Cheri's New Rules

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Cheri's New Rules Page 14

by Markie Morelli

  Chéri was up early, long before dawn streaked across the sky. She sat in the kitchen drinking her coffee. It had been a bad night and she had a hard time sleeping. Waking up in the night and seeing the light on the monitor she’d taken her pillow and blanket and went downstairs to the couch. Michael would surely hear her and come to investigate if she continued to toss and turn and right then he was the last person she wanted to see.

  His mini examination of her last night, the things he told her that had her burning up with need, echoed through her mind over and over. What really annoyed the hell out of her was that he seemed so unaffected. How could he say those things, describe what he wanted to do to her and yet remain so calm, cool and collected? He never really touched her except to clean her up and then he’d retreated to his office for most of the night.

  No spanking, no touching and no sex. What the hell! Was she the only one who needed this? Did he figure out what would work and what wouldn’t so he could use it against her?

  Make her a compliant, needy little girl he could control at will because that’s what it seemed like at the moment.

  She craved this life he’d introduced her to. Craved his touch whether of pleasure or pain, loving or disciplinary. She wanted to be babied, cuddled, protected and punished. It was nuts! How had this happened? What spell did he weave around her that took her from competent woman to daddy’s little girl and made her adore it to the point she was considering quitting her job so she could be “his baby” full time?

  Baby? Yes, baby, and she was giving it serious thought. Lord, she needed her head examined! What if he wanted to put her in diapers? What if he wanted to feed her? Could she do that? Did she want to?

  He was going to buy a crib, one she couldn’t get out of on her own. How would that work? Basically she would be helpless against him, but wasn’t she that way now? When was the last time she’d said no to him and meant it? When was the last time she’d won an argument? Not in three years, she realized. Not since arguing with him meant a trip over his lap that always, always, ended with her sobbing out her apology. Was she really wrong all those times?

  Okay, so she’d been a bit of a dictator and she had pretty much ignored his opinion on…well, everything. Did that mean he got to take over now, take all her freedom?

  In truth he hadn’t exactly taken it. She’d given it up willingly most of the time. The benefits of being a “good girl” far outweighed the silent, bitter life they’d lived after the boys went off to college.

  There was no wild, passionate sex, no glorious screaming orgasms that left her in a state of pure bliss. There had been no cuddling, no kissing, no anything. Just two people living in the same house and trying their best to avoid each other.

  That was when the metamorphosis took place. The quiet, non-confrontational man who had been her husband began to change. He demanded her respect, then her obedience. He wanted unconditional access to her body, every part of it. He began to bathe her, shave her, and examine her. If she misbehaved, he turned her over his knees and spanked her until she cried, promising to be better. And then he began to love her again, and it was wonderful.

  Michael was no longer cold and silent. He was funny. He made her laugh. If he wanted to touch her, he did, with or without her consent. She was in a near constant state of anticipation and excitement wondering what he would do next. The drive home each night seemed to take forever. The weekends couldn’t come fast enough. She couldn’t wait to run into his arms, be pulled against him and kissed. He often carried her around the house, held her on his lap, petted and caressed her as he whispered how much she meant to him, how happy he was.

  How could she resist that? How could she walk away from a man who cherished her in every possible way, protected her, and comforted her? So he wanted to be in charge of her, so what? Could she truthfully say she’d been unhappy at any time in the last three years? No, in fact, she’d been happier than at any other time in her marriage.

  So, she thought getting up and rinsing her cup. Admit it, you’re fucked up. You love it, all of it and you want more. It’s not his fault. He couldn’t take anything from you if you weren’t ready to give it. And you were ready or it wouldn’t have worked out. Apparently the stars aligned and there you have it. A handsome husband who wants to play daddy to his wife and a wife who wants to be babied, quit her job and lie around and eat bonbons all day.

  When she’s good, she’ll be coddled and spoiled and made love to until she nearly faints. When she’s naughty, she’ll be punished and made love to until she nearly faints. For some strange reason it all sounded like a win/win to her.

  She made her decision; she was going for it, the whole shebang. If it didn’t work out, they’d back up and regroup, but if it did, she had a feeling it would be like nothing else in the world. And she wasn’t doing it for Michael either, she decided. She was doing it for herself, but she wouldn’t tell him just yet. Nope, after leaving her all needy last night he deserved to suffer a little bit. He could wait until Sunday night before they came home. It was adult weekend, after all. She would tell him she was onboard with being his baby girl. Full steam ahead and she wanted her new nursery to be done with pink bunnies.

  Michael’s last case on the docket for the day requested a postponement. After taking care of some housekeeping matters, he left for home around 1:00 p.m. and had the Jeep packed and ready to go by three. He’d expected to hear from his wife at lunch time and wondered if things went badly with her presentation. Usually, when she closed a big deal, he was the first person she called. It wouldn’t make for a very nice weekend if she were stressed and upset. On the other hand, if the deal had fallen through, she’d be able to give her notice quickly.

  In truth, he wasn’t sure what to wish for. It was adult weekend, which meant there would be no punishment for being cranky or miserable. However, after spending twenty years with a woman he had no hope of pleasing, three days trapped in their cabin at the lake with anyone even resembling that wife would be hard to tolerate. Spanking the mean right out of her would have to be his first order of business if that turned out to be the case, adult weekend be damned.

  As it was, he had a bone to pick with her regarding her attitude last night and again this morning when she hardly spoke to him. He hoped she’d made her decision and it was in his favor. If so, adult weekend would end abruptly and he would baby his new babygirl as much as possible without all the paraphernalia that was ready to be ordered.

  He was anxious to discuss her new nursery, wanting it to feel comforting to her and not as though a stranger designed it. Of course, there would be certain pieces of equipment he would insist on, but the décor should please her. The rocking horse was even now waiting patiently in his cart ready to be clicked into a purchase. She’d love it in general, but maybe not so much when one or two plugs had been affixed to the saddle, especially if she’d been thoroughly spanked first. Just thinking about lifting her and settling her down on the saddle that would fill both of her lovely little holes as she squirmed on her bright red bottom had his breath hitching. He fully intended to make her rock too. What a sight that would be. His naughty babygirl being further punished while he watched and enjoyed the view as he scolded her. Hell, he had to stop thinking about it or they’d never make it to the lake tonight.

  The one in his cart had detachable stirrups. Her legs could simply hang there spread, her weight holding her in place and she would not be able to get off without his assistance if he so desired. Poor baby wouldn’t be so quick to be naughty after a session like that he decided with a grin. Once her discipline was over, he would lift her off and slide his cock into her hot little ass, already stretched open. It had taken quite a while to measure his own cock as he followed the directions on the website. There was no way he wanted a plug bigger than him. In fact, the ones in his cart were quite a bit smaller. Call it vanity, but he wanted her to feel the difference and he wanted her tight holes to remain that way for a very long time.

e also planned on ordering the special assortment of tails ranging from the softest silk to a pretty stiff braided tail that could be removed and used to administer a swift whipping should the need arise. Yes, whoever designed that rocking horse was a fucking genius in Michael’s opinion.

  Michael was thankful when Chéri finally pulled into the driveway. He had other carts on other websites filled with all sorts of things for her, and the more he thought about using them, the more uncomfortable he became. By the time she got out of her car, his balls were so tight he almost bent her over the hood of her car and fucked her in the garage.

  “How did it go?” he asked, straightening but staying behind the Jeep’s door so she wouldn’t see the condition he was in.

  “I don’t know,” Chéri answered. “I think it went all right, but she wants the weekend to think it over.”

  “Do you have a feeling about it?”

  “Not really,” she replied with a shrug. “I did the best I could and it will either fly or it won’t. What still needs to get packed?”

  “Nothing, I’ve got it all, even packed your clothes. Just run and change and we’ll be off.”

  “All right, is the front all locked up, everything off?”

  “Yes, I only have to turn on the alarm.”

  “What about food?” she asked, turning at the door.

  “I thought we’d stop on the way. The cabin is pretty well stocked anyway. It will just be perishables we need to pick up.”

  Chéri nodded and went inside. Michael took a deep breath and followed, getting them each a bottle of cold water and doing a quick walk through to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. When his wife came back downstairs, she was wearing jeans, sneakers, a tee shirt and carrying a hoodie. Her hair was up in a ponytail and her face was nearly devoid of makeup. He smiled.


  “Yup, just let me grab a couple bottles of wine,” she said going to the cooler.

  “Do you really think we need that?” he asked, a little surprised.

  “I don’t know about you, but I sure do,” she replied, grabbing her purse and slinging it over her shoulder.

  “All right, but you’re not getting drunk,” he warned, closing the door behind them and punching in the code that would alarm the house.

  “What part of adult weekend didn’t you get?” she sassed as she hopped in the front seat of his Jeep and leaned over the console to put the wine on the floor in the back making her ass a perfect target.

  “What part of…never mind,” Michael said. There was no point in getting into an argument now. They had at least a two-hour drive ahead of them, depending on the traffic. If he took the time to spank her, it would be even longer. No, there’d be plenty of time later to remind her that while it might be adult weekend, there was no acceptable excuse for her sassy attitude. “Buckle up,” he ordered as he started the vehicle and put it into reverse.

  It was nearly seven when they pulled onto the narrow road that led back to the lake house. The rustic atmosphere had appealed to both of them when they bought it nearly fifteen years ago. The boys enjoyed fishing off the dock, although at the time it was really more casting and reeling for they never left their line in the water long enough to catch anything.

  Michael taught them to swim there and it seemed as though the years flew by. They’d all only been there a few times in the last couple of years although Chéri and Michael used it as often as they could. He loved the privacy and the silence.

  There were no motor boats allowed on the lake. No jet ski’s, or anything else that would disturb the pristine quality of the water which was home to a multitude of Loons. Stored on the premises were three kayaks. Michael and the boys preferred them to the canoe Chéri often took out. Without motor boats there were no wakes, and she liked to sit in the bottom of the canoe and lie back on a pile of cushions and read.

  She helped him carry the things from the Jeep inside. He started a fire in the stone fireplace and she got out the sandwiches and potato salad they’d picked up at the town’s only delicatessen. They had the best dill pickles in the world, stored in a big wooden barrel and they always stopped there on the way. Soon they were sitting on the floor eating at the large coffee table as they listened to the crackling logs.

  “Lord, I’m tired,” she said, yawning. “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Why did you sleep in your room?” he asked, wiping his mouth with a paper napkin.

  “Truth?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Of course,” he replied.

  Chéri could see he was surprised she’d even asked.

  “I was mad at you,” she admitted, chewing thoughtfully.


  “You ignored me most of the night,” she said with a snort.

  “I did not. You could have come into my office, but you didn’t.”

  “I could have,” she admitted, “but you didn’t seem very interested.”

  “What do you mean? You’re the one who barely spoke at dinner. I thought you were digesting the things I’d revealed to you.”

  “I was, but I was also incredibly turned on and you knew it,” she insisted. “It’s not like you not to take advantage of my…let’s call it a weakness.”

  “Is that how you see it? Your desire for my touch is a weakness?” he demanded.

  “At times and especially at times like last night. I needed you, you knew it, and you ignored me.”

  “I’m sorry if it seemed like that. I did know you needed something from me and I thought at some point during the evening we would connect and take care of both of our needs. Then when you were so withdrawn at dinner, I figured you had a lot on your mind and I’d give you some space.”

  “Bullshit, you were too interested in your computer. What have you been doing on there anyway? You’ve been glued to it for days.”

  “I’ve been looking for nursery equipment.”

  “Am I to have a say?” she asked tight lipped.

  “When I have an answer,” he replied calmly. “I see no point in discussing something that may never come to pass.”

  “I see. Well maybe if you showed me what you have in mind, making my decision might be easier,” she countered.

  “Or harder,” he pointed out. “It’s possible the things I want to buy might scare you off.”

  Chéri snorted, but a blush stole over her face. Michael smiled.

  “I want to see,” she demanded.

  “No. If you’re agreeable, I’ll show you some of the items, but others will be a complete surprise,” he informed her as he stood to take their paper plates to the kitchen.


  “End of discussion and don’t push me,” he warned. “I’m still considering roasting your ass for the way you spoke to me earlier.”

  “It’s adult weekend,” she replied in protest.

  “Yes and the spanking you get will be very adult indeed,” he responded, holding out his hand to her and pulling her to her feet. “Come on; let’s take a walk down to the water. It will be getting dark soon.”

  “Are you afraid of the dark?” she teased.

  “Boy, you sure are asking for it,” he said, shaking his head. “I can see that someone wants a spanking before bed and I’m only too happy to oblige,” he said, pulling her into his arms and patting her bottom. “I’m sorry if you thought I was ignoring you last night, baby,” he breathed into her hair.

  “It’s all right,” Chéri sighed as she snuggled closer.

  “No, it’s not, but it will be. Tonight I’ll make sure you have a nice warm bottom before I sink into you,” he whispered. “Maybe I’ll even spank that little clitty if you don’t behave.”

  “Michael no, I…”

  He felt her shiver, felt her knees weaken and relented.

  “Come along, my grown up wife,” he grinned, tugging her to the door. “This might be the last weekend you have a choice for a very long time.”

  Chéri nodded and allowed him to lead
her from the cabin.

  Chapter 15

  Her husband was as good as his word. After sitting on the dock and watching the sunset, they returned to the cabin. He picked her up as soon as they crossed the threshold. She squealed and wiggled, but he carried her to the bedroom where he tenderly undressed her before pulling her over his knees and giving her the most prolonged, erotic spanking of her life. By the time he was finished, she was grinding futilely against his knee on the down stroke and raising her ass up, praying for his fingers to find their way inside her weeping pussy, each time he pulled his hand back from her exceedingly warm bottom.

  He left her on the bed panting as he undressed and then lay beside her, spreading her legs wide and softly spanking her clit until she begged him in incoherent babbling to take her. Without a word, he rose above her, grasped her hot bottom and took her hard, bumping her swollen clit with each thrust. She climaxed a number of times before he did and she barely heard him as he rose, leaving their room to bank the fire and make sure the cabin was secure.

  Chéri fell asleep pressing her warm bottom to his groin as she snuggled in his arms. When she awoke Saturday morning, Michael was already up. Looking out the window in the kitchen as she poured a cup of coffee, she could see him fishing from the dock. She watched him and wondered if she should give him her decision today. He’d been so wonderfully…well, male last night she almost thought she should put him out of his misery. On the other hand, this day would likely be her last one as an adult. Maybe she should enjoy it while she could. Once she’d given her promise, he would hold her to it, controlling every aspect of her life. It was both incredibly exciting and terrifying at the same time.

  She would miss wine, she decided, and coffee but she figured she could sneak a cup once he left for work. On impulse, she got down the picnic basket from a shelf in the pantry and slipped one of the bottles of wine she’d brought along inside. Perhaps she would pack a light lunch and take the canoe out this afternoon. Michael had obviously been up with the dawn and would probably fall asleep in the hammock at some point. The idea of being on her own, out on the lake with her favorite wine and a good book was appealing, especially since it would not be allowed again if Michael had his way.


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