A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle)

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A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle) Page 76

by Uvi Poznansky

  Charity stood and began pacing. “You have no idea how tired I am. Both of you aren’t here, so neither of you has any clue how hard taking care of a newborn baby is.” She growled when Michael tried to interrupt her rant. “David should be here with his baby. She’s his last link to Maria. He’s not going to glimpse into Maria’s eyes in his cottage on the beach, but he could here. Suzette has her mom’s eyes. The next time you talk to him you make certain you pass that bit of information on to him. I understand he’s grieving. He’s not the only one. I’m grieving too, but more importantly Suzette’s grieving. He should be here. You tell him that.”

  She slammed the receiver into its cradle and then stared at the phone as if daring it to ring again. Charity stood rooted to the floor, stunned. She couldn’t believe the situation she was in. What did she know about raising a baby by herself?


  By some twist of fate or maybe it was just a miracle, Suzette survived the first eight months of her life with just Charity there as her substitute mother and father. In Charity’s mind, it all passed in a blur of activity centered on the ever changing needs of a baby. At that very moment, Suzette was trying to pull herself up from a kneeling position on the floor. She had grabbed a hold of the edge of one of the living room chairs and kept trying and trying to pull up. She finally stood in a wobbly crouch and after several seconds of her legs quivering, she plopped back down onto her bottom with a soft thump. She was getting braver each and every day at trying new things.

  Charity couldn’t help but laugh at the expression on Suzette’s face after she fell. The sweet baby was too good natured to cry, and instead of admitting defeat, she just tried pulling herself up again. She had a determined expression on her face, her tiny tongue stuck out, and her nose scrunched up.

  “You’re going to be walking soon enough. Aren’t you? I won’t be able to keep up with you at all then.” Charity glanced around at all the scattered toys spread from wall to wall across the living room floor. “There will be no end to your destruction when you are finally up and mobile.”

  Suzette laughed as if she understood everything Charity had just said and thought it was hilarious. The sound of it was enough to make Charity laugh too. Suzette was a never-ending source of amazement and joy. She had inherited her mother’s fine bone structure, beautiful blue eyes and David’s black hair. Even though David’s eyes were also blue, they were a darker intense shade. Maria’s had been light and airy like a spring sky. Suzette’s light blue eyes and black hair were going to be a fatal combination later when she was old enough to attract attention from the male population. Just thinking of Suzette growing made Charity sad because she knew that sooner or later David was bound to finally come to his senses and return to his daughter. When that day came, she would no longer be needed and would then be completely out of Suzette’s life. She was so torn between wanting David to return and dreading the day she wouldn’t be able to see her sweet baby any longer. She had grown to love Suzette as if she was her own though she wasn’t, and there lay the heart of the problem.

  Since they seldom had visitors it was a surprise when the doorbell rang. Charity wasn’t expecting company so she looked through the peep hole before answering. Michael grinned at her from the other side of the door so she quickly unlocked it. “Michael! What are you doing so far away from your office on a weekday?”

  He held up a folder. “Charles just sent over your script for After the Glory. He thought you would want to read it before you signed the new contract.” He then held up a second folder. “I was impressed by the amount Charles opened the negotiations with. You’ll be pleased too. He’s giving you a couple of days to read the new script and the contract. He has included everything you requested. He added the special accommodations to have Suzette on the set with a nanny so you will be able to spend all of your free time with her.”

  Michael handed the script and contract to Charity and then walked over to Suzette. When she raised her chubby arms he picked her up and kissed both of her cheeks. “Hey sweetie pie! How’s the world been treating you?”

  Suzette responded by grabbing a hand full of his hair.

  Michael turned to Charity laughing. “The girls always go for the hair. It’s my irresistible charm.”

  Charity laid the paperwork on the coffee table and went over to rescue him. It took several seconds to untangle Suzette’s little fingers from his hair. With that accomplished she took the baby from him and sat her back onto the floor. She turned to face Michael just so he could see her roll her eyes. “I have noticed that women love your hair.”

  He ran his fingers through the tangles Suzette had just created. He grinned and shrugged. “But the moment you agree to marry me, I will drop every one of them and devote myself to you.”

  Charity sat on the nearest sofa and motioned for him to do the same. “I think that is too chancy a proposal to stake the rest of my life on.”

  Michael looked down at Suzette chewing her favorite toy bear. “You know every time that I see the two of you together, I have to admit, it has me considering the possibility of settling down one day.”

  Charity laughed but stopped when his expression turned serious.

  “I’m really not as big of a playboy as you think I am.” He grinned. “I look at women, but there’s nothing wrong with looking as long as I’m not touching every woman who looks back.” He leaned back in the chair and crossed his legs. It was a relaxed stance, but there was still something in his expression that clearly spoke of his sincerity. “You’re the first woman who ever made me think I could get married and be happy forever.” He propped his elbow on the arm of the chair but never took his eyes off of hers. “This is a crazy town filled with fickle people. There’s something very pure about your soul. It’s very rare in this day and time to meet a woman like you.” He glanced down at Suzette. “Look at how much of your life you have devoted to help a friend. Not many people would be willing to do that, and especially as sought after as you have become since Touchdown of the Heart was released. You’ve given up a lot to help David.”

  It was a huge shock to hear Michael might be beginning to have serious feelings for her. She had never thought of him as anything other than a good friend. It made her sad to think she might have to break his heart if she didn’t do something soon to stop him from falling in love with her. She wasn’t prepared for that conversation yet, so she tried to steer him into another direction completely. “What has Charles decided to do about David? Do you think he’ll recast the role and give the part of Robert Gregg to another actor? I loved working with David. I would hate to portray Kelly Gregg and not have David be Robert Gregg. It wouldn’t feel right.”

  Michael grinned at her obvious attempt at changing the subject. He uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. He settled an elbow on each knee. “I personally flew David’s contract out to him a couple of days ago.”

  Charity‘s mouth dropped open. “You saw him? How is he? Did he ask about Suzette?”

  Michael held up a hand to halt any further questions. “He has lost a lot of weight. He asked how you and Suzette were doing and beyond that, he really didn’t say much to me about what his future plans are. I told him Charles needed an answer by Friday. I left the contract with him. He has five days to decide. Charles wants him, but he has prepared for the possibility that he won’t sign. Charles is already considering a couple of other high profile actors. I would hate to see David lose the job, but as it stands now, I have no idea if he will agree to come back or not.” He looked down at Suzette. “Do you know what I found to be the most disturbing thing about the visit?” He shook his head as if trying to rid himself of what he was remembering. “David’s eyes were empty straight down to his soul. I wanted to help but I had no idea what to do. I didn’t even want to fly back home without him, but he didn’t want my help, so what could I do?”

  Charity studied Michael’s profile for a moment as she tried to digest this last piece of information. She glanced down at Su
zette and tried to imagine David as Michael had just described him, but try as she might, she couldn’t do it. She wanted to stay angry at him for deserting his daughter, but hearing how haunted he still was by Maria’s death just broke her heart. “What do you think he will decide to do?” She met Michael’s eyes again.

  He leaned forward and reached out to take her hand. “I don’t have a clue. A year ago I would have bet money on what David would or wouldn’t do, but right now, I don’t know. I hope for Suzette’s sake he does come back. Not to mention his career. We can’t keep his absence a secret forever. If this ever gets out, he’s going to have a hard time recovering professionally from it. I can’t believe with the way the rumor mill is in Hollywood that it hasn’t already been in every gossip rag out there.” He squeezed her fingers. “You have done an outstanding job with Suzette and keeping his absence a secret. I don’t know how you managed it, but he owes more to you than he’ll ever know.”

  Charity shrugged. “It has been surprisingly easy. Suzette has flourished in spite of my mothering skills, and I haven’t been bothered by the press in months.”

  “You have played your life pretty low key. No hot dates with any known actors. No scandals. What few jobs you have agreed to do you have done them with great professionalism, and gone straight home every night. I’m surprised the press hasn’t been curious with whom it is that you have been hiding away in your little love nest. Wouldn’t they be surprised to discover that the most beautiful woman in Hollywood only comes home to a baby? Not much scandal there, is there?”

  “Not going out on a date has been quite easy. Everyone who asks me out always has this disturbing smirk on their face. I suspect their ‘dinner and a movie’ is more like an offer to see their bedroom. I can’t seem to find anyone that wants to get to know me. I can’t remember the last time a man made actual eye contact with me for more than two minutes. I know what they are interested in, and I’m not. So going out doesn’t seem to be a problem that I have right at this time.”

  “Alright then. Get your belongings together. Get whatever the baby needs. I’m taking the two of you out to dinner and a movie. I know where they are playing the latest Disney flick.”

  “I walked right into that one didn’t I?”

  “You sure did! Now you go get your stuff.” He grinned and snapped his fingers to get her moving faster.

  She propped her hand on her hip and asked, “Are you sure you know what you are doing? Have you ever gone to the movies with a baby before? They aren’t always on their best behavior in movie theaters.”

  Michael shrugged. “I’m willing to take my chances if you are.”

  Charity thought about another long day with just her and Suzette, and made a quick decision. “Okay. I’m game if you are, but you’re buying me popcorn and candy.”

  Michael picked up Suzette and her teddy bear. “You have a deal. I can’t believe as skinny as you are that you eat candy, but whatever it takes to make the woman happy.”

  He looked down at Suzette, and corrected himself. “I’m sorry. The women happy.”

  Suzette promptly grabbed a hand full of hair. Michael made a pained expression, but he good-naturally let Suzette keep her grip on his pony tail.

  Charity headed out of the room. “Give me a few minutes. It takes some planning and packing to leave the house with a baby. You can’t forget even one single item, or it could be a catastrophe.”

  Michael sat on the sofa with Suzette, and called after her. “Take your time. We’re not going anywhere until you’re ready.”

  After their date with Michael, Charity and Suzette had a peaceful couple of days. Charity had been surprised by his patience with everything it had taken to keep a baby happy and entertained. He hadn’t been embarrassed when Suzette became fussy in the movie theater, but helped Charity gather everything up so they could leave. It had been a pleasant surprise to discover that side of Michael. But even armed with that knowledge she wasn’t ready to get involved with anyone. In spite of his declarations of thinking about settling down, she wasn’t certain he was. Hollywood held too many temptations for the average man. To be faithful to one woman with all of the available and willing women took a very strong man, and she wasn’t certain if Michael had it in him to resist so much temptation. In order to keep her heart secure she was going to have to keep Michael as her friend and nothing more.


  Right after breakfast Charity stripped Suzette down to just a diaper and then stuffed a couple of beach towels in her bag of beach toys. With that taken care of she then ran into her bedroom and slipped on a fiery red one-piece swim suit. Before heading out the door she slung the bag over one arm and then picked Suzette up with the other. The two of them settled into their favorite spot about twenty feet from the house and a safe enough distance from the water so they wouldn’t get wet. The moment all of the toys were scattered within arm’s reach, they both began digging with gusto into the sand. A few minutes into the fun, Suzette crawled over and climbed into Charity’s lap. The sand-covered baby planted a long sloppy wet kiss somewhere between Charity’s chin and mouth. It was the type of a kiss only a baby could get away with and the receiver think it was the sweetest thing ever. It was long and filled with lots of slobber. Charity wrapped both of her arms around Suzette’s waist, and gave her a ferocious hug. During this lovely exchange, she had no idea they were being watched from the beach house’s deck by the one person who never left her thoughts.

  Just as soon as all of the grimy affections had been exchanged, Suzette crawled out of Charity’s arms and right into the center of the sand castle. With a giggle and several hand smacks, she knocked down everything Charity had worked so hard at building. Charity began halfheartedly trying to salvage the demolished pile of sand. It was a little game they enjoyed playing every day. When Suzette knocked it all down a second time, Charity threw both hands in the air and began laughing. Suzette turned her head to see what she was laughing at. The quizzical expression on her face was Charity’s undoing.

  Charity leaned forward and pulled her into a big hug. “You are too cute for your own good, baby girl. I love you to pieces. I really do.”

  Suzette patted the side of Charity’s head and with each pat more sand was deposited onto Charity’s face. When Suzette leaned in with another long sloppy kiss Charity began tickling her. They were both so busy laughing, it took several minutes before Charity finally noticed someone was standing over them. The moment she noticed, she glanced up, gasped, and hugged Suzette even tighter in her arms as if she needed her protection.

  David knelt next to them and since Suzette wasn’t used to being around strangers, she snuggled her face into the curve of Charity’s shoulder. Every now and then she would peep out to see if he was still there. When he saw how afraid she was of him, a hurt expression fleetingly crossed his face, but he quickly replaced it with a gentle smile. He reached over and touched the back of Suzette’s head. “She has her mother’s eyes.”

  At first Charity was too surprised to speak but she soon regained her voice and composure. Suzette looked up to Charity for reassurance with the very eyes David had so calmly mentioned. “Yes, she does. They’re beautiful.”

  He could only hold eye contact for a few seconds before he broke it. He casually glanced around at the mounds of sand. “I see the two of you have been very busy this morning.”

  Charity wasn’t about to let him get away with trivialities. He had way too much to account for. “Are you home for good?”

  He lowered his lashes, too ashamed to hold her intent stare any longer. “Yes. I thought it was about time I stopped behaving like a child.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Charity gave Suzette a bubble bath. To keep from thinking too much, she hummed while the baby splashed in the water. It was fun watching her trying, without success, to catch the bubbles. Dreading the moment she would have to face David again, she let Suzette play in the water until the bubbles all popped and the water turned tepid. Even after l
aying the now exhausted baby down for a nap, she stayed by the crib until Suzette was sound asleep. After cleaning the tub, toys, and the sand off her shoes, Charity took a shower.

  Unfortunately, it was impossible to avoid the cold hard truth forever. She didn’t want to talk to David about why he had left without word or warning. Even shampooing her hair didn’t calm her down enough to stop her heart from pounding. As she thought about facing David again after so many months, she began hyperventilating. To keep from passing out, she sat on the floor of the shower with her forehead pressed against her knees. She forced herself to breath naturally again while letting the soothing warm water run down her back. It was calming to picture herself standing underneath a waterfall in the tropics and without a care in the world.

  It had been a shock to see David out on the beach. All of those months waiting for his return, constantly worrying over his wellbeing, and, out of nowhere, there he had been in flesh and blood. She had been so busy trying to take care of Suzette, she hadn’t taken the time to examine her feelings about his disappearance. There on the floor of the shower, every suppressed emotion came floating up to the surface. It was a shocking mixture of anger and grief. Before Maria’s death, she had grown to value their friendship and in those last days, before his disappearance, he had treated her like a complete stranger. She couldn’t help but grieve for the loss of their friendship, but more importantly, she was angry over his lack of concern for his own daughter. Months had gone by without him attempting to see her. She had no idea what she was going to say to him. What could she say? What was even more frightening was the fact he might not care what she thought or said. After all, what did she even know about the man, who was now a stranger, waiting for her out in the living room?

  But even as angry as Charity was, she couldn’t help but be shocked by how thin David had become since Maria’s death. She pressed her forehead painfully against the bones of her knees. Nothing could block the image of how nervous and haunted his expression had been when she had first looked up and met his eyes. She didn’t want to feel sorry for him. She wasn’t certain he deserved her compassion, but no matter how hard she tried not to let his haunted expression tug at her heart, it did anyway. To halt those unwelcomed feelings of forgiveness she pounded on the sides of her legs and reminded herself that he had deserted his infant daughter without any thought to her welfare. How could he have done such a thing? The David she had thought she’d known so well would have never run off and left his daughter behind.


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