Curves For Him: 10 Delicious Tales

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Curves For Him: 10 Delicious Tales Page 36

by Aubrey Rose

  Terrence groaned as minutes later he woke up to find people bent over him, their faces filled with concern as they asked him if he was okay. He heard a voice shout for someone to call an ambulance. Terrence could barely register anything with his whole body on fire with pain. His attackers were long gone but that one message he’d been left with suddenly made everything clear.

  He knew then who was behind all the shit he’d been going through. Losing his job and getting this beat down that made it feel like he needed a hearse, not a hospital. One name came to mind and it rang through him like a bell.

  Blake Carter.

  When he’d beaten Kira up all those months ago in his blind rage, he’d never guessed his ‘rival’ had been Blake Carter, Bretton Carter’s son. He’d only realized the truth when Kira married Blake soon after. He remembered coming to his senses after his act of violence. Our of fear of being arrested, he’d taken an assignment overseas hoping to lay low in case Kira pressed charges. But she never did and he figured neither Kira, Blake, nor his father had wanted any scandal. Months went by and Terrence had thought he was safe. He’d told himself the cheating bitch had deserved it. Thought she was too good for him, right? He’d convinced himself that he’d given her a well-deserved lesson. But like that man had said, Terrence shouldn’t have thought he’d get away with shit like that. He should’ve known his time would come and damn, people were right. Payback was such a bitch.


  Bretton Carter replaced the receiver, a small, grim smile on his face. Hearing the report that his instructions had been carried out to the letter gave him deeper satisfaction than anything had done in a long time.

  He could still remember that afternoon, the day after Kira had come out of hospital and she’d told him what Terrence had done to her. Blake had come to see him, and they’d talked. It was one of the most in-depth father-son conversations they’d ever had.

  “You know what he did to her,” Bretton had said expressionlessly. “Are you going to do anything about it?”

  Blake’s face had darkened with fury. “Once he gets back from that overseas assignment, I intend to tear him apart with my bare hands.”

  Bretton had smiled a little. “My sentiments exactly. And yet I think now you should focus more on Kira. Devote more time to winning her heart. She’s been hurting, physically and emotionally for a long time and you’re the only one who can heal that hurt.”

  Blake’s wrathful expression had grown confused. “What are you saying? Are you asking me to forgive Terrence for what he did? Dad, he not only risked Kira’s life but the life of my unborn child...”

  “And my grandchild,” Bretton said calmly, while his grey eyes flashed with menace directed at a certain Terrence King. “And I’m not saying he’s going to get away with it. I’m asking that you leave him to me. Let me deal with him. My way. I want to take care of this.”

  Blake scowled, staring at his father for several moments before he expelled his breath in a harsh gust of air. “Anyone else ask me that, and I’d tell him to go jump off the nearest cliff. But then...”

  Bretton knew how hard it had been for Blake to entrust the matter in his father’s hands. But finally, he had. And Bretton would make sure he didn’t disappoint his son. Terrence King had hell to pay, and this was just the beginning. Bretton was going to take a lasting pleasure in bringing Terrence King to his knees. And Bretton wasn’t going to stop until the debt had been repaid in full.

  Bretton’s eyes strayed to the photographs on his desk.

  They were the new ones he’d placed next to Blake’s graduation picture. One was of Blake and Kira, smiling up at each other against a background of blue sea and mountains. That was from their summer vacation in Santorini, Greece. And the other frame was of his incredibly lovely grandchildren, boy and girl twins, Ashton and Kayla. It had been so mischievous of Kira and Blake to hide from everyone the fact that they were expecting twins, no one finding out until the babies were born. Bretton had felt like the proudest grandfather alive that day and the feeling hadn’t ebbed even months later. Amazing how much he loved them all.

  He only hoped he’d shown it in enough ways, especially to Blake, that he meant that. Over the months they’d bonded and Bretton knew they were both on the road to healing after the time they’d lost from Blake’s childhood.

  Bretton wasn’t a man who liked excuses so he never gave any. But even he knew he’d messed up as a father and he wasn’t averse to taking all the blame for the way his marriage ended. One thing Bretton was proud of; was the way Blake turned out. Blake was exactly the man Bretton would have wanted to be if circumstances hadn’t set him on a different path. Blake’s mother hadn’t understood him nor had she wanted the baggage of Bretton’s extreme drive to succeed in the business world.

  He’d known Sophie would be happier without him, so he’d regretfully let her go. But did all this success and all the money make up for what he’d lost in his young wife and only son? Bretton needed no one to answer that for him. He hadn’t wanted Blake to grow up anything like his father and that was why Bretton let Sophie raise their son alone. She made sure she kept Bretton far away from them, only sending pictures and sometimes letters telling Bretton about Blake’s progress.

  Now that Bretton had not only Blake, but Kira and his grandkids, he began to wonder how he could’ve settled for so little contact all those years. How blind he’d been.

  He rose from his desk a few minutes later, preparing to make his way home. It was lonely staying in that big old villa by himself, but it helped to know that his son and his new family lived not too far away. Bretton knew a man like him couldn’t ask for more – only that God would keep him alive long enough to make up for his mistakes – and long enough to show how grateful he was for being blessed with so many people he loved.

  Bretton vowed he’d never take them for granted. That was an error he’d never make again.

  Maybe I’ll retire; thought Bretton as he descended to the private parking where Chase waited in the Mercedes to drive him home. I need more time to devote to my family.

  This time, he’d see to it that his family knew for sure he’d always be there for them; a guardian angel whenever they needed one.



  About the Author: Dez Burke

  Dez Burke grew up in rural Alabama and spent most of her summers reading worn copies of her Grandmother's romance books. Today she writes hot, steamy books featuring gorgeous alpha males and the women who love them. She is an avid animal lover and is Mom to a teenage daughter, three parrots, a cat, and two rescue dogs.

  She loves interacting with her readers so you can find her hanging out every day on Facebook and on Twitter @ dezburke. To sign up for her newsletter to hear about new releases sign up at! For updates on new releases visit her website at

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  I Married a Bear by A.T. Mitchell

  I: Bear of a Wedding (Laura)

  “I can't marry
him, Daddy! I've never seen him, never spoken to him, and he's an honest to Gods grizzly! Yuck!” I sucked in badly needed air.

  My whole body trembled as I stared at my reflection. The tight, cream colored dress constricted my whole body, making this entire nasty affair that much worse.

  The gods are cruel today. I'm really supposed to celebrate my twenty-first birthday with an arranged marriage to a man who's not part of my clan?

  Heck, he's not even a tiger!

  “Now, Laura, don't make me explain this again.” He waited until I spun around to face him. “This wedding isn't about you. It's about our clan. Your marriage gives us a peace that's been bitter at best for generations. Tiger Bay can't afford a war with Denali. Not an open one where we all line up and do battle, anyway.”

  I shook my head and stomped my foot. The tears were coming, but I resisted. Holding them in made the wild tremors sweeping through me even more intense.

  Great. If I didn't breakdown in an embarrassing whimper, I might have a heart attack instead.

  My tantrums were nothing new to my father. He crossed the room and gently laid his hand on my shoulder. I just wanted to slap it away.

  “I've already assured you the marriage is for appearances only. He won't lay a hand on you. If he does, he'll have a whole pack of angry tigers breaking down his door to get you out of there.” Daddy paused. “Of course, you and I know he'll get tiger guns in his face either way. But we're not quite ready for that. We need to bide our time, let him feel safe with you. You remember all the little details I told you about the operation, right?”

  I swallowed. Hard.

  Daddy hadn't gotten to be Alpha of Tiger Bay by being some great peacemaker. He was cunning, ruthless, never a man who did anything without a very good reason.

  He didn't swallow his pride either. Giving up his only daughter to some old treaty was a big compromise. I think he viewed it as an investment, expecting a return in blood and treasure.

  Aside from his closest military advisers, I was the only one in Tiger Bay who knew what he really had planned after the wedding.

  “It's just a few months, Laura,” he said softly. “Remember, if everything goes off without a hitch, this wedding will be the last insufferable arrangement between our two peoples. No more bears, plenty of hunting for tigers in their rich lands. Lots of lumber to feed our industry. All you have to do is put up with the brute for a little while. Then I'll find you a good man in a tiger clan who'll be your true mate. I promise.”

  “Whatever,” I snorted. “It's easy for you to say. You don't have to live with a big ferocious bear for – how long? – months?”

  He nodded. “The price of public service, my dear. We've lived the good life since you were born. Your mother raised you to be strong and conscientious, Laura. Gods rest her memory. If you can put your fears aside and go through with this today, then you'll honor her the best way I know how.”

  He reached into his pocket. I reluctantly took the soft handkerchief he shoved toward me, blotting at my watery eyes.

  Daddy smiled. His face was warm, excited. This was just another part of a long, high risk game to him, and I was one more chess piece.

  Even so, I saw a father's concern in his eyes, too authentic to mistake for anything else.

  He needed me to do this. Our family had profited from leading the clan and swore to protect it, and an Alpha's daughter was expected to share the same deep relationship.

  The only thing worse than my impending marriage to a savage bear was letting him down. Or worse, letting down mother, wherever she'd gone with the gods.

  “Okay, fine. I'll do it.”

  “That's my girl!” Daddy embraced me in a big hug. “I'm proud of you. Learning to put your people first is a serious sign of growing up. Besides, you look so beautiful in your granny's dress...pretend this is just a rehearsal for the real thing. Someday, you'll marry a tiger who'll sweep you off your feet.”

  I smiled at the thought. I needed something to smile about with the lace cuffs burning my wrists and neck.

  Granny had been a full figured female too, but I was even bigger. Of course, most tigers were today thanks to better nutrition than what they had in the old days. Human technology and trade made our hunts a whole lot more reliable.

  I sighed in Daddy's arms, grateful I wasn't really marrying my fated mate today. It wasn't the worst thing in the world knowing this was a purely political marriage, even if it felt like it in my panicky moments.

  It would've been far worse to marry a handsome tiger and see the disappointment in his eyes when I came to the altar. None of the males in Tiger Bay had ever looked at me with real desire, and not just because Daddy would've torn their heads off if they did.

  I didn't have the sleek shapely body females tigers were expected to have. I was a full figured girl, too busty and plump to wear the traditional tiger clothes that weren't hand me downs from my own family, or plus size imports from the human world.

  The door to my changing room swung open. Daddy released me and we both looked at his assistant, Marshall.

  “They're all ready for her, Mister Hisch.”

  My father nodded and took my hand. “Are you ready for this, Laura?”

  I answered him by stepping toward the gaping door. Arm in arm, we walked through it, into the hallway leading to the main chamber, where the two clans had assembled for the small ceremony.

  High ranking officials from both sides were decked out in their finest suits, some of them wearing glittery medals.

  An organ started droning wedding music, and I nearly passed out. If it weren't for Daddy holding me steady, I might've toppled over and lost everything. Somehow, I managed to keep going, step by step, toward the altar.

  It wasn't until I was halfway across the carpet that I looked up and saw my groom for the first time. The instant I did, I really lost it. Everything went numb and blurry, and I began to fall.

  “Let's try this again, Miss Hisch. Do you take Denali's Alpha, James Roark, to be your mate, inseparable as the heavens?”

  The priest had a sour look on his face. Hushed whispers fell across the small crowd as they waited tensely, Daddy included.

  I forced myself to look at James again. His strong face revealed nothing beyond a tiny spark in his eyes. He looked at me, his huge chest and broad shoulders perfectly anchored in his suit, waiting for an answer.

  I wished I could've stopped time and studied him. From what little I saw before I fainted, and after Daddy fanned me back to consciousness for the final few steps to the altar, I was about to marry a huge man.

  No, a giant.

  Over two hundred pounds of well sculpted muscle stood before me, stuffed into a tuxedo, powerful as a grizzly even when he was in his human form. His thick, hard torso stopped at his shoulders and then new muscles went up his neck, topped by a handsome face with a masculine jaw and the faintest hint of stubble.

  I literally froze up in his shadow. I expected the bear to be a brute – he was his clan's Alpha, after all, just like my father – but I didn't expect him to be a handsome brute.

  And handsome was a ridiculous understatement. He had a manly physique most tiger males would've needed steroids to chisel with their lean bodies, and even then it would've been a stretch.

  Nobody in Tiger Bay matched a bear's size and strength. And my stomach hummed with conflicting emotion when I realized just how drop dead sexy the Goliath look really was.

  “Go ahead and answer the priest, beautiful. Promise I won't bite, unless that'll get you to move things along.”

  His first words shook me out of my stupor. His voice matched the rest of him, smooth and baritone, every word honed like a natural command.

  Gods! It was going to be very hard to say no to this voice. I was afraid of living with a bear before, but now I was paralyzed.

  Blushing, I looked at the old priest and remembered the holy words from the rehearsal.

  “I do. I belong to him, just as the gods intended.”

/>   Crap! Tiger wedding vows aren't suitable for this at all.

  I'm sure the gods never intended me to marry a man like this. Not a hulking bear drowning me in his big brown eyes, making me wish he weren't a damned grizzly...

  “And do you, James Roark, cherish this female as your sacred duty? To love and protect her, a symbol of peace between our peoples, as eternal as the–“

  “Yeah, I do.” He cut the priest off, drowning the flowery words. “This pretty little tiger belongs to me now.”

  The priest cleared his throat and shuffled uncomfortably, clearly annoyed by the break in tradition.

  My eyebrows went up. Had he really said that? And at our wedding, no less?

  Just what kind of asshole is this bear? I'm not anybody's little tiger, and certainly not yours!

  The words were at the tip of my tongue when something exploded behind us. I realized it was a big balloon, squeezed a little too tight by a young bear in the front row.

  Several laughs echoed through the temple. No sense in chastising him now. It seemed the gods were conspiring to make this even more of a laughingstock than it already was.

  “Today, the heavens are satisfied! Take her hand, young bear, and show this woman to your den.”

  Claps and a few muffled cheers rang out. Several more balloons burst with a bang.

  Tigers shuffled uncomfortably. It was one of the bears' dumb wedding traditions, fascinated as they were with big floating objects.

  I extended a hand to him, a cold reminder how phony this wedding really was. Normally, the priest would've said take her lips if this were a real tiger wedding, and everybody would've been treated to a raucous kiss between the new couple.

  James' big hand went around mine and squeezed. He plucked the ring from the man next to him and shoved it on my finger. It was full of glittery diamonds set in silver.


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