The Boss

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The Boss Page 31

by Stephanie Hunt

  He squeezed his wife’s neck, slowly squeezing the life out of her. “Let her go!” The officers said again. This was his last chance. Marta struggled to breathe as Cole’s anger threatened to kill her. She didn’t know what to do and as she stood there in the arms of a monster she thought about her daughter and Stephen. She loved them both and she hoped she would live long enough to see them again.

  Suddenly, a gunshot rang out through the home. Cole screamed as one of the officers shot his foot. He let go of his wife. Stephen caught her before she fell to the ground. As he held the shaking woman the officers quickly apprehended Cole. He was handcuffed and dragged to the police cruiser.

  Marta and Stephen were left alone as Stephen held onto Marta. He rocked her gently and kissed the top of her head. “It’s all okay now… I promise.” He looked at her and their eyes met. This time, Marta knew he was telling the truth. Something inside of her told her that this time it was for real. This time, she was free from the monster’s grasp.

  As the two of them sat there, Linda peeked into the bedroom. She saw the carpet was stained red, but she didn’t know what that meant, all she did know was that her mother was okay. She ran to her mother now and jumped into her arms. “Mommy!” Marta started to cry as she held her daughter. She was glad she was safe. She kissed her daughter’s head and they cried together.

  Stephen wrapped his arms around both of them and held them tight. “It’s all okay now…” He whispered to them.

  Chapter 8

  A few months later the three of them found themselves in court. Cole was being put on trial for domestic abuse and assault on multiple charges. Stephen was representing his new girlfriend, Marta.

  Stephen was a shark in the courtroom and soon enough he made away with Cole’s case. Cole didn’t really have a case to begin with. The cameras planted in Marta’s bedroom was all the evidence the jury needed to convict Cole. They saw him as a monster and for once he got what he deserved.

  Stephen ended up putting him away for a very long time. He would never bother Marta or Linda again.

  Marta watched as the officers took him away in handcuffs. A mess of emotions hit her in that moment as she realized that she was finally free. She was finally free to live her life, to be happy, to live a life without constant fear.

  As this happened she broke down into tears and hugged her daughter tight. She didn’t think this moment would ever happen. She assumed that if she ever left her husband she would have been left with nothing. Instead, the judge had given her full custody of their daughter, ownership of the house, and various other things. Her life finally seemed to be back on track, all because of her skilled lawyer.

  Once Cole was out of the room Stephen walked up to his client. Marta hugged him tightly and cried into his chest in the middle of the courtroom. Linda hugged his leg and smiled up at him when he messed up her hair. He stood there with the two girls for a moment before pulling Marta away from him.

  Marta frowned thinking that he didn’t want her. Had she upset him? Was she too damaged for him to be with her? She frowned before he reached forward and wiped all her tears away. He smiled at her before saying, “I have one more surprise.”

  Marta looked confused as she looked at her boyfriend. A surprise? She didn’t know what to expect as Stephen looked in his suitcase and pulled out an envelope. He handed it to her and smiled. “Open it.”

  Marta nodded and opened up the envelope. To her surprise, she pulled out her marriage license. “I took the liberty of making your marriage to that nutcase null and void. That document no longer means anything.” Marta’s eyes grew in surprise as she looked up at her boyfriend. Quickly she took the document and started to rip it to shreds. She took out all her anguish, frustration, and heartbreak on that piece of paper.

  Stephen smiled at her before kissing the top of her head. “And now that you are back on the market…” There was a grin on his face as he reached into his pocket. As he did he got down on one knee and presented Marta with a little black box. He opened it to reveal her old high school, the one he had given her on their first real date. Linda looked between the two adults wondering what was going on.

  “Will you marry me, Marta?” Stephen looked up at her and looked hopeful. Marta couldn’t find the voice to respond, but she managed to nod her head. He hugged her tightly before Linda pulled on her mother’s skirt. Marta looked down at her daughter.

  “What is it, sweetheart?

  “Is Stephen my new daddy?” Marta cried and nodded her head.

  “Yes.” It was an answer for both of them.

  *** THE END ***

  Bad Boy Daddy Next Door

  A New Adult Romance

  By: Stephanie Hunt

  Chapter 1

  Sabrina was a beautiful twenty-three year old with light brown flawless skin and curves that would make any man buckle to their knees. Sabrina however, led a sheltered life and was completely unaware of how attractive she was. She was innocent and naive when it came to men, dating, and the ways of the world. Her life up until this point had been about getting good grades so she could graduate from college and not have to worry about struggling for money like her parents had. Her parents made sure that boys didn't distract her from this goal. Of course they really just wanted the best for her but they still saw her as a little girl and they felt that men would corrupt her and ruin her life and her dreams. They went overboard by making it clear that she couldn't date until she had graduated and if she broke this rule she would be thrown out of the house. She didn't go out much, living with her parents she wasn't able to do much of anything.

  They were always telling her that if she wanted to go out and party than she would have to find her own place and then she could make her own rules.

  Sabrina had been out a few times in the past, hanging out with friends and sneaking around behind her parents' back in order to go out and have fun. Sabrina was getting tired of them controlling her every move.

  Her best friend Jess had invited her to hang out and sleep over her house. Since Jess still lived with her own parents at age twenty-four Sabrina's parents thought that it would be alright to go over since Jess's parents were home.

  Jess had short brown hair and hazel eyes. She was shorter than Sabrina and a little on the chubby side. She used to wear glasses until she found out that contacts were a lot easier and she looked better with them in.

  “You ready to go?” Jess asked when she walked into the kitchen without knocking on the door.

  “I'm ready. Mom, dad, I'm leaving!” Sabrina called out, knowing that they were in the living room watching the news.

  “Have a good time. We will see you tomorrow morning,” her mother called back without getting up from the couch.

  Sabrina was thankful that both her parents liked Jess. They never questioned her about what they did or where they went.

  “Alright,” Sabrina responded, and out the door the girls went.

  “Wow that was so easy. If they knew what we were planning tonight they would freak out,” Jess laughed when they got in her small, two door car.

  As they were pulling out of the driveway, they saw an older gentleman peering out of the window. Her parents told her that new neighbors had just moved in but she hadn’t seen them yet. She wondered if anyone else lived there besides the man in the window.

  Jess drew Sabrina’s attention away from the mysterious man by talking about how excited she was for them to be going out that night. Her excitement grew when she mentioned how many cute boys were at the club.

  Though Sabrina wasn't experienced like all of her other friends she did make out once, a few years ago when she was still in high school, telling her parents that she was staying late because she had to get some work done. That was something they had never found out about.

  “I don't know why your parents are so strict.” Jess shook her head; she was glad her parents didn't care where she went. She was a young adult and able to make her own rules.

  “They a
lways have been. Come on, I gotta change out of these clothes.” Sabrina looked down at her white t-shirt and blue jeans. She knew they were going out to a club that night so she packed night club clothing.

  A short skirt, a matching top that showed off her belly button and a pair of high heels. Clothing she had stashed away in her closet and almost forgot about.

  Jess nodded her head in agreement as she backed out of Sabrina’s driveway and on to the road. She was going to show Sabrina a good time, that there was more to do than just staying at home and reading a good book.

  Sabrina turned up the radio as they made their way to the night club on the other side of town, she sighed with relief that she had escaped her parents’ clutches, even if it was for just one night. She felt the freedom already the more they distanced themselves from her house.

  It took twenty minutes to get to the other side of town. Between traffic lights and it being a Friday night it looked like everyone was out partying. Sabrina brought her I.D with her because she knew she looked younger than twenty-three years old.

  “I was hoping it wouldn't be so crowded tonight,” Jess grumbled as they pulled into the parking lot of the night club.

  It took a few minutes to find a parking spot and it was at the end of the parking lot where there were no lights.

  “Kind of creepy. Don't leave me alone,” Sabrina laughed, taking her overnight bag with her so that she could change in the bathroom.

  “I won't,” Jess promised her.

  Sabrina didn't feel confident about her promise because she knew that Jess was a drifter even if she didn't mean to.

  Chapter 2

  Sabrina and Jess had to push their way through the crowd. Sarah saw a few people staring at her as she made her way around them.

  She was sure they were looking at the clothes she was wearing, wondering why she wasn't dressed up for a night on the town.

  “Come on, hurry up,” Jess told her, checking out her make-up in the mirror and adjusting her black halter top that she was wearing.

  Jess turned around and checked out her ass in the tight jeans she was wearing. There were rips right above her ass cheeks that she had made herself and there were holes in the knees when she turned around but she looked great in them. It was the style of pants at the time.

  “I'm almost done,” Sabrina called back, getting her skirt on and slipping her heels on.

  She shoved her clothes into the bag, when she came out of the stall she put her bag in one of the lockers that were in the rest room. Glad she didn't have to go out and put it in the car.

  “Do you want me to do your make-up?” Jess asked, taking her make-up kit out of her purse.

  “No, I like the way I am. I don't need that junk.” Sabrina made a face and they both laughed. She had always thought make-up was fake.

  Sabrina put her matching, black, purse over her shoulder as they headed out of the rest room and made their way to the bar.

  They had a beer and watched the dance floor. Sabrina wasn't much for dancing; she didn't have much experience in it. Another thing that she didn't know how to do because of her parents being so strict. She didn't like lying to her parents but she had to get out once in a while.

  “I will be right back,” Jess leaned in and told her. Sabrina nodded her head and took another drink of her beer, it was half gone now. She couldn't tell Jess no about leaving her at the bar. She knew it wasn't fair to Jess who usually lived the night club life style.

  Jess gave Sabrina a hug and a smile before she made her way out on to the dance floor.

  Sabrina was shaking her head but had a smile on her face as well. She knew that Jess was out going and she wished that she had the confidence in herself to do the same.

  “Are you here alone?” a man asked, sitting on the bar stool beside her.

  “No, my friend is out there on the dance floor,” Sabrina told him, pointing at Jessica. Hoping that he would leave.

  The guy had red, curly, hair and hazel eyes. He wore a pair of torn jeans and a black shirt with a hole in it.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked her, not even giving her his name. Not asking for hers.

  “I've got one, thanks.” Sabrina brought the bottle to her mouth and took a long drink from it. Wishing he would just go away.

  The silence between them was too awkward and Sabrina didn't like the way he was looking at her chest. She did have her cleavage exposed but it was still kind of creepy to have him staring at her.

  Right before Sabrina thought about getting up and making her way towards Jess on the dance floor the red head got up, seeing that he wasn't getting anywhere with her, he made his way out to the dance floor to hit on someone else.

  She turned around to get another beer when she heard a commotion on the dance floor, she turned back around quickly and saw that there was a fight. People were backing away from the dance floor.

  She was surprised that it was the red-head who had been hitting on her just a few minutes ago. He was fighting with a black haired man, both of them throwing punches at each other. Sabrina watched as Jess made her way back to her.

  “What's going on?” Sabrina asked.

  “The black haired guy's name is Tommy. He's always been a trouble maker of sorts. The red-head, his name is Adam. I don't know what caused the fight but Tommy is always looking for a fight from what I hear. He's like the bad boy of the club, I don't know why they haven't thrown him out yet,” Jessica explained, rolling her eyes and grabbing her beer, drinking it down. “I heard that he moved but I guess not because he seems to still be here a lot,” Jess explained.

  Sabrina nodded her head, keeping her eye on Tommy as a bouncer broke the fight up.

  Tommy had spiked black hair, dark blue eyes and he wore a black torn shirt. His jeans didn't have any tears in them and he wore what looked like brand new sneakers on his feet.

  She saw that Tommy wasn't escorted out of the bar, instead he made his way to the bar and sat on the other side of her.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” Tommy asked, looking over at Sabrina.

  Sabrina saw out of the corner of her eye that Jess was shaking her head no. So Sarah turned away from him as if she hadn't heard him, starting a conversation with Jess and turning her back to him.

  Jess watched over Sabrina’s shoulder as Tommy shook his head and got himself a beer. He didn't look happy that Sabrina had turned him down.

  Chapter 3

  Jess didn't want to leave the night club but when the bartender told her it was just about closing time she finished her drink and handed over the empty bottle. She had noticed that Tommy had left an hour before, she had watched him go out the door.

  “Here's the keys, I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick. I will meet you at the car,” Jess explained.

  “Grab my bag while you're in there,” Sabrina told her, giving her a smile as she got off the bar stool to make her way to the exit.

  Sabrina didn't think much of it, since she wasn't experienced with things that went on during the night she didn't look at her surroundings. She didn't check to see if anyone was following her. Something that she should have been aware of.

  As she slid the key into the driver's side door she felt someone shove her up against the car. She tried to cry out but a hand covered her mouth as she felt the other hand begin to caress her body roughly.

  She struggled the best she could but couldn't see who was trying to get her clothes off. Within minutes she felt herself being released but didn't dare turn around until she heard a familiar voice a few inches away from her.

  Sabrina turned around and saw that Tommy was beating the hell out of the red-head from the bar. It was their second altercation that night.

  “You don't know how to keep your hands off women, even after the dance floor!” Tommy shouted in the guy's face.

  Sabrina realized she had been assaulted by the red head that Jessica said was Adam. She watched, without crying out for help. There was a crowd around them now as she saw Jess coming
out of the club.

  “What's going on?” Jess asked.

  “Let’s just get out of here.” Sabrina murmured, she didn't want to be there when the cops showed up. The last thing she needed was to have her named dragged into it.

  Jess took the keys and unlocked the door as Sabrina quickly walked over to the other side of the car to get in.

  Jess didn't ask any questions until they were away from the night club and seeing that Sabrina had tears rolling down her face.

  “What happened? Was it Tommy? I thought that he had already left. He's such a jerk, thinking he can do whatever he wants.” Jess told her, blaming everything on him.

  “No, it wasn't him. I was attacked Jess. That guy Adam attacked me, if it wasn't for Tommy being there I'm afraid it would have been a lot worse.” Sabrina stated, her voice shaking as she stood up for Tommy.

  “Wow, he's got such a bad boy image. That's why I thought that he was the one who was causing trouble.” Jess was surprised that he would help someone.

  “I guess we shouldn't judge a book by its cover huh?” Sabrina asked her, shaking her head back and forth. She couldn't believe that something like that would ever happen to her.

  “Well we can go to my house and relax for the night at least. We can put this night behind us.” Jess assured her, glad that they were almost to her house.

  “I'm not sure I can put that behind me.” Sabrina told her softly, looking out the passenger side window.

  “We can at least try to. Do you want to go to the cops and file a report? Will that help?” Jess asked, she would do anything Sabrina wanted.

  “No, my parents would know that I wasn't at your house this whole time. Last thing I want is to get in trouble with them.” Sabrina's eyes grew wide as she turned her attention to Jess.

  “Alright, then there's nothing else we can do,” Jess sighed heavily as she finally pulled into her driveway.


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