Charade (A Fake Fiancée Romance)

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Charade (A Fake Fiancée Romance) Page 15

by Jamison, Jade C.

  “And that was when I went to the boss. He made a good show of it, acting all concerned and angry, taking notes and stuff. And I knew he couldn’t resolve it right away—or at least that’s what he said. He said it was a personnel issue and he’d have to talk to HR—and then, at some point, I figured it would get better, you know, when he could actually talk to the guys. But days went by and then weeks, and literally nothing changed. That was when I figured he hadn’t done anything.”

  “Was your boss ever around when any of these things happened?”

  There was Brock interrupting again.

  “No. He usually just sat in his office doing paperwork. I’m convinced he just didn’t care.

  “So that’s when it got really bad. The jokes got worse and, instead of talking about me like ‘this woman,’ they just started talking about me like I wasn’t there. And they’d say threatening things, like, ‘If I was Kylie’s boyfriend, I’d fuck her good.’ And their jokes got nastier. But the final straw for me was the day I found what I’m pretty sure was semen in my locker.”

  “What? Please tell me—”

  “Did you record it?” Brock interjected. “That should be cause for immediate dismissal.”

  “I was horrified. Disgusted. Disbelieving that someone would stoop to that level. And I was kind of scared. I went straight to my supervisor then and I decided if he wasn’t there or wouldn’t do anything, I was either going to go straight to HR or someone else. It was time to punish these guys.

  “Well, my supervisor wasn’t in his office. I had to search the building and finally found him in the break room talking to another supervisor. I told him he needed to come see something immediately. He blew me off but finally, after much urging, came with me.

  “And I think my jaw actually hit the floor—because, by the time we got to my locker, it was gone. My supervisor told me he was tired of me trying to get the guys in trouble, that I was making it up, stirring up shit—and, yes, he used the word shit. See? That’s the thing…I knew the guys down there were crude, cussing and stuff. I learned that day one. And I didn’t want to disrupt anything, but it was oppressive in shipping. It really was.”

  Erica was content just letting her vent so that she could wind her way through her emotions and the events, but Brock once more intervened. “What happened next?”

  And Erica felt even angrier at herself that she was even emotional—that what he was doing had such an effect on her in the first place. It made it harder for her to concentrate on Kylie’s words.

  “He sent me home for the day. It was time to leave anyway. But he told me to get some rest and think about what I’d done…what I’d accused the men down there of. I was kind of confused at first. Very upset…so upset that I called in sick the next day. I really questioned my sanity but, by the day after, I was convinced my supervisor had to be in on it—or, at the very least, he was aware of it, even though he pointed the finger at me. He was, by far, the worst boss I’ve ever had. So I decided to go to HR during my lunch break or after work. And, believe me, I wanted to go there first thing, but their office didn’t open till nine, and I had to report to work by seven. But I figured I could tolerate half a day with those primates before that. I’d just bide my time.

  “When I showed up to shipping, though, my boss didn’t even let me get to the locker room. He intercepted me at his office and invited me in. Behind closed doors, he told me that he understood I’d been under a lot of stress and that he’d talked with HR and the administrative team, and they’d decided to move me back to QA. ‘It’s for the best, Kylie,’ he said. I signed the papers, cleaned out my locker, and reported for duty in QA, kind of shell shocked. Numb even. And I just pulled up my bootstraps and got to work, but that night at home, I was like, ‘I don’t want to work in QA.’ But I stuck it out for a while anyway, while trying to think what to do. I asked my old boss—my ex—about it, and he said they told him he had to take me back, and he was all right with that, because I was a good worker. And then when I got my next check, I saw that they had demoted me. They changed my pay back to my old QA pay. It might not seem like much, but it was an entire dollar an hour difference. And people were talking about me, too. HR wasn’t any help, either. Every time I went to talk to them, they shoved some form in my face. They never actually listened.”

  “So what do you want, Kylie?” Brock asked. “What are you wanting us to sue them for?”

  “For justice. This isn’t right.”

  “Let me rephrase, because, either way, if the court decides in your favor, there will be some sort of punishment. You’re still working for Pioneer, correct?”


  “So do you want monetary damages—for pain and suffering and lost wages—or do you want your old job back? Or all of the above?”

  Kylie was silent for a few moments before she said, “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it.”

  “You don’t have to decide right away. We can start putting your case together now and—”

  This time Erica interjected. “How much could we get for her? I mean…so she doesn’t have to continue working for them.” She turned to Kylie. “Unless, of course, you do.”

  “I don’t know. Part of me wants to, because they’ve been the only real employer I’ve ever worked for. Before that, in high school, I worked for Burger King and a couple of convenience stores. Pioneer actually offered me benefits and better money, so I’m kind of afraid to leave.”

  Brock began to talk, but Erica was competing with him now and beat him to the punch. “If you had some compensation from them, though, money to live on, you could find other employment during that time.”

  Kylie asked, “Do you think I should start looking for other work now?”

  “That’s entirely up to you, but it’s something to consider.”

  Brock said, “It would probably look better for your case. I don’t think, based upon your testimony, it will be hard to prove that you’ve been subjected to a hostile work environment—particularly if you have documentation or witnesses to back you up.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t really have any witnesses—and I’m pretty sure all those guys would say I was making it all up. They got what they wanted—they got me out of there.” She took a phone out of her purse and began swiping. “I have pictures of all that stuff, though.”

  “What about the semen?”

  “No.” Kylie frowned as she turned the phone for both Erica and Brock to see the locker room full of nude pictures. The photo on the phone was taken so far back that, even though she could tell it was probably a nude woman, she couldn’t be sure. “I was so upset, I didn’t even think about it.” She turned the phone, swiped again, and then there was a picture close up. Yes, there was no mistaking this one. Only it wasn’t just a nude woman. It was two nude women, one grinding her crotch into the other woman’s face.

  Erica started to ask a question when Brock said, “Do you have these saved elsewhere? We’re going to need copies of them all.”

  “I was hoping you could put them on your computer.”

  “We’ll have my secretary do that when we’re done. And you said you’ve documented everything?”

  “Yes.” Kylie held up her notebook.

  “We probably have copies of all that, but I’ll have my secretary copy your notes as well, just to be sure.” Kylie nodded before Brock then turned to Erica. “So what do you think, counselor?”

  Oh, now he was going to let her talk—when she had no idea. This was the part where she could use his help—and he should know that, based on the other clients they’d spoken with earlier that day. What an asshole.

  But maybe she knew. “I think it’s going to start with a summons and complaint.”

  “Close. One thing first, though.” Ah, so it had been a trick question. He wasn’t just an asshole—he was a fucking asshole. Was he intentionally trying to make her look bad? But he continued, looking at Kylie, as if he didn’t even know what he’d done. “Have you
filed a complaint with the EEOC?”

  “The what? What’s that?”

  “The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. You should file with them first. Doing so will cost you nothing but they oftentimes will sue on your behalf.”

  “Do I have to do that?”

  Brock’s face looked grim. “Well, you don’t have to, but a judge could dismiss the case outright if you haven’t already exhausted that option. The EEOC pulls a lot of weight—and that’s their specialty. That’s all they do. They make sure your workplace rights aren’t being violated…and I can assure you they have been.”

  “So what should I do?”

  “I’ll have Harriet help you with all of that. We’ll go ahead and make copies of what you have, just so you know it’s safe, but you’ve got to let the EEOC take a stab at it first.” Brock leaned forward, creating an I-care-about-you feeling with his posture. “They are the experts.”

  Kylie’s face dropped. “So then should I keep working there?”

  “That’s a personal decision. Only you know what you can handle. If you feel safe where you are right now, I think you’ll be all right. But I want to assure you that the EEOC really does have your best interests at heart—and they’re the experts.”

  Their young almost ex-client sighed. “So what do I owe you for today?”

  “Nothing. We’ll return your retainer and can plan to collect it if the EEOC drops the ball on this one. But they take charges of a hostile work environment very seriously. You’ll be in good hands. I promise.” Brock stood then, signaling that they were done.

  Erica, still smoldering from the emotional gauntlet she felt like she’d been running through, also felt a little warmth. She never in a million years would have expected to see such a generous gesture from Brock. They’d spent close to half an hour of billable time and could have kept part of Kylie’s retainer, especially considering the copies Harriet would be making and the time she’d be spending giving all the EEOC info to Kylie. Her emotions were all up in the air, and she knew it was all because of Brock. Had it been Bret next to her, it probably wouldn’t have bothered her at all.

  Why was that exactly?

  She knew why…it was because of a fire burning in her belly for this man. That hadn’t been part of the bargain, and she wasn’t quite sure how to handle that…

  Chapter Thirteen

  ERICA STOOD IN Brock’s office fuming. In fact, she was surprised smoke wasn’t streaming out of her ears by the time he got back. She couldn’t let the fact that, at the end, he’d proven himself to be a bit of a softie interfere with what she had to say.

  He walked in the door, closing it but his eyes were boring straight into Erica. What was that look? What was he thinking?

  It didn’t matter, because she had to get this shit off her chest. NOW. It didn’t matter that he looked fucking hotter than he had in a long while.

  “Dammit, Brock. Are you ever going to let me handle my cases myself or are you going to constantly interfere like that?” She could feel her blood pumping, could tell her pupils were dilated, so there was no question that she was pissed off.

  His voice was calm and steady when he answered. “You weren’t going to advise her about filing with the EEOC—and that’s probably something we should have asked first, long before she got into telling her tale. Hell, the para who staffed it already should have sent her on her way. That case should have been screened out before it got to us.”

  “Okay, fine,” she said, her blood pressure rising. She was digging her nails into her palm just to keep her voice cool. “But earlier in the conversation, why the hell did you keep interrupting?”

  Instead of answering her question, he smirked and said, “You’re awfully cute when you’re angry.”

  “See? That. That’s what I’m talking about. You’re not taking me seriously.” She had to fight herself to stop her voice from rising. “You think I’m incompetent. You probably even think I deserve to be stuck doing research.”

  Why was he moving so close to her?

  His voice was low then, barely audible, but her senses were heightened so much that she could have heard a pin drop on the rich carpeting underneath her heels. “That’s where you’re wrong, Erica.” Her heart started beating faster, but surely that was because she was so angry, right? As he took another two steps toward her, every muscle in her body grew taut, as if she was a wind-up toy—and that spring was about to break from the pressure. “I think you’re as sharp as they come—and I think you’ll make a hell of a litigator.” He stopped just inches away from her, so close she was sure she could feel his body heat. “But you need a little guidance. That’s why I’m here.”

  She could hear the fury in her voice, but it couldn’t be helped. “You were stepping on my toes the entire time. You didn’t even let me try.” While she continued to talk, Brock’s face was getting closer, inching in toward hers. She felt the blood swirling in her veins, her toes curling in her pumps as her body begged for him to do it. In spite of the logical side of her brain wanting to argue, her body wanted his touch, needed to feel him inside her, and that intuitive side of herself sensed that something was about to happen. “I can’t—”

  Then he did it. His lips collided with hers.

  Holy hell.

  She’d told him hands off since his first stolen kiss—and she’d meant it—but her body couldn’t resist this time, almost melting into him.

  Her nostrils were assaulted with the scent of sandalwood while she tasted his tongue as it flicked against hers. Her hands were pressed against his chest as if to push him away, but those naughty betrayers instead crept around his neck and her fingers wound through his hair. The entirety of his solid body pressed against her, and she knew now that she was helpless to resist.

  As his lips left her mouth, he growled. “I can and I will.”

  She felt breathless. And his sudden bossiness sent a charge down her spine. Her pussy responded, making her panties wet.

  But he didn’t need to know he had that effect on her. She could still resist.

  If that was the case, then why weren’t her fingers unwinding from his hair?

  And then oh…his eyes. She could hardly see the blue of his irises, his pupils were so dark. They weren’t shadowed with anger as hers had been; instead, they were full of need, and why that made her stomach clench in anticipation, she didn’t dare guess.

  Her voice wasn’t nearly as strong as she needed it to be if the plan was to fight her urges. “No, you can’t.” But her eyes had drifted to his lips as her body begged her to give in to her deepest, darkest desires.

  “Stop fighting me, Erica. There’s no sense in it when I know you want me.”

  She didn’t sound as confident as she’d hoped when she protested. “That’s what you think.”

  Suddenly, his lips were brushing against the delicate flesh of her neck, causing her body to break out in goosebumps. “Your body gives you away.” She felt his hot breath as his lips brushed against her skin until he nibbled at her earlobe. “Giving in to your desire doesn’t make you weak.” He’d found her vulnerable spot. Kisses on her neck were likely her sexual Achilles Heel, and his attention there caused her entire body to heat up, making her insides feel like jelly. She wanted nothing more than to feel him inside her now.

  Teetering on the edge of temptation, she knew she was ready to walk down that path of no return—but as his lips left her skin and he raised his head, she decided that if one more arrogant phrase tumbled out of his mouth, she was going to push him away and march out the door, no matter how aroused she felt.

  Instead, he pressed his forehead into hers and said, “Just say yes, Erica. It’s that easy.”

  She swallowed, trying to think what this would mean for their relationship if she gave in, but her brain was too fuzzy from desire. It was difficult to concentrate on anything other than his eyes and his hands at her waist. The kicker, though, was when he leaned in closer, because then she was painfully aware of his har
dened member pressing into her belly.

  That was for her. There was no denying it.

  She sucked her lower lip into her mouth, trying to stop herself from saying that little three-letter-word, but as his eyes seared into hers and her pussy clenched against itself, pleading with her to give up the fight, she gave a slight nod of her head.

  But her hands were already in motion.

  His mouth consumed her as her fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Why she wanted to run her fingers along his chest, she didn’t know, but she wasn’t going to stop now. His hands slid down and cupped her ass before he lifted her under her thighs. Wrapping her legs around his body felt as natural as breathing, and it was then that she first felt his cock pressed against her lady parts. There was no stopping the spontaneous moan that uttered from her mouth.

  “That’s it.”

  His words felt dangerously close to his usual cocky talk, but it was easier to ignore it when she could feel herself already nearing the brink. One black heel fell to the floor and the front of her skirt bunched up at her hips while the rest flowed down her backside, something that would have been impossible had she worn her usual pencil skirt. It was almost like she’d known…

  His unbuttoned shirt gave her easy access to his skin underneath. Just as she’d suspected, his muscles were firm and hard, reminding her of his cock relentlessly grinding into her, mimicking the feeling of what couldn’t begin soon enough. There was no way her fingers could continue stroking the skin of his abdomen when she needed to feel him in her.

  She squeezed her hands into the tight space between their bodies until her fingers were digging at the button on his slacks. He stopped kissing her then to say, “I take it this is a definite yes.”

  “God, would you just shut up for one fucking minute, Brock?”

  “And cursing now. Do I have this effect on you?”

  “I said—” His lips descended upon hers as she felt a fresh surge of anger charge through her body once more.

  But her hands betrayed her again. Instead of pushing him away, they finished with the zipper on his slacks and found their way inside until they were stroking his steely length. It was then that she realized he was as close to being out of control as he’d ever get—and then she thought maybe she had as much power in this situation as he did. Her only sign was that his kiss slowed and softened a bit, as if his attention was being drawn from his tongue to what she was doing below.


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