Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 6

by Isabelle Stewart

  Lieutenant Shea walked up to Rania and kissed her. “Do not worry my lady. I will not undo what you have exhausted yourself to heal.”

  “Thank you lieutenant.” Rania said and bowed to him.

  He gave her a pat on the rear. “Wait outside my lady and give us some privacy. I may visit you after the raid.”

  She blushed and gathered up her skirts giving him a slight bow and quietly left the room. The lieutenant looked down at Damon and clasped his hands behind him. He stood still for a couple of seconds and turned to the chair near the bed. He sat down and pulled out a long dagger testing it’s tip on his finger.

  Damon had heard the lieutenant’s voice and cringed. He knew Shea was near and steeled himself as he turned his head. Shea was sitting playing with a dagger giving him an seething look.

  “Lieutenant Shea. What brings you to my chambers to grace me with your presence?”

  “Hold your tongue lest I use this and end your pain.” he gave Damon a dark look.

  “Then end it.” Damon stared him in the eyes.

  Shea thrust the knife into the end table and leaned back in the chair. He laced his fingers together and gave Damon a smug look. “I have more honor in my veins than you. I will not attack an invalid.” he leaned forward in his chair “Not until you are well enough to defend yourself.”

  “You have always been jealous of my position. It was you who declared us enemies. Not I.” Damon said as he tried to sit up.

  The lieutenant stood and stepped to the bed. “If you believe so.”

  “Leave my chambers and Kiara alone.” Damon pushed himself up supporting his weight with his elbows.

  “You had to bring the seer into this. It is your fault she has not responded to my attentions. You may think you are above me however I am not above this.” Shea said as he clinched his fist and struck Damon in the head knocking him against the headboard.

  “Dark dreams cousin.” Shea said looking Damon over making certain he was out cold and spat on him. Satisfied he turned and walked out.

  Firnir slid through a panel into Damon’s room and walked over to examined him.

  “I do not understand why you did not tell Lord Faolan of what he intended for the seer. She was fortunate you arrived when you did.”

  Damon rubbed his head as his eyes cleared he looked at the man standing above him. “It was not mine to tell. Kiara is a strong woman and I defended her honor.”

  “I will retrieve Rania from Shea’s clutches to tend to your head. You created a great enemy that day.” Firnir whispered.

  “As did he.” Damon said as he lay back and closed his eyes.

  Chapter 12

  The procession on the last stretch to Quenith remained heavily guarded. Lady Tara was mended and the evidence of her injury in the carriage was cleansed away. The women sat in the carriage lost in their thoughts when the curtain next to Lara’s side of the carriage was suddenly pulled aside. Everyone jumped and Lara pulled out her dagger.

  Lieutenant Derrick appeared in the small window. “We are within sight of the castle. I thought that the Lady Battle Raven would appreciate the view.”

  Tara pulled her curtain back and secured it. Lara’s eyes went wide. She looked over the castle and the surrounding land. It was nothing like she had ever seen before. The castle was not stone gray or white like every other she has seen on all of her travels. It was carved from light blue limestone with streaks of silver.

  “Home.” Lady Orla said as she looked thoughtfully out the carriage window.

  “Lara, may I present the castle Lia Fail.” Tara said.

  “Stone of Destiny.” Lara whispered.

  “Yes. Did Aodhan tell you the history of the castle?” Lady Orla asked.

  “No. In my realm there is a stone called the Lia Fail or Stone of Destiny. It sits on the Hill of Tara. The myth is that it was placed there by the Tuatha Dé Danann.”

  “Tara? My dear it looks as if your name is not that rare after all.” Orla said as she grinned at Tara. “Is there more to the story?”

  “There is. The Hill of Tara is one of the most important religious sites in my realm. It was the ancient capital where the high king lived. It also says that the stone rumbles like thunder when it is touched by the rightful king of Tara and that it holds the entrance to the netherworld. Maybe I’ll have to check that out someday.” Lara said as she watched the light shift on the castle making the it look like the silver was swirling around in the dark blue limestone.

  “There are many books on the history of the castle in the library.” Orla said.

  “I love books.” Lara’s view of the castle was suddenly blocked out by a horse. She looked up at the rider annoyed and saw it was Aodhan.

  “I thought that you might like an unobstructed view of my home.” Aodhan said.

  Lara stood up and headed to the door. Orla tugged on her arm.

  “We should stop the carriage dear.” Lady Orla said as she watched Aodhan lean over and hold out his arm for Lara.

  “I can manage. Thank you for your concern.” Lara said as she reached for Aodhan’s outstretched arm.

  Lara chanced a quick glance at the ground moving below her. Aodhan reached over and pulled her up and she swung her leg over in one swift motion behind him. He turned and pulled her around. Lara ended up sitting crossways on his lap.

  “Thank you, my Lord. You are ever so thoughtful.” She grinned at Aodhan and kissed him.

  Aodhan looked into her eyes and at the castle. No matter how many times he had seen it the castle still took his breath away. He glanced over as Kedryn trotted his horse up next to them.

  “It’s like nothing we have ever seen before!” Kedryn said.

  “It is beautiful.” Lara said and leaned back against Aodhan.

  The castle had a romantic renaissance flair about it. Three delicate slender towers were set around a central tower that stretched towards the heavens. The limestone glinted blue and silver in the sunlight blending in with the sky and clouds. There were surrounding walls of white limestone that had squat towers. Unless a person was looking for it no one would notice the underlying hint of a hidden battlement structure.

  The entrance was flanked by two guard towers. Narrow windows were placed at irregular intervals up each tower. As they passed through the large arched gate Lara glanced over at what she assumed to be a knight's manor house. It had a square tower and round turret in each corner with barracks behind. While she was looking around Lara watched as some of the soldiers from their procession and rode off to the barracks.

  The cobblestone street formed into a main street big enough for three carriages. A forge appeared and Aodhan explained it housed an arsenal with it's top two floors separated for emergency grain storage. Several stalls lined the street and the air mingled with the scent of a tanner, fresh fish and flowers. Merchants with colorfully designed tents lining the road. Then there was a slight whiff of something rotten. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

  “What was that?” Kedryn asked wrinkling his nose and pointing to a short stout tower.

  “It is the prison or torture tower as some may call it. It runs deep down into a dungeon where the deadliest prisoners are kept.” Aodhan said as he slowed his horse waiting for the carriages and procession to catch up. General Ruark galloped his horse up to him.

  “What no welcome party?” Aodhan asked.

  “I decided not to send a messenger forward. In the case another ambush awaited.” Ruark gave Aodhan and Lara a disapproving look.

  Lara looked at Aodhan amused as she realized she was still sitting on his lap. Probably not something Lady Orla would approve of. It was most certainly not the most Lord approved standard.

  “I do believe, my Lord, that it would not be proper for your subjects to see us like this. Although I’m sure tongues are wagging since we entered the keep.”

  He stopped the horse and she slipped off his lap and gave him a wink. Aodhan watched as she hopped on the ledge of Orla’s moving carriage,
opened the door and slid in.

  “Nice to see you two have regained your senses. Although it may be too late.” Lady Orla said as she gave Lara a disapproving look.

  “Apologies, neither of us were thinking.” Lara said as she looked out the small window at the castle grounds as they entered into a small courtyard with several stone houses spread about along a dark blue limestone roadway.

  “It’s beautiful.” Lara said.

  “Thank you. As soon as we can I will take you on a tour of the castle. In the inside there are residential halls that function as a series of courts surrounding the throne room. Beautiful tapestries cover each wall of Danann, Milesian and even Firbolg Kings, Queens, Lords and Ladies, of the past. There is also a Knight’s Hall with a library off to the side.”

  “I believe the library will be first on my list. When we have time,

  of course.” Lara said as she brushed a flyaway hair from her face. There was a nice cool breeze flowing in the carriage and she finally gave up pushing her hair behind her ears.

  “As you wish. There is also a lovely tiny chapel with a courtyard, flower gardens and a hedge maze. Aodhan’s father and I were married in the chapel.“ Lady Orla gave Lara a sly look. “I would love it if you two would consider that.”

  Lara nodded her head and Tara patted Orla’s arm. “You downplayed the gardens. They are the design and pride of Lady Orla’s. A regular masterpiece. If you keep a sharp eye out you may see her getting in the dirty grit of things. The flower gardens are beautiful and have a large fountain with benches surrounding it. The formal gardens around the chapel have her pride and joy. The rose-beds, mixed colorful shrubs and small fruit trees that gently sloped down to a small lake. Oh listen to me, just rambling on.”

  “That would be a sight to see. I might just dig in and help. Sounds like some good therapy.” Lara said.

  The carriage stopped and Lieutenant Kory opened the door and helped the women out. General Ruark, Aodhan and Kedryn walked up to them and led them into the castle.

  “I am going to steal you away after the noon meal to give you a tour.” Aodhan said as he took Lara’s arm.

  “I look forward to it.” Lara said as she kissed him on the cheek as he led her away.

  Eion appeared on horseback and Kedryn had to sidestep to avoid the horse. He jumped off the saddle. “General there is something we need to discuss.”

  Kedryn walked up to him. “Is everything ok?”

  “Nothing I cannot handle.” Eion said and handed the reigns of his horse off to a squire.

  As Eion walked off with General Ruark Kedryn followed close behind. Ruark walked into a squat side building next to the stables. Eion went to close the door and Kedryn held it open and walked through. Ruark crossed his arms as he looked from Kedryn to Eion.

  “Would you like for Kedryn to stay or not. It is your decision.” Ruark said.

  “He can stay.” Eion said as he motioned for Kedryn to sit in the other across from a desk. Ruark walked behind the desk and sat down.

  Kedryn sat back in his seat feeling out of place and wondered if curiosity was such a good thing. He waited patiently for one of them to speak.

  Eion took in a breath. “I felt that Lord Faolan had gained a power. Much more significant than the menial ones he has devoured over the years.”

  “Menial?” Kedryn asked not sure if he wanted to hear the answer.

  “In some there are powers that they do not know it is even there. There is the fuse but no spark. Faolan and myself can take that small power from the person and add it to our own. It is a practice that I never took up.”

  “How did you get there and back so quickly?” Kedryn asked.

  “I took the horse as far as I dared and then translocated.” Eion said and leaned his head back against the chair.

  “Wouldn’t that have alerted him to your presence.” Kedryn looked to Ruark.

  “Yes. I didn’t stay long.” Eion brushed a at his cloak.

  “What power did he take?” General Ruark leaned forward.

  “Nothing that will help his cause. It seems Paili gave him her healing powers. I did not stay long enough to find out why.”

  Kedryn stood up. “Did you find your brother?”

  Eion looked wearily down at the floor. “I was not there long enough to look. We should join the others.” Eion tried to stand and wavered. “I suppose that side trip took more out of me than I thought.

  Kedryn held a forearm out for Eion and helped him up.

  Ruark walked over the door and held it open. “I will show you to your rooms. You need some rest my old friend.”

  “That I do.” Eion said.

  Chapter 13

  Paili tore off her bloodied dress ripping the pearl buttons off the back scattering them on the floor. She screeched at Lord Faolan “You killed him!”

  “It has been eighteen years. What more would you have learned? Consider yourself privileged that I spared the monk the blood eagle and have decided to allow the Seer alive.”

  Paili bowed her head to him and curtsied. “Thank you, my Lord.”

  She tugged at her blood soaked chemise and decided not to tear it off. Paili pushed through the heavy door to their chambers and looked over her shoulder at Lord Faolan.

  “I am going to treat myself to a nice long bath. Do not join me.”

  He watched after her as she stormed out leaving the heavy door open. Faolan held out his hand and the door slammed shut. He turned to the servant in a corner.

  “Ask the guard to bring another.”

  As the servant walked through a panel in the wall and the metal door slid open. Faolan turned as Firnir walked in and glanced at the dead monk but did not say a word.

  “What is it?” Faolan said annoyed by the interruption.

  “The General wished for me to advise you that the raiding party is ready to head out.”

  “Good.” Faolan turned and stroked his bloodstained beard as he watched as a man was dragged into the chamber. “Get him ready. I must see to a few things before the troops leave.“

  “As you desire my lord.” Firnir gave him a low bow.

  Lord Faolan stepped over the monk and walked out glancing at the door to the bathing area. Striding to the door he was intent on going against Paili’s wishes until he heard Aalia quietly talking to her.

  “I am so very sorry for your loss my lady.” Aalia said.

  A sob echoed through the door. “Why does the man that I love . .” Paili did not finish the rest as she started to cry.

  A fury rose in Faolan like wildfire. His hands itched to destroy something and instead of addressing the troops he decided to handle another matter.

  Chapter 14

  Aodhan stuck to his word and snuck Lara off to the stables to give her a tour. She complained a bit because she wanted to change out of the dress. He pulled her away claiming they didn‘t have time. They rode through Quenith and to the forest beyond. As they were galloping along the forest line back to the castle Aodhan stopped. She reigned in next to his horse and looked to the forest where he gestured.

  “In the hills just beyond the castle is a lake with a waterfall. I had a manor house built there as a little getaway. If we had more time I would take you there.”

  “My getaway is my carriage house two steps away. I’m afraid the view and the size would not be as considerable as your grand getaway, my lord.” Lara said laughing.

  When they reached the palace stables Lara pulled up her skirt and as gracefully as she could slid out of the saddle. As Lara slid off, the hem of her dress caught on the saddle horn making her pitch forward. The only thing that prevented her from falling on her face was Aodhan grabbing her fingers as her arm swung up into the air. A squire hurried over and helped her to her feet. Lara looked around and saw Lady Orla standing in the doorway with a terrified look on her face and Lara burst out laughing. Aodhan gave her a stern stare with one eyebrow raised and looked over at his mother who was trying her hardest not to laugh. He belted out a
laugh that made Lara laugh even harder

  “Stop please!” Lara pleaded with tears running down her face. “My face hurts from laughing so hard!”

  Kedryn stepped up from behind them out of the stable. “You are lucky my Aunt Teagan isn’t here Aodhan. You wouldn’t be able to get them to stop giggling the rest of the night!”

  The thought of family made Lara stop short of her laughing and she straightened up. Aodhan appeared by her side and hooked his arm through hers.

  “Let me assist you. It seems that the grandeur of my home has startled you into almost falling flat on your face.”

  That sent Lara and Kedryn into spurts of laughter.

  Kedryn quit laughing long enough to speak. “We are to meet in what I would call the map room. Ruark already showed me where it is.”

  As Lara stepped through the carved oak door she looked to the rectangular table with high backed heavy wooden chairs surrounding it. The walls were covered with all sorts of maps ranging from very ancient to new. Three walls had a narrow tapestry for each land and the fourth wall was covered with shelves lined with books and scrolls.

  Kedryn picked up a map off the table and studied it. “It’s crazy how the lands are the same but not.” he looked around the room “Grandpa would be in here for hours.”

  Lara smiled “That he would.”

  The scooting of chairs sounded and Lara looked over to see Cadmon and Eion standing next to her. Lara was so engrossed in the map that she didn’t even notice them enter. Arms surrounded her waist and she felt Aodhan kiss her on the neck as he circled to her side. Lawler, Niall, Devlyn and Ruark all entered the room. Ruark gave a motion to sit and everyone sat down.

  “Cadmon, you know the area of the Firbolg better than all of us. Please give us your thoughts.” General Ruark said.

  “Thank you, General. There are caves that start in the Huath mountains that twist to a valley just below the palace in Laois. There is a larger heavily guarded path through the mountain that leads to the barracks and stables and hidden passages that wind through the dungeons. One opens up to a hall into Lord Faolan’s chambers, the other leads to the hall located a few paces down from the Seers quarters. Kedryn, I still do not see the advantage of keeping the pendant intact.”


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