Unexpected Dreams: Dream Series, Book 4

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Unexpected Dreams: Dream Series, Book 4 Page 33

by Isabelle Peterson

  I set a few framed pictures on the mantle…selfies that Tanner and I had snapped in Chicago, New York, and on The Cape.

  I had also set the table. It was what Tanner was looking at now, it was where I had been sitting anxiously waiting for Tanner to arrive.

  The table was just a card table, but I covered it with a tablecloth and brought a pair of my home’s dining chairs and placed across from one another. The table was also set with the bone china that was used at my home only a dozen times a year: birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and random special occasions. In the center of the table was a thick pillar candle in a glass surround. I think Elizabeth called it a hurricane lamp or something.

  Also in the center of the table was a small short cluster of roses. These were unique roses. They were yellow roses, with the edges all tinged in red. I did know something about roses thanks to my sister Maria. She was a florist, a passion of hers that was evident even back in high school. Somehow some of her ‘lessons’ stuck in my mind. And these roses were perfect. They said what I was about to say. Yellow roses meant friendship and joy. Red roses mean… I love you. Our friendship had turned to love.

  I kept my eyes on Tanner hoping he knew what I was saying, but I knew I had to say it. I stood face-to-face with the man who had completely claimed my heart.

  Tanner’s eyes softened and a gentle smile lit his face. I needed to just say it. Bite the proverbial bullet and say it.

  “Tanner…I love you.”

  My knees almost buckled with relief. Then, another thing happened…I felt my heart grow complete. Whoa.

  Tanner’s eyes closed and he breathed slowly in through his nose, and out through his mouth. He opened his eyes again and he looked deeply into mine.

  “I love you,” I said again. “I’m so happy that you’re finally here…in California. I haven’t expected any of this. Meeting you…our friendship…more…and over the past month, I’ve come to realize just how much more.” I stopped, studying Tanner’s face. This all seemed like such a good idea when I’d schemed it a few days ago, now I couldn’t remember my speech and it was coming out wrong. Or maybe it was right? I couldn’t tell. I didn’t know what to say next.

  “I love you,” he breathed, dropping his forehead to rest on mine. “Holy hell, I love you,” he said again.

  I wanted to say it again, but I was so choked up that I couldn’t say anything. Instead, I wrapped my arms around him and cupped the back of his head, my fingers sinking into his hair. Tanner’s arms wrapped under mine and our mouths crashed onto each others and the ‘battle’ for dominance began.

  “How much time did you say we have?” Tanner asked, his mouth not leaving mine.

  “An hour and a half.”

  He sucked in my lower lip, biting it lightly. “Shall we have dessert first?”

  “That’s a great idea,” I agreed.

  Tanner started to walk us to the large blank wall, but I wanted us to go down the hall…to the master bedroom…where I had another surprise all set up. Thankfully he let me push him in that direction and before long, with our shirts half off, we were stepping into the room. I pulled my mouth from his so he could take a look.

  I had bought one of those full size blow up mattresses, and set up a small table with a couple jarred candles, and another small cluster of the yellow and red roses.

  “You did this for me? For us?” he asked.

  I could only nod.

  “See,” he said. “I told you you were worth waiting for.”

  “Unexpected things usually are worth the wait,” I answered back.

  I had no idea what was coming up next, but I found myself looking forward to the unexpected.


  The next couple of weeks were bittersweet. The Chicago Smoke lost the Eastern Conference game, thus ending the season. However, Tanner was then free to move to California full time and start his position with the Conquistadors.

  Tanner and Greg quickly fell into a comfortable pattern of a date night, a night at Greg’s, and a night at Tanner’s. Going out was still kind of tough on Greg; running into people he knew and introducing Tanner. He’d always made the introduction that Tanner was new in town, and that he was one of the coaches for the Sonoma County Conquistadors, but not his boyfriend. If anyone asked, he wouldn’t deny it, but he wasn’t volunteering the information the way Mike and John did. Tanner was terrific about Greg’s hesitation. Just like he’d said, he understood, and would wait for Greg to come fully around.

  They spent the evening and nights with each other, they cooked side-by-side, and then cleaned up the kitchen together. Tanner’s backyard oasis was amazing, but with the chilly fall weather, the pool was shut down for the season. They were already planning parties for the summer to take advantage of the space.

  As promised, Greg stayed in touch with the kids regularly. Carter started to get comfortable enough with Greg’s new realization, and started asking questions. Bradley seemed to blossom now that Greg knew his ‘secret.’ Phoebe often forwarded Greg information about organizations that he could turn to for help and support. Greg found the gesture adorable. And Elizabeth continued to be a pillar of strength, and encouragement for Greg.

  Thanksgiving was nearing and Tanner was planning on a great big holiday at his home with his mother, her boyfriend, Jeremy, Jeremy’s daughter, Tanner’s sister Samantha, and her family. Tanner’s home would soon be overflowing with family and he couldn’t be happier. Greg was honored and elated that he was included in the festivities. With encouragement from Tanner, Greg reached out to his kids and invited them to dinner. Greg already knew that Phoebe would be staying in New York and celebrating the holiday with special ‘backstage’ passes to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade that Charlie had finagled. She would also be just a month from delivery of the baby, and flying would be out of the question.

  “Bradley. How are things?” Greg asked when he called his son’s cell phone.

  “Good, Dad. Really good. You?”

  “I couldn’t be happier. Well, maybe a little happier. I’d love to have you home for Thanksgiving. It’ll actually be at Tanner’s place with Tanner’s family. Would you, and Angie and Zach like to come? You can all stay at our house of course.”

  “Oh, wow. Dad that sounds great, but Ang, Zach and I kinda made plans already. Zach’s parents are coming to town, and—”

  “Say no more,” Greg said. “I wanted to offer. But can I have you home for Christmas? Phoebe can’t come because, well, she’s due the twentieth of December, and first babies are seldom on time. Even so, traveling isn’t in her cards. Your mother, of course, will be staying with Phoebe. I’m still trying to get ahold of Carter, but it’s the end of semester for him, so I expect he’ll be here.”

  “I would love that, but Angie’s family usually goes to Tahoe, and they invited us all to go there for the break. They have this place right in the side of the mountain. They literally ski down first thing in the morning for breakfast.”

  Greg’s heart fell, but only slightly. On the one hand, he was happy that his son was with, not one, but two supportive…lovers and their families, but on the other, he missed getting to know his son better.

  “Oh, hey. Mom sent me an invitation to a Gala in New York. It’s in January. It’s to support GLSEN.” Hesitation hung heavy in his voice.

  “If you’re wondering if I said anything to her, you can relax. I didn’t say a word. I think she just wants us all up there together, and introduce you and your brother to her life in New York.”

  “Are you going?”

  “Tanner and I both are. Will you three go?”

  “It’s pretty expensive. Mom said I don’t have to worry about the ticket cost, but…”

  “But she doesn’t know it’s for three?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Bradley. You’re going to have to tell her sooner or later. And take it from me, sooner is so much better than later.”

  Bradley was quiet for a moment, considering what hi
s father had said. “I know. You’re right. I need to tell her. Keeping quiet for so long has been killing me. I can’t tell you what a relief it is that you know. Angie and Zach have given me such shit about being quiet for so long.”

  “I’ll cover the flights and hotel.”

  “Dad, you don’t have to—”

  “I insist. If you want to go that is. I would suggest that you spend a few days there before the gala…so you can talk to your mom before the day. I’m sure she’ll be busy, but she’ll make time for you. You know she will.”

  Bradley fell silent.


  “Okay, Dad. I’ll double check with Angie and Zach, but they’ll be excited that I’m finally coming out. I’m sure we’ll work it in.”

  “Terrific. I’ll email you the details as soon as I get them booked.

  “Thanks, Dad. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Next, Greg called Carter and offered to fly him home.

  “Oh, Dad. See there’s this event thing here. November twenty-third is the anniversary of the eruption in Pompeii. The lead excavator that I’ve been working with is having this kind of Thanksgiving of our own, and, then, I have an interview here on the fourth of December. I’d barely be back for it, and missing time just before the interview wouldn’t look good.”

  “An interview?”

  “Yes. There’s a position opening up on the excavating team, and my mentor says I have an excellent chance of being awarded the position.”

  “But what about college? You have just another year. Surely there will be positions opening then.”

  “This is the assistant to the lead excavator, Dad. I really want it. The pay isn’t awesome, but it’s enough. This is what I’ve been working for. Sometimes when a door opens up you have to—”

  “How do you plan to finish your degree? Or do you plan on finishing?”

  “I’ve spoken to my advisor, and he said that I could do independent study while I’m here. Conference online via Skype for presentations, and exams can be proctored at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. The same as I’ve done for two classes already. There are only five more classes that I need to take, they are all related to my major, and I have access to things I’m already doing here. Back at school the classes would be well beneath my knowledge already, and—”

  “Okay,” Greg said calmly, hearing belligerence rise in his son’s voice. Greg smiled at the strong constitution his son demonstrated. He was clearly a put together young man. “Sounds like you have this all covered. I’m impressed. And proud. So, tell me about this job?”

  Carter went on to detail the responsibilities of the position. He’d be working with the same mentor he’d been working with for the past several months, and both his passion for the job, and admiration of his mentor were clear. Carter explained that he wasn’t the only person up for the job, and interviews were only starting on December first, and that the decision would be made by mid-January, and the position would start officially January 20th.

  “Speaking of mid-January”, Carter said, “I only really have a week off if I’m serious about this job, and I am serious. I can either come home for Christmas, or this gala in New York that Mom’s invited me to, with that jerk, Jack. And what in the heck is this G-L-S-E-N group her jerk boyfriend’s company is supporting?”

  “For starters, Jack is not a jerk. He’s a good man. He makes your mother very happy. Secondly, GLSEN,” Greg continued, pronouncing the organization the way everyone else did, ‘glisten’, “Stands for the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network. It’s a very worthwhile organization. Tanner and I are going, and thrilled to support it. Bradley is also going. You know that Phoebe is going. It would be wonderful if you could come. But it’s up to you.”

  “Well, what do you have going on for Christmas?” Carter asked.

  “For now, nothing. Bradley has plans. Phoebe will either still be pregnant or will have just delivered, so she can’t come and Mom will be with her. So far, it’s just Tanner and me.”

  Carter paused. “I guess, the gala. No offense, but since I only have a week, I’d rather see everyone. Is that okay? I don’t want to hurt your feelings. And…I’d like to meet Tanner, but…”

  “I understand, Car. No worries. I’ll see you a couple of weeks after Christmas. Maybe Tanner and I will take a trip or something. It’s all good. How are things with your mystery girl? Still complicated?”

  Carter grew quiet. “Yeah, but we’re finding our way.”

  “Not ready to talk yet?”

  “No. No offense. It’s just tricky. You know?”

  “Well, you won’t give me details, so I don’t know. But I’m concerned.”

  “No need to be, Dad. It’s okay. I promise. And if things work out the way we are thinking, it’ll be better than okay.”

  “So, you’re seeing a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel? And I’ll get to hear all about it?”

  “Yes. Soon. I promise I’ll tell you everything at the gala.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Greg hung up the phone feeling better about things with his boys, and actually started to feel a little relieved, looking forward to celebrating Christmas just Tanner and Greg. Oh, the presents and ‘giving’ that could go on.

  A couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, Greg started receiving calls from his mother. Dreading that discussion, he let the calls go to voicemail. What would another couple of days hurt, right? he reasoned. She left messages asking about his plans for Thanksgiving. She hinted that if he ‘still hadn’t resolved things with Elizabeth,’ that she had someone in mind for Greg.

  It was eight days before Thanksgiving when Greg decided that he needed to face the music. She called again. Late. Very late. It was eleven at night, and Greg was in bed…at Tanner’s. “Hi Gregory,” Greg’s mother said when he finally answered her call. Greg thought about the formal use of his name that his mother always used, and then thought about his son, Bradley. Maybe he should start calling him Brad. He wondered if Angie and Zach called him Brad. He knew that Carter did. A glance at Tanner almost did him in with laughter as Tanner mouthed, Gregory.

  “Hi, Mom,” Greg sighed back, slipping out of bed and pulling on a pair of shorts.

  “How are you? I presume busy since I’ve been calling for the past few days and not gotten a hold of you, and you’ve not returned any of my calls. Why didn’t you answer the house phone? Why am I reaching you on your mobile?”

  “Yes, Mom. I’m fine. I’m busy. I’m out right now, that’s why you didn’t get me on the house phone. How are you?” he asked trying to sound as normal as possible. He laid back down on the bed and draped his arm over his eyes.

  “We’re okay, honey. You’re out? On a Wednesday? This late?” She sounded confused.

  “Long story,” Greg said back, knowing his voice tensed and grew squeaky. Could he do this? Could he come out to his parents, while lying in his lover’s bed?

  Tanner sensed Greg’s discomfort. He leaned over and kissed Greg’s temple. “Love you,” he whispered, then slipped out of bed. He grabbed a robe and left Greg to have a private conversation. Greg relaxed a little without the audience of the person who meant the most to him in the world.

  “Your father and I were wondering what your plans were for Thanksgiving. Are you and Elizabeth going to celebrate with the kids in California?” she asked, her tone hopeful. “Or New York?” she finished, her tone turning to disdain.

  “No, Mom. Actually, the kids have their plans all set. Bradley is staying at school with his friends doing their own version.” Greg almost burst out laughing at the thought of his mother learning about Bradley, or Brad. She would definitely feel that his lifestyle was a choice. “Phoebe is in New York with Elizabeth and Jack. Carter is staying in Italy. He has some things that he’s working on there, and can’t make the trip back.”

  “That is certainly a pity,” she said. �
�Family should be together.” Her condescending mood was almost too much for Greg. He considered hanging up right then. He had a feeling what was coming next, and didn’t want to deal with it. “Maria and Faith are coming with their families. Theresa is still undecided, but it seems like she’ll be here. Noelle is spending the holiday with Matthew’s family in Florida. There will definitely be space for you here. I’ll prepare the guest room for you, unless you’d prefer to stay in a hotel.”

  “Mom, that’s nice of you, but I actually also have plans.” Greg grabbed Tanners pillow and breathed in his scent. The calm that always washed over him came and Greg relaxed…a little.

  “With whom?” she asked suspiciously. “Oh, and Carrie, remember her? You graduated high school the year before her. She’s recently divorced, too. Her mother said that she’s coming home for the week. Her two kids are coming with her. They’re both in high school, I believe. I will invite them all over for dessert.”

  Greg groaned and wondered if there could be anything worse than your mother trying to set you up on a date. It would have been humiliating enough if he were eighteen, but he was nearing forty-six. Not to mention that Greg wasn’t looking for a woman.

  “Yeah, no, but thanks, Mom. Actually, I’ll be spending the holiday with Tanner and his family.”

  “Tanner? Who’s that?”

  Greg shifted uncomfortably in the bed, feeling her critical stare and judgmental tone. He took in one last scent of Tanner’s pillow then got up, and started pacing, bracing himself for what he needed to say.

  “Tanner is…” Greg’s mouth went dry and he found the next words nearly impossible to say. “Tanner is my boyfriend.”

  “Well of course he’s a boy. What mother in her right mind would name a girl Tanner? But Thanksgiving should be spent with family. You’re coming home.”

  “No, Mother. I’m staying in Napa. And having dinner with my boyfriend and his family.”

  “Gregory, why must you always be so difficult? Spending a holiday dinner at a friend’s house is not the same.”


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