I Need You Always

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I Need You Always Page 6

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  She was right. I couldn’t look back or I’d lose it and start balling my eyes out. I just lifted my hand to do a backwards wave and climbed into the car, yelling out, “Call me!”

  Rick closed my door and then we were off to my new life. I didn’t know what to expect and was already surprised to see a leather briefcase with a bow and a card with my name on it on the seat.

  “Mr. Prescott wanted you to go ahead and have the gift on the back seat. The drive will take about thirty minutes or more, depending upon traffic. Is there anything I can get you Miss Lawson? I have a small cooler full of water, juice, and soda up front or I can drop by a store and get you something if you’d like.” He offered.

  “I’d like a water please and thank you.”

  I took the water and began opening the card.

  I picked up the heavy dark brown soft sided case and breathed in the heavenly smell of leather. I caught the driver looking at me funny in the rearview mirror, probably thinking I was strange. But, I’ve never been able to resist the smell of leather something about it makes me feel comfortable. I was surprised to find a new lightweight laptop, a few business folders, marked with “copy” on the front, my current sales sheet projections, and the newest Samsung Galaxy S5 Android phone, with contacts already listed for Mr. Prescott, his wife, both their sons, several departments at work, my friend Robin, from work, my brother, and former roommates.

  I began to wonder why this was all here? Did he plan on me starting work today? Plus, how did he get a hold of all these phone numbers? I was about to ask the driver when we pulled up to a large gate and he punched in some numbers to let us in. The next thing I knew, the car door was being opened and Mr. Prescott stuck his hand inside to help me out.

  “Welcome Marissa! This is Dane’s home and your new place of residence for a while. Did you get a chance to check out your briefcase?”

  I nodded, though was stunned by the sheer size of the house before me. To call this a house is an under statement of the year. This was a small mansion. A wave of terror slipped through me hoping I wasn’t going to be living in some form of museum for the next, God knows how long. I liked the freedom of being me, not being a visitor not allowed to touch anything.

  He smiled and laughed a bit, patting me on the shoulder. “I had Marjorie get a copy of Dane’s latest clients, along with your current spreadsheets. Since your hours will be all over the place, I had her purchase the newest laptop with all of our software and a cell phone to carry with you at all times. I didn’t know if your current cell carrier included overseas, since you’ll be doing some traveling, so we have provided a new one. Please feel free to use this phone for work and keeping in contact with your family and friends. By the way, you should thank Robin she helped me get several of the numbers loaded into the phone for you. I know HR made sure your passport was in order, so you can hit the ground running with work.”

  I just smiled and kept nodding, half paying attention to what Mr. Prescott was saying. I was grateful for all the new gifts, but was beginning to wonder if I had bitten off more than I could handle. The new items, the house, everything seemed so surreal.

  His hand began to make soothing circles on my shoulder, as he began to pull me toward the front door. “I’m sorry dear. I don’t mean to bombard you with everything all at once. I know the house and all look more intimidating than what it is. Dane is very down to earth in how he lives and the rest we can just deal with day to day.”

  I stopped at the door waiting to ring the bell or knock, but Mr. Prescott just walked right in. “Dane, your house guest has arrived.”

  My heart was beating at a rapid pace, as I heard footsteps from the neighboring room come closer. I began questioning whether I’d dressed appropriately, but today wasn’t a work day, so I’d decided to dress casual in one of my better pair of jeans and a dressy shirt, with flats. It was the first purchase I’d made for myself in a long time from an actual store, thanks to my relatives giving me a little money for graduation.

  I was partially hidden behind Mr. Prescott, trying to get a peak of his son, when suddenly he stepped to the side and I was staring face to face with the Greek God Adonis, in the flesh. “Marissa, this is my son, and your new co-worker, Dane. Dane, this is Marissa.”

  The connection to my brain and mouth seemed to fail. I just stood there as Dane stretched out his hand to shake mine. Somehow I managed to get my arm to work, but he didn’t shake it, instead he lifted it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles. “It is truly an honor to meet you, Marissa. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you and can’t wait to discuss some sales ideas. Welcome to my home. I’ve already placed you in one of my guest bedrooms with one of the en suite bathrooms for your privacy.”

  I could feel the blush rise in my cheeks at the kiss of his lips on my skin. The sheer warmth of his hand on mine sent an electrical shock through my system, which is weird, because it’s only happened a couple times before. Have we already met? He seems familiar. I could see his lips move, but I couldn’t hear anything. I was stuck in my own little fantasy world.

  I finally shook my head and pulled my hand out of his. Looking down toward the floor, not really making eye contact with Dane, I finally answered. “Thank you for allowing me to live here and work with you. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, too.”

  He’s just too handsome to work with. How can I be expected to work alongside someone that looks like they belong on the cover of GQ. His skin was a little darker tan than Mr. Prescott, his hair a dark chocolate brown, cut short in a business professional cut, eyes as brown as the richest cappuccino, his lashes were longer and thicker than mine, which made me envious, and a smile so hot it could melt the polar ice caps.

  Mr. Prescott cleared his throat, making me look his direction as he smiled and did some sort of secret nod that he seemed to share with his son. I could see him mouth something that looked like sub- something and Dane smiling in agreement, but what I had no clue. What were they talking about, dinner maybe?

  “I need to get going. I have a charity function to attend tonight and need to go see if my wife is ready. Dane has been busy cooking dinner for you both to enjoy and start getting acquainted with one another. Why don’t you give Marissa a tour of the house first?”

  Dane nodded in agreement. “Sure thing. We’ll go ahead and get her settled. I’ll give you a call tomorrow to let you know how things go. Give mom and Rafe a hug from me. We’ll catch the next benefit.”

  Mr. Prescott gave him a quick hug and then turned to me. “Don’t be afraid dear. He won’t hurt you and if he tries, he’ll have to deal with me. If you have any problems or concerns, call me or my wife at any hour, day or night. You have our numbers programmed into your phone.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you for everything.”

  He opened the front door. “I’ll leave you both to it then.”

  I felt a warm hand on mine, trying to get me to release the death grip on my briefcase. I guess I was a little nervous. “Here, let me take your things and you can follow me up to your room.”

  His voice seemed oddly familiar, but I just dismissed it due to nerves. I followed Dane through the entry, up the rounded staircase and down the hall. “All the bedrooms are up here on the second level. I have three guest rooms on the west side of the house, and another over here across from my suite.”

  I was hoping he’d turn toward the west, once we reached the hall, but he headed toward the master suite. “I can easily stay on the opposite side of the house to give you more privacy.” I tried to offer, feeling a little scared of the idea of being across from his bedroom.

  “Thank you for the offer, but two of the other guest rooms share a bath, while the other has a tiny one. This will offer you the greatest privacy and more room. Plus, I have to confess that sometimes I get nightmares about my sister’s death and could use someone to help wake me.” He put down the suitcase to open the door and swung it open motioning for me to enter first.

looked up at his eyes for the first time and saw grief in them. “I’m so sorry for your loss. Whatever I can do to help, please let me know.” This must be why his dad wanted me watching over him, he’s still suffering from his loss.

  I turned my head toward the room and my jaw just about fell to the floor; it was a girl’s dream come true. The bed was a rich maple four poster bed with a wrought iron canopy dressed in a blue and gold filigree duvet. There was a sitting area to one side for reading, a small desk in which to work, and a huge flat screen television upon the chest of drawers.

  “I hope you like it. I had my housekeeper go ahead and place your new wardrobe in the closet. I had some bath items, perfumes, and cosmetics placed in your bathroom for your use. If they’re not to your liking, just give her a list of items you’d prefer and we can have them brought to you.”

  I stuttered. “M-y, wardrobe? Bath items?”

  He pointed toward the closet, which was bigger than my last bedroom. There were rows upon rows of clothes in all varieties from business, everyday items, even workout clothes. I saw a whole new set of luggage, with one case against the door of the closet. The shoes were of varying heights, placed in neat little cubbies, along the bottom of the closet. I was speechless. I’d been told I would have a business wardrobe only.

  “But?” I wanted to ask so many questions; however, words failed me.

  He’d placed my briefcase and suitcase on the bed. “We heard about what happened to your clothes. Dad’s company bought you the business wardrobe. I pitched in and got you the rest. You’ll find some accessories to your outfits in the jewelry armoire in the closet. Your nightly attire, lingerie, and other unmentionables are in the chest of drawers.”

  I just shook my head. “I can’t pay for all this. These are all designer labels. It’d take me years to try and repay just a fraction of this.”

  He walked closer, his hands held up to show he meant no harm. I couldn’t look him in the face, feeling that I was some charity case that he took pity on.

  Dane lifted my chin forcing me to look at him. His voice was firm but sent my heart to flutter. “I know this is a lot to take in. I’m not asking you to pay me back. I just feel you’ve been done an injustice and want to help. Besides, you’ll need these clothes if you’re going to work on my team. We have to be able to interact with our clients in a variety of settings whether it’s elegant, business, or everyday life, as a result, I need you looking your best at all times, for them and for me.”

  He wanted me to look good for him. What the heck? I wanted to argue but the way his eyes pierced mine I knew this was one battle to stay away from. He had very valid points in regards to work.

  “Why the new set of luggage? I don’t need that.”

  He held my chin tightly in his hand as he backed me up against the wall. “I know we haven’t had time to get to know one another well enough yet. But, the first thing you need to learn is that there’ll be some purchases made for you and you just need to accept that fact and say “Thank You” and let it go. I don’t like to be questioned, unless there is a good reason for it; one would be if you’re uncomfortable.”

  I could feel my breathing becoming rapid and my cheeks flushing. I needed some space so I raised my hands up against his hard chest, just realizing how sculpted and sinewy he really is. “I’m a little scared of your closeness, especially since I don’t know you, Dane.” I tried pushing him back a bit, but it didn’t work, he was built like solid brick.

  He moved forward, one of his hands coming up along the side of the wall, while the other still held tight to my chin, forcing me to look at his face as his eyes looked at my lips. His mouth stopped just millimeters from mine. “But, you’re wrong, little one. We’ve met before. I could never forget you.”

  Dane’s lips nipped at the side of my mouth, before his teeth tugged at my lower lip, causing me to gasp, giving him entrance to my mouth. His tongue pushed forward into mine; devouring me. One hand dropped to my lower back, pulling me closer to him, as the other grabbed hold of my hair pulling my head back so he had better control of the kiss. Oh my freaking God! It’s the elevator guy!

  A warm heat and tingle filled my entire body as his single kiss captured my soul. This is wrong! He’s the boss’s son. You’re just starting a new job! You can’t do this!

  My mind kept telling me to stop this nonsense, but my body responded to every twirl of his tongue and touch of his lips. He groaned into my mouth and his body pressed me tightly against the wall where I could feel his hardness pressing up against my belly. Was he trying to get me fired? Did he not want me here?

  I finally came to my senses and twisted away from him, breaking the kiss. I was breathing erratically, my hands on my knees, trying to slow my breaths. He seemed to be doing the same thing, so it wasn’t all me that was affected by this.

  “What do you think you’re doing? I’m not here to have an office romance, be one of your play toys, or flavor of the month, or whatever you want to call it. I’m here to do a job and I don’t want to jeopardize it.”

  I was finally able to stand up a bit straighter and noticed he’d done the same. “I want you here Marissa. I was overjoyed to hear my father had offered you a job to work with me. I was the one to request you work as my equal and not my subordinate, because that way I could date you.”

  “But, I don’t know you, Dane! I just got out of a bad relationship and I . . .”

  Before I could say another word, he got a little cocky. “I know you ended it with your boyfriend, thanks to my kiss that day . . .”

  Geez, is nothing kept sacred and secret anymore? “Okay, you want the truth. I’d been debating about dropping my boyfriend for a couple of weeks. I didn’t particularly like the way he’d been treating me by controlling every aspect of my life and alienating me from everyone. Your kiss helped me realize I’d been missing something all along, that caring feeling you get that sends your heart fluttering at a fast pace and makes all rational thought leave you because you’re so wrapped up in the person you’re with . . .” I stopped mid-sentence, realizing what I just said. “Oh, shit!”

  He moved closer to me, the back of his hand rubbing softly against the side of my face. “I can make you feel that way again.”

  I stepped back. “Not a chance Dane.” Just then my stomach grumbled.

  “I’ll give up for tonight, but I’ll make it no secret that I want to know you better, Marissa. That day on the elevator changed both of us.” He grabbed my hand. “Come let’s finish the tour of the house and then have some dinner.”

  THE HOUSE WAS BIGGER than it looked. Dane showed me my bathroom, which I nearly drooled over. I’d be christening the sunken tub later tonight with the complimentary bath oils.

  His suite across the hall was just that. His bed was a huge king size, with the most intricate pattern on the cherry head board and decorated in jeweled tones all throughout the room. He wouldn’t let me check out his bathroom, citing only, “one day,” before escorting me downstairs.

  The first floor had a huge library with a billiard table, a large office with a couple of desks, a gourmet kitchen, a laundry room, a family room, a living area, a music room, a sauna, and a workout room. “What’s in there?” I questioned, pointing to the room beside the workout area.

  “You have free reign of the entire house with exception of the one room. It’ll be locked at all times. I prefer to do some workout routines in private.” He had a smirk on his face. Now I really had to know what was in there.

  He moved me along and took me outside to show me a massive hot tub and pool that were wonderfully lit, making the backyard seem other worldly. I noticed the fence ran quite high around his property and several cameras were dotting the property line.

  I was awestruck by the beauty of the yard, when I felt his body press against the back of mine. “I have a small pool house that I use sometimes to get away from it all and read or just relax. Feel free to use any of the amenities.” His breath heated my neck and made me c
rave his touch. Focus girl! You need the job, not another boyfriend.

  The water looked inviting, but I remembered I don’t have a bathing suit anymore. The one I did have was getting too big on me and Tom had managed to destroy it. “I need to remember to go shopping for a bathing suit.” I didn’t mean to say it aloud.

  “No need to, bella. You already have three suits and some cover ups waiting for you upstairs. Just so you know, I’m not opposed to skinny dipping.” He said wiggling his eyebrows, with one side of his mouth lifted up in a smile. He took hold of my hand and pulled me toward the house. “Come, we need to eat, we have a very early day tomorrow.”

  “We do?” I looked at him and questioned.

  “Yes. You’ll find a suitcase already packed just inside of your closet, by the door. All you need to pack are whatever toiletry items you’ll need in your vanity case. Our business attire has already been forwarded onto the plane. We have an early flight and busy schedule starting tomorrow.”

  I shook my head for a moment, trying to make sure I heard everything right. I panicked. “I’m flying somewhere tomorrow? When were you going to tell me this and for how long? I can’t just fly at a moments notice. I need to purchase tickets. I have commitments coming up that I need to attend. I can’t go flying off out of the blue.”

  I tried pulling away from him but he held my hand tightly, not letting me go, as he opened the side door and ushered me back into the house. “Everything has already been arranged. We’re using the company jet for the next week to pursue a few sales options in Greece, France, and Italy. Is there some reason why you need to be back?”

  I huffed a bit. “You can’t just tell me what to do all the time. I refuse to lose control over my life again.”

  He turned me to face him. “I’m sorry, I thought my father or someone would’ve told you about our first assignment. The folders you have in your briefcase are with the companies we’ll be talking to.”


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