Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4)

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Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4) Page 3

by D. Camille

  Sage smiled. "What are you going to do?"

  Jordan kissed her softly. "Enjoy making you both happy with every chance I get."


  That evening Ray entered the museum and headed towards the security desk. Since his call earlier with Isabelle, he had been thinking about her all day. He'd decided to surprise her by stopping in at her office and taking her out to dinner. As he approached the desk, he spotted Isabelle and Ralph Benson walking towards him. Ralph greeted him first.

  "Mr. Parker. What a surprise! Dr. Martin and I were just on our way out to dinner. Are you here to check up on our security?"

  Ray looked from Isabelle to Ralph. "No. I'm not." He turned back to Isabelle.

  "Well I must tell you Mr. Parker, we are overjoyed here at the museum with the work you've done," Ralph went on while Ray stared at Isabelle.

  "Thank you," Ray replied not looking his way. "Hello Dr. Martin."

  Isabelle swallowed. "Hello Ray. I wasn't expecting to see you today."

  "I see."

  Bright brown eyes held hers for a moment before Ray turned to Ralph. "Have a nice dinner."

  Ralph smiled. "Thank you Mr. Parker. I'm sure I will see you again soon.”

  Ray nodded and turned his gaze to Isabelle. "Yes, you will." He turned and walked out of the museum with Isabelle and Ralph watching.

  "He seemed disturbed. I hope everything is all right," Ralph said to Isabelle.

  Isabelle sighed. "I hope so too." She followed Ralph to the parking lot.

  At the restaurant Ralph tried his best to be charming and engaging but Isabelle's thoughts were on the man with the bright brown eyes. The man who could make both her heart and her body sing. She hoped with everything inside of her that she hadn't messed up what she'd worked so hard to accomplish. Ray was beginning to see her; actually see her as more than another body to warm his bed. The once invisible, skinny Isabelle had garnered the attention of a god and she didn't want to lose it.

  "Am I boring you Isabelle?" Ralph asked bringing her out of her thoughts.

  She smiled. "I apologize, Ralph. I have some things on my mind."

  "Maybe I could help to ease your mind."

  "I'm fine. Thank you."

  Ralph stared at her. "You've always been a beautiful woman Isabelle, but for some reason lately you've been looking exceptionally incredible."

  Isabelle bristled. "Thank you Ralph," she said crisply.

  Ralph tilted his head at her response. "Have I offended you?"

  "I thought we were having dinner," Isabelle reminded him.

  Ralph smiled and adjusted his glasses. "Fine Isabelle." He picked up his menu. "Perhaps you would prefer having dinner with Ray Parker?" he asked lifting the menu to cover his face.

  "Excuse me?"

  Ralph lowered the menu. "Isabelle, I work at the museum as well. I've seen him visiting you on several occasions and if I had any doubts, you two confirmed it this evening."

  Isabelle looked confused. "What are you talking about Ralph?"

  "Isabelle, the man looked like he wanted to kill me for having dinner with you."

  "Ralph, I don't think..."

  He cut her off. "I must say I'm surprised though."

  Her eyes narrowed. "Would you like to explain that?" she asked.

  Ralph shrugged. "I would never have thought that he would be the type of man you would be interested in."

  "I think we should stop this conversation right now," she told him sternly.

  He smiled at her. "Let me just say this, I'll be waiting when you find out that he's not what you want."

  Isabelle picked up her glass. "I hope you're not holding your breath during the wait."

  Ralph picked up his glass as well. "Enjoy your dinner Isabelle."

  Isabelle finished her dinner with very little conversation with Ralph. When they were done, he walked her to her car and said goodnight. She drove home with Ray on her mind. She wondered if she should call him or just wait to hear from him. Dinner with Ralph had been less than pleasant and not anything, that she would be repeating again…ever.

  She reached her apartment and climbed out of her car. After letting herself inside, she closed and locked the door behind her. Ray had her well trained in taking safety precautions. Isabelle went into her kitchen and retrieved a glass from the cabinet. Opening the refrigerator, she poured herself a glass of apple juice and headed up to her bedroom.

  Sipping from her glass, she entered her room and placed the beverage on the nightstand. She quickly undressed and went to shower. As Isabelle stood under the hot spray, she thought back over her day. Ray had said that he wanted to take her away and she wanted to be taken, and in more ways than one. She wondered if he still wanted to or had tonight changed his mind. Was he somewhere taking another woman away right at this moment?

  Isabelle shook her head while shutting off the water. She reached for the glass door covered with steam and pulled it open. She screamed and covered herself with her hands when she spotted Ray leaning against her bathroom counter drinking from the glass she'd left beside her bed.

  "What are you doing here?" she yelled jumping behind the door.

  "I've seen the majority of it Isabelle," he told her handing her a towel.

  Isabelle quickly wrapped herself in the towel.

  "How did you get in here?" she asked stepping out of the shower.

  Ray shrugged. "I'm security." He took another sip from the glass.

  "You shouldn't surprise me like that," she admonished.

  "You surprised me Belle." His eyes held hers until she looked away.

  "I didn't think it would matter to you," she whispered.

  Ray sat the glass down and came to stand in front of her. He lifted her face to his.

  "Really Belle, you didn't think it would matter?" He lifted a brow.

  "I've seen you with other women."

  Ray nodded right before he swept her into his arms in one smooth movement.

  "You're going to get wet," she scolded as he carried her wet body into her bedroom.

  "So are you Belle."

  At his words, Isabelle began to feel just that. Ray laid her on the bed and sat on the edge looking down at her.

  "Is he the reason you wanted to become sexy?" he asked studying her face.

  Isabelle looked away. "Does it matter?"

  He turned her face back to him. "Not at all and do you know why?"

  She shook her head.

  "Because he will never make you feel the way I do." He lowered his head and kissed her soundly pressing her back against the pillows.

  "Don't get him killed Belle," he told her against her lips.

  "Did you follow me?" she asked when he pulled back.

  "Of course."

  Isabelle leaned back. "What if he would have come home with me?"

  "I would have put his ass out."

  "You can't do things like that," she told him.

  "Who was going to stop me?" Ray asked incredulously.

  Isabelle stared at him. "I don't belong to you Ray."

  Ray smiled. "Really?" His hand reached under her towel slowly gliding up her thigh and she gasped.

  "Tell me again," he prompted as he began to explore her sacred space with his hand.

  Soon Isabelle's head fell back and her legs parted as he continued his exploration of her.

  Ray leaned down to her ear. "I can't hear you Belle. Tell me how you don't belong to me."

  "You can't just..." she began before her body began to reward him with her essence.

  "I can't just what?" he whispered.

  Isabelle moaned before he captured her lips, his tongue began invading her mouth and his hand was embedded inside her body. Soon Isabelle felt the crescendo of the concert that her body's maestro was conducting. When she reached her pinnacle she held on to him tightly until she returned from the place he'd sent her with his experienced hand.

  Ray stared down at her. "Anything else you want to tell me?" he asked with his hand
still resting inside her tingling body.

  Isabelle slowly shook her head watching him.

  "Now you can play your music for me," he said opening her towel completely with one hand. He removed the pleasure digits from within her and wiped the evidence of her desire across her naked feminine mound. She watched as he smiled at her while lowering his head and licking the wetness from the area he'd just coated.

  Isabelle lost her breath as she fell back opening herself to the exquisite pleasure she knew was about to be bestowed upon her. In the back of her mind, she knew that she could not let Ray run roughshod over her but for now he could do whatever he wanted as long as he didn't stop. He wanted her to belong to him. Isabelle smiled as she stared down at the top of his head as he placed her long legs over his broad shoulders. Oh my, yes, she thought. She already knew that she belonged to Ray Parker but what he didn't know was that she was going to make sure that Ray Parker belonged to her as well.

  Unbeknownst to the couple in the bedroom making their music and to the security that sat outside, a dark car drove past the residence. The driver laughed out loud as they thought about the plan they had for one of the individuals inside. It was time to pay the piper.

  Chapter 3

  Lotus Masters sat in the airport waiting to board her flight to LA. She was returning to LA to attend her new brother-in-law's eighteenth birthday party. She had been in LA several weeks ago but had returned to Atlanta for her studies. Lotus was attending Emory University and studying to be an Anesthesiologist. Her mother Lavender had stayed in LA with her new bestie Carolyn, her sister's new mother-in-law.

  Lotus glanced around the seating area and noticed a very cute light-skinned brother with beautiful short locs in his hair. Her dark eyes connected with his light ones and he smiled at her. Lotus smiled in return and he headed in her direction. He appeared in front of her and she saw his sexy green eyes up close and personal.

  "Is this seat taken?" he asked nodding toward the seat next to her.

  "It is now."

  He smiled at her and placed his bag to the side as he took the chair.

  "You're flying to LA?" he asked.

  Lotus nodded. "Yes, I'm attending a birthday party."

  "Me too," he laughed.

  "My brother-in-law is turning eighteen," she told him.

  Kent looked confused. "My best friend is turning eighteen too."

  They looked at each other. "Trent," they both said.

  Kent put his hand out. "I'm Kent."

  "Lotus." She took his hand. "You must be pretty eyes."

  Kent laughed. "Is that what he told you about me?"

  "He didn't lie."

  Kent leaned toward her. "He told me that you were fine...and crazy."

  Lotus smiled. "He didn’t lie,” she repeated.

  Kent laughed again. "Maybe while we're in LA we can get crazy together?"

  "Maybe," Lotus looked him over in jeans and a white T-shirt and Kent watched her perusal.

  "You met Trent when you were there for his brother's wedding right?"

  "Yeah, I met everyone except Callie." Lotus told him.

  Kent rolled his eyes. "You mean Trent's shero? She has dude so whipped."

  Lotus laughed. "Yeah, she does. You been whipped Kent?" she asked.

  "Nah...Kent does the whipping," he answered smiling. "You wanna feel it?"

  "If you got this, you'd definitely be whipped," Lotus said confidently.

  Kent leaned closer. "I'm not Trent. He's the good one."

  Lotus leaned even closer until they were face to face. "I'm not the good one either."

  The attendant announced the start of boarding as the two stared at each other. Lotus heard her section called and stood retrieving her bag.

  "I'll see you in LA, Kent."

  He smiled at her. "Yeah, you will Lotus."


  Callie watched as Ray strode into the office. He walked past her desk and barked, "In my office Callie."

  She scrambled for a pad and pen quickly following behind him. Inside his office, she closed the door then took a seat across from his desk where he was already seated shifting paperwork.

  Callie cleared her throat. "Yes Ray?"

  "Trent." The word was not a question.

  She cleared her throat. "Yes?"

  He pinned her with a look. "You care about him?"

  She held his gaze. "Yes."

  "Are you going to be able to do your job?"

  Callie nodded. "Yes, this job is really important to me."

  "I know you two are probably like little rabbits all over each other, but my office is not a motel. Understand?" he told her.

  "Yes, I understand."

  Ray sat back in his chair and watched her for a moment. "Have you heard from Calvin?" he asked inquiring of her father.

  Callie shook her head. "No."

  "If you do, I want you to tell me."


  Ray pinned her with a look. "Everything else been okay?" he questioned.

  "Yes," she said quietly. "Thank you Ray."

  "There's nothing for you to be afraid of Callie," he reassured her. "I've handled that."

  Callie lowered her head. "I know."

  "You know Trent's a good little dude. He has a big heart."

  She smiled and looked up at him. "He has my heart too."

  Ray shook his head. "Make sure you do your job," he reminded her.


  Trent arrived at his brother's offices and slowly headed up the elevators. Today was the day he needed to tell them the truth. His heart pounded as the elevator shaft made its smooth ascent to the top floor. He wondered how they would take the information he was delivering and how they would look at him from this point forward.

  He walked into Jordan's office where he and Sean were waiting. Taking a seat, he looked at them both before greeting them. Sean and Jordan took in Trent's new look. He'd grown a small mustache and his hair was cut in a trendy low-cut Mohawk style. His height was beginning to rival his brothers and his workouts at the gym were very apparent.

  "You wanted to see us Trent?" Jordan asked watching him.

  Trent nodded. "Uh, yeah."

  "Is there a problem?" Sean asked concerned.


  Jordan frowned. "What's wrong?"

  Trent lowered his head. "I haven't been completely honest with you."

  Sean and Jordan shared a look.

  "Honest about what Trent?" Sean asked.

  "When I first got here, I didn't know what you guys would do to me so I didn't say anything."

  "Anything about what?" Jordan questioned.

  Trent sighed and lifted his head. "I have a twin; a sister."

  Jordan stood. "What the hell?"

  Sean turned to Trent. "She's alive?" he asked confused.

  Trent nodded. "She lives in Seattle."

  "Why the hell didn't you tell us?" Jordan questioned.

  Trent looked at his brother. "She doesn't want to be contacted by any of us."

  Jordan and Sean looked confused. "Why?"

  "She said that she has a family who has raised her and she doesn't want any drama."

  "Why are you telling us this now Trent?" Jordan asked sitting back in his chair.

  Trent looked between the two. "You're my brothers and I love you. I never want to lie to you or disappoint you."

  He continued, "I talked to my mother and she confirmed the truth when I visited her the first time. I asked her to let me tell you after Sean's wedding."

  "You discussed this with our mother?" Sean asked looking at him.

  Trent nodded slowly. "Yeah."

  Sean shook his head and turned to Jordan who was watching Trent.

  "Any other damn bombs you want to drop today?" Jordan asked.

  "Nah, that's it."

  Jordan shook his head. "That's enough."

  "What's her name?" Sean asked.


  Sean nodded. "What do you want us to do?"

  Trent shrugged. "I guess just leave her alone unless she changes her mind."

  "She has a way to contact you?" Jordan asked.

  "She has my number," Trent answered.

  The room became silent as Trent watched his brothers.

  "Are you mad at me?" he asked.

  Sean turned to him. "Why weren't we able to find this information Trent?" he asked curiously.

  Trent lowered his head. "I erased all leads to her."

  "Why?" Jordan asked.

  "If you guys would have hurt me, I didn't want you to hurt her too,” he explained.

  Sean looked at Jordan then back to Trent. "That's understandable."

  Trent looked up. "Are we cool?" he asked.

  Jordan stood and came around the desk. He leaned against it folding his arms staring at Trent.

  "If there is anything else you need to tell us, do it now," he told him pointedly.

  Trent smiled. "I'm in love with Callie."

  "Oh hell!" Jordan commented and Sean laughed.

  "Is that why you're glowing like a damn pregnant woman?" Jordan asked.

  Trent laughed. "I'm not glowing Jordan."

  Both Jordan and Sean turned to him studying him.

  Jordan's eyes narrowed. "Don't come back in here talking about no damn babies. Understand?"

  "Jordan, I'm not having any babies. Callie and I have plans. I'm cool."

  Sean nodded. "I'm assuming you're no longer confused."

  Trent smiled happily. "Not at all," he said slowly.

  Sean smiled. "How's school?"

  "Cool. I thought I was the best hacker until I got into this project. I'm learning a lot and staying on track," Trent told them.

  "How's the apartment?" Jordan asked.

  Trent smiled slyly. "Great! I love it."

  Jordan rubbed his chin watching Trent. "I think I might stop by and see how you're settling in."

  Trent looked at Jordan. "Uh, can you make sure you call first?"

  "Call first?" Jordan asked incredulously. "You do know that I own that damn apartment?"

  Trent shrugged. "I'm just saying. I might be uh, studying."

  Sean smiled as Jordan tilted his head.

  "Your ass better be uh, studying," Jordan told him.

  Trent laughed. "Come on Jordan. For real?"

  "Yeah, it's funny now. It won't be funny if I have to kick your ass though, will it?"

  "I'm on point Jordan. I'm not going to mess up," Trent told him.


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