Stiletto Dolls

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Stiletto Dolls Page 22

by C. L. Black

  Miss Christi left out the other purpose for the blast reinforced and surveillance-resistant windows installed during the renovations. Just right of, and abutting the north tower, a ten-foot faux stone concrete wall masked the pool area. The privacy wall extended to the Stag House. Once the province of unattached gentlemen guests, the Stag’s last use was as the teacher’s quarters. Questions still remained as to who would be occupying them come this September.

  Farther north, opposite a small paved courtyard, were two service buildings. The first was the Carriage House, now used to shelter the Rolls and other vehicles in the motor pool. Not far to the north, was the old steam plant. For a time, it was host to the Academy’s first gymnastics center.

  “Blachmann was built to last a thousand years, dear; with proper maintenance, of course.”

  “Really?” Bet you’ll see every one of them.

  Built using reinforced concrete, Blachmann was built to stand the test of time and the elements. Encased within the concrete was a revolutionary new alloy of corrosion-resistant chrome-nickel steel imported from the Krump metal works in Germany. The same alloy was used in the gates and other ironwork. Other than having their many layers of leaded black paint removed, the ironwork required no repair, except repainting. Though considered experimental, exotic, and incredibly expensive, when construction of the main structures commenced in earnest during 1905, the chrome-nickel alloy we now know a stainless steel proved to be a wise decision.

  Various pigments had been applied to the concrete walls that gave the illusion of cut and polished stone. The steeply pitched roofs were clad in dull copper. Recently replaced, it wasn’t the green patina, as Jane vaguely remembered. Blachmann’s original owners had also specified that all plumbing, wiring conduits, and all metal fixtures, such as doorknobs and window latches were made from an alloy of copper and nickel, like that used in ship construction.

  A Blachmann Welcoming

  The new Blachmann Castle, 13:01 local

  The Rolls eased up in front of the massive granite steps of the main residence always known locally as the Castle. Before she could get out, Miss Christi laid out a few rules of the game to Catherine.

  “Upon entry into Blachmann Castle, I shall no longer be your ‘Grandma.’ Instead, you are to think of me only as your private pedagogue. You shall address me as Miss Christi, the Chancellor of Blachmann Academy. You are not my granddaughter in this house. You shall, however, remain my kitten, a baby; to do with as headmistress pleases.”

  Headmistress… “Sounds a little twisted, Grandma. I mean, Miss Christi. Whatever blows your skirt?” Catherine started laughing.

  The privacy divider lowered.

  “Silence, whore! Mistress Sterling owns the kitten’s little arse now!” Jane’s tone eased. “Time to start learning to be a good little kiddy Kat.”

  Shocked, Catherine noticed that Miss Christi wasn’t giggling or smiling anymore. She’d just met the Mistress Sterling, first Headmistress of the third Blachmann Academy.

  Holy Shit! Fuck me! She was starting to get the picture. “Wait a sec, Grandma! I might have been a little too quick to say yes. I mean, Miss Christi, I don’t—”

  Miss Christi had placed her hand over their new kitten’s lips.

  “Rule number one, dear; honesty is the only policy. Absolutely no lying, to anyone. That includes you, kitten. Do you understand me, my dear?” Miss Christi’s words hit like an iceberg. They carried no emotion, just a cold clear truth that could no longer be avoided.

  “Yes, Miss Christi.” Catherine held a sharp eye to Jane. Security escort. A chilling pain stabbed through her, as if an ice-cold dagger had penetrated her soul. I’m so fucked.

  “Yes, Miss Christi, what?” demanded Jane.

  Fuck me. “Yes, Miss Christi, kitten understands. Honesty is the only policy. I promise not to lie.” This game is getting a little too creepy. Catherine tossed a faux smile Jane’s way as she built up steam. And… Wait. Oh yeah, fuck you Miss Big Fuckin’ Tits. I’ll be out of here before Granny or her two hot bitches know what hit ’em. Be cool. Just play along. For now. On went the warmest, trusting, little-girl-happy-face one could conjure up.

  “Very good, then; henceforth, mind the cursing.” Jane motioned Miss Impertinent to step out. “Miss Danielle, please escort our new baby out to the pool. She wishes to enjoy a swim before we begin.”

  “Affirmative, Miss Jane. Come with me, baby.” Taking Catherine’s clammy hand, Danielle led the strikingly attractive new kitten up the polished granite steps and through the imposing front door. She played it cool as they entered the grand foyer and proceeded without conversation down the main hallway and through a very grand ballroom that opened out to the pool area.

  What a pool. Olympic-sized, the pool was shallow at each end and exceedingly deep in the middle. There was a set of diving platforms at the midpoint on the ocean side. Built to Olympic standards, the short one was three meters, and the other? It towered high above. Catherine looked up and shook her head—NFW!

  “Would you like to slip into a swimsuit and take a dive?” asked Danielle invitingly.

  But we need to get the lay of the land. “Na. Not now, thanks. Hey Dani, can you show me around?” Catherine dropped her boots and Coach on the lounge chair and neared the pool. Dipping a toe she noted, “Pretty warm.” The pool was maintained at eighty-eight degrees year ’round. Miss Christi liked it that way.

  “Sorry, can’t. Miss Jane said, just the pool. Take it or leave it, baby.” Danielle shrugged as if to show she didn’t care. Stay cool.

  “Really?” She gave Danielle the look and said, “Yeah, maybe a quick dip then.” She slid off her jacket and handed it to, Dani. Having her undivided attention, she pulled her camisole over her head then unzipped her teen mini. It dropped where she stood, as Miss Danielle looked. Yeah, you like it. Don’t ya, Miss Bitch? Maybe, if you help me, you might get some.

  “Well?” Danielle barked, “Do it, baby. Let’s see you get wet, if you’re—”

  “Fuck you, bitch!” shouted Catherine, as she raised her hands and dove into the water. Leaving barely a splash, she swam the length of the pool and back. Her backstroke had lost some of its zip in the months since she quit the team. “Hey, Miss Danielle, the water feels great.” She puffed up her magic charms. “Wanna come in and get wet with me, don’t ya?” Catherine lifted, partially rising out of the water at the edge of the pool; she presented Danielle a lovely view of her dripping wet upper body, still supported, but no longer protected, by the soggy bra. Yeah, bitch. That’s it. Look at ’em! You want some candy? “Oh lookie, Miss Dani.” Her eyes lowered, “Baby’s soooo cold. Seeee?”

  “Look pretty hot to me.”


  “Nothing. I don’t think I’ll be getting wet with you. Not today, baby.” Danielle turned away and walked over to pluck two towels from the rack. “Maybe when you’re a grown-up?”

  “In your fricken dreams, bitch!” Her natural charms had failed. No way. She fricken wants me.

  “Finished getting wet, baby? Let’s go! Time to learn some more rules, kitten.” She held all the cards and the towel. “Here, take it; playtime’s over. It’s time for baby to meet her new mommy.”

  “Hey, wait. Hey Dani, how’d you beat us with that car?” Catherine lifted her slick body from the pool and tried once more to snare an ally. “You must be one fast driver.” She took the offered towel and tossed it to the stone patio. “Oops.”

  “I guess. Liked your form.” Danielle crouched and picked up the towel, offering it again. “But, forget it. Your charms won’t work on me. Let’s go, baby.”

  “Fine!” Great, she’s totally straight. Just my fuckin’ luck. She tugged on the towel. “Hey, let go, I got it.”

  “Here, let me wrap your hair, babe.”

  “Hey, leave it!”

  “Fine!” Baby. She dropped the other towel in the chair and gathered the subject’s leather, boots, and bag. “Miss Christi is waiting.”

Catherine thought better and wrapped her towel tight as they headed inside.

  “Here she is, Mum. Sorry about the drips.”

  Back in the foyer, and still dripping wet, the puddle began to grow wider where Catherine stood, centered on the Blachmann family crest.

  “Thank you, dear. You must be famished! Miss Margaret is waiting with some lunch, dear.”

  “Call if you need me. I’ll be in the kitchen.” Danielle handed Catherine her things. “See ya later, baby.” With that said, she turned and clicked her heels down the long formal hallway leading to the kitchen.

  Miss Christi’s full attention returned to Catherine, who was struggling to hold everything and keep the already-loose towel in place. “Rule number two, dear; kitten shall ask for and must receive permission from her mommy before kitten does anything.”

  “Mommy? You don’t mean that Dani bitch do you? I mean…what the fuck, Gran! You want me to ask her permission before I do anything?” Catherine realized what she’d just said. What the fuck? “Anything, Miss Christi—” Hey stupid, “Are you fucking nuts? I don’t get it. Is this place for fucking real? Look Gran, I’m done playing your stupid baby game. Understand? Done! D-O-N-E… Done!”

  Miss Christi hadn’t answered; though, she did notice the puddle was spreading.

  Blachmann’s newest Headmistress, Mistress Sterling, had entered from her new office—the library. It was just off the foyer to the north, and opposite Miss Christi’s office in the panty parlor.

  Catherine turned white. The puddle turned champagne.

  Meet the New Headmistress

  13:25 local

  “Silence!” The Cougar’s roar was deafening.

  “I didn’t say anything, did I?” Shit.

  “Understand this now, Miss Black! New kitties are the same as new babies. They know for nothing but eating, pissing, shitting, sleeping, and playing with themselves. At Blachmann, baby kittens depend one hundred percent on their mommy to take care of all other needs. If Mommy meets these needs, then baby is happy. If baby’s needs are not met, or baby is neglected for too long, kitten will be sad and shall cry out and start screaming to get Mommy’s attention. Kitten must learn to be a good baby and not make Mommy angry by crying unnecessarily. Does the baby kitten from the House of Black understand the headmistress from the House of Sterling?”

  Standing in her tallest boots and at strict attention, the headmistress, Jane Sterling waited but two seconds for her answer. She would wait no more for this kitten than any other. In a blink, she ripped at the special one’s towel as if she was unwrapping her gift; scattering Catherine’s things around the now thoroughly submerged family crest. “My bloody boots!”

  Catherine was down on all fours, reaching, “They’re my fucking boots!” Shut up.

  “On your feet, baby. Now!” Jane reached down and gathered a handful of wet black hair.

  “What the fuck!” shouted Catherine, boots firmly in hand as she was forced to stand straight. She spotted her other things. Gran is picking them up. Her smirk gone, she had somehow lost her little brat attitude somewhere in the foyer; she wasn’t quite sure where. Denial set in as she began a visual search to retrieve it. Unable to believe her fate, she looked in any direction except—the Headmistress. All time stood still, allowing her an eternity to complete the now-desperate search. Her shocked mind replayed what she just heard before she mustered enough courage to face the headmistress. Fuck me! This old bitch is for real! Yeah, she’s a real Superbitch. Deal with it, kitten. “Fuck you!” Shit. “I didn’t—”

  “Well, then—does the baby kitten understand Mistress Sterling?”

  Her words forced through gritted teeth, MK responded, “Yes. The fricken baby kitten Black gets the fricken picture.” She lowered her head, defeated, then added, “Mistress Sterling.” Tears trickled down each cheek. She stood there, her only protection a dripping bra and wet panties.

  “Splendid. Well done, sweetie.” Jane’s eyes slid down over the slopes and valleys. Taking their sweet time, they each made an inspection of, Sir Katherine’s spirit. Both descended on a, “Pleasant journey?” to the floor. “Right then. Seems you’ve wet yourself; and all over the old family crest, haven’t you? And just like a baby too. You do learn fast.”

  Catherine’s eyes followed the amused Miss Superbitch’s to find she was standing in the center of a wet tessellated circle displaying the Blachmann family crest. The glossy mosaic stared back through a coating of pool water mixed with tears and pee. Shit! “Sorry, Miss Jane.” Her plumbing was out of order. I want my mom. Why are they doing this to me?

  “Wipe that bloody piss up!” Jane dropped the towel at Catherine’s feet. “One, two… Well? Does the baby kitten need an attitude adjustment?”

  My mom! Catherine quickly toweled the crest dry. Head down, she listened as a fresh set of heels entered the foyer. She didn’t dare look up.

  “Miss Christi! Welcome home.” The voice belonged to—

  WTF—Dani, you’ve changed.

  “Hello, dear.”

  Hiding behind her hair, Catherine had a front row seat as Miss Christi hugged, Dani? What’s with the pretty girlie-girl act? And that white O-M-G satin tea dress—then kissed her on the lips. Maybe there’s still hope. Granma! You old cougar.

  “You too, Miss Jane. I’ve missed you so.” She gave Jane a tighter hug and a longer kiss. When they finally parted, she was beaming and clearly excited to have them home. “Is this Mommy G’s new baby?”

  Miss Jane too? Catherine looked up to be sure. What’s with the Mommy G Bullshit? It’s that hot bitch limo driver except that she’s dressed way different and—her hair! Yeah, it’s like way blonder too. What gives? She’s acting all girlie, and much more bouncy. Shit, she’s bending down.

  Mommy G was inspecting the new baby. “Thank you for that nice big welcome, sweetie. Miss Jane missed you too.”

  Catherine studied her face. What gives? It’s a wig. Way too prissy.

  “Can I be her mommy? Can I? Can I please, Miss Christi, Please? Oh please? Please?”

  What the fuck is her problem? It’s that Dani bitch. Shut up. They’re fucking with us.

  “Yes, my dear; this is our new kitten, Miss Catherine Black. But we’ll be calling her baby kitten until she grows up. If Miss Jane gives you her baby kitten, does Miss Giselle promise to be a good mommy to our pretty new baby Kat.”

  “Oh yes! Yes Miss Jane! I promise! Mommy G will be the best mommy Baby Catherine ever had. I promise. I promise. I won’t hurt her. Ever! I swear it, Miss Christi. Really, I do!”

  “Only if you swear to Miss Jane that you’ll be the best mommy this baby will ever have.”

  “Oh, yes, I swear it, Miss Jane! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Miss Christi.”

  Jane handed over the reins. “Miss Giselle, take your pissed little baby upstairs for a check and change. Our new baby could do with a nappy.”

  “Oh, goody.” Perky Giselle took charge of Catherine’s boots. Grasping them in her left hand, she held out her right. “Take Mommy’s hand, sweetie. My name is Miss Giselle. I am your new mommy. Mommy G will be taking care of Baby Catherine.”

  Catherine lifted a hand then resisted. Stay cool. She looked back into Miss Christi’s eyes. They slowly blinked once, like her mom always did when giving reassurance about trying something when she wasn’t sure if she could. She took hold of Giselle’s cool right hand and was led up the grand stairs to the private family level on the second floor of the main residence. At the top of the long straight staircase, her new mommy led her around to the right and over to a railing. They looked down to see Miss Christi and Headmistress, Superbitch, still standing below in the foyer.

  “Say nighty-nights to Miss Christi and Miss Jane. It’s our nappy time.”

  Our? Catherine stared back at Giselle with a look, “Are you fucking kidding me?” Oh shit! I said that. “I’m sorry, Mommy!” What the fuck! I can’t believe I’m playing these wacky bitches’ fucked-up twisted baby game. She put on Catheri
ne’s best baby face and said, “Nighty-nights, Miss Christi.” Too afraid to face Superbitch, she closed her eyes and waved, “Bye, byes.”

  Shit, Wrong Bloody One

  The library, 13:42 local

  Miss Christi held a pleasant face until the kitten left their view. She listened for her private sitting room’s door to close then stepped into Jane’s new office. Jane slid the heavy pocket doors closed and headed for her bag sitting on the old desk. She reached in and removed the iPhone. “Shit, wrong bloody one.” She reached in again, removing Natasha’s and finally Pete’s iPhone. She tapped, opening the app that controlled the room’s security level. She tapped again to enter, the Library, then once more. The windows darkened. Danielle had downloaded the Castle Control App while they waited for the train.

  “Why three phones?” inquired Miss Christi.

  “Yes, that. I met someone Tuesday evening, in the T & C. I took charge of her mobile at dinner. Just as a precaution, Mum. Forgot to return it. I’ll have to get it back to her.”

  “I see. Miss Samantha won’t be back until dinner; a lecture at MIT. I’m not so sure she isn’t up to old tricks, Miss Jane. Oh, you should be aware, dear; Danielle’s not entirely finished validating the new sensors. We still don’t have the difficulties resolved with the new full-spectrum cameras.” She pointed to the Cinderella carriage on the mantel. “As such, the facial recognition will remain off-line.” There was another carriage on the desk.

  “Two years and seventy million in renovations and we’re still having problems with our video reception?”

  “I know, dear; Danielle promised she’d have it resolved by Kickoff.”

  Kickoff… “Right, Mum. Miss Wright informed me. Dani thinks she’ll have the day video back on-line by this evening. She’s not certain when the IR will be fully functional. Not without bringing back the contractor’s tech team. She’s rather insistent. Something about the cameras being in need of some sort of software update. Thinks the blokes knew. Put them in anyway, to submit the bill, claiming they finished on schedule.”


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