Anderson, Rose - Hermes Online (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Anderson, Rose - Hermes Online (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 10

by Rose Anderson

  By mid afternoon, I was so antsy I made a shambles of my closet. According to the Weather Channel, we were expecting a typical Wisconsin October evening, which meant the air would be crisp and clear. It also meant Lake Geneva would be gorgeous with its colorful old trees dressed in their autumn finery. It was laughable, for in the end, I chose the classic little black dress that happened to be my first choice, but I tried on everything I owned anyway. I knew by the pile on the bed I’d have more than an hour returning everything to their hangers later.

  The dress was nice, my favorite actually, with a deep V-neck that exposed a nice amount of cleavage and three-quarter sleeves to keep the chill away. I laughed at the logic. I was sure to be warm, hell, I was warm right now just thinking about what might occur. I set it on the bed alongside the cashmere sweater I decided to bring in lieu of a shawl. In my dresser’s top drawer, I dug through the mountain of serviceable underwear to the back where my fancy stuff had laid untouched for the better part of two years. Checking each garterless stocking for runs and finding none, I set them on the bed. I chose the black satin and lace demi-bra and matching panties and a pair of t-strap heels. Some understated jewelry topped off the ensemble. I looked at the clock to check my time then packed a small overnight bag in case I’d be needing one and applied my makeup last.

  The small details of getting ready helped to pass the time and miraculously kept my jitters at bay. Remembering the condoms in my everyday purse, I transferred the pack to my smaller clutch, figuring they’d be handier there than in my overnight bag. I didn’t want to take the edge off any mood we might create by having to rummage for them through my extra clothing. At 5:45 I took one last look in the mirror and declared myself fit for a date with the intimate, but as yet unknown, S.

  * * * *

  The main road circling the lake was as breathtaking as I’d thought it would be, and I hoped he had driven while it was still light enough to fully appreciate its beauty. The sun had set but still lit the sky with bands of purple and several shades of reds and oranges. I found the little sailor’s ditty playing in my head—Red sky at night sailor’s delight. And opposite the wash of color, a thin white crescent moon was making its way across the sky as day slipped into night. Loving this sentimental moon when it smiled like the Cheshire cat, I briefly acknowledged my moon and stars tattoo over my heart and the reason it was there. Perhaps I would find a similar love with this compelling stranger.

  The mansion-turned-five-star-hotel was welcomingly lit. I left my keys with the attendant to park my car and headed to the front desk. “Hello, I’m expecting a package from the gentleman in room 301.”

  “Here you are,” the woman behind the antique secretary said. She slid a flat shirt box toward me. It was tied with a white ribbon that had a red long-stemmed rose tucked inside the bow. “There are only two rooms at the top floor of the hotel. You’ll find 301 to the right of the elevator.”

  “Thank you.” I took the box to the ladies room to open it in privacy. Given what we’d shared I could only guess what the contents would be. Inside, under a fold of tissue, I found a simple black domino mask and a handwritten note. It read:

  My Darling V,

  I know meeting so soon is difficult for you. Believe it or not, it is for me as well. When thinking how I might make our transition easier on the both of us, I recalled it is the anonymity of the internet that had allowed us to proceed in our relationship. I wait for you with a mask of my own. Let’s keep them on until we no longer need them. Come to me, sweetheart.


  Stuffing the box in the trash, I slipped the note in my purse, grabbed the thoughtful disguise and the rose, and with trembling legs took the elevator to the unknown. At the door to 301, I pulled the mask over the top half of my face, adjusting it in my reflection on the brass doorplate. After a deep breath to steady my bow-strung nerves, I knocked.

  “Ah you came,” he said happily. The note of relief was unmistakable, his lower lip obviously smiling below the edge of his black mask. He stared at me a long moment as if surprised by my appearance. “I must say you’re as beautiful as I imagined you’d be face to face.” His eyes were green, at least they appeared so in the recess of the eyeholes, green and sparkling. I loved green eyes. He had a nice chin too despite the small knick from shaving. Taking my hand, he kissed the back of it. The tingle of real contact immediately shot up my arm. His hands were hot, halfway between rough and soft, and I was struck with the impression his hands had known recent labor.

  “Please come in. Here, let me take your things.” He stepped aside and helped me out of my sweater, surprising me when he opened the closet and hung it inside. Dan would have tossed it on a chair. Deciding S had more class in his little finger than Dan possessed in his entire body, I shook the unfair comparison away, realizing for the first time that when all was said and done it really didn’t matter to me. That was just Dan, and I was over him and the pain he wittingly or unwittingly caused me.

  Not knowing where to begin a conversation I chose the obvious. “The masks were a nice touch,” I told him sincerely, a nervous smile playing on my own lips. They did help, but how exactly, I couldn’t say. This little bit of cloth kept my anonymity safe and put me at ease. Anyway, this was the best I could come up with.

  “It seemed that we both needed to hold a little of ourselves back for a time. I’m glad you came, V. Truth be told I was afraid you’d change your mind about meeting me in person.”

  “As long as we’re being honest, yes, I did have my doubts, but then I figured meeting you for dinner would be no different than meeting a blind date.”

  He smiled. I got the feeling he was thinking the same thing as I, that our last encounter had been anything but blind.

  A moment later a knock came at the door. “Room service,” the male voice announced from the hall.

  “Thank you, leave it please.”

  “Yes, sir.” The elevator dinged. Presumably the man went back downstairs.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I ordered for us. Salad with blackened chicken and cherry cheesecake.”

  He laughed. “It gave me something to do other than wringing my hands anxiously. We can order something else…”

  Somehow his being nervous put me at ease. I laughed, “No, that’s fine. Anything from their menu is excellent. Thanks for taking care of that.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Rolling the teacart in, he closed the door behind him. The table was set for two before the window, and a flickering votive candle in hobnail glass sat in the center. I stood there looking out at the stars reflecting on the calm water. The water reflected lights all around the lake, marking cottages and mansions alike. Behind me, I heard him pouring the wine.

  Handing me the first glass, he said, “It’s beautiful here this time of year. The leaves aren’t this far along in the city. They reminded me of your description when I saw them on the ride up—red-gold hair like autumn leaves.” Raising his own glass to me, he added, “And I must commend your choosing this location for our dinner. Having never been here before, I have to say this hotel is a magnificent piece of late Victorian architecture.”

  “I thought you’d like it.” Our professions gave us a common thread outside of our apparent sexual appetites. I smiled inside. While we ate we talked for a time about historical features, and I told him about the Hornsby mansion but left the name out of the conversation to keep my real identity out of the mix for the time being.

  “Adaptive reuse, that was inspired! I can’t tell you how often in the past the city just tore them down. There’s an urban renewal underway and more interest to compromise now, and it’s about time too. Some of the brownstones they took out… It would break your heart they were so perfect.” He shook his head. “They buy the lots, tear down the houses, then build these modern structures you know won’t last fifty years, let alone a hundred.”

  The conversation and wine flowed. I found him witty and funny and charming beyond belief. I laughed at s
omething he said.

  “You have a wonderful laugh.” His voice suddenly turned husky, his eyes serious in the flickering candlelight. “You’re very beautiful, V. Did I tell you that yet?”

  His voice sounded just like that on the computer yesterday when he told me to come for him. I felt myself blush. “That’s a nice compliment, thank you.”

  “…with skin like English roses.”

  Apparently he hadn’t missed the blush. The thought made my cheeks even warmer. I was sure the blush now covered my cleavage. He rose from his chair and set our dessert and wine aside. I had the distinct impression he was giving me a moment to compose myself. My eyes followed him as he moved our dinner dishes back to the teacart then set the whole of it out in the hall.

  Walking towards me he said, “I can’t express how I’ve enjoyed sharing our words, but especially yesterday…when you allowed me to see you…” For the first time I could clearly see the outline of desire bulging in his pants.

  My eyes lingered below his belt, and when he drew a ragged breath, they came back up to his.

  His opened hand firmly pressed the front of his slacks. When he spoke he was apologetic. “Sweetheart, seeing you in all your living color does things to me that I can’t explain or control. Please don’t be put off by—”

  “Undress for me.” Stunned at my boldness, my mind asked incredulously, Good god, did I just say that? It must be the wine.

  He stood frozen as if he thought his mind had played a trick on him and I had actually said something else entirely.


  He drew another slow breath. “I have something to show you before we go further.”

  Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew a folded sheet of paper and handed it to me. Unfolding it, I read his recent clean bill of health. Apparently, he’d had his annual physical and wanted me to know.

  Tipping his head to the paper in my hand, he added with a grin, “That’s purely coincidental. I switched insurance companies recently.”

  I smiled. “Thank you for that. No worries on my end either.” My condoms could stay in my purse. I felt a thrill run through me. Without fear of pregnancy and STDs, whatever was to come would be spontaneous from this point forward.

  His hands worked buttons and zipper without hesitation for all that they trembled slightly. When his clothes and shoes were tossed aside, he, his mask, and his massive hard-on stood before me. My oh my, he was fine up close and in the flesh.

  “This is what you do to me.” He emphasized the statement by curling his fingers around his length and stroking it slow and deliberate.

  “You’re beautiful,” I told him, my voice sounding awestruck even to my own ears. My panties were soaked.

  He asked huskily, “May I undress you, V?”

  By now my heart was beating a staccato pulse through my veins. All I could do was nod. He knelt before me as I sat in my chair, and lifting one foot, he slowly unbuckled my shoe, repeating the process with the other. His hands caressed my calves, sweeping up and down, his light touch getting bolder with every inch he climbed. Lifting my hem, his fingers slipped under the elastic-topped stockings and gently rolled them down and off my legs. Raising one leg, he kissed my ankle, murmuring hotly against my skin, “Your alabaster skin is like moonlight, silken moonlight.”

  He stood then, taking my hands and compelling me to rise also. The jewelry came off first, followed by the dress, which he carefully set over the back of the unused chair. I stood in panties and bra, and it was then he kissed me, our masks moving slightly upward as lips found each other. It was the kiss I wrote, soft, tentative at first, then bolder. I wrapped my arms around him, drawing his nakedness closer to my burning skin. Easing my thigh between his bare legs, I deepened our connection, and the soft weight of his balls felt hot against my leg. I couldn’t help myself. My fingers closed around him. His blood thrummed through the veins in response—his cock was a living flame in my hand. He was right. My fingers could barely close around him. I stroked once, twice, three times before his hand pulled me away. “No, love, I’ll go off like a canon if you do that,” he said against my cheek.

  Even with his hand covering mine, I managed one more stroke. “Tease,” he groaned at the corner of my lips. I was forced to let go when he turned me in his arms to stand before the gilt-framed mirror. His warm fingers unclasped my bra. In the reflection I watched him behind me, his hands sweeping over my hips and belly and sides to come at last to pull the black lace and satin from my breasts. His hands filled with my roundness as kisses burned a swath along my left shoulder blade. It was very odd to see myself like this. I liked it even though I felt like a voyeur watching through a window. I liked it very much.

  His skin was so much darker than my own. His fingers were shadows against my pale flesh. Slowly, exquisitely, he worked magic there, intermittingly tweaking and rolling my nipples and areolas. I watched one bronzed hand slide down my belly to dip below the elastic of my panties, the last bit of clothing I wore. My stance instinctively widened, and mesmerized, I could do nothing but lean my head back against his chest and moan. His fingertips drew circles there under the cloth, and I knew he was as keenly aware of my aroused scent as I.

  I watched his face in the mirror, and he held my gaze hotly as those very fingers moved to his lips. He turned me then and kissed me soundly, my salty, sweet taste unmistakable over his tongue. Distantly, I heard myself whimper.

  “Yes,” he cooed against me, “whimper with pleasure, little tease.” He kissed me again, harder this time, bending me back while his fingers strummed inside my panties. “V, I’m so hungry for you.” He whispered this statement at the corner of my mouth before drawing my taste between us for another kiss.

  Hungry? Food was the last thing on his mind and mine. Lowering to his knees again, he wrapped his arms around my hips and pressed his face to the junction of my thighs. He looked up and held my eyes, and the question was clear in the jade depths. My answering nod was nearly imperceptible, but he’d seen it. His fingers hooked the elastic and pulled my panties down. I stepped from the scant puddle of cloth. Warm hands ran up and down my legs from ankles to hips, rising to the apex of my thighs where thumbs parted velvet lips to expose a now throbbing clit. This he kissed softly then a hesitant tongue tip drew a moist circle there. Suddenly with a groan he crushed his face there, and the tremble that ran through him as he filled his lungs with the scent of pure lust ran through me as well. My fingers curled in his chestnut hair. It felt like silk.

  We stood that way for several moments as he mastered the desire that would have him spill his seed too soon. Taking me by the hand, I followed him to the overstuffed chair. There he arranged my legs, first one then the other, over the padded arms and splayed me wide. My heart was pounding at being displayed so.

  “Lovely little orchid,” he told me softly, his lips on my inner thigh.

  When his fingers parted my lips to expose the succulent rosy core, my body responded with another rush of wetness. Slipping his hands beneath me, he cupped my bottom, and drawing close, he sucked at my slit before treating me to the most glorious licking.

  I was growing insensible, no, combustible. I couldn’t take much more and told him so. “Mmm, please no more, I’m going to commm…mmmm…”

  He circled my opening with his fingertips, not once releasing my clit from the warmth of his mouth. I heard myself gasp as one then two fingers slid inside at the same time, and his tongue pushed back on the little sheath covering my nub. He worked me slowly, turning this way and that until his hand rested palm up, his fingers curled upward. The combination of hot mouth and intent fingering was sublime. “Please…” I tried again. “Oh god, I’m commmming…Oh…”

  I couldn’t believe when he stopped dead, ending my orgasm before it began. I looked down to see him with his wet smiling lips, humor lighting his masked eyes.

  He had threatened a sexual retribution the day before. I laughed. “Turnabout now? That’s…that’s…mmmm….” The tongue
fully licked me once more from bottom to top and effectively silenced me.

  He chuckled wetly. “I wouldn’t dream of stopping unless you asked me to.” He passed his tongue over me again. “But if you want me to…”

  “No! Don’t stop. I just don’t want to come so soon…and I’m so…so…mmm…”

  He accentuated by sucking my juicy lips into his mouth and sliding his tongue inside me between the words. “So delectable? I’ve a…better suggestion in mind, a more complete…connection with…you.”

  He left me panting there when he went to retrieve my rose from the top of the antique dresser. In one motion he pulled the petals free then went to sprinkle them over the bed. When he turned he noticed my legs were still spread wide as he’d left them, only now my fingers were toying there.

  His words came out in a breathy groan. “The way you look, the way you taste…your scent…you fire my blood, love.” With his magnificent cock in one hand, he slowly, deliberately, stroked for my pleasure, and his cock fit perfectly in his hand. We masturbated ourselves for each other for a time, and when he held out the other hand toward me, I took it and followed him to the bed.

  He pulled me to him hard, and we kissed rough and wild, caught as we were in this firestorm of passion. Our hands and lips moved in lust-driven euphoria. He held my breasts in both hands and worked magic there. Emboldened by desire, we changed places, and now it was I who lightly nipped and sucked at his little nipples.

  My words came hot even to my own ears as I moved over his skin. “I want to kiss you like you did me…like you kissed me on the chair…” Punctuating my statement, I held his nipple hostage between my teeth at the same time I stroked his huge firm cock. His groan thrilled me beyond belief.


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