Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 8

by Isabelle Stewart

  The Keeper blew his horn. “One point Phoenix.“ he bellowed as he picked up the ball and tossed it in the air.

  During the last minutes of the second quarter Ruark tackled Lawler knocking the ball away from him just as he kneed it up in the air. Scanlon ran to the ball as it floated over to where the goal was. Aodhan ran after the ball and jumped in the air as he spun kicked it through the loop from the grass.

  “Two points Lion.“ the Keeper yelled and grabbed the ball to restart the match.

  Twice the Keeper had to stop the match because Kedryn and Aodhan were purposely tackling each other without the ball present. The horn blew signaling the end of the second quarter. As they were walking to the water bucket Kedryn overheard Ruark talking to Aodhan.

  “Quit playing around.” Ruark said.

  “It is just a game.” Aodhan said as he kicked a clod of dirt out of the way.

  Late in the third quarter it seemed that each side was wearing down. The volume cranked up when the keeper signaled that last few minutes were left in the game.

  Cadmon crossed the field to their goal avoiding trips and elbows as he ran through the other team. Kedryn kicked the ball past Scanlon to Niall. Niall forearmed the ball to Lawler who kneed the ball back to Niall. It soared high in the air and by the time is came back down Kedryn and Aodhan were shoving each other to get to it.

  Kedryn squatted down confusing Aodhan and he ran a couple of steps turning to the ball to block Kedryn. As Aodhan stepped away Kedryn gave the ring a backwards glance and sprung up with his back to it. He didn’t have time to turn and sprung up using Aodhan as leverage

  kicking straight up knocking the ball through Devlyn’s outstretched arms through the loop.

  Aodhan looked up at Kedryn dazed “Nice.” was all he got out. Kedryn held out his arm and Aodhan took it as he stood.

  The Keeper blew his horn and yelled. “Two points Phoenix!” He motioned for the teams to restart the game. As soon as he threw the ball and Aodhan and Kedryn jumped for it the keeper blew his horn.

  “Phoenix three. Lion two!”

  Both teams walked to the center of the area and clasped arms with each other.

  “Let us go to the healers, clean up and eat!” Ruark said and headed to the castle with the men and crowds following behind him.

  After being healed and cleaned up they all sat down for the noon meal. Lara and all the other ladies shook their heads amused as they watched the men wolf down their food. When they finished they walked to the stables.

  Lara Hugged Kedryn and whispered in his ear “Be Safe. I love you.”

  He whispered back “Love you too mom.”

  Kedryn shrugged on his gear pack and walked over to where Cadmon, Niall and Lawler were waiting.

  Aodhan walked up to them and clasped their forearms. “Be safe, all of you. Our scouts have informed us that Faolan has begun raids farther from the edge of the Huath mountain on the estates, farms, villages and towns.”

  “He is becoming bolder.” Cadmon said as he mounted his horse.

  “That he is. Take care of yourself.” Aodhan said as he patted Kedryn’s horse.

  “Be careful. All of you.” Lara said.

  “We will.” Kedryn said and turned his horse.

  Lara watched Kedryn and the others ride away and she looked to Eion. He nodded at her and gave her a reassuring smile.

  Chapter 17

  Bevin woke with a jolt. Everything was black and she felt something hard digging in her side. She reached up and felt the back of her head and as her fingers touched the tender part she winced. Trying to orient herself she tried to remember what happened.

  Dillon was sitting in the living area with just a couple of candles lit. He was going over the defense plans for the surrounding area. She had kissed him good night and was settling into bed when she heard the crash. Their door shattered open and before Dillon had time to reach for his sword a Firbolg had knocked him over in his chair and ran him through. She ran to Dillon screaming ignoring the soldier with the bloodied sword standing above. Bevin pulled Dillon her as he was gasping for air and looked into her eyes.

  “I love you. Do not despair and live life . . .” he coughed up blood and closed his eyes.

  The soldier looked down at the woman below him cradling the man crying, screaming and rocking back and forth. He raised his sword and was about to strike her down when he heard another yell.

  “Lieutenant Shea! Lord Faolan requested at least three women alive. She is all that is left.” General Tynan said ready to block the mans strike.

  “Let the worm die. None can survive.” Shea rose his blade to Bevin.

  Tynan kicked the blade down. “Your personal battle with Damon does not rise above Lord Faolan’s orders.”

  The lieutenant lowered his sword and backed off. The General sheathed his sword and leaned over grabbing Bevin around the waist. She kicked and scratched and one of her kicks caught Shea in the side. Forgetting himself Tynan raised his dagger. He felt her relax and saw a flash of resignation in her eyes.

  “No death for you, my Lady. You will join him in the future.“ He

  kicked Dillon to emphasize his point and brought the hilt of his dagger down knocking her out.

  Bevin shook her head to clear it and wondered how long she had been unconscious. Her vision blurred with pain as she looked around. “That was brilliant.” she said under her breath and thought of Dillon. Her heart broke again a thousand times and quietly wept. Why did they keep her alive? What did they want with her? She remembered the man saying that Faolan wanted her alive. Bile rose in her throat at the thought as she felt another stomach lurching jolt.

  Her head swam as she recognized that the movement was from a pair of legs under her adjusting their position. The knob jutting into her side she realized was the front part of a saddle. She hoped that she was most likely draped across the lap of the one who had saved her life. He, at least, wanted her alive. Thinking of Dillon again she thought angrily, I did not wish to be saved. Why God did you allow me to live? She wondered who the new General was since Daigh was gone.

  As Tynan shifted his position he thought about how unorganized the troops were. Everything had fallen apart before the trials. Lord Faolan had fixed things the best he could before order was restored.

  Noticing that the woman was somewhat awake he shifted into a more guarded position. Faolan had given the order for his soldiers to bring three women back alive. Tynan picked his best soldiers to accompany him and was disgusted that in their haste all forgot their orders and had destroyed everyone. He considered himself lucky that he got to the woman before Shea struck her down. He felt her squirm and shifted his legs again feeling her relax as she passed out. Tynan remembered the look in her eyes and her willingness to die. He will have to warn Lady Paili to keep a close watch of her.

  As his soldiers passed through to the edge of the forest he held in a sigh of relief as he saw a familiar cave opening in the side of the mountain.

  “I am in need of a serious cleansing to be rid of this burden.” he said under his breath as he looked down at the woman.

  The procession of troops entered the watery darkness of the caves. General Tynan stopped them. They dismounted and took up torches and lit them to lead the way. Two soldiers helped him strap Bevin to his horse and he ordered them to proceed.

  A steady stream of cool water ran below splashing as they cautiously led the horses up a slimy slope to drier ground. Tynan glanced

  up at the jagged rock formations looming down from the ceiling as if they were waiting to fall and crush both man and horse below.

  He looked to the side at the wall that was covered in different shades of limestone reflecting red and gold of the torches as they slowly moved along. The hill sloped down and in the far reaches a small pin of light showed through the torch lit darkness. He untied Bevin and re-mounted adjusting her across his legs again and rode towards the light.

  The familiar banging of the blacksmith and sweet scent
of hay filled his nose. He urged his horse into a trot and made his way to the light at the end of the cave. As they broke through the darkness it was just upon daybreak. The sky was streaked with purples, pinks and oranges. He felt the woman underneath him stir and lifted her into a sitting position.

  Moaning Bevin immediately ran her fingers through her hair. Tynan felt her flinch as her fingers hit the spot where he had hit her. He was not at all fond of Lord Faolan’s order to kill women and children. He disobeyed that order and only killed the men. As for his men, that was another story.

  Bevin turned to her captor. She looked him straight in the eye and he quickly looked away. During the frenzy he hadn’t really noticed her. Underneath the blood, dirt and matted hair he saw a beauty unlike he had seen before. Whatever Lord Faolan had in mind he hoped that he would keep her intact. If he did not already have a lovely devoted wife and family of his own he might have put in a request to Lord Faolan that when he was finished with her for him to take her for himself.

  A squire approached interrupting his thoughts and helped the woman down. General Tynan stiffly dismounted and walked around his horse. He handed the reigns to the squire and looked up at the sky that shown through the large crater in the mountain then to the squire.

  “Run ahead and inform Lady Paili that I have retrieved a woman for her.”

  “Yes Sir.” the man said and ran ahead of him.

  Tynan took Bevin’s arm and led her to a bench. He gave

  her a water skin that she almost tossed aside but thought twice about it. When Bevin handed him the skin back he helped her stand. He looked up at the servant’s entrance and decided to walk her to Kiara’s quarters and find Lady Paili. As they walked Tynan wondered how the Milesians will react to this new attack upon their lands.

  Chapter 18

  Heavy footsteps were heard outside of the map room. As the door slammed open Aodhan and Ruark looked up. Catching his breath an unknown soldier bent over and held up his hand for them to give him a minute. Derrick and Kory came running in after him. The soldier straightened up smacking his pants to get the dirt off.

  “I apologize for the intrusion.” he said nodding to Kory and Derrick. They saluted General Ruark and stepped beside the door. “Lieutenant Trent Bandur. I have come under strict orders to get the message to you as quickly as I could. The town of Dublaine has been attacked. We were out numbered and there were only a hand full of us left alive.” he was still trying to catch his breath as he was talking.

  “Please sit. Do not spare any details.” General Ruark said as he gave Aodhan a troubled glance.

  The soldier walked over to a wooden bench and sat down heavily. He looked up as Ruark poured him a mug of water and walked over and handed it to him.

  “Thank you General.” the soldier said as he took a sip and sat the mug down by his side.

  “They came at night. It was very unexpected. The Firbolg must have known our base of operations was at Dublaine. Or possibly is was just blind luck. They were able to sneak some soldiers to the inside during the day time market. They killed the gate guards and let the raiders in. Everyone who was not able to get away in time were slaughtered including the women and children. The whole town is now burnt to the ground.”

  “What of the survivors?” General Ruark asked.

  “They are in Milburn. We headed straight there to report to Lord O’Cuinn.” He looked from Aodhan to Ruark.

  “What of Dillon McKenna?” Aodhan asked.

  “I’m afraid to say, my Lord that Lieutenant Dillon and his Lady

  were not among the survivors. Lord O’Cuinn has sent me here to set up an emergency meeting of the counsel.” he handed a folded paper with Liam’s seal on it to Aodhan.

  Aodhan took the paper and glanced at it. “We will need Devlyn, Scanlon, and Eion. Derrick, go find them and Kory take the Lieutenant to the barracks where he can get cleaned up and some rest.”

  “Thank you.” Lieutenant Bandur said and saluted. “After I will take your response to Lord Liam as quickly as I arrived.”

  He turned and followed Derrick and Kory out of the door and down the hallway. Aodhan followed them into the corridor with Ruark close behind.

  “I’m going to my chambers please send for Lara. Last I heard she was in the training yard.”

  When the soldiers were out of Aodhan’s line of sight he stopped and leaned against the cold stone wall. He took in a couple of deep breaths as he rubbed his face thinking about Dillon and Bevin. He felt Ruark’s hand on his shoulder and looked up.

  Ruark offered his forearm to Aodhan who took it and let Ruark pull him away from the wall.

  “I will send for Lara.” Ruark said.

  Aodhan slowly walked away. “Take your time. I need to be alone for a while.”

  Chapter 19

  As they walked to the castle the servant’s door swung open and General Tynan watched as Lady Paili rushed out to meet him. Her long crimson skirt and glossy black hair flowed behind her. She stopped in front of the woman and took her arm. Lifting Bevin’s chin with her finger Paili looked her in the eyes. Bevin swayed and Tynan put a hand on her shoulder to steady her.

  “I see you did not cause much damage. Thank you General you have done well. After the set back with the beating Damon took from Lord Faolan she is very much needed. Return to your family and give your wife and son my greetings.”

  “Thank you, my Lady. Keep a close watch on this one. Her man was killed and I believe she would like to join him.” Tynan said giving her a slight bow anxious to get home to his family.

  Lady Paili put her arm around Bevin’s shoulders and led her onto a cobblestone path. Bevin did not have the strength to fight back and leaned against Paili. Not for comfort but to keep from falling on her face.

  “It will not be much further to walk. What is your name?” Paili asked.

  “My name is Bevin McKenna wife of Dillon McKenna.” Bevin quietly said as she looked up at the imposing castle.

  Paili stopped for a quick second when she recognized the name and continued on. She led her through an arched doorway into a hallway that led through a bustling kitchen and into a softly lit corridor. Paili led her down a hall and past what Bevin could only guess was the throne room by the looks of the two large doors. Another turn led them to a tall rosewood door with a large ebony stained rose carved into each door. Two guards stood by the doors and followed as Paili led Bevin through the door into a small sitting area.

  Paili turned to the guards. “You are not needed here.”

  “She may be dangerous, my lady.” one of the guards said.

  “She is no more dangerous than my little finger. Now be gone.” Paili dismissed them with a wave of her hand.

  “As you with my lady, call on us if needed.” The guards walked out closing the doors behind them.

  “I will have a healer fetched for your wounds.” Paili looked around “Kiara. Are you here?” She led Bevin to a plush black velvet chaise.

  Bevin carefully sat down thankful for the brief rest. She grimaced and wondered if there was anyplace on her that was not cut or bruised. Bevin looked up as a woman who looked to be a few years younger than her stepped through a door with a book in her hands. The woman looked familiar but she could not remember where from.

  “My lady. I was just going over today’s lessons. Have you seen Daveth? I had to start without him.” her eyes were drawn to the dirt and bloodstained woman sitting in the chair. “Who is this?”

  Bevin felt herself on the verge of passing out again but forced herself to stay awake to hear her fate.

  “You did not receive my message?” Paili asked as she watched Kiara look at her confused.

  “Apparently not.” Kiara said as she set the book down on a small table.

  “Nonetheless, I had requested of Lord Faolan to bring back a woman from one of the raids to look over Damon. She will be your new charge and make certain she does nothing to harm my brother or herself. It appears she has a death wish.”
/>   Paili was relieved for the change of subject from Daveth. She had set aside telling Kiara about the monk’s unfortunate demise. Bevin’s head perked up as she realized that she was needed in a healer’s capacity and not for any form of torture. She jerked in her seat when Paili yelled out an order.

  “Servant!” Paili screeched.

  A terror rose in the pit of her stomach as Bevin watched as a Pooka in the form of a small scruffy yellow eyed beast with long arms and legs scuttle into the room.

  “See to it that Aalia is brought to see to this woman’s wounds. That a bath is heated and clothes prepared. Go. Now!” Paili turned to Bevin her eyes were steel gray.

  “You are to see that my brother fully recovers from an injury. Do you have any experience with healing?”

  Bevin was surprised she could find her voice. “I helped with the healers during the battle. I also have had some schooling.”

  “I do warn you. If any harm comes to my brother you will die but not in a way you would like. You have heard of the blood eagle?” Paili asked with venom in her voice.

  “Yes.” Bevin said flatly as she reached up to feel the bump on her head. “What will become of me when he is fully healed?”

  “If you do well I may decide that you shall be kept alive and in Kiara’s charge. I will decide on how much freedom you will receive. From the look in your eyes living might be more torture than the blood eagle. I will take my leave as I have matters to attend to.”

  “Yes, my lady.” Kiara said as she watched Lady Paili leave. She curiously studied Bevin and looked up as Aalia entered. There were questions she had for this woman but they would have to wait until they were both alone.

  Crossing the room to where Bevin was sitting Aalia quickly took control. She walked in to draw a bath and quickly shooed the pooka away.

  “I have never had a fondness for those creatures and what they use them for.” Aalia said and looked over at Kiara.


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