Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4)

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Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4) Page 9

by D. Camille

  "His ass is dead Jay. She killed him."

  Jordan and Sean looked at each other.

  "She hit his ass with a rock and killed him. Then she threw all the evidence in the river," Ray explained. "She received a note on her car saying they know what she did at Harvard and they want a million dollars to keep silent."

  "Why didn't she tell us?" Sean asked confused.

  "She was scared and she didn't want to involve you," Ray told them.

  In a flash, Jordan was out the door heading to the living room. "Jay!" Ray called after him.

  All the women looked up as Jordan rushed into the room yelling with Ray and Sean right behind him.

  "Izzy why didn't you tell us?" he demanded.

  Isabelle's eyes widened and she looked to Ray.

  Ray looked to Jordan. "Jay! Let it go."

  Sage went to Jordan placing her hand on his chest feeling the wild pounding of his heart. "What's going on Jordan?"

  Lily looked at Sean and immediately went to his side as Carolyn and Lavender both got to their feet.

  "You should have come to us Izzy! We would have helped you," Jordan told her breathing hard.

  "I'm sorry," Isabelle's eyes began to water and Ray was there taking her into his arms.

  "Shut up Jay or I swear I'm going to beat your ass in front of your wife!" Ray warned him.

  Sage grabbed Jordan's shirt. "What the hell is going on?" she demanded.

  Jordan looked down at her and shook his head remaining silent while Carolyn and Lavender shared a worried look.

  Lily looked at her husband. "Sean?"

  Sean watched Isabelle. "I was right there Izzy. I don't understand," Sean said quietly.

  "I swear if I ask this one more damn time, I'm kicking everybody's ass in this room! What the hell is going on?" Sage yelled grabbing Jordan’s shirt tighter as he looked at Isabelle.

  Ray finally answered his sister. "Someone is trying to blackmail Isabelle for something that happened when she was in college."

  Sage looked to Isabelle. "What? What happened?"

  Lily gasped. “Oh, Isabelle!” She looked at her in sympathy while everyone watched Isabelle and Ray.

  Isabelle took a slow deep breath and turned to everyone in the room. "When I was in college I was…attacked…and in protecting myself, I accidentally killed a man.” She took a trembling breath.

  “I never went to the police and I never told anyone until now," she continued softly.

  Lily and Sage looked at one another as Carolyn and Lavender grabbed hands and squeezed them feeling Isabelle’s pain.

  Isabelle continued, "Now someone knows what happened and they want a million dollars to keep silent."

  "Do you have any clue as to who it could be?" Lily asked.

  "Yes," Ray answered and Isabelle looked at him in question.

  He looked down at her. "Jay has something to tell you first."

  Isabelle turned to Jordan as Sage looked up at him. "Izzy, I found out that your father has another daughter."

  "What are you saying Jordan?" Isabelle asked confused. "I don't understand. How is that possible?"

  Jordan sighed. "He told me himself Izzy."

  "Where is she?"

  Jordan looked to Sean.

  "Izzy, Shana White is your half-sister," Sean told her gently.

  Isabelle shook her head. "No! That can't be true! Why are you saying something like this?"

  "It's true Izzy. We wouldn't lie to you," Jordan told her.

  Lily and Sage were stunned as they watched Isabelle's reaction.

  Ray turned her shocked face to him. "And she's involved in the blackmail scheme against you."

  Sage and Lily gasped as Isabelle buried her face in Ray's chest.

  "I'm sorry Belle." Ray held her close slowing stroking her back.

  "We'll handle this Izzy," Jordan promised.

  Ray looked at Jordan. "I've got it Jay."

  "Oh hell nah! She’s mine," Sage proclaimed.

  Isabelle looked up at Sage in question.

  "Don't worry Isabelle. Her ass is going to wish she'd never threatened you," Sage vowed with brown eyes flashing.

  She looked at Lily and they both nodded. Carolyn and Lavender also gave each other a look.

  Chapter 8

  Callie sat with Lotus at a table underneath the tent, while Isis was on the dance floor with Trent and Kent was dancing with three women. Lotus turned to her with a frown.

  "I'm with April now, why did you let Trent invite all these damn women?" she asked.

  Callie smiled. "It's Trent's birthday. It's okay for him to have fun."

  "Are you and Isis cool now?" Lotus asked looking out at the dance floor at the pair.

  "We were never 'not cool' Lotus," Callie told her. "And don't do anything like that again or I'll kick your ass, okay?"

  Lotus smiled. "I love you Callie."

  Callie laughed. "Girl, I don't know about you."

  They both looked back at the dance floor and as the song ended Trent began to walk Isis back to the table. He looked over at her.

  "Are we cool Isis?" he asked.

  She smiled at him. "Yes Trent. We're cool."

  He smiled down at her. "Cool."

  "I think Callie is nice and she obviously makes you happy."

  "Yeah..." He smiled again.

  She slid him a look. "Now if you were with Lotus, I'd have some questions."

  "I would have some of my own," he replied.

  They both laughed as Kent approached them.

  "Come on Isis. I been waiting all night to dance with you," he said smiling at her.

  Isis nodded. "Okay Kent. Don't put your hands on me," she warned.

  Kent grinned. "I don't have to use my hands."

  Isis looked at Trent and he shrugged smiling.

  "Come on Kent. Don't make me hurt you," she said walking back towards the dance floor.

  Kent watched her go before turning to Trent. "I think I might let her hurt me." He took off after her and Trent continued to the table. He dropped in a chair next to Callie then turned to kiss her briefly.

  "Are you enjoying your party?" she asked.

  "Yeah..." He turned to Lotus. "Why aren't you dancing Lotus?" he asked.

  Lotus frowned. "Because there are only like five dudes here Trent and I don't want to dance with Callie."

  Trent laughed. "I didn't think about that."

  "And your boy wants to do threesomes."

  "You mad?" He laughed harder.

  Lotus' eyes narrowed at him.

  "Come on, I'll dance with you Lotus," Trent said standing. "Everybody gets a dance with the birthday boy."

  "What about Callie?" Lotus asked looking across the table.

  Trent looked down at Callie. "She gets the birthday boy all to herself." He winked at her.

  Callie smiled at him. "Go dance Lotus. It's time for me to do another security check in anyway."

  Lotus stood and walked to the dance floor with Trent. As they were walking she turned to him.

  "You're welcome." She smiled.

  Trent looked at her. "For what?"

  "For putting you and Callie together."

  Trent smirked. "You didn't put me and Callie together."

  "Boy please, you still didn't know who you wanted when I left a few weeks ago. Now I come back and you're practically married."

  "Do you take medication?" Trent asked.

  Lotus laughed. "A simple thank you would suffice."

  Trent thought about how Lotus had bulldozed his life. He then thought about the end result as he turned and watched Callie head inside the house.

  He smiled down at her. "Okay, thanks Lotus."

  Callie went in search of Ray for the security check in. She found Trent's family all gathered in the living room and could tell she had walked into a situation by the looks on all of their faces.

  "I'm sorry. I was just looking for Ray to do a security check in," she explained.

  Ray, who was holding Isabelle in hi
s arms, turned to her. "It's fine Callie. Check in with Marc," he instructed.

  Callie glanced around the room. "Okay."

  She backed out of the room and went to locate Marc. She found him standing in the shadows watching the dance floor where Trent was with Lotus and Isis was with Kent.

  "Ray told me to check in with you regarding security," she told him. "Any updates?"

  Marc shook his head. "Everything's fine."

  Callie nodded. "Okay, I'll be around. Let me know if I need to do anything." She began to walk away before he called her name.

  She turned back. "You know what we have to do."

  Callie looked toward the dance floor and sighed. "Yeah...I know."

  Inside the house, everyone had taken a seat as things had begun to calm down. Jordan turned to his wife and dark eyes held angry bright brown ones.

  "What are you going to do Sage?" he asked.

  "I'm going to deal with it."

  Isabelle spoke up. "Sage, you don't have to get involved in this."

  Sage looked at her. "If someone's trying to hurt you Isabelle, then they're trying to hurt all of us."

  Ray smiled at his sister and Jordan pulled her into his arms.

  "We need to find out who she's working with. She's not doing this alone," Ray informed them.

  "No kidding," Sean commented. "Shana's not the brightest bulb."

  "I told Milton this was going to bite him in the ass one day," Carolyn said and everyone in the room turned to her.

  "You knew this?" Sean asked incredulously.

  "I've never met her, but yes I knew he had another daughter," she explained.

  "What else do you know about him?" Jordan questioned.

  Carolyn looked around the room as Lavender took her hand. "Tell them."

  Everyone looked confused waiting for Carolyn to drop whatever bomb she was holding.

  "I know everything about Milton."

  Sean looked perplexed. "How?"

  "Milton and I grew up together. We've known each other since we were children."

  "Oh hell!" Jordan exclaimed. "Don't tell us that you're Shana's real mother."

  Carolyn turned to him. "No Jordan. I'm not Shana's mother."

  "Thank God," Sean breathed and Lily squeezed his hand.

  "Isabelle, your mother was a sweet, kind and beautiful woman. She deserved much better than Milton," Carolyn told Isabelle.

  "Thank you Mrs. Jackson. My mother meant a lot to me," Isabelle replied softly.

  Carolyn nodded. "She was very, very proud of you. You and Isis were her world."

  Isabelle felt a tear come to her eye as she nodded.

  "She was also the only one who could keep Milton reasonably in check," Carolyn told her.

  "I don't know what to say about my father at this point," Isabelle whispered. "I don't understand him."

  She bent over and dropped her face into her hands. "This is unreal."

  Ray rubbed a hand down her back. "I'm taking Isabelle home," he announced. "Jay, Sean I'll be in touch." He stood and helped Isabelle to her feet. "Marc will close everything down."

  Isabelle turned to the room. "Thank you."

  Everyone watched as Ray led her out of the house.

  Jordan looked at Carolyn. "Are there any more damn kids out there?" he asked.

  Ray led Isabelle to a waiting security car and settled her inside before placing his arm around her. The car began moving and she turned to him.

  "My car?"

  "Security will take care of it."

  Dark brown eyes held his. "Where are we going?" she asked.

  "Where do you want to go Belle?"

  Her eyes watered. "I don't care. Just take me away from here."

  Ray pulled her onto his lap and held her closely. "I promise you this will be over soon."

  She shook her head. "Shana is my sister? How do I tell Isis this? Did my mother know? What am I going to do?" The questions tumbled out of her.

  "Isabelle, you don't have to figure everything out tonight. Take some time and let it settle in," Ray suggested.

  She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. "This is my punishment."

  "Punishment for what?"

  "For taking a man's life."

  Ray lifted her face. "You should have killed his ass for putting his hands on you."

  "We're going to take care of this, don't worry about it," he told her.

  Isabelle smiled and touched his face. "You're going to stay with me through this whole thing?"

  "How many times do I have to tell you that you belong to me Belle?" he asked.

  Their eyes met. "Are we back to that?" she questioned.

  "We never leave it."

  She smiled. "Why is that?"

  "Because I find that you can be as stubborn as you are beautiful," he told her.

  "I can say the same thing," she whispered.

  Ray dropped his mouth to hers kissing her until she could no longer breathe. Isabelle held him tighter as she relinquished herself to his gentle assault. His hands slowly ran along her body causing her to arch into his solid warmth.

  "Will you take me away tonight?" she whispered against his lips.

  "I will take you anywhere you want to go Belle."

  Marc closed down the party making sure the guests were checked out and escorted to their vehicles. He saw Isis with her bag and stepped to her side.

  "May I see you to your car Miss Martin?" he asked.

  She looked up at him. "Thank you Agent Graham."

  He walked beside her down the grassy walkway that led to the parking area.

  "Did you enjoy the party?" he asked.

  "Yes, it was fun."

  He nodded and continued walking.

  "You're friends with Trent and Callie?" he questioned.

  Isis turned to him raising a brow. "Am I under investigation too Agent Graham? Do you think I'm a criminal also?" she asked snidely.

  Marc kept walking. "I was simply making conversation Miss Martin, my apologies."

  Isis wondered why she felt chastised by his words. They continued in silence until they reached her car and she stared up at him.

  "For some reason I'm not at my best around you," she admitted quietly.

  "I understand your concern for your father."

  Isis remembered Callie and Lotus' words about helping her father.

  "I apologize Agent Graham." She lifted dark brown eyes to his dark glasses.

  He stood staring down at her. "No need for apologies Miss Martin. I've heard much worse."

  She smiled. "That doesn't make it right." Isis cleared her throat and took a deep breath. "May I take you out to dinner to apologize for my behavior?" she asked.

  "That's not necessary."

  "It's necessary to me." She smiled again.

  Marc looked around their surroundings before turning back to her. "It's not going to work Miss Martin."

  Isis frowned. "What's not going to work?"

  "Whatever you've got planned to try to distract me from my job."

  Isis put her hand on her hip. "You think very highly of yourself Agent Graham."

  "I think you should tell your father to get prepared."

  "You won't get away with this!" Isis vowed.

  Marc nodded. "Neither will your father Miss Martin."

  Isis turned and entered her car with steam coming from her head. She put the key in the ignition just as Marc knocked on the window. She started the car and hit the button letting the window down.


  "Have a good night Miss Martin. Drive safely."

  "Goodnight Agent Graham." Isis took off leaving Marc watching her departing vehicle. As he walked back to conduct a final check of the grounds, his mind was on an incredibly beautiful girl. In the party area, he saw Callie completing the last check of the outdoor buildings.

  Callie entered the pool house checking for any stragglers or misplaced items. After confirming that everything was clear, she turned to exit and was enfolded into t
wo strong arms.

  "Here's my sexy girl."

  She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "And here's my birthday boy."

  He lowered his head and kissed her softly. "You're the best present I've ever got."

  "Did you get everything you wanted for your birthday?" she asked him.

  Dark eyes danced as he backed her against the wall. "Not yet."

  "I think your family is waiting to see you inside the house."

  He pressed into her. "I know."

  Callie was trapped in dark eyes. "You shouldn't keep them waiting."

  Trent kissed her neck. "They're fine."

  "You're going to get us in trouble," she breathed as he lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  "I've been looking at you all night," he whispered in her ear.

  "What were you looking at?" she asked as he moved to her mouth.

  Trent's hands moved to her butt. "This..." He squeezed it and she moaned before he kissed her completely. Callie was always surprised by Trent's expertise in this area and wondered just where he'd gained so much experience. For now though, she simply enjoyed being the recipient of his ministrations.

  The pair was totally engaged when Kent opened the door calling Trent's name.

  "What?" Trent answered him staring at Callie.

  Kent paused in the doorway. "Uh...your brothers are looking for you."

  "Okay. Bye," Trent told him not looking his way.

  "So what should I tell them?" Kent asked smiling at the pair against the wall. "That you're grinding on Callie in the pool house?"

  Trent turned to him. "Get your ass out Kent! Damn!"

  Kent smiled broader. "Okay, I'll just tell them you'll be there in a minute." He laughed as he closed the door behind him.

  Trent looked back at Callie. "I'm going to seriously hurt that dude."

  She smiled. "He's a clown, but he loves you." Callie rubbed a hand over his head. "Let me down baby and go see your brothers."

  Trent pressed her closer. "You're coming over tonight right?" he asked against her neck.

  "Yeah, I'll be there," she breathed.

  Trent kissed her again and his brothers waited a while longer before he appeared.

  Kent informed Trent's brothers that he would be inside soon before he saw Lotus heading out the door to the car waiting for her. He called her name and she stopped turning back to him.

  "What's up?" he asked.


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