blood from the blade. It still needed water to shine properly, but at the moment it was enough. Lily and Crest found them before they met up in the open area that is used to protect the command area. Lily looked him over and seemed satisfied before explaining how much she enjoyed the battle.

  To his dismay, she barely had a spot of red on her while he looked and felt completely soaked to the soul.

  They moved together and were easily allowed past a dozen armed guards who didn't allow anyone out. Alex wanted in and they couldn't deny him. Being flanked by dozens of giant wolf-like beings and haggard warriors made his approach more flamboyant, in a dark way.

  Fiends, both from Pilluan and those who recently joined congregated together and mostly remained silent. It became more so when Alex and the rest of his pack arrived, towing those captured behind him. Most remained asleep and were dragged, but those awake remained gagged and bound with a human/fiend partnership to watch over them closely.

  Many fiends gave truthful gratitude to have Alex return to them while others remained alert for any other threats.

  The entire area buzzes with activity, but before there was time for calm talks there is a serious security matter to attend to. Then over the noise of orders being shouted in the darkness he heard Rakkian's distinguished voice. "Allahandra, Alex has returned... with guests!"

  The green and yellow command tent billowed opened and the queen exited with twenty personal guards and their respective partners. The crowd parted as she approached and balked once she clearly saw him up close.

  "What is it?" He asked.

  "Woops..." Lily said and took out a cloth from her pack "Your face is soaked red." and proceeded to wipe the gore from his cheek and brow. He didn't realize just how frightening he looked in the darkness, but Lily simply felt a thrill at seeing just how unique and uncharacteristic Alex is. She liked danger.

  "Thanks," he said gratefully to Lily as she took the cloth away, but strangely didn't feel embarrassed about having her wipe the blood from his features before so many eyes. Alex then asked "Have there been any more incidents since we last spoke?"

  Allahandra shook her head while Rakkian took a step forward to be at her side. He now stood fully dressed and equipped for battle. He portrayed a calm exterior, but Alex could sense the general stood painfully from several sealed wounds and felt exhausted. "Nay, but I've ordered Yort and Quinn to take their men and seal off the area and had everyone trying to leave brought here, even had to drag a few from their tents. Allahandra told me what you plan to do. Can it be done so quickly?"

  Alex nodded solemnly and hated relying on this plan. "It can, but you have to know I cannot single out one person at a time. You'll be effected like everyone else if you stay. Back when we were sailing across Point Lake I had much time to hone the skill to a degree, but singling out one or two is impossible. I can only expand and contract the size of my area, not point it as one would a spear. It is more like a net. It can expand or contract around me only."

  "Then do what you must for there is much we need to discuss."

  "Go ahead and stay back."

  The queen shook her head. "We will stay and show those about to be questioned it will be safe. Proceed."

  Alex nodded and smiled a thanks to the queen.

  He then altered his voice first and spoke to the fiends "My friends, please be patient. I must ask though if you could go and stand where the ring of humans have made a perimeter. I do not wish for you to be subjected to my Dominance and not be able to understand me. You can ask Shade just how taxing it is to be commanded to do something you cannot understand."

  Shade then stepped to Alex's side. "It isn't something you'll enjoy. Come warriors, let us move aside for the moment."

  Seeing the fiends separate and back away made the men and women chatter in agitation. Alex then called several nearby guards to watch over those collected in response to the vacated areas left by the fiends. The level five guards that surrounded Allahandra became uneasy without their furry companions beside them, but they didn't lose composure and remained put.

  Then to the humans he said "Alright, this is how it is going to go." and all attention turned to him. "I will ask a few questions, but you will need to group yourselves closer together." As they did so Alex prepared to focus on bringing forth the intangible technique of a Furion. Never before had there been one as young as he who could use this ability, but circumstances somehow made the power surface before any other. By the time he was prepared the hundred or so people gathered together.

  An undeniable effect visibly gripped all who fell under the effect of Dominance. Those who had felt it before like Marlin, Lily, Rakkian, Allahandra and her guards had an easier time adjusting to the uncomfortable pressure weighing upon them, forcing them to unquestionably obey anything Alex had to say. His penetrating grey eyes settled upon those before him as he only encompassed the humans. The fiends who stood at the edge of the open area remained unaffected, but they watched with open interest. Even the Royal Guard who remained unconscious felt it, but remained in slumber for Ava's effects prevented them from waking, even by using this skill.

  His voice of authority commanded "Until you feel the effects ease off you, none may speak." Lily and those around him very much wanted to see if they could fight the effect, but couldn't do much more than take a quivering breath. "By now you should understand why everyone has gathered. I suspect we have assassins and they must be located swiftly. Tonight much unneeded bloodshed came to pass that could have been avoided and there will be no more this night. I give my word that those who came in the night and are hiding within will see morning. If you infiltrated this camp or came here to murder raise your hand."

  Even those with a strong will couldn't resist the command, unless it went against something they fundamentally believed in. Murder is an absolute and goes against living. Simply put, the compulsion to murder is easier to make someone loathe themselves. Truth in admission and raising one's own arm wasn't a fundamental and made it impossible to resist.

  The captured Royal Guard raised both bound arms since they needed to. And then in the crowd were five raised and quivering arms. Compelling other's wasn't fun for Alex, but the skill will save lives. Right now its effectiveness is worth a king's

  "You five! Step forward and place your arms behind your back." As they began moving Alex had the men and one large woman bound and placed with the others while their items were confiscated.

  The Dominance retracted until it no longer encompassed the entire crowd, but Alex kept it in effect to ask the soldiers "Now tell me, how did you sneak into our camp and get so far in without being detected?" Allahandra and others were no longer under the effects, but they also wished to know and remained silent to hear.

  They all began confessing simultaneously, but he altered the question for the highest ranking member among them. The captain who stood among the awake said "We were ordered to come this night."

  "How did you enter with so many without being seen or been scented by the fiends?"

  "One of the newer recruits had a new item never seen before. She could alter the senses of others who looked or smelled upon a person who was targeted and within range of her item. She could attach a small clip to a person, but as soon as they interacted with someone not under her target, the item they wore would disappear and they would be revealed. It also had a time limit of three hours."

  "What were the specifics of your orders?"

  "To take out Freelan commanders and anyone else of importance." Still under the effects he felt obligated to admit "We weren't allowed to strike until someone slipped into the queen's tent, but someone made a mistake and we were forced to attack at will."

  Allahandra spoke to Rakkian under her breath, but Alex heard "Their mistake saved our lives. If that one assassin didn't stab the guard outside the tent we both would have been killed in bed."

  Alex then kept his eyes on the captain to ask "And what of this girl? You said she needed to be close so that you all can remain undetected. Where is she?" She was a serious threat and everyone knew it.

  He immediately replied to keep the question's weight from adding too much pressure. "She was killed, I saw it with my own two eyes. One of those Grizon did her in. Her item was valuable and singularly unique, but she is gone now and our mission a failure."

  Enough had been learned and Alex ceased the high level of concentrating and the Dominance waned. The prisoners were then safely escorted away. As they did so the fiends returned to the clearing and began talking all at once. Shade and the other leaders commanded the others to leave and would be filled in later. There was much grumbling, but the only fiends to remain were those that returned with him and those of high priority. It remained the same for the humans for only guards, officers and councilors stayed.

  "Tonight is a night to remember." Stated Takka with a green quill in his hand. He had become immune to the poison.

  "It isn't over yet." Alex said in a lower tone. To Allahandra he smiled and said "I'm glad you are unharmed my friend. When I saw all the red tunics swarming the area I thought it was some new plan of yours, but seeing how they fastidiously avoided all contact in their movements I knew something was wrong." She had a question about to be asked, but he beat her to it. "Aye, I did see them before they attacked. My Pack and the fiends who chose to come arrived not long ago at the western perimeter, seeing as how close to camp we were. Everyone chose to push on and I'm glad we did." He sighed as other men and women of military importance approached to listen. "Remember what that captain just said a minute ago, the girl's item altered others perception to the person's presence. Only items that work physically seem to effect me. Mental ones, such as her perception altering item, didn't work and when I asked Shade, he didn't see them and I knew then we were under attack. He believed me and raced off to your tent. We almost didn't make it..."

  "But you did and I'm grateful." Allahandra smiled.

  "We all are." Takka amended and adjusted the dagger and quill in his sleeve.

  "Now, who are all these new companions you've brought?" Rakkian asked.

  Alex growled and both Crush and Jakz came closer. "Everyone I would like to introduce you to Crush, leader of these fiends who came from the territory I won. He has chosen Jakz as a partner." And then he introduced Crush to Allahandra. He remained in place, but pressed all his paws on the ground and bowed respectfully in his way. Alex also marveled at how marvelously his wound recovered during the journey. Alex's speech returned to human again. "He and the others will fight, but I had to make three concessions to please this group."

  "Oh?" Allahandra asked with a raised brow, not completely pleased with not being informed, but seeing as how he had saved her again she didn't feel any resentment at this statement.

  "I would have spoken with you, but Janken's last mirror was used when I reported in that we made contact with Crush and Leera and sent the trappers away." His pleading eyes made her smile so she gestured for him to continue. "First, most of these fiends feel more comfortable fighting with Crush. They didn't like the idea of pairing with humans so they asked this of me to keep them together."

  Rakkian put forth and looked to his love "I have a squad who needs numbers and they require a captain. If you are amiable, we can give Jakz command and see how he does. Those men want to work with fiends, seeing as how productive and reliable they are."

  "Very well." Allahandra allowed. "What is the next concession?"

  "That they fight separately from the fiends my grandfather had come with me."


  "Finally, one special group of fiends wishes to work solely with the stealth forces and be separate entirely from the other two fiend groups." This news made the stealth commander's eyes light up.

  "I do not understand..." She admitted honestly.

  Alex looked at the assembled people and said "Whatever you do, do not make any noise for they are shy enough as it is and I would hate losing such remarkable creatures." He then waited until all remained still and silent before he asked "Nightshade, you and your kin may show yourselves. These are the friends I spoke of."

  One by one they revealed themselves. Some people gasped, but none made any movement. The noise caused some Frox to hide themselves again.

  He waited a few moments to have everyone understand just how much of an honor it is to look upon such unique beings.

  Allahandra then said "Alex, please translate this for me." And he did so as Allahandra knelt before the Frox beside Alex. "I now understand. It was you and your other Frox friends who saved me during the battle. For a moment I thought I had gone mad seeing five men suddenly fall and not see who ripped their throats out. I am very grateful for your help and want to say it is an honor to meet you... all of you."

  The entire Frox group began chatting, but Alex said "Nightshade says that you are most welcome and hopes that some good will come from this alliance."

  "Is there anything else I must consider about these new recruits?"

  "Only that the Frox will not show themselves again unless it is to their new stealth partner or of the Orggian should they need assistance. None other may approach them."

  Allahandra nodded to herself and stole a glance at her commander of the stealth forces and nearly laughed at the expression she saw. Of all those who partnered, his group didn't have a single fiend. That will soon change.

  "Then tell the fiends that I'll seriously consider the concessions, but for now have them do as they please while we hold council. Many matters must be discussed before first light."

  He then informed the fiends on her decision, but the overall mood was positive. The Frox became invisible again while Shade said he would escort all those that came to see the whole camp.

  As they followed Shade, Alex heard and saw Allahandra speaking with Angie. "I saw red tonight. The royal guard attacked did it not?"

  Angie shook her head after looking in her green glowing crystal ball for a moment. "Nay, tonight was not destined for the red."

  "The Frox? They were red too. And it was a monumental meeting"

  "Not the exact color I saw. The red is still in your future."

  "Alright... Then how come you didn't see an attack coming tonight?"

can only guess, but as they altered physical perception my sight had also been manipulated. I'm grateful that the tactic cannot be repeated in the near future."

  "You may say that again."

  Inside the tent Alex sat and gave a full and detailed report for his actions since his last contact via Janken's mirrors. The whole group remained silent during the entire recounting of events while outside the activities remained electric.

  Mostly they were interested in how he managed to enlist the Frox and how it would be best able to fully utilize their strengths and weaknesses.

  Once finished he listened to the latest reports and felt dismayed at hearing how an Orggian had been murdered and knew the outcome before it ever had been stated. Allahandra did ask once "Is that mattered permanently settled?"

  "Aye. The fiends got retribution for the grievous loss, but if it were to happen again the result will be the same if not more gruesome. They might even eat all conspirators to protect them. The packs, flocks and prides all see the Orggian as one of their own and to harm one will only invite a swift death sentence and result in full bellies."

  The reports continued and later Allahandra set up a system to integrate the new fiends to Freelan. The stealth commander remained overjoyed to finally partner like most of those in the room. His request to bond to Nightshade had been easy to grant, so long as he agreed.

  Shade and Ava returned a few hours later with Crush, Leera and Nightshade to say "Those who came have bedded down in the forest to get some sleep." Alex then looked at the cloth walls to see that morning had just arrived. "Most remain wary of the humans, but they seemed to find the camp and that of Freelan quite unique. After taking them around I brought them to the cook tents and had the cooks give us all a meal. Afterwards they left to rest and regain their strength."


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