Tempting Temptation [Mackenzie Dominants 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Tempting Temptation [Mackenzie Dominants 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 1

by Mimi Tulane

  Mackenzie Dominants 3

  Tempting Temptation

  Rasheed Mackenzie is the youngest of the Mackenzie cousins. Often dubbed as the playful Dom, he longs to find his true love. When he discovers Ebony Stuart is the author of his favorite romance book series, he sets out on a path to win her affection by offering to role play a scene from one of her books. However, he worries that his lack of sophistication, coupled with the fact that Ebony isn’t interested in the BDSM lifestyle, will be a barrier.

  Ebony Stuart is a full-figured woman, on the return road to self love. Because she was hurt by a narcissistic man, she sees all handsome men as a potential for disaster…until she meets the extremely attractive Dominant, Rasheed Mackenzie. Ebony finds herself attracted to him— but not his lifestyle. Through his patient pursuit, however, she finds a genuine, caring man and learns what the adage, judging a book by its cover, truly means.

  Genre: African-American, BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 32,652 words


  Mackenzie Dominants 3

  Mimi Tulane


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2015 by Mimi Tulane

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-781-7

  First E-book Publication: January 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Thank you always to my Lord and Savior from whom all blessings flow. A special thank you to my husband, children, and mother, my biggest supporters and fans—I appreciate that you all put up with me and all my characters! A fond thank you to my publisher for taking a chance on me and helping me polish my coal until it shined like diamonds. A warm thank you to the RP Community whose support and love I will always treasure. A BIG thank you to my sisters of the heart, Cathy, Carrie, Brandi, and Jane. You have been and will always be family. Thank you for blessing my life with your presence. A most important and heartfelt thank you…to YOU for reading my work, reviewing my work, suggesting more work…you have no idea how much it thrills me to know that there is someone, somewhere that enjoys the stories I write. Your support is a constant reminder of how truly fortunate and blessed I am to be able to follow my dream. I will always keep your encouragement and kind words close to my heart and strive to keep writing better!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  About the Author


  Mackenzie Dominants 3


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  The beat of the music was a constant throb. The crowd at the Velvet Fantasy was a mass of surging energy. Many fetish-clad bodies milled about, some more scantily dressed than others. Tonight was the final evening of the yearly rotating conference dubbed Erotique Fest. A few months back the Velvet Fantasy had held a monthly themed event Lost in Subspace which had garnered rave reviews from the conference attendees. When word got out among their peers, it led to the Velvet Fantasy being nominated to host this year’s Erotique Fest.

  Rasheed Mackenzie stood at his customary spot upon the dais to the right of his cousin Jocelyn, called the Mistress Lady J, who was seated upon her throne. Carmen, the Head of Submissives and Jocelyn’s Girl Friday was to the right of him, kneeling at his feet. The latest fixture to their ensemble was Jocelyn’s submissive and fiancé, Ahmad, kneeling to the left of her chair. The larger-than-life man had stolen the heart of his cousin. He had also earned his and Mac’s respect. He even managed to charm the “Fates”—Jocelyn’s nickname for his mom and his two aunts. Ahmad’s recent proposal to Jocelyn meant that the family would be planning another wedding in the future. Their cousin Mac was marrying Jocelyn’s best friend, Imani, this spring.

  Ahmad’s presence tonight was twofold. Outside of wanting to give his fellow sub-mate Donna support, the former FBI agent was also acting head of security at the club while Roman was out on emergency leave. Ahmad had security posted on both levels, at every entrance and exit, as well as floating through the crowds on the main floor. From time to time Rasheed saw Ahmad discreetly speaking into a two way, checking in with his detail. The fallout from Mark Comfry, son of the self-righteous senator, Arnold Comfry, was still fresh in everyone’s mind. Word had it from the Council of Dominants the senator was suspected of having eyes planted inside of a few of the BDSM clubs in the area. After two fetish clubs became the latest victims to fall from the senator’s crusade, the Council had advised its members to take precauti
onary measures. Arnold Comfry’s maniacal stance on morality was an old one but his vendetta against Jocelyn and her supporters was in direct retaliation to his son’s censure.

  So far the three day event had gone off without a hitch. All of the major performers for the fest were featured in the Center Ring, which was the stage they used for performance venues. The Carnival-like atmosphere had melded together with the erotic charge of the fest to create a bit of sensual whimsy meets the big top.

  Rasheed’s good friend, Master Jaguar Cervantes, had returned to perform as the main attraction for tonight’s festivities. Jag, along with Talia, his assistant, were going to close the night out with a flogging performance, using some of Jag’s Shibari techniques. His suspension exhibition at Lost in Subspace had gone over so well that it piqued an interest among the patrons and staff, so Rasheed had made it a point of asking him to return. Currently in the spotlight was Jason Armstrong, one of the Velvet Fantasy’s house Doms, who was giving a demonstration on the various types of ropes and knots used in bondage tying. Donna, Jocelyn’s newest personal submissive and the former wife and sub of Mark Comfry, was modeling for the demo. Rasheed suspected that was Jocelyn’s indirect way of saying, “Fuck you very much,” to both Mark and his stick-up-the-ass father. Another reason security had to be tight.

  As it stood, Donna had come a long way in her healing process. The abuse her husband inflicted upon her was the catalyst that prompted Jocelyn to intervene on Donna’s behalf, sparking off a maelstrom in the wake of her actions. Despite Mark’s attempt to involve his father and discredit Jocelyn, the council upheld her decision in a majority vote of confidence—resulting in Mark’s ban from every BDSM venue in the state. Her successful defense was owed to Ahmad and the overwhelming evidence he had provided, which had been presented by Jocelyn herself. It was a harsh lesson for Mark and attested to the reputation the Mackenzies had among their peers—a bittersweet victory for their camp. However none of the Mackenzies or their close friends were taking any chances. Senator Comfry had proven to be a snake with enough reach to shut down any and all venues he deemed to be morally corrupt. It would be too much like right to believe he’d just live and let live in wake of his son’s disgrace.

  Turning his thoughts to the present, Rasheed focused on Donna and smiled. They were all proud of the strides she had made. Tonight was a testament to the woman’s dedication and perseverance to the lifestyle she subscribed to. Rasheed felt that under Jocelyn’s care and instruction, Donna was flourishing. Her desire to participate tonight had been the first step in her reemergence onto the scene. Donna still had a ways to go, but her proactive stance in her own well-being was commendable.

  Rasheed took in the rapt attention the crowd paid to Jason, who was demonstrating how to tie a chest harness. He was pleased to see how Jason was being careful as he pulled the rope ends through to ensure that the rope did not strike Donna in the face. That was something each newbie had to learn in their bondage journey. Nothing could sour a sexy moment between two people than having your face unintentionally slapped by rope! With each succession of loops and ties Jason assessed the tension of the rope and engaged Donna in light banter.

  Being chosen to host Erotique Fest had been such a boon to the staff. This foray into such a large venue was a prime opportunity for the house dominants and submissives of the Velvet Fantasy to shine. Invited guests from other fetish clubs and venues had helped to ensure a good time was to be had by all attendees—those that were versed in the lifestyle and the vanilla curious. Initially Carmen was going to be the stand in for the rope demo, but after Donna had shown interest in participating, Jocelyn had asked Carmen if Donna could take her place. Carmen had good-naturedly agreed, wanting nothing more than to see her friend Donna back in action.

  Donna appeared completely focused yet relaxed while Jason worked. Jason was not only good at rope tying, he was passionate about the safety of bondage practices. He went over the importance of full disclosure. He explained to the crowd that certain health concerns such as epilepsy and diabetes could be problematic and may alter how the rope could be tied. “Check for circulation impediments frequently, and it’s a good practice to have on hand a pair of strong, medical scissors. It is our responsibility, Dominants or rope tops, that if at any time our sub or play partner is in distress, that we are able to release the knots and get them the medical attention they may require. Sometimes cutting the ropes can be the quickest route, especially if we find our partner is incapacitated and cannot convey their distress. Make sure the scissors can effectively cut through the fibers of the rope you are using before you begin playing,” he advised the audience.

  Once the harness was finished, he instructed Donna to turn and show off the back side of the harness, explaining each pass through and how to tie off the ends of the rope. “Now the harness is just a foundation to build upon. The corset will be added to add definition and show the eroticism of the female form. Now don’t get me wrong, there are some males that can rock the corset, as well as a body harness, modified, of course, to emphasize their dimensions.” He gave a wink in the direction of a pair of handsome, submissive twinks that were closely flanking either side of their Dominant, whose arms were draped about both of their waist. They grinned impishly, blowing kisses in Jason’s direction, garnering a few teeters from the audience. Their bratty behavior earned them each a sound pop on their tight, leather-clad asses from their Dom, who chuckled good naturedly. The camaraderie of all in attendance seemed to add to the overall vibe. Rasheed was glad to see their efforts were creating a positive experience for those in attendance.

  Jason then began to make the corset, passing his rope through the front of the harness, securing it with what he described as a Larks Head loop. The rope he was using was dyed in varying sections of yellow, orange, and pink, and was set off by the basic black unitard Donna wore. The colorful sections were creating a mosaic pattern with each overhand pass through. His voice dropped a few octaves as he murmured to Donna while he worked. From time to time he’d tug at the ropes in an sensual fashion, leaning in close to press his larger frame to hers, invading her space with his presence. Her eyes closed briefly at one point as he worked. She appeared to be enjoying the session, and from the looks of things, becoming aroused. Rasheed took that as a good sign.

  One of the concerns Jocelyn had conveyed to Rasheed during Donna’s healing and reemergence into the public arena was her detachment and loss of enjoyment. Sexual stimulation wasn’t necessarily desired during play, but Jocelyn wanted Donna to have the most from her experiences whenever the situation lent itself to the occasion. Donna’s fears from her abuse at the hand of her ex-husband had left her afraid to let go during any type of play, but especially during play that might involve erotic stimulation. Jocelyn had told him the poor girl would just shut down. With counseling along with Jocelyn and Ahmad’s help, Donna was slowly on the mend and beginning to enjoy her lifestyle once more.

  The idea that someone would abuse the submissive nature of another pissed Rasheed off to no end. There was a big difference between pain for pleasure and a Machiavellian sadist, engaging in unsafe practices—which was an apt description of Mark. It left a sour taste in his mouth how Mark Comfry had exploited his wife’s trust. He still wanted to beat the fuck out of that ass-wipe and see just how far he’d handle being the one on the receiving end of a brutal beat down. In his opinion, he felt Donna filing for divorce was the first step of many to recovering her life and moving forward. Right after the inquiry, Mark had vanished out of the public eye. As far as Rasheed and his cousins were concerned, wherever his ass was, was where he had better remain.

  Jason continued on wrapping the rope about Donna, making sure the rope was neat and flat, snug but not too constricting. Finally he reached the end of the corset, leaving a length of rope still free. “Depending on the nature of your play you can place a knot here…” He placed a knot in the rope end a few inches below the bottom of the corset edge, then passed the rope
between Donna’s thighs, the knot now resting upon the general area of her mound, presumably over her clit. “Then pass the rope between the legs, securing it through the back of the harness, this will create tension that can be felt as she wears the corset.” To emphasize his point he gave a slight tug against the rope at the small of her back, demonstrating how the knot would then rub back and forth, creating friction between her legs. Jason leaned in and whispered something to Donna again, causing her to blush and smiled.

  Jason had been completely briefed about Donna’s past experiences with public exhibitions including the underground scenes she had participated in with Mark. His compassion for the girl was evident as he worked and Rasheed made a note to himself to speak to Jocelyn about pairing those two together as a team. Jason had been continually monitoring Donna for any signs of distress while she was bound, making a point to get verbal responses from her attesting to her own well-being. Rasheed enjoyed the young man’s work and his ability to draw the crowd into his demonstration. During rehearsals, he had assured both Donna and Jocelyn that if Donna showed any signs of distress for any reason whatsoever during the demo, he’d call a halt to it on the spot. Rasheed understood that was extremely vital to Donna’s continued healing process. It had been continually stressed to her that if she used her safe word to stop the play that her plea would not go unheeded as it had with Mark. Fuck that. No Mackenzie played that shit, ever. And no one working for the Velvet Fantasy would pull that either, not unless they wanted to find their asses out the door.


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