Ominous Tales

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Ominous Tales Page 6

by Blake Everstone

  September 8

  Hello my little Alexandria. You love to hear me sing and it seems to silence your demonic playmate for just a little while. It is so sly and deceptive. He is feeding off my fear yet I cannot change the fact that I am scared to death for you. Panic overwhelms me when I linger on the fact that I cannot do anything to keep you away from it. If only I could reach deep inside and protect you by encompassing your little body with a forcefield of love. But I cannot, so I sing. I have found that the old gospel hymns seem to be what silences it the most. My mind, heart and soul feels as if it will explode as I endure the way this demon has a persuasive effect on your innocent little mind. I wish your father was here to help me against this cunning entity. I would like to tell you about your father, because you will never meet him unless his spirit visits you someday. He is yet to visit me. It would not surprise me that his goodness would have been drawn to the other side of this dimension where the light illuminates peace and freedom. He has been murdered. We should have never fell in love but then again, if we hadn’t, I wouldn’t have you my sweet Alexandria. Your father was a wonderful and very intelligent man. His name was Edward James and he had his master’s in Physics. Our love for books brought us together and we met at the University’s library. Your father had done years of research on the concept of travelling through dimensions. He said his work bored many and was delighted that I was so fascinated with it. To others, dimensions are but theory, but I, on the other hand, know them to be fact. I still could not wrap my brain around the physics of it, no matter how simple Edward tried to explain it. He was 7 years older than me, extremely handsome with brown eyes and a dark complexion. Although he was too young, in my opinion, he had salt and pepper hair that only made his features even more striking. We fell madly in love. After your conception, I told him about the curse. It was difficult to tell this perfect man of the evil world, I had now involved him in. Utter anguish flowed from my heart, as I had to disclose to him that I may perish and leave him to take care of you. He sat in dismay as I told him everything; the spirits, the voices, the demons and my mother’s death. I was so afraid that he would think I was crazy. How could anyone, in their right mind, understand much less believe that such a thing could be possible? But he did. My sweet dear Alexandria, your father realized from my account that he was, in fact, a descendant from the family that cursed ours. He had heard the story that was passed down from generation and generation and had come to believe it to be just a myth. Your father told me that he would go to his elders and see if there was a way to eliminate the curse. He was found murdered the next day. I wish you could have known him. Before his murder, I thought that possibly it was destiny that had brought us together in order to break the curse, but I know now that was just wishful thinking. My world was shattered. I had finally experienced love in this wicked existence I am forced to live in. Although his spirit has not visited me, he will be forever with me through you.

  Momma loves you sweet pea.

  September 14

  Good morning, my dear daughter. For the first time since your conception, your grandmother visited me. She is very excited about you. She placed her hands on my stomach and you two communicated through telepathy. My belly is just barely showing. Your grandmother’s name is Florence and she heard Aunt Margaret's call. She was spending time with another ancestor, her grandmother, my great grandmother and your great-great grandmother, Mildred. Mother says that Millie, as the others calls her, will come see us later but she felt it important to get to Aunt Margaret immediately and help her. This is a very dire situation. The demon attached to you is strong and ruthless. They are all afraid that you are falling into its deception and may eventually not hear my voice anymore. She said that several ancestors have made their way and they expect a few more to arrive soon. Although we are not witches, they may have to try their hand at black magic to exorcise this dark demon. Please stay strong. Resist it’s lies. It does not love you!

  We love you Alexandria!

  September 25

  Hi sweet baby girl. I believe it is my songs that are keeping you bonded to me as well as my heartbeat. The demon has tried to mimic my voice and sing to you but it is not working. You are only enthralled in mine and am not interested by its callous tune. The entity tries hard to distract you during my singing but only ends up silenced. I felt you today! It was like a butterfly flutter and tickled my insides. The most amazing feeling I’ve ever experienced besides the electric surge from your father and I’s first kiss. I will forever take its memory with me no matter what dimension I end up in. I thought it wise to tell you about the origin of our curse. You may be the one to break it someday. Many have tried before you and failed but to give up is not an option or our family will cease to exist. An ancestor, many generations ago, was a midwife. She relished in delivering babies. It was such a powerful feeling to her to be the one to assist God in bringing life into this world. One of the things she said so often was that her face was the first thing these babies would see or so it’s been told. Her name was Genevieve. She was very well known for her services and was quite wealthy from it. Another prosperous family, in the area, paid for her services. They had a 15-yr. old granddaughter who was pregnant. The young girl was having a very problematic pregnancy and Genevieve put her on bedrest and took care of her in her own home. For months, she catered to her ailments and tried to make the poor girl healthy by feeding her proteins and fresh vegetables. Genevieve was also very knowledgeable about the benefits of certain herbs but nothing she tried seemed to help the young mother to be. She was always pale and her hands and feet remained ice cold even under layers of quilts. The doctor from the next town over, came to see her often but was mystified as to her condition. At time of labor, the girl kept coming in and out of consciousness. The baby was stuck. She was too weak when awake to push which is usually an automatic reaction during labor. There was not enough time to retrieve the doctor. Genevieve cut into her perineum, which is the muscular area between the vagina and anus. It was a common practice, given the situation. Blood spewed from the cut filling the bed with a dark red puddle. Although Genevieve had been feeding the girl protein, she still lacked iron, an essential mineral needed. She was anemic and her blood was just too thin. The baby should have come out, at that point, whether the mother was pushing or not. It didn’t work. Finally, Genevieve could pull the baby out but found that the cord was tightly wrapped around its neck, which was part of the reason for the difficulty. She quickly cut it relieving the pressure but it was too late. Its body had turned blue from the lack of oxygen. The mother and baby seemed to die at the same time. It was a baby girl. Genevieve tried desperately to revive both but it was no use, they were gone. In all her years of being a midwife, she had never lost anyone yet. She was devastated. She laid the lifeless baby on the breasts of her dead mother. Genevieve was drenched with blood as she entered the parlor. Her heart was heavy laden at the fact that she was to have to tell the loved ones of the tragedy. As she stood before them, she was speechless. She had no words to express her deep sorrow for their loss. Their excitement to see Genevieve enter the room quickly diminished as they realized something was wrong. The knocked her to the floor as she tried to keep them from going into the hall that lead to the death filled room. The family was devastated as well. They were screaming and tearing their clothes in anguish. Unbeknownst to Genevieve, they were a covenant of witches. They blamed her for the deaths. Cursing the women in our family, we are all, mothers and babies, supposed to die in childbirth. Every female from sisters to aunts, cousins to daughters were affected. There were many because of the fact there was no form a birth control back then. A vengeful attempt to obliterate our family as if it somehow it would legitimize their rage for an unjustly loss and relieve their grief. After many died, our ancestors came up with a way to save the babies but it would still cost the mothers their lives. Many considered it an honorable sacrifice so that the family name would carry on. The curse was for a demon to attach itsel
f to the fetus in the womb and take both the mother and baby with it at time of delivery. Inadvertently, the curse gave us a 6th sense and we also became magnets for lost souls and other entities and spirits. I am so forlorn to have to tell you such frightful information but it is something that you, my love, will have to face, with or without me.

  Stay strong my sweet Alexandria.

  October 6

  Hello my beautiful baby. The ancestors came up with a way to subdue the demon while you grow just a little more. The hope is, that as you get older in the womb that you will reject its deceit. There is no way to tell how long it will work but I am extremely grateful. The communication between you and me is much stronger. I love you so much. Instead of using black magic, they went with another option. They found a deceased priest who didn’t make it to the other side. He performed many exorcisms during his life on earth. He must have a deep dark secret hidden that kept him from reaching the celestial gate, but that is awfully judgmental for me to think. His image that portrays him to my human eyes, has him wearing his clerical white collar and liturgical vestment. They are tattered and covered in soot and look as if they have been on fire at one time. His face is grey with dark purplish lips. Large black bags circle under his eyes. He looks as if he has traveled to the depths of hell before making it back into this realm. A misery emulates from his soul that I have witnessed from the lost so many times before. I asked him why he was helping us. He looked at me bewildered and then sarcastically said that it was his duty. I apologized and thanked him for his benevolent service. They all formed a circle around us last night and held hands, demanding the demon to be bound. Over and they repeated their word louder and sterner each time. It fought widely and I feared for your safety but after much time, everything calmed and the demon was still and silent. The priest said there was no way for him to perform an exorcism in the afterlife. He told us what we already knew to be true, that any exorcism performed in the physical world would kill you, before you even had a chance to live. I want so much to protect you my dear. I wish there was more I could do. I wrack my brain daily, searching for an answer to this horror. Hopefully the ancestors will come up with something.

  Good night Alexandria.

  October 13

  The demon is still bound. Your heart beats strong. Although things are quiet for you in there, it not is out here. I am visited daily by lost souls. Sometimes I ask them to leave but I have learned it is much easier and pleasant to just conversate with them. There are those who have no idea where they are and found their way to the unusual light that is inside of me. Now there is another light in me because you have one too. It is not their fault they are where they are, or so I believe. Many children come to me. How could it possibly be a child’s fault to be caught in between dimensions? It is the poltergeists that scare me but I have learned how to deal with them. If I ignore them and don’t let them detect my fear, they get bored and move on. Last night, a little girl around three years old came to me. She was crying and sucking her thumb. I imaged that she was close to what you would look like at that age. I held her in my arms, on top of you and comforted her in the rocking chair, I have placed in your nursery. She kept crying for her mother. Just as she calmed down her mother found. Her deceased mother had been looking for her and followed her cries to our lights. As soon as she saw her mother, she flew into her arms. Her mother thanked me and they left. I want to hold you like that someday but I want us to be alive. The unknown is so frightening and I shiver at the fact that you could be lost in a dark dimension somewhere and I not be able to find you. Should you live the dead WILL come to you. It is something that must be dealt with. There is no way to escape it until we learn how to break the curse. I pray that when you are three, you will be snuggled up in my lap as we rock just as I held that precious little girl.

  I love you.

  October 31

  Hi Alexandria. It is Halloween. Not a good day for the women in our family. For some reason on Halloween, the demons and poltergeists and all other devious entities are let loose. Although the children of the world see it as a fun day filled with excitement, costumes and candy, it is very evil. If mothers only knew of the wickedness running rampant on this day, they would keep their children inside and not take their eyes off them. On this day evil is strong and it is a hard day for us. The demon that is attached to you is awake. He is very angry. His anger is upsetting you but at least for now he is not playing his tricks on your mind. He is showing you his true colors. I am surrounded by spirits now. Some of them are shielding me from the ones meant to do harm. Your grandmother is with me and her spirit brings me strength. I hope that you can rest through all this madness.

  Goodnight my angel.

  November 7

  Hello my sweet. There was a meeting of our ancestors last night. They are working so hard for you baby. There are now 8 of them. They have been haunting one of the descendants of our enemy, believing that they may catch a glimpse of the spell that was used or that they might hear something that would be helpful in removing the curse. It is a tactic that has been used many times before in the past with no luck but they are willing to try again. What they have learned, through the years, is that every curse is from some sort of a witch’s spell. Each spell has an antidote. There was a time that one of our mothers had enlisted the help of a Voodoo Queen. As soon as she realized the name of the coven that cursed us, she not only forbade us from coming to her again but also forbade her entire family and descendants to stay away from us. If a Voodoo Queen decrees it, her kin and their offspring do not defy it. Word traveled quickly throughout the voodoo world. Other tribes prohibited their people from helping us as well. But there are underground rebels who are not descendants but have stolen the secrets to their black magic. We are searching for them. There is something about using them that is unwise. First being their price. Depending upon severity of the spell that is needed, the cost may be too much to bear. It is never money that is required, but something far costlier. It could be the right to an inheritance, a pledge of a favor, or even a human life. The second being, they are not bound by the ancient voodoo rules. These rebels are not known for integrity, rather quite the opposite, hence the reason for hesitation by our ancestors. I am becoming weak though and they know the times draws nearer every day. The demon is stealing strength from me. I cannot help but fear for you and he becomes stronger from it. My mother says that I must rest and retain my strength. It will take stamina and strong will to battle this demon to save you. I will do as my mother says and try to rest.

  I love you my Alexandria.

  November 24

  Today is Thanksgiving. The only family or people around me today are dead and spirits do not eat food so cooking a big meal is unnecessary. I do promise, should I and you both live, we will have big Thanksgiving dinners. We will make it a very special holiday and delight in it for years to come. I met your demon last night. They can project any image they want. First, another rocking chair appeared across from me in your nursery. Then he appeared sitting in it, staring at me with an insidious grin. Never in my life have I seen anything so terrifying and hideous and, Lord knows, I have seen a lot. He had legs of a goat with hoofs but instead of fur, they were covered with scales and he sat with them crossed. The scales were green and black, but a red radiated through the seams. He had horns that appeared to be that of a ram that curl back over his head. His arms and hands were long and thin and were not proportionate to his muscular chest. They were black and ended with razor sharp nails. His chest had a barbed wire type hair matted together over the scales. His eyes were that of a snake, fluorescent greenish yellow with thin black diamond pupils. He was not wearing any clothes and his sex parts look to be of a metal substance with sharp shards of glass adhered to it. He was obviously that of a male or at least the image he chose to appear to me was. All at once an apparition of a baby was in his arms. I know it was not you, I could still feel you still inside my body. Also, there was the fact that this baby was alr
eady fully developed and you are not quite to that stage yet. He rocked back and forth while humming an awful screeching noise. His eyes bore through me as he rocked this baby. He pulled some of the mangle wire off his chest and threw it on the floor to reveal a nipple. The tit became swollen and looked to be full of fluid. The baby, with its eyes closed began searching its mouth for the nipple the same way a newborn does with its mother. It cut its face on the scales but continued till it found the tit. As it sucked, a green slime escaped from the corner of the baby’s mouth showing the fluid that it was consuming. It joined the blood dripping from one of the cuts on its face before it dripped to the floor. I was petrified in fear! The demon enjoyed every minute. Then the baby turned towards me and its face turned devilish as it smiled. It had blood and green ooze smeared across its mouth. I couldn’t move. Thankfully the ancestors appeared and the demon vanished immediately. As it was explained to me, it was not actually the demon itself sitting there but what he was projecting from his mind for me to see. Because he is feeding off my fear, he knew what would be the most terrifying image for him to show me. He was right. The ancestors stayed with me through the night as I slept. They are worried.

  Good night Sweet Alexandria.

  December 12

  Good morning my love. There have been some new exciting developments. The ancestors are now 11 strong. They have been meeting with members from a group of Wiccans. Yes, Wiccans are witches per se’ but a different type from those that cursed our family. Priding themselves on being creatures of peace they believe themselves to be in harmony with nature. They said that the spell was very strong for the curse that the other witches bestowed and believe they used the blood of both the young girl and her dead daughter to conjure it up. But their dead blood would not have been enough. They had to have sacrificed something living along with it, animal or maybe even human. Because the Wiccans in this group will not kill a living thing unless it is evil, they cannot remove the curse. But they do have a spell to subdue again for a while. We are hoping it works and allows me to regain my strength so that I can prepare for battle.


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