The Boss

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The Boss Page 18

by Stephanie Hunt

  A knock sounded at the door, and Harriet glared at it. “Yes,” she snapped.

  “Harriet, dear, Mr. McIntosh is here to see you.”

  Harriet sat upright, with a frown impairing her face. She’d completely forgotten about the meeting with Mr. McIntosh. She didn’t even expect that he would come by this early. Whatever he had to tell her, must have been really important.

  “Thank you, Hadassah. Please tell him I’ll be down in a while.”

  “Very well, madam.” Harriet jumped to her feet and collected a simple ivory dress from her closet. She dressed as quickly as she could, and brushed out the mess on her head, before going down to greet him.

  “Good morning, Mr. McIntosh,” she chirped as she strolled down the stairs. The man removed his hat and offered a solemn bow.

  “Good morning, Harriet,” he replied. “You look very lovely in that dress.” She arched an eyebrow at him. He’d never given her a complement as this before.

  “Thanks,” she clipped. “Will you be joining me for breakfast?”

  “Of course,” he answered. “I would love to.” She offered him a smile and gestured him to the table, where a young maiden served them breakfast. For the first few minutes, they ate in silence. Awkward silence that Harriet did not want to remain in.

  “So, what did you want to share with me, Mr. McIntosh?” She could not hold it in any longer. The same cryptic smile spread across his face once more.

  “Yes, about that,” he started. “I’m not sure if Victor had informed you, but he had owed me a great deal of money, which has not yet been paid off.”

  “Actually, no. I knew nothing of this. How much did he owe?”

  “Enough to buy a ranch like this,” he replied, passing a hand over the room. Harriet’s mouth fell open at those words. There was no way he could really mean that.

  “That cannot be true,” Harriet said.

  “But it is.” The man reached into his jacket and came up with a document. He handed it to her. “If you don’t believe me, read this for yourself.” Reluctantly, Harriet took it from his hands and unfolded it. She swallowed hard at the words that jumped out at her. Her appetite left her that same instant.

  “What does this mean for me?” she whispered.

  “Unfortunately, Ms. Milestone, in order to retrieve the funds that are owed to me, I will have to claim this property.”

  “But that’s unfair!” Harriet yelled, jumping to her feet. “Where will I go? How will I survive?” The threatening tears in her eyes began to fall, which only made her angrier.

  “You’re right,” Douglas McIntosh replied with a sigh. “That is unfair. That’s why I’ve come up with a plan that will benefit us both.” Harriet eyed him with some amount of suspicion.

  “Say on.”

  “You can keep the property under one condition,” he said.

  “And what condition is that?”

  “Marry me.”

  It seemed like the earth had stopped spinning at that very moment. Harriet’s mouth fell open, and she could not find her voice. Had she heard right? Did this man, who was thrice her age, just asked her to marry him?

  The man sat there waiting on her to respond. His eyes were searching. It seemed like he wasn’t even breathing. For some reason, she saw more wrinkles on him that she’d ever seen before. And his grey head, with that bald spot in the center. Christ.

  “Harriet?” he called.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m a bit lost here,” Harriet choked. “Marry you?”


  “You’re serious about this?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I can’t marry you!” Harriet screamed. “I’m nineteen years old and you’re…Oh God.”

  “Age is no hindrance, Harriet. We’re both adults, and we can do anything we want. And besides, if you don’t, you’ll end up losing your home. There really is no other way.” She folded her arms and glared at him.

  “How dare you, Mr. McIntosh?” she snarled. “How dare you come into my home and threaten me like this? I think you best leave this minute.” The man’s brows shot up in surprise, and he burst into laughter, his head thrown back.

  “Oh Harriet, you’re so young and naïve,” he said. “You have absolutely no claim on this property, child, unless of course, you take me up on my offer. I will give you not just this ranch, but all that I own. If I were you, I’d accept this offer while it lasts.”

  “You're a monster. I can’t believe my uncle was close to you.”

  “Actually, Victor thought I was being ridiculous when I asked for your hand in marriage, in exchange for clearing his debt. He refused to give me what I wanted, and I didn’t like that. Too bad he died before paying me my money. Now I will have to cease everything he owns, until the money is paid. And of course, you don’t have that kind of money.”

  “Harriet, I will give you time to think about this. I’m not a hard man. I just know what I want, and I go after it.” He reached out to caress her face, but Harriet turned her head away, refusing his touch. He smiled, but dropped his hands. Taking one last bite from his pancake, he slid his hat unto his head. “Take care, Ms. Milestone, until we meet again.”

  Harriet watched him go with tears streaming down her face. Just when she thought things couldn’t get worse, it did.

  Chapter Three

  Dillan Rivers grinned from ear to ear when the cashier started hitting on his cousin. Alex was annoyed, and couldn't wait to leave the store, but the woman was cashing as slowly as she could to get as much time with him.

  "So, about the bonfire party up street next Saturday, are you going? Do you have a date? I don't have a date."

  "Uh, sorry, but I won't be going. I have things to do."

  "I'm sure those things can wait. You should go out more often you know. Have some fun."

  "I agree," Dillan said. "Don't worry. We'll be there." Alex fixed his flaming pair of brown eyes in Dillan's direction, but the man took up the bag of groceries and walked off.

  "See you next Saturday, Alex," the woman said. Alex gave her a small smile that didn't touch his eyes, before stiffly walking out of the store.

  "Why did you do that?" he snapped.

  "Do what?" Dillan asked, feigning innocence.

  "You know what I mean. I'm not going to that party, and especially not with her."

  "Calm down, young one," Dillan teased. "We're going to the party, and we're going to have some fun. Uncle A won't be back for now, so we might as well have all the fun we can."

  "Your kind of fun is not mine, Dillan. And stop calling me young one. We're only a month apart." Dillan burst into laughter, before riding off toward their home. Alex followed, trying to stifle his grin. He was getting himself worked up for nothing. This was Dillan alright. He was always teasing him.

  Halfway to their home, the sound of a woman's scream caught his attention. Alex pulled on the reins and halted the horse to listen keenly. It was then that he heard the voice a bit clearer. The sound was coming from the woods. Without delay, he dashed into the woods to find the damsel in distress.

  She was on a cart being pulled by a horse. For some reason, the animal was running out of control. Alex picked up speed to try and catch up with the horse. When he finally caught up to it, he grabbed on to the reins just in time to stop the horse, and the cart he was pulling, from collapsing into a small ditch.

  "Are you okay, madam?" he asked. The woman held tight to the cart door, her whole body trembling. Blonde hair was spilled around her, and when she lifted her head, her face was tearstained. Despite all of that, he found her to be one of the most beautiful women he'd ever laid eyes on.

  "Thank you," she choked. "I thought I was going to die."

  "You're very welcome." He said it so confidently, though he could feel his throat getting dry from nervousness.

  "Is everything alright?" Dillan had just caught up to them. Alex turned to look at him, and just as he thought, Dillan was also entranced in the young woman's beauty.

/>   "Yes, everything's fine." He brought his eyes back to the woman. "Is there anything else that I can help you with, madam?"

  "You're very kind, thank you, but I think I'll be fine from here. The horse was just frightened when I broke an artefact earlier."

  "I see."

  "What is your name?" Dillan asked. Alex swallowed hard. Dillan was always so straightforward with women. It made him wonder if something was wrong with him.

  "I'd rather not say," she answered. "I must go. I have a meeting to attend."

  "You're a mail order bride, aren't you?" Alex's eyes went wide when Dillan blurted those words. How on earth did he do it?

  "Uh, yes, I am. S-sorry, but I have to go. Thanks again." She took the reins of the horse securely in her hands and led the cart away from them. Alex watched her go. He wondered who had ordered her to be their bride. Whoever did, had made an excellent choice. She was quite beautiful.

  "How sad that she belongs to another," Dillan said. "Perhaps I really need to get you a lovely wife from the east."

  "I'm not even going to have this conversation with you," Alex said. He rode off toward home, leaving Dillan laughing at him yet again.

  Strangely, Alex pondered the idea of getting a woman from the east to be his wife. How bad could it be? She would cook for him, have his children, and love him all the days of his life.

  This is stupid.

  And yet, he still pondered.


  “That cheeky old man!” Francine cried. “I knew he had something up his sleeve!" Harriet dropped her head in her hands and sighed.

  "What should I do, Fran?" she asked. "If I don't marry him, I'll lose everything."

  "But you can't marry him! He's old, and quite frankly, he doesn't deserve you. No gentleman would force a girl into marriage."

  "Then what am I supposed to do?"

  "The obvious, of course," she replied. Francine took hold of Harriet's hands and squeezed them with much affection. "Sweetheart, don't you see? Uncle Victor deliberately set you up with that boy in the west. If you ask me, the old man knew he was going to die, and Mr. McIntosh would try to manipulate you like this. I think he wants you to let go of this property and go to the west to make a life for yourself."

  Harriet blinked a few times, her mouth hanging open. "Are you serious?" she blurted. "Do you honestly believe that I would run off to the west to marry some boy who I don't even know?"

  "Do you want to marry Mr. Wrinkles?" Francine raised a defiant chin, making her blonde hair spill over her shoulders.

  "This is so confusing!" Harriet screamed. "How did I end up in this kind of situation?" Before Francine could respond, someone knocked on the front door. The two women glanced up simultaneously. "I should get that." Harriet stood to her feet and ran both palms over her dress, in an attempt to straighten it.

  She opened the door, keeping her fingers crossed that it wasn't Mr. McIntosh bothering her again. His meeting with her was only two days ago, and she was not ready to see his face again.

  The gentleman who stood outside was not one she knew. He was tall, slightly grey-headed and his green coat and hat were quite fancy.

  "Hello," he greeted her. His brown eyes smiled more than his mouth did. She could already tell that he was a nice man.

  "Hello," she replied. "How may I help you, sir?"

  "I'm looking for a young lady by the name of Harriet Milestone," he said. "Do you happen to know her?" Harriet's smile disappeared and her brows furrowed.

  "Who's asking?"

  "The name is Alexander Rivers." He held out a hand to her. Harriet knew that name, which was the very reason why she didn't want to touch him. In her moment of frustration, her anger began to spill to the top, and she stepped back and pushed the door forward.

  The man slid a foot in to stop her efforts. "Whoa," he exclaimed. "Now, now, that's no way to treat a visitor, Ms. Milestone."

  "Go away," she said. "I'm not leaving, so don't waste anymore of your time."

  "But I'm not wasting my time," he answered. "Your uncle told me that I should give you some time, because you will make the right decision. That's why I've planned to stay a while until you make up your mind."

  He took up a suitcase from the ground and lifted it for her to see. Harriet stared at the man in disbelief. "You're not staying in this house! I don't even know you!" He pushed the door open and walked in.

  "Don't worry, you'll know me soon enough." When his eyes caught Francine, he grinned broadly. "Hello. The name is..."

  "Alexander Rivers, I heard," she said, smiling. She held out a hand which he gladly shook. "Francine Hayes, best friend of the beauty in the room."

  "Don't underestimate yourself, Francine," he said without hesitation. "You're quite a beauty yourself. My nephew, Dillan, would love you." Francine stared at her shoes, as her cheeks reddened.

  "If you two are quite finished, I'd like you, Mr. Rivers, to leave my uncle's house this instant. You are not welcomed here."

  "This is quite a lovely house," he said, ignoring her. "I have to say that every time I come here." He walked around the living room, admiring his surroundings. Harriet folded her arms on her chest as she observed him.

  "What do you know about this house, mister?" she asked.

  "A lot, actually," he replied. "I used to come here quite often when you were just a toddler. I stopped coming by though, when business became more demanding, and then, time just flew away. The last time I saw you, you were barely three. My son, Alex, was five at the time. You two were inseparable then."

  She listened to him babbling on, and she wondered if any of this could be true. She was so young at the time, so it was impossible to remember him, or his son for that matter. Harriet wondered if the boy remembered her. Perhaps this was the reason why he wanted to marry her.

  What am I thinking? I don't know these people.

  "That's lovely. I hear the west is filled with much opportunities for work. I'd love to go there some day." Harriet glanced at Francine. The girl seemed to be enjoying Mr. Rivers' company. Perhaps this was a good sign.

  No, no, no!

  There was no way she could give up everything she had here. She was going to have to work out another deal with Mr. McIntosh. She could work and pay him back, no matter how long it took. Yes, that was a much better plan. She was going to have to set another meeting with him, but first, she was going to have to find a way to get Alexander Rivers to leave.

  Chapter Four

  Harriet jumped to her feet when she spotted Mr. McIntosh's carriage. She ran to the door and opened it even before he came to a halt. She offered him a bright smile as he approached. "Good morning, Mr. McIntosh."

  "Good morning, Harriet," he answered. "It's nice to see you in such high spirits." She managed to keep her smile going as she led him inside the house. Thankfully, Mr. Rivers was not there. She'd tried for days to get him to leave, but nothing she said could convince him. Nevertheless, she was somewhat able to get him to leave the house for the day, with the help of Francine of course.

  "Would you like some coffee?" she asked him.

  "No, thank you, Harriet. So, tell me, have you made any decision as yet?"

  "Well, yes. I was actually wondering if we could renegotiate and come to a fairer and more honest conclusion."

  "You want to renegotiate?" Mr. McIntosh asked. "Ms. Milestone that is not an option. The original plan remains."

  "But I am willing to work and pay you everything my uncle owes you."

  "I don't want you to work and pay me back, Harriet. I want you to marry me. That way, you will be debt-free, and Victor's property will remain in your hands. It's a done deal. All you have to do is say yes."

  Harriet's shoulders slumped in defeat. She should have known this would be the result. The man didn't really care about the money, he was more interested in claiming her. This was it. The time of decision making.

  "I'm sorry, Mr. McIntosh, but I could never marry you." The words rolled off her tongue without hesitatio
n. Silence fell between them for what felt like two eternities. Harriet waited for the man to explode, but he didn't. He stood to his feet and adjusted his jacket.

  "Ms. Milestone, it's clear that you aren't thinking straight, so I will give you more time to think this through." He strolled off to the front door, not waiting for a response from her.

  "Mr. McIntosh, I..." she paused when he opened the door. Alexander Rivers was standing there. Francine was nowhere in sight. Harriet swallowed the lump in her throat. She'd done everything in her power to avoid this meeting, but here was Mr. Rivers, facing Mr. McIntosh.

  "Hello," Mr. Rivers said, pushing pass Mr. McIntosh.

  "Who's he?" Mr. McIntosh asked, frowning.

  "The name is Rivers. Alexander Rivers. Pleased to meet you." He held out a hand to Mr. McIntosh, but the man refused it.

  "And who are you supposed to be to Harriet?" he asked.

  "He's just an old friend of my uncle," Harriet told him. "Mr. Rivers is a merchant, and he was on one of his journeys when uncle died, which is why he didn't make it to the funeral. Nevertheless, he has come to pay his respects."

  "And to take this lovely bride back with me." Harriet could not believe that he said those words. She could hear Mr. McIntosh's sharp intake of breath. He did not look very pleased.

  "Bride?" he asked.


  Mr. McIntosh turned to look at Harriet, all blood drained from his face. She'd never seen him like this before, and for some reason, it amused her. She folded her lips, in an attempt to restrain herself from laughing.

  "Harriet, what is the meaning of this?" he snarled. "How dare you bring another man under this roof? I've shown you such great kindness, and this is how you repay me?" Harriet's jaw fell to the floor.

  "Kindness?" she snorted. "Do you even know the meaning of that word? All you've done these past few days is threaten me, and cause me sleepless nights. Nothing about that is kind."


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