Stiletto Dolls

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Stiletto Dolls Page 18

by C. L. Black

  “Lovely. Let’s see how you look, my dear.” Miss Christi took her hand and led the kitten back to the full-length mirror. “Wow! You’re one hot young kitten now, Miss Black.” As Miss Christi double-checked the necklace clasp, she looked into the mirror and marveled at the sight. “You have been given a very special gift, my dear. My only wish is that you will let us teach you of its true value.”


  Miss Christi, a tear in her eye, was held captive by the image in the mirror. She was standing beside her soul mate, Katherine. “We’re young again.” She allowed herself to take joy in the vision, as the spirit of Sir Katherine filled her heart. She gathered herself. “Come, my love. We don’t want to be late for the girls.”

  Girls? “Don’t you mean old ladies?”

  Hands on hips, Miss Christi said, “Now remember, dear, tonight we’re a couple of bad-assed chicks with refined attitudes. No swearing at dinner. May I take your arm, my dear?”

  Great! This hot outfit and I have to have dinner with a bunch of old ladies. Stifling a smirk, she offered her arm. Catherine escorted her dinner date from their suite, past their noisy French neighbor, down the carpeted corridor, and into the elevator.

  “Let me brief you on Elaine, dear.”

  “Brief me?”

  “Elaine Goodwin, a graduate of the first Blachmann Academy. The year must remain a secret. Some years later, she returned to teach her art. She’s quite gifted. And with an understanding of fashion and how to blend it with a person’s soul and inner desire to present the true perception that lies within.” Years ago, Elaine had sold Miss Christi on her idea for a line of hypoallergenic fetish wear ranging from mild to wild. “Boardroom to bedroom, if you follow, dear.”

  Since her first days at the academy, Elaine had known that Miss Christi, like many others, suffered from an allergic reaction to latex, as well as the many other chemicals used in the production of fetish wear, sex toys, and related novelties. Little more than one year before, they had met with Kristin von Krump and her father in the same restaurant. It was in February, during fashion week, when KK agreed to carry their line in her Hush-Hush catalog and trendy lingerie boutiques. A deal was done. Elaine would get her chance. Kristin’s Kloset was soon be added to the list of companies in Krump Industries global empire. But KK had her price and it still needed to be paid. Papa had promised.

  The Bull and the Bear

  20:01 local

  They stepped out from the elevator into the private area just off the Astoria’s main lobby. The Bull and Bear was located at the corner of 49th Street and Lexington Avenue, clear at the other end, and down one level. Pausing, Miss Christi gave the same sound advice Mr. Winston once gave her Katherine: “People will stare. Please make it worth their while, my dear.” Still arm in arm, they strutted through the lobby and down the glitzy promenade past glass cases full of rare and exotic trinkets, their combined price certain to make a wealthy man poor, were he to purchase them all. As they descended the stairs, Miss Christi spotted the dinner guests.

  “Who’s that? That guy?” asked a surprised Catherine as they advanced toward the three people standing by the entrance. She recognized the older woman from earlier that afternoon. She was Elaine, the one who had felt her up and fashioned the attention-commanding outfit now constricting her breathing. She was locked arm in arm with, a man? “Miss Christi, who’s that man?” Her left hand lifted.

  “What man, dear?”

  “Him! That tall guy. Right there, with the black leather gloves. Next to your friend.” Catherine was pointing to the tall imposing figure in gray. He turned. “Fuck me!” She pulled her arm back before it was noticed. “Sorry, I thought. You know.” Nice one.

  Catherine had pointed out the Lady Jacqueline Churchill. An honest mistake, for Lady Jacqueline was somewhat masculine, appearing in her gray tweed trouser suit. She was standing arm in arm with Elaine. As they neared, the woman morphed, becoming more feminine. She was actually a ruggedly attractive fifty-something with her short dark hair. Lady Jacqueline often wore a pair of thin black leather gloves to conceal her unusually large hands.

  “Yes, dear, I know. Don’t mention the gloves at dinner. It’s a touchy subject.”

  “Got it.”

  The third had her back to them. They approached. She had fairly long blonde hair that quickly captured Catherine’s full attention. She also looked much younger, maybe early twenties. She presented well in the tight little red cocktail dress with matching five-inch stilettos and a clutch.

  Fuck me! She’s hot. Smokin’ hot. That’s one nice little ass. Ouch. “Hey, Gran. Who’s that with them? You said we were meeting your business partners. What’s her name? Why didn’t you say anything about her?”

  Hearing the unmistakable sound of the boot’s stiletto heels, the young woman turned.

  Sticky Vicki! It’s that flirty receptionist. “Hey, she’s my age? What gives? Who is she, really?” Catherine could barely contain her newfound enthusiasm for the boring business dinner.

  “The Lady Victoria Goodwin-Churchill. Nineteen and unattached. Not that anyone asked, dear.”

  “What? I just wondered what her name was. It’s not like I’m planning to ask her for a date or anything. I just want to be polite. You know, like you said I should.”

  “Well, dear, please make sure you’re just as polite to her mom, Elaine, and Ms. Churchill. Lady Victoria is a royal, you know. Chin up dear, show time.” She began the final push.

  Royal? “No shit?” Their distance closed. She held back a step as Miss Christi opened her arms to greet the two older women with a warm embrace. Catherine’s eyes went straight for Sticky Vicki. “Hey.”

  Miss Christi got the ball rolling. “Hello, Jack. Heard you might be in town. So nice of you to join us girls. Hi, Elaine. And hello to you, Lady Victoria. I’ve missed you this last year, very much, dear.” She went to hug Vicki cheerfully then stepped clear.

  Lady Victoria made her opening move and latched on, greeting Catherine the French way—a quick peck to each cheek. “Where has Miss Christi been keeping you?” Vicki clearly wanted a new girlfriend, and wasn’t shy about showing it. She gave Catherine a very obvious going-over with both eyes while still holding her hand. “Love the new you.”

  Ignoring the girls, Lady Jacqueline took Miss Christi firmly in gloved hands. “It’s been too long since your last visit over to see Father.” She escorted her catch into the Bull and Bear. “He sends his regards.”

  They entered a private dining room just off the bar. The table was set for eight. A flurry of staff soon appeared.

  “Yes, it has, Jack. Everyone, it is my greatest pleasure to introduce Miss Catherine Black.”

  Catherine stepped forward and offered her hand to each. First Elaine, then “Hello, Ms. Churchill,” who greeted her with a firm handshake. Jack? Figures. Catherine did her best not to look at the large black riding glove. She never once took her other eye off, Lipsticky. “Hi again.”

  They sat. Lady Jacqueline insisted that Catherine sit between her and Miss Christi. She pulled the chair. A disappointed Vicki sat two seats to the right.

  “Miss Catherine will be spending the summer with us,” advised Miss Christi, before slipping into Catherine’s chair—“Thank you, Jack.”—and requesting a pot for her tea from the nearest server.

  Us? She didn’t say anything about us.

  Vicki jumped up and pulled Catherine down before anyone else got their mitts on her girl. “You’re soooo lucky! I’ll be slaving away with my mom and her wicked dressmakers all summer.”

  Elaine sat to the left of Miss Christi and reminded her daughter, “Don’t forget Montreal and the three weeks in Europe with the Hushgirls.”

  Feeling the odd woman out, Lady Jacqueline grumbled, then sat beside Elaine.

  “Forget! I can’t wait. It’s going to be a total kink blast, seeing everyone in Mom’s new rubber costumes. Will you be coming over this year, Miss Christi?”

  “Perhaps we might just t
ag along, dear.” She gave a subtle wink Catherine’s way.

  The chitchat continued, through drinks and menu selections, pausing only when dinner was served: four servings of beef, and one Scottish salmon.

  Figures… As soon as the waiters departed, Catherine asked, “Rubber costumes?” I can think of a few costumes I’d like to see you in. Under the table, she recrossed her legs.

  Lady Jacqueline said rather dryly, “Lovely. I’m sure Father and Miss Krump would be keen for you both to attend the reception.”

  “We’ll see,” answered Miss Christi, adding another wink Vicki’s way.

  Vicki addressed Catherine. “We’ll all be in Mom’s latest fetish creations for two shows in June. Rubber and leather. Would you like to come and model with us?”

  Us… “Shows? Yeah, sure, sounds like a blast.” Catherine was stuck on, Vicki. Yeah I know what costume I’d put us in! She licked her lips. It didn’t go unnoticed.

  As the two girls continued their getting to know each other, the women discussed a number of details, including the two empty seats at the table. Lady Jacqueline appeared to snarl every time that subject came up. She also spent more time focusing on Catherine’s face and necklace than her plate. They soon finished their entrees. Miss Christi looked to Vicki and announced, “Who wants something yummy?”

  “Um, Mom, can I take Miss Black up to the apartment and show her the view? I promise I’ll have us back in time for dessert. That should give all you fashion tycoons enough grownup time to finish your business while we talk more girl stuff. Be back in twenty.” Vicki was up and pulling her girlfriend to come before anyone could respond.

  “Wait one minute, young lady!” Lady Jacqueline stood and snared Catherine’s wrist, halting their escape. “Are you in agreement with this, Miss Christi?”

  All eyes locked on the black glove, waiting. Miss Christi didn’t respond, only stirred her tea slowly. It was as if all time stood still. Even the servers stood frozen awaiting her answer. She sipped, then returned the teacup to its saucer and retrained her gaze to “Miss Catherine.”

  Oh. “Please, may I be excused, Miss Christi?”

  “Yes, dear, you girls may. Go have your fun together while we old ladies talk a little business. Remember my dears, return to us soon.” She then eyeballed Vicki and said, “We have an early start tomorrow.”

  “Hey, Jack, let go. Please!”

  “Look who made it.” Elaine stood and motioned out to the bar. “It’s KK with her companion.”

  “Companion?” Lady Jacqueline released her grip on Catherine and gasped at the sight. She growled. “It can’t be—” She gathered her emotions, pushed her pleasant button, and said, “Yes, I see it’s true. Miss Krump is here.” She looked to Miss Christi. “I wasn’t aware that Sterling would be joining us.” The way she said Sterling could have filled volumes.

  “I hope you don’t mind, Jack dear. I invited her to join us.”

  “Hello, Jack.” Jane’s hand reached out to greet.

  She ignored the hand. “It’s Lady Jacqueline, Sterling!”

  Jane growled back, “It’s Dame Jane.”

  It was clear to all; the feelings were mutual.

  Miss Christi quickly intervened, asking KK, “How is your papa?”

  KK pushed right past Jack to hug her dear old friend. “Has the swine flu. So he says. Ja. Papa won’t be joining us.” KK turned, lit up, and said, “And who is this lovely creature? Oui.”

  “Miss Catherine Black.” Miss Christi was beaming as she introduced, their Catherine.

  “Hello.” Catherine offered her hand to shake. Oh-my-fuck! It’s my old Barbie, all grown up. Not bad.

  “Hello, I am the Countess Kristin von Krump.” She snatched the offering and pulled it to her lips. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Black.”

  “Yeah, you too, countess,” said Catherine, staring at her own still-outstretched hand, now tattooed with, Barbie lipstick.

  “Please, you must call me KK.” She giggled. It worked. Catherine softened.

  “Whatever. Ciao, KK. ’Bye, everyone!” Vicki raced off, her new girlfriend in tow.

  Lady Jacqueline and Dame Jane sat as far from the other as possible, directly opposite on the seventy-two-inch round table. Neither spoke a word. It was as if they both had seen a ghost. Miss Christi wondered if the evening would go as planned. Elaine asked if anyone was worried that Vicki might hijack the kid and the jewels.

  Miss Christi responded, “Not likely to get far.” Danielle and the Temptress were already shadowing them.

  KK giggled and said she would be happy to steal them both. “Ja.”

  No one else laughed.

  What the—

  Nina’s Apartment Building, Washington DC, 21:09 local

  Nina searched her bag for the apartment key as she rode the elevator up to the fifth floor. She stepped out of the elevator. Suddenly, the building shook. The lights flickered off and on. “What-the—”

  Intense heat preceded the blast wave. The sound was deafening. Something sharp hit her and sliced into her left bicep. Before she could think, she flew backward. She smashed against the wall before dropping like a sack to the floor, unconscious. The hallway filled with thick black smoke.

  Several minutes later, Nina woke to see a firefighter kneeling over her. The thick black cloud shrouded his back. He was checking for a pulse. Her ears ringing, she started coughing.

  “Hey, lady, you okay?” he lifted his breathing mask from her face to steal a breath.

  “I—” Nina started to get up but felt she would lose consciousness. She was out again. The firefighter put his oxygen mask back over her face. He rechecked her pulse as he radioed for the medics to evacuate her to the hospital. The black cloud had begun to dissipate.

  Twenty feet away, there wasn’t much left of their apartment, and the overly curious roommate was burnt beyond recognition. Both had been incinerated by Papa’s special gift. Nina had only just missed her unscheduled date with death.

  Outside, Pete stood by, just another bystander in the gathering crowd of onlookers that had braved the thunderstorm to see the show. Satisfied everything had gone as planned, he walked the two blocks to where he’d parked. His ride was in sight. He pressed the remote start on the key fob and waited at a safe distance. Ten minutes later, he was back inside the comfort of his armored Chevy Suburban. He held his breath and slipped it in Drive. Nothing… Maybe next time, cocksucker. Relieved, the wary old spy headed home to his big empty house.

  Sweet Treats and a View

  Papa’s Penthouse, 21:21 local

  Vicki unlocked the door to their luxury apartment high above the city and atop the Towers.

  “Nice fricken place, Lady Victoria.” Why is everything so freaking high in New York?

  “Thanks, babe. Just call me Vicki. We moved in last summer after I came back from Blachmann. It belongs to KK’s papa. He’s never here.”

  Catherine had a look of surprise. “You went there? How long were you there? What’s it like? Did your mom and dad— Did they make you go too?”

  “Hey! Slow down, girlfriend.” Vicki took hold and led her across the sitting room toward the balcony. They neared the large glass door. Catherine slowed. Vicki stepped ahead and slid the door open. A strong cool breeze blew in the sounds and scents of the city. Vicki stepped out, pulling her girl to come.

  “Wait!” Catherine froze, digging her heels in. She thrust her right hand against the doorjamb. “No! Don’t.”

  “What’s with you?” Vicki pulled again, trying to get her past the doorway. “Come on, babe, you’ll love it out here.”

  No use, the babe remained steadfast. “No!” She wasn’t budging any closer to the evil beast waiting out on the balcony. “Let the fuck go!” Her face filled with fear, perspiration followed, her breathing was rapid. Too rapid.

  Vicki felt Catherine’s hand go cold then clammy. She realized her perfect plan of seduction possessed an unexpected flaw. “Why don’t we go sit on the sofa?” she asked a
s she pushed Catherine back into the center of the room. “How’s this, babe?” They sank into the safety of the buttery soft white leather love seat.

  “Better.” She eyed her new friend. “Way fucking better.” Feeling herself again, she reached into her purse for her perfume. It was almost gone, but she had to have some. She reapplied a dab behind each ear, and one more between the girls, for luck. Catherine’s panic retreated as quickly as it had come.

  Vicki moved closer, “to better enjoy your scent.” She whispered, “Think I discovered Supergirl’s kryptonite.” Vicki made her next move: a nibble on the neck. “Didn’t I?”

  “What?” Catherine pushed her off, rising swiftly to her heels. “Fuck you, bitch! I don’t have any fucking kryptonite! And, don’t call me that.” Fear gave way to flaming anger. She reached for her purse. My perfume. “Where’s my fucking perfume?”

  Vicki took the purse. “Let me, girlfriend.” She talked Catherine down beside her and administered a healthy dose, closed the small bottle, then dropped it back in the purse, tossing it on the heavy glass table before them. Vicki waited for her girl to chill.

  Catherine stood, still heated. “Why the fuck is everything in New York so fuckin’ high?”

  Vicki thought it all a little strange. “Easy, girlfriend!” She rose to meet her. “I thought you’d like the view.” She held Catherine’s flailing hands at bay and looked directly into those beautiful dark blue eyes. Her own hungry lips moistened. “I’m sorry I said that. Please forget it, babe. Okay?” She guided her catch back down to a soft landing on the new sofa. “Personally I like the view in here a whole lot better. Don’t you, babe?” Her seductive smile encouraged her babe to relax. Vicki paused, allowing those devilishly dark blue eyes to feel her up for the hundredth time. “Try using your hands, babe.”

  Do it! “Okay.” Catherine gripped Vicki’s narrow waist and felt her up once more just to be sure.


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